Becoming Kari [transformation]

Kari and I have known each other for a few years now. We initially met when she was taking a class at a community college with my ex. We did a double date a couple times, my ex and I with Kari and her boyfriend. It was always a bit awkward as neither couple seemed to be matched up properly. Kari and I had more in common with each other than either of us did with our partners. It showed, as both of us broke up with our respective significant others.

Kari eventually changed schools and moved to the same town I was in, even renting an apartment a few blocks away from mine. Unfortunately, things never progressed between us. Friend-zone as it may be. We ended up being pretty close friends. We would party and hang out. Occasionally the games would turn to sexual topics. Again nothing came of it, but I learned a lot about Kari.

Kari eventually started dating a new guy, Matt. Typical frat dude. Liked to party, being a student clearly came second. He treated her well enough and she still spent some time with me. She shared some of their exploits and some of their fantasies.

All was going well. Then Covid hit. Our university was quick to go remote, which to an average college student meant get drunk and don’t go to class. Kari was no exception. We both lived off campus so we just stayed in our apartments. I was close to finishing my degree and had my sights set on a good job after graduation. Kari was more focused on the party scene.

That brings us to today. Reading day. The day our university gives us before finals so that we can do all of the assigned readings that they know we didn’t do all semester. I got a panicked text from Kari that she needed to see me right away. I walked over to her place assuming that her and the bf broke up. As I approached the building I ran into him. After exchanging pleasantries he said she was up there freaking out about something but he had to go to work. Not that he would have been super useful for her anyways.

I walked into her apartment and she was a mess. She ran up to me and gave me a big hug, crying in my ear that she needed my help. It finally came out that she was already on academic probation and if she didn’t pass all of her classes this semester she would be kicked out of the university. I hadn’t realized that she had fallen that hard with the partying this year. I got her calmed down and assured here I would help. We got to looking at her grades and it wasn’t as bad as it seemed. The only class that she was in danger in was Chemistry. We spent the rest of the day prepping her for it.

A couple days later I get a text from Kari asking me to come over again. I head over to her place again and she is still worried about the test.

“I know how I can pass the final. It is a perfect solution.” With that Kari reaches out her hand and opens it up to show me two pills, one pink and one blue.

“X-change pills? That is your plan? Did you forget that we have to take the test on a Zoom call? With that stupid anti-cheating program running? How are you planning to explain that a random girl is taking your final? The program will flag you for cheating and that will be it.”

“These aren’t ordinary pills. I got us clone ones. You would become me and I would become you. You know this material way better than me. And I could take your finals for you. Please, help me.” At that last line she put on those sad puppy dog eyes that would convince you to do anything. You know that look. It’s dangerous.

“Give me a minute to think about it.” I sat down on her bed trying to gameplan all of the potential variables. My finals today were psychology and my composition class. Both of those are Kari’s strong suits. They are also classes that I’m not in any danger of failing. All Kari had today was Chemistry, and she was right, science is one of my strong suits. But then my mind strays off of academics and thinks of other things. I’d been trying to get in Kari’s pants for years, but this certainly wasn’t what I had in mind.

I made up my mind “Ok, lets do it.” I reached out and took the pink pill from her open palm. She handed me a bottle of water and then grabbed one for her self. I reached my bottle out and clinked it with hers. “Cheers” and I popped the pill in my mouth and swallowed it down. She mirrored my motions and did the same. We each took a seat on the edge of her bed, neither of us speaking. Just waiting for it to happen.

It only took a couple minutes to start feeling the effects. The first I felt was a tingle in my chest and in my groin. I instinctively put my hands on the bulge in my pants and felt it begin to shrink. After a bit I couldn’t feel it anymore, but I could certainly feel the weight beginning to grow on my chest. I reached my hands up to feel the mounds as they slowly grew. When I felt their growth stop is when I noticed something brushing against my hand. My short red hair was now long, straight, and jet black. I notice other changes too, my hips widen out, my body starts to shrink, and I feel tingling in my face. After 10 minutes the only sound in the room is the two of us slowly breathing. I look at Kari to my right and it’s like looking in the mirror, except there is no mirror. I’m looking at the face that I have seen every day of my life. We both blush a little bit at the realization that it worked.

Kari finally broke the wordless tension, “We should switch clothes.” A logical statement. She couldn’t very well walk out of here looking like me with her clothes on. Out of shyness or maybe giving some privacy, we naturally turned away from each other and started removing layers. I passed my jeans, t-shirt, boxers, and socks over to, well, to me. And in return I was passed a pair of jeans, a tank top, and a matching pink bra and panty set.

I slipped the panties on first, feeling the silkiness slide up my legs and over my now very noticeable butt. Next came the jeans, a snug fit but accentuating my new curves. Now the Rubik’s cube that is the bra. I had seen women take it off, and taken my share off them as well. I slip my arms through and place each breast in the cups before reaching back and trying to attach the clasp. It was certainly harder than it looks for someone not accustomed to the motion. I feel a pair of hands on mine and hear myself say “Here, let me help you with that.” With a quick motion it is clasped and I feel a weight lifted off my chest, literally. I don the tank top and turn back to see myself fully dressed as I had been walking into the apartment not too long ago.

Now fully clothed we got down to business, exchanging login information so we could get into each others exams. We were both using computers with Touch ID so that wasn’t an issue. I glanced at the clock on her nightstand and realized that my first final of the day was coming up soon so she had to get going. She approached me and gave me a huge hug. “Thank you so much for doing this for me. I owe you big time for this.” She gave me a peck on the cheek that sent chills up my spine and then she turned and was out the door. I walked back into her room and closed the door. Wait my room. This is going to be trippy. I sat down at her desk and logged in to her computer just to make sure I had everything right.

I still had a few hours until her final started so I decided to explore a bit. My first stop was to go to her private bathroom and get a good look at myself in the mirror. I knew I looked good but damn. I was a petite asian, long black hair, and ample curves. Curiosity got the best of me and I pulled the tank top over my head and slipped out of the jeans. Standing in just matching pink panties and a a bra I was in awe. Her stomach was flat but clearly toned. I reached back and unclasped the bra and let it slowly fall away revealing her perky breasts to full view. I hadn’t really looked at them earlier when I was dressing. Each gravity defying mound was firm but soft, bouncing with each movement. They were capped by dark tan areoles that contrasted with her lighter skin tone and two very hard nipples.

I took them between my fingers and began to slowly rub and pinch them. I could feel a warmth starting to spread as I played with them. I felt a desire to explore more and I slowly slipped the panties to the floor as well. Her smooth shaven pussy came into view. My mind stopped for a moment to think that this was freshly shaved so she must have done it this morning. That dirty girl….well that dirty girl is me now. I took a finger and slowly traced along my lips, slowly parting them and dipping my finger into the wetness inside. I took my fingers and started to explore, first finding my clit and gently rubbing it and then tentatively slipping a finger between my lips and slowly starting to penetrate myself for the first time. I don’t know why I went slow, it’s not like it’s the first time this pussy was penetrated, not even close. But it was the first time I was experiencing it. As I explored and figured myself I could feel my pussy getting wetter and a moan escaped my lips.

I decide that I’m going to go through with this and choose to get more comfortable. I head out to the bed and lay down on top of the covers, and start to masterbate for the first time as a woman. I start to find that I react more to rubbing my clit than penetration so I focus on my little nub. My free hand squeezes my breasts and starts to pinch and rub my nipples. I start toffee myself building to an orgasm but my inexperience is keeping me from getting over the edge. What would Kari do? I look over to the nightstand and open the drawer and I knew exactly what she would do. Sitting in the drawer with a bottle of lube, a box of condoms and some other random stuff was a rabbit vibrator. I picked it up and started pushing the buttons on the base. First the beads around the base started to spin in different directions. The next button caused the head to start wiggling around. The third button kicked off the vibrations on the rabbit ears. I switched it off again and rolled onto my back again.

I line up the head of the rabbit with my slit and slide it up and down a bit, getting the tip wet from my flowing juices. Instead of moving slow I slid it in quickly, nestling the rabbit ears against my clit. I first hit the button to start the beads around the next spinning. A curious feeling but it didn’t seem to be doing much for me so I shut it off and turned on the wiggling head. Almost immediately the head starts to hit spots that my fingers weren’t reaching. The wiggle bumps up against my g-spot bringing me closer to a release. Again I switch it off and turn on the rabbit ears only. Immediately the effect is felt as a jolt of electricity shoots through my body. I reach up again and start to play with my breasts with my left hand while my right holds this amazing toy in place. I write on the bed as I get closer to my first orgasm. My right hand hits the other two buttons and the effect is enough to push me over the edge. My whole body tenses up and I feel my pussy spasming and squeezing the toy as my climax washes over my body. After a couples waves of pleasure I finally come down off my high and slip the still buzzing toy from my pussy, a small wet spot underneath me. I turn the toy off and lay back basking in the experience.

After a few minutes of catching my breath I started to get a bit chilled so I got up and headed to the bathroom, rabbit in hand. I assumed that she washed it between rounds so I turned the water on and before I put it under the stream curiosity got the best of me and I brought it to my lips. I licked the head a bit and immediately tasted my pussy on the toy. I took it into my mouth to taste all of my juices before I washed it off. I put the panties and t-shirt back on and went to return the toy to its drawer. When I placed it back in I took a closer look at the contents. There were multiple bottles of lube, warming, cooling, extra sensitive. There was more than one box of condoms in there, a variety pack with some flavored ones and then a box of Magnums. The Boy Scout in my head quoted the motto, Be Prepared. Kari evidently was prepared for just about anything.

I walked over to her dresser and started to look through the drawers for something a different outfit. The first few drawers were your usual college gear, hoodies, t-shirts, shorts, jeans, socks. Next came her underwear drawer, matching panties and bras neatly folded and arranged in the drawer. I looked through the options and they were all your basic comfort wear types of underwear. Boy-shorts and bikini style panties, soft smooth bras. I moved on to the closet and found more of her wardrobe hanging up, dresses both formal and club wear, sweaters, and more. Underneath was a rack of more shoes than any reasonable person should have. Flats, wedges, heels, and then some insane heels. The boots that I refer to as her hooker boots are off to the side.

Then I notice in the back of the closet another set of drawers. I open the first drawer to find more lingerie, although this time it is much more about looks than function. Lacy bras and panties, silk teddies, the whole nine yards. The next drawer is clearly all about latex. There are latex gloves, stockings, panties, bras. We have a mutual interest in latex, though I’ve clearly had a lot less experience with it than she has.

The next drawer was filled with something I knew she was into, her bondage supplies. She had the standard handcuffs and blindfolds of course. There were also cuffs that looked like they clipped onto something else, and looking back at the bed I can see the straps sticking out from one corner. Looks like she liked to get tied to the bed. Off to the side of the drawer is a hood. I slipped it over my head and found that there were eye holes and a mouth hole, perfect for some anonymous fun. I look at myself on the mirror she has mounted on the inside of the closet door and damn do I look sexy. I imagined Kari wearing this hood as she dropped to her knees for some guy. I put the hood back where I found it and then pulled out two gags, a ball gag and a ring gag. I tried each of them on and looked at myself in the mirror. The look of the ring gag was just so slutty, my mouth open waiting to be used by some hard cock. Unconsciously I licked my lips through the ring. There were some other smaller pieces in the drawer, a selection of nipple clamps.

The bottom drawer was what I knew she had hidden somewhere, her toy drawer. Neatly wrapped up in silk were a variety of dildos and vibrators. The smallest dildo was about 6 inches long. There was another that was about 8 inches long and fairly thick. The biggest one was about 11 inches, and had a vibrator built into it. Of course all 3 were black. So stereotypical, an asian chick into black cock. Yet I picked up the middle one and held it up against my skin. The contrast in colors did look pretty sexy. I lifted up my shirt and pressed it between my tits and I feel myself getting wet again. I set it back in the drawer and looked at the other toys. She has a couple butt plugs in there, looks like a set from small to medium to large. There was a small one that looks like it was remote controlled but I didn’t see the control. I put that off to the side to try it out.

I look over at the clock on her computer and see that I still have over an hour until the final starts. Plenty of time for me to do some trials with the toys. When I went back to the closet to pick out my first experiment I noticed a box on top of the drawers with todays date on it. I brought the box over to the bed and opened it up. On top was a note that read “Check a fantasy off your list tonight.” Wow, Kari really went all out with this day. I pulled back the paper to find a latex body suit on top. I took it out and under it was a new latex hood. This one only had the mouth opening. There are two more items in the box, a choker with nipple clamps chained to it and a small jewel butt plug. Laid out on the bed like that my pussy was dripping in anticipation.

I started with the bodysuit. I stepped into it and pulled it up to my pussy. When I get it tight against my body I realize that there is an opening in the crotch of it providing for easy access to both of my holes. I pull the suit up under my breasts and reach back to zip it up. It does a great job of tightening up my figure and the bra portion doesn’t fully cover by breast, but does a great job of lifting them and provides a great view of my cleavage with the nipples peaking over the top. I take the choker and clasp it around my neck, stretching the nipple clamps down and attaching them. The chains are slightly taught, as if they were measured for my body. I walk over to the mirror on the closet door and take in the view. It was then that I notice the bedazzling on the choker, “Slut”. Is Kari calling me a slut? Or is she telling me that she is a slut? I look myself up and down in the mirror and the latex fits me perfectly but I feel like something is missing. I figure out what it is and go back to the latex drawer in the closet and retrieve a pair of thigh high stockings. To complete the outfit I slipped on a pair of super high black heels. The look in the mirror is someone that is on a mission to get fucked. I grabbed Kari’s phone and snapped some pictures of myself in the mirror.

I look at the clock again to confirm I still had a little time to play before I grab the new hood from the box on the bed and slip it over my head. I took a few more snaps before removing the hood to look at what I got. I look like a sex doll with only my mouth open like that. I look back to the drawer I was going to experiment with before I found the box and picked out the medium and large dildos. Both had suction cups on them, practical. I start with the medium one and stick it to the floor by the mirror. I straddle the cock and start to imagine the guy that would be on the receiving end of this. I rubbed the tip along my slit getting the head wet. I slowly lower myself on the cock, it’s longer and thicker than the rabbit. I feel it slowly pressing deeper until I have taken it all. The toy felt more realistic than the rabbit, softer on the outside and a firm core. I started to bounce up and down on the cock as I look back to see the reflection in the mirror of my latex covered ass bobbing up and down, the dildo slipping between the latex and into my waiting pussy. As a guy it was a view that I loved, watching my cock slide in and out, lips gripping it on the way out. It suddenly clicked, the guy I was picturing was me, well my old self. The toy was about the right size albeit the wrong color. I picked up the phone again and took a couple snaps of different angles as I rode the me dildo.

I looked to my right at the big one and curiosity was getting the better of me. I climbed off the medium one and set it off to the side. I placed the big one in the place as before and again straddled it. The head was much thicker and took a bit of pressure to get it in. When the head pops in it nearly takes my breath away. I feel myself stretched and full at the same time. It took me a bit to work my way further down the massive shaft. I felt it hit a wall inside me with about an inch left of the toy. I couldn’t believe how this felt, clearly size does matter. I slowly ride up and down the shaft, my pussy getting used to the size of the invader. I close my eyes and start to imagine I am bouncing on the shaft of a stud that I just met. The thick black shaft is now slick with my juices and slides in with ease. I open my eyes and and the box on the bed catches my eye. I stand up and grab the plug from the box. I get on my knees again in front of the mirror and slide the plug between my lips getting it slick with my juices. I took a breath and slowly started working the plug in my back door. As a guy I had done some experimentation with anal play so I knew what to expect. After a minute of slowly applying pressure the widest part of the plug slipped past my sphincter and my ass sucked the toy in snugly against my ass. Again I look back at the mirror to see the sparkle between my cheeks. I snap a couple more pictures before positioning the big toy at the entrance to my pussy again. This time I don’t take it easy, I drop down on it in one quick motion. With the addition of the plug I felt even fuller and it seemed as though the big toy was hitting different spots. I start to rub my clit as I bounce up and down on the fat cock. I get lost in the sensations and soon I am feeling the now familiar feeling of an orgasm building. With a few more thrusts I go over the edge, my pussy spasming around the thick shaft I am impaled on. A distinct wet spot begins to form on the floor under me as I lift myself off the toy. My fingers probe my pussy and find that it is slightly gaping at first but quickly closes up.

I lean up against the bed frame and catch my breath. My mind wanders to a million different thoughts. What would the real thing be like? How does cum taste? Am I good at sucking dick? How would it feel to have someone cum inside me? What does my pussy taste like? I look over at the toy glistening with my juices and decide that I can answer that last one right now. I get in front of the toy and look at it up close. As I tentative bring myself closer to it, I think to myself that I never wanted to suck dick before but I feel myself getting pulled in. I lick the head of the shaft and taste my juices, a slight sweetness. I lick the shaft up and down, feeling the ridges with my tongue. I decide to go for it and wrap my lips around the head and take the head into my mouth. My lips are stretched wide as I let it in, realizing that it is probably a bit too big for my first blowjob.

I sit back and look at the clock. Oh, crap I have less than 10 minutes left until the test starts. I get up and sit in front of the computer feeling naughty as I feel the plug press a bit deeper. I took a minute to send the pictures I had taken to my email before I got a devilish idea. I went over to the toy box and grabbed the small one. I placed it on the chair and sat back down on it, feeling it slide between my lips. It didn’t stretch me as much as the last one did, but it felt like it was hitting different places inside. I got myself set up for the final and with two minutes to go I see a text come through.

“Busted. I knew you were going to go through my stuff.”

Oh shit, how did she know what I was doing? I smack myself on the forehead, she’s on my computer. Of course she saw the emails come through.

“It looks like you had some fun. The big one is good but my favorite is the medium. Where did you get that outfit, it doesn’t look like one of mine?”

I breath a sigh of relief, she’s not pissed after all. I respond back “It was in the box in the closet. That’s a fantasy checked off the list.”

I set the phone down but another message came through. “A fantasy… OMG when you are done with the final don’t leave the room. I will be there as soon as I finish with yours.”

I read the text with a smile, I might be able to check a few more things off my list before we switch back. The test opened up and I got right to work on the Chemistry. I didn’t notice the sense of alarm in her words. I also didn’t notice the next message that came through “And whatever you do, don’t let Matt see you like that.”

The test was a breeze. I was finished in no time at all. I even saw through the trick questions without too much trouble. I looked at the clock and figured that Kari would be finishing up my final in a few minutes as well. I stood up, letting the toy slide from my now juicy pussy. I look back at the box on the bed and pick up the hood. The phone buzzed and I saw the message flash briefly “Done with my final. OMW!” I knew how to surprise her. I get on the bed and slip the hood over my head. The latex muffled the sounds in the room. I think I hear the door to the apartment close. I put my hands above my head on the pillow and spread my legs apart. I hear the door to my room open and footsteps up to the bed. I try to sound seductive “Hey baby, how was your day?” I barely finish speaking when I feel something pressing between my lips. It feels like a plastic cock head. My head is lifted up and I feel hands buckle the gag behind my head. My tongue explores the two inch invader in my mouth. I try to speak but no words make it past the gag. This was getting kinky.

“I love how much of a slut you are. The gag finally showed up today, so much for prime shipping.” I hear the words through the mask and even though they are muffled I know that voice. Only it’s not mine, it is Matt’s. “By the looks of things you are all warmed up for tonight. Did you really ride a dildo while you took your test? So fucking hot.” I feel his hands roam over my body before he grabs my hands and pulls me up out of bed. “Let’s go. You wouldn’t want to be late for your big fantasy.” With that I feel him leading me towards the door. What fantasy is he talking about? My mind flashes to the text asking where I got the outfit. She didn’t know this was going to happen. Shit shit shit. There is no way I can back out of this now. But what was the fantasy? Kari’s list of fantasies was pretty extensive, and some of them pretty advanced. And I’m sure there were a few that I didn’t know about. I hear the front door open as he leads me out into the hall. I guess I will find out….
