Alcoholic Aunt Lucy (Part 1)

This is a made up story that I got thinking about and got me very horny. Apologies that part 1 took a bit long to set up the story. Part two will be more down to business.

Love feedback but please no criticism on grammar and shit cause I don’t care. I’m typing this on my phone while exercising and not in a classroom. For entertainment purposes only. Feel free to check my other stories from a while back.

I am Danny. I am 18 (M) and of average build. I live with my mom and never knew my father.
I have an aunt named Lucy and an Uncle Jack.
For many years I witnessed at several family events my Aunt Lucy getting very drunk at these family events and would result in her kissing the young boys and girls on the cheeks and telling them how handsome or pretty they are growing up to be.
It would often result in her squeezing their butt cheeks as they walked away. No one really seemed to mind and they all knew that’s just the way she was.
As Aunt got more drunk her and Uncle Jack would often be seen passionately making out in front of everyone and not shy about groping one another while others looked on. Other family were just used to it and mostly ignored them.
About a year ago my Uncle Jack was locked up for some sort of corporate fraud. Aunt Lucy lost everything they had and divorced him. My mom took her in and allowed her to move in with just me and her.
Aunt Lucy’s drinking had gotten worse and we got quite used to her being drunk every night. I realised as I got older she was a very sexual woman and always would say inappropriate things around me as well as wearing revealing nighties. My mom and her looked a lot apart and only a year apart. My mom was thinner and I think a bit prettier but Aunt Lucy was certainly easy on the eye and more voluptuous with big round natural tits. So the revealing outfits weren’t getting any complaints from me.
She was working but was receiving benefits so she wasn’t just free loading off us but she wasn’t moving on by going out or meeting anyone.

Often Lucy would stay up drinking with my mom and I would typically go to bed. Aunt Lucy would regularly come in my room before she went to bed. I could tell cause I could smell the alcohol as my room door opened. She would normally come in and kiss my head or face somewhere and whisper that I was such a handsome young man and then leave. Sometimes I would feel her still there for a while until my mom would come and get her.
It was summer and a hot night and as usual Aunt Lucy was drinking with my mom and I headed to bed.
I was really hot and wanted to sleep naked but had to consider my aunt coming in my room. I eventually thought fuck it and found myself getting quite excited at the thought of her seeing me naked so I stripped off completely and went to bed.
I couldn’t sleep due to the anticipation and eventually heard her coming towards my room. I quickly rolled onto my stomach. I pushed my cock downward so that it was exposed between my legs and bent one leg up to make sure it was visible and pretended to be asleep.
I heard my door open and and heard her slightly gasp. I could smell the strong smell of alcohol coming closer to me.
She sat on the side of my bed placed a hand on my back. She did her usual thing kissing my head and whispered to me. My heart was racing and I was trying to stop it but I could feel my cock growing.
Her hand started to slide down my back softly and she let her middle finger slide down my ass crack and slowly mad her was to my balls. I could hear her starting to breath heavily and I heard her whisper “mmmm beautiful cock” and with two fingers she squeezed my cock as if to check the firmness. I unintentionally lifted my hips a bit and thought I was caught. She whispered “ohhh you’re nice and hard tonight for Aunty”.
Suddenly my mom appeared at the door and whispered loudly “Lucy. Stop. You’re gonna wake him. Come to bed and I’ll help you get to sleep”.
Aunt Lucy gave my cock a good squeeze before she got up and went to her room with my mom.

To be continued…..
