Blackmail 05 – Shock (F, blackmail, fiction)

*Me: I’m not fucking doing that*

*Unknown: come now you wouldn’t have put on my little gift if you weren’t at least intrigued*

Fuck you!

As soon as I installed my mysterious admirers ‘gift’ they text me wanting me to go about my normal day that I had planned which I was beginning of thinking of going to the gym a little later after I have my dinner and do a couple of classes that I try to attend when I have free weekends or my schedule allows which was the gyms rather fun stripper pole exercise and the equally nude yoga.

I like the stripper pole exercise even though I dance and spin my ass on a pole on the weekends and some week night’s but the instructor of the class actually makes it fun. Plus she challenges us ‘advanced’ users to more extreme moves.

And the nude yoga was kind of a guilty pleasure for me. The room that is used is hotter than shit but normally after every session my body is sore every single time. It’s a good thing that my gym is for female’s only and the nude yoga the majority of the people who attend are about the same body type as me.

Granted we get the occasional heavy set person but they don’t last long because either they’re uncomfortable being nude in girl’s half their size or uncomfortable the class is majorly petite, skinny, toned or average. Also the level of heat in the room usually leaves the heavy set person wanting to die panting as they lay in a pool of sweat within minutes.

I smiled at my first time doing the nude yoga I might have agreed with the heavy set person as I laid in a pool of my own sweat wanting to die. But that was so long ago it seemed like a life time ago. Though I still leave a pool of sweat after I’m done….and maybe really really worked up.

But the benefits of doing that class far outweighs the downsides of the class as it has kept me limber, kept me fit, and kept my muscles supple and toned.

*Me: doing what you’re asking would drain my phone’s battery rather quickly*

I forgot to mention my admirer wanted me to use a particular app that used my phone’s camera and microphone for him/her keep a close eye on me.

*Unknown: use a battery pack*

I was about to tell my admirer to fuck off but suddenly a got my first vibe on my clit causing me to jump then lightly moan.

The vibe was so quick and only lasted a second before it went away making me want more.

I growled at my short lived pleasure.

I text back.

*Me: fine I’ll go get one now*

*Unknown: perfect. Oh one last thing… underwear today*

I looked at the last command.

Fuck whoever you are. I’m wearing my underwear.

Whoever you were you’ll fucking not know.

I text back.

*Me: fine. I’m going to get dressed then get a battery pack to fulfill your request*

*Unknown: I’ll be waiting*

I got up and walked into my room throwing my phone on my bed so I could get dressed.

First I put on my bra which was my favorite frilly no cup bra. Not because it did absolutely Jack shit to cover my assets but because out of all my favorite bras, which I quite a few, it surprisingly offered a fair amount of support and actually made my breasts seem more perky.

Then I put of a pair of frilly panties absently going on auto pilot as I thought what outfit I should put on for my little excursion for a battery pack.

As I deciding what I should wear I felt a shock on my clit and nipples causing me to double over in pain and fall on my side nearly passing out.


I eventually got up and quickly grabbed my phone ready to chew out my admirer when I noticed my phone had two notifications. One from this piercing’s app and one from my admirer.

I read the notification from the app that displayed in my Lock Screen as soon as I looked at my phone.


I blinked at the notification.

This thing can shock it’s user?

Explains why this little item was so expensive.

I looked at the text.

*Unknown: uh uh uh I said no undies*

How the fuck did my admirer know I put on underwear?

I opened the piercings app and found the outline of the devices that was installed and where the nipple and clit piercings were showed that three piercings were covered and possible clothing applied. On my nipples was a bra icon but showed nothing was covering it just that it merely has lifted and hadn’t moved. And on my clit showed that of possible clothing was a thong icon.

So that’s how my admirer knew.

Fucking bastard.

Though I’ll admit whoever coding these things did a god damn good job. Fuck the coder too for ratting me out.


I removed the underwear while leaving the app open and watched the thong icon on my clit piercing disappear.

I received a text.

*Unknown: good girl*

I immediately text back.

*Me: FUCK YOU!!!!*

*Unknown: now now is that any way to treat your admirer?*

*Me: blackmailer is more like it*

*Unknown: yet your mini egg is reporting your wet*

I switched over to the app and sure as shit the app showed my egg inside me was registering and showing an icon that I’m wet.

Fuck this coder is good.

*Unknown: how about you follow my instructions and remain pantyless*

I blushed but replied.

*Me: fine! But I’m going to put on some pants so please don’t shock me again*

*Unknown: fine with me just remain pantyless. Now go get a battery pack*

I sighed as I dropped my phone onto my phone as I stepped into my closet to put on clothes so I can go do as I was ordered.

As I entered the closet I had a small smirk on my face.
