[F] I [F 40] am a politician who slept her way to the top.

I got into the students union in my college and was the chairman of the union for two years. It was my first exposure to politics and public service and I really got hooked onto it and decided to pursue politics as a career. Once I graduated, with the help of contacts that I made during my college days, I was able to secure an internship in one of the biggest political parties in here as an assistant in PR department. But my ambitions were higher and I soon got involved with active public service, along with my internship. I hoped the people above me would see my dedication and they did. I was told by the local committee head, with whom I gelled well, that the party was thinking about letting me contest in local election that year and you all can imagine how excited I would have been upon knowing this.

But that didn’t happen. To the last moment I was expecting them to release the candidate list with my name in it, but then I saw the list and someone else was contesting instead of me. When I enquired about this to the committee head the reason he gave me was that I am young and I will have more chances in the future. But I knew that wasn’t the truth. That candidate (and some others as well) ‘bought’ the candidature, he didn’t earned it. Now I didn’t had that much money to do something like that but with that experience, I got so poised for success that I was willing to do anything for it.

With that being said, I slept with the committee head. In two months, during the annual meet, I was selected in the team that made the list as his assistant. I kept on ‘pleasing’ him, and he kept on introducing me to big names which gave me more exposure and supported me on my endeavors. What that meant was that now I had to ‘please’ more executives to get what I want. I got married in between to a man I love and I know I was cheating on him, but at the time my career was my biggest priority. I let my party staffs use me even when I was pregnant. Yes, I was that ambitious.

After five years, reelections came around, but I decided not to contest there as I had bigger ambitions. By that time I had became an influential figure in my district (not trying to brag). So I decided to contest for the corporation elections (the body that controls the whole district in here). This time, it was cake walks for me to get candidature. I won. I lobbied again and ‘met’ the people whom I should and I was made the mayor (the head of the corporation council). It’s been couple of years now since then. I didn’t contested in the next election as I wanted to spend some quality time with my family and also take a break from all this. Today, I no longer have to sleep with anyone because I have made a name for myself and hold a significant power and influence in the party and its daily affairs.

Considering the nature of post I have made in here, I would not be revealing my location, party name or any such details and yes, this is a throwaway account. Thank you for your time.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/l57q7n/f_i_f_40_am_a_politician_who_slept_her_way_to_the


  1. This post is amazingly naughty and scandalous honestly made me so hard, you have my vote!

  2. I was thinking Boebert, majorie taylor green or loeffer.

    LOEFER is the best candidate since this person is no longer in power and married into rich power. She certainly worked her way up and has kids.

  3. Having been in politics, I believe you. And if I knew you in real life, I’d probably hate you.

    But this isn’t real life, so whatever. What I do want to know is, did you end up getting off on the power dynamics specifically? Did this change what sex was for you, or was it always a detached “tool” for you to use?

  4. I like that you’re realistically posting your experience, posting it as your choice.
    Don’t get me wrong, I really dislike the system of men deciding who’s gonna be in power, and men molesting women, using their power, so I appreciate your take on the matter even more.

    I’d love to know (like actually know) how many of the women that claim to be molested actually in this situation _decided_ pro career and against sexual inavailability instead of being forced to it.

  5. This is why I love Reddit. Insight I wouldn’t otherwise get anywhere else. Well done and all the best in your future endeavours!

  6. Don’t be silly. There’s a lot of clues here that this person is not a native English speaker, or at least not western English. So look outside the US. Possibly S Asia or SE Asia. Use of word “corporate” is odd, certainly not a US English speaker.

  7. Just hacked your IP address and will sending all the details to your close friend Nigel!

  8. You are amazing!


    Hope you are an ethical politician/ruler now that you are on top.

  9. Wow… Power can really be intoxicating and people do worse things to maintain it..

    Too bad you’ll probably not be logging into this account anymore…
    Politics have always been dirty

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