
Your master stands at your door, leash and collar in hand, you gently kneel and wait. He walks over and places the collar around your neck, you lower your head in obedience and look up at him. You have trust in him, he is here to please you. His large muscular hands on your body are almost enough, to full fill your needs. Your beautiful dress, sits over your body. Your perky breasts tingle, at the feeling of the collar go on. His hand lands on your shoulder, you move your head to the side and feel it on your face. And rub it with your cheek, showing the affection you have towards him. Warmth fills you bellow, and rushes up your spine.

The collar pulls tight, and you get pulled to the bed, he makes you lay down. A blindfold and handcuffs are produced, your body fills with emotions, you don’t know where he is taking you. This is different, but trust is involved. You don’t resist, and he starts to blind you from your surroundings. His hands grab yours and ties you against the bed, you feel them engage and you start to pull. They are tight, your head starts to race, what’s happening? What’s next? Am I going to be ok? You can’t see or move your upper body; you start to squirm. His hand lands on your chest and he feels your heart beat, your breathing subsides, it becomes short and controlled. His warmth flows through you, you let out a small moan. You tell yourself. “This is him, and he cares for me.” You begin to feel his hands over your breasts, they start to slide down your stomach, to your pelvis, thumbs run over your pussy and one hand on each thigh, begin to squeeze them. It feels nice, relaxing and calm. You feel yourself relax, as his hands press down your legs to your feet. They let go, it’s quite, you hear him breathing. You can hear his lips move.

His hands land at the bottom of your dress. You squirm as it tickles your legs, your dress raises up, you feel the fabric pass you ass cheeks. Getting stuck on you round ass, that you know he loves. You have a surprise for him, you have forgot to wear your panties. Leaving her exposed, wet and ready. You smile and bit your lip, because you know he’s doing the same to you. You hear him giggle… His hands disappear and you hear footsteps move away from you. Hands grab your feet, the begin to move your knees up and spread your legs. Your pussy opens, and you feel your juices escape and down your crack. It’s cold as you feel a gentle draft pass her.

You feel the bed move as he starts to put pressure down and join you. He raises your feet and pushes your legs above your head. Your pussy is exposed and cold, but you feel him radiate heat over you. Then, you feel it, his breathe down there. It warm, soft feeling of air passing her. Your heart races again, you need this. You can’t see and your senses are heightened! A kiss lands beside her and pause.. you wait breathing. Another, lands across from the previous, not touch, just feeling. Pause… Another one lands. You gulp and breathe slowly again… pause… where is he? It goes for 10 seconds, you can only hear and feel his breathing…

He enters you, you feel his tongue slide in and lick you up. You squirm and moan as the pleasure is so intense, you try to move, your stuck… his tongue leaves and again you only feel his breathing. Pause, this time feels like it goes for ever. He enters again, licks you up slowly and controlled and pauses on your clit. Gently little movements are felt, tongues goes up and down, Around and around. As he continues and repeats, you try and trace his steps in your mind. Flowing his movements, your hips begin to move. You feel him dance over your clit, teasing her and getting you to the edge. You need consistency and it feels like he’s doing this on purpose. He leaves and you can only hear your heart beating and your breathing. You try to calm yourself, and hear him. Nothing, your left here exposed.

You swallow and try to hear him. Nothing, only silence…
“Master, where are you?” you ask, so innocent in your tone.
No reply, again nothing. You begin to pout as you need more. Then, your feel something, his cock. It’s entering me, it slides in pressing against your labia. And the wall of your pussy. Passing your g spot and then going in forever. You moan loudly as it enters deep. He pauses and begins to move out. Every motion is felt. He move in long deep strokes, and begins to fuck your pussy. Deep, precise, long movements…. you clit grows with excitement, as he fucks you perfectly. Your legs, still behind your head. You try and angle yourself to feel him again on your clit, your pelvis moves in different direction. You only just feel his stomach against her. You feel his body move, a buzz is heard in the background. It hits, your clit, vibrating, tingling and then you feel it. Blood rushing, your vision starts showing colours, you hold your breathe, he grabs your throat and chokes you. You’re head tingles and your body rushes down, she explodes over him your hearing rings and you begin trying to scream. His cock pounds you as you grip onto him wanting more! You begin to shake, as he fucks you through your orgasm.
