An interesting walk during the pandemic


We are all sitting in QUARANTINE and going mentally insane and the only way to save my mind is to at least walk a few times a day.  I go out today on this beautiful day and go about my normal walk routine and check out all the sights if any since noone is around.  I go down the long road like normally and there is another gentleman walking on my same side towards myself and we make eye contact.  A friendly young man it appeared to be to me and he says,”Hey hi how are you” and he gives me a cute smile.  I felt comfortable to reply with, “ how are you today?” and with that he stopped and said to me, “going crazy as we are like living like prisoners during this quarantine.”  I chuckled at his comment and said back to him, “oh I know bro I cant stand this shit and not sure if I can handle it much longer.”  And then I asked him his name and I found out his name was Tim.  I was walking in my neighborhood and I never seen this guy before and I invited him to take a walk with me.  I told him my name and he was accepting my invitation to walk and we continued onto my normal walk pattern and Tim followed along with me.  I noticed he had a skateboard and he seemed a little sweaty so I started small talk asking him if he was skateboarding today.  Tim said, “I was just out and about and switching from skateboarding to just walking around as there is not great spots around here to really do some skateboarding like there is when I am at college.”  The small talk continued as we continued to walk.  I found out Tim lived in the next neighborhood over from mine and that he has just finished his freshman year in college.  I started now to take noticed of his nice hairy legs since he was wearing those long basketball shorts and I let Tim get ahead of me.  Now I could see Tim had a nice shaped butt and he was definitely built like a sexy college kid. 

After about thirty mins of walking together I broke the ice with the question of Tim do you want to come back to my house and smoke some weed. Tim jumped at that invite and said, “sure let’s go smoke.”  We headed back to my house.  I walked up to the front door and opened the door and leaned back to let Tim walk in first.  I again was reminded of what a nice tight firm ass this man had and it was exciting me for sure.  I told Tim to go ahead and sit down and I throw him the bag of weed and papers and told him to twist us up a nice joint.  He was doing it like a professional and I asked him if he wanted anything to drink and he asked for a soda.  I chuckled at his request and said what you cant hang with the men and have a beer.  He looked up at me and said, “ you didn’t offer me a beer did you?”  Tim are you getting cocky with me young man as I brought over two beers and put his beer against the inside of his thigh and moved up his thigh as he jumped from the coldness of the beer as I laughed my ass off about how he jumped.  He said, “I will get you for that” and now I was thinking maybe he is ready to be playful.  Wasn’t really sure what I was getting into and the next thing I know is we were passing the joint back and forth.  I asked him, “so Tim did you leave a nice hottie girlfriend back at school?”  Tim replied with, “no I was just having a fun time all year up there as there is so much to choose from and I like to try out the new merchandise.” I told him that I agree with that and why settle for one girl when your this young.  At this point we were pretty high and I remember saying Tim it is your turn we need another beer.  So he went into the kitchen and grabbed us two cold ones and I was paying attention as I was now startled with a freezing sensation on the back of my neck.  Tim came behind the couch and got me with the cold beer for the payback he promised.  I reached behind and grabbed his arm and pulled him over the couch and now he was laying on his back on the couch. 
