“Buzz” (Segment Three) [F] [Vibrator, Public/Voyeur, Humiliation/Retribution]

*This piece was originally written and submitted as a response to [this prompt](https://www.reddit.com/r/DirtyWritingPrompts/comments/kuy0xi/wp_the_restaurant_you_work_at_took_a_page_out_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app) by u/Squidtalker.*

*All characters – featured and mentioned – are 18+*

“*Uhhhhmmmm…*” She warbled, haggard as she continued to shiver. “*I’ummmm… Sorry…*”

She made an attempt to clear her throat as she struggled back up onto her feet.

“*Thaaaaank… Y-Yoooouuu… For s-suuu-ah!… Suuuch a… big… t-tiiii-iiiip…*” She slurred as seven wide pairs of eyes fixed on her.

“Uhhh… Claudia, why don’t you…” Bree reached out, trying to loop her arm under Claudia’s. “Why don’t you come with me back to the office…”

“*Nnn-no… It’s… Oooo-oookaaa-aayyy…*” Claudia refused, shakily disentangling herself from Bree’s grip.

“Claudia, you can barely stand, let’s-“

“*Mmmmmmmmmmwaaaahhh fuuuuuuck!*”

Claudia wailed as another avalanche of pleasure forced her to her knees, the vibe bringing her to a second orgasm. Her toes curled in her shoes. Her nipples poked through her top. Her legs squeezed together and her hips bucked and jerked trying to get more…

Claudia lurched forward after several moments, catching herself by planting her hands on her knees and hanging her head, her long black hair obscuring her face as she panted and gasped and shook.

“Claudia, c’mon…” Bree said, a little more insistently. “You’re overstimulated, and you almost knocked all these guys’ food into their laps…”

“*I… Yoooou’re r-ri-iiiiight…*” Claudia moaned, seeing stars as she struggled up once again. “*I’m sooooo s-sorryyyy… Let me-eeeee… make it… up to you-oooo guys with ano-ooother round… on me…*”

The frat bros all looked at each other. None of them had, so far, even touched the first round of beers Claudia had delivered…

But Claudia – overstimulated as she was – wasn’t entirely incapable of scheming… And she was counting on her customers surrendering to that stereotypical casual alcoholism they had been so eager to voice earlier.

“Beer?” One of the bros questioned, simply, tentatively.

“Beer!” Another confirmed.

“BEER!” A third erupted, grinning.

“BEER! BEER! BEER! BEER! BEER!” The rest joined in, chanting the word as loud as they could.

“Gotcha…” Claudia thought through the fog swirling in her head.

Shakily, she smiled at them, trying her best to stare down a confused-looking Trey, then turned and wobbled in the direction of the kitchen.

“Claudia!” Bree exclaimed, following her. “Claudia, what are you doing!?”

“*Kitchen…*” She slurred. “*Beers… On me…*”

“Claudia, c’mon, let me take you to the office. Your… Y’know… It’ll shut off and you can calm down…”

“*Kitchen’s… Closer…*”

Bree shrugged and put an arm around Claudia’s shoulder as she all but crawled towards the kitchen.


“*Ugggggggh!*” Claudia gasped as they finally stepped through the doors and the vibe shut off.

Leaning her against one wall, Bree wasted no time switching from compassionate to managerial.

“*What the fuck are you doing!?*” She demanded, glowering down at Claudia.

“*My… My job…*” Claudia swallowed, breathing heavily.

“That fucker out there just tipped you a hundred and twenty bucks!”


“Their table was absolutely fucking covered in plates… Expensive ones, too!”


“Claudia, you can’t go out like that! You collapsed fucking twice already!”

“*I gotta…*”

“What’s going on?” Christina interjected, approaching from deeper in the kitchen.

“Claudia got a huge tip…” Bree grumbled, still glaring at her.

“Oh.” Christina laughed. “Told ya you were gonna have fun at that table.”

“The guy at the table had me break a hundred…” Bree explained. “Then tipped twenty on top of that…”

“Wh- Oh, holy shit!” Christina audibly grinned. “So you’re gonna be buzzin’ for…”

“*Two… Hours…*” Claudia breathed. “*If I go… back out there…*”

“You’re not going back out there.” Bree decreed, flatly. “You can barely stand… You know how much shit we’d get in if you fell and hurt yourself?”

“*I gotta…*” Claudia repeated.

“You were tryin’ like hell to avoid going out there, earlier…” Christina pointed out. “And now that you’re being shook apart from your insides, you’re desperate to go back? I don’t get you, Claudia…”

“Christina or I can cover for you until the timer runs out… I’ll unkey all your tables so nobody else can add to it… You stay in here…”

“*No!*” Claudia exerted, pushing off the wall and standing.

“Hey…” Christina cautioned, reaching out a hand to steady her.

“Claudia…” Bree reiterated. “You cannot go back out there like that…”

“*I can…*” She smiled. “*I have something planned…*”


Claudia shuddered as the vibe reengaged.

She’d had a few minutes in the kitchen to come down off her high and get her legs back under her… But already the pressure in her lower belly began to mount as the merciless little buzzer between her legs worked its evil magic.

Six new mugs of beer shook on the tray she held as she marched back onto the floor, frothy head dripping down the side of each glass as the thick amber brew sloshed.

The frat bros saw her coming.

The cheer for beer went up once again.


“*Mmmmmmm…*” Claudia hummed, biting her lip as much to keep from grinning as from moaning.

She had to keep herself together until just the right moment.

Her legs wobbled and threatened to give out again.

She powered through it.

Her stomach burned as the shaking bulb just below it prodded at her without relent.

She powered through it.

Her eyesight blurred and sharpened with every heartbeat, stars flitting across her field of view as she labored forward.

Just a few more steps…

“BEER!!!” The chant crescendoed just as she made it within arm’s reach of table seven.

“*Mmmmmmmmfuuuuuuuuuuuck!*” Claudia sobbed, taking a false step and losing her footing for a moment.

The two frat guys in the end seats jumped as she tilted forward, arms reaching in effort to catch her as she fell.

But she never fell into their arms.

She managed to stumble, instead, planting her foot back solidly beneath her and arresting her down and forward plunge…

But Newtonian physics abhorred sudden stops, and her momentum was conserved as six full mugs of frothy amber beer tipped over on her single-handed serving platter.

Claudia’s knees knocked together though she stood as the wash of cold blew her eyes wide open and drove the air out of her lungs in a shocked squeal. The sudden jolt of contrasting temperature as liquid flowed down her chest and belly, her skin and core boiling hot, snapped the tension, and another orgasm sped through her like fireworks.

Her already thin white tank top was soaked and, now more than semitransparent, clung to her naked breasts underneath, her large, dark nipples poking through the sopping fabric.

The spilt liquid flowed down her bare midriff and over the tight white shorts she wore, obscuring the dark damp patch that had been steadily growing between her legs since her ordeal began.

Beer dripped off of Claudia as the vibrator – still only minutes through the two hours of Buzz that Trey had paid for so impulsively – threatened to rattle her apart from inside, making her pussy squeeze, her thighs shake, her toes curl as she came **hard**.

“*Fuuuuuuuuu-uuuuuuck!*” She hiccupped, trembling as the puddle of booze and fluid arousal grew on the hardwood beneath her.

Beer mugs rolled on the tray until it became wholly unbalanced and flipped, spinning harmlessly to the ground even at the glasses plummeted and shattered.

The frat bros continued to stare at her in awe, though she couldn’t parse out whether they were surprised by what she could only presume was the relatively-new-to-them sight of a woman genuinely having an orgasm, enraptured by the unobstructed wet-tee-shirt view they were getting at her tits, or were dismayed by the horror of so much wasted beer…


Riding out that genuine orgasm, Claudia slowly began to come back to her senses.

The restaurant around her was silent aside from the music playing over the loudspeakers, and a few muffled conversations carrying over from closer to the front.

All the nearby tables had fallen quiet just as the frat bros had.

All eyes were on Claudia, her debauched shriek and disheveled state of dress having grabbed everybody’s attention.

“Enjoy the show?” She wondered in her head as she breathed heavily, feeling exhausted and almost numb even as her hundred and twenty minutes of ecstatic torment continued.


“Everybody okay?” Christina asked, appearing out of nowhere, looking at the frat bros, a broom and dust bucket in hand.

“Uhhhh…” One drooled.

“Holy shit…” Another gawked.

“Y-Yeah…” Trey, who, like his friends, still had his eyes glued to Claudia’s all but bare chest, responded.

Christina nodded at him, turning to Claudia.

“How about you?”

“*Yeah…*” She sighed, shaky and lightheaded.

“Good… Y’know those beers are gonna come out of your tip, right?”


“Alright… Just so you know… Sorry for the fuss, gentlemen, we’ll get all this cleaned up ASAP.”

“Hold on just a second!” Bree interrupted in her sweetest customer service voice, stepping forward with a plate in hand. “Is it someone’s birthday, today?”

The table’s attention moved as Christina pushed by and Bree drew closed, Claudia shuffled between them.

“Uhhhh… Uhh… Yeah…” The drooling bro snapped out of his stupor. “Yeah! Our boy Trey turned twenty-one today!”

“Happy birthday!” Bree squeed, following the tilt of the bro’s head to Trey.

Approaching the table almost on tiptoe, she set her plate down, on which was a slice of chocolate cake from the desert menu.

Reaching in to a pocket on her utility belt, Bree produced a small plastic party hat with a string chinstrap and handed it to Trey, who took it skeptically, his expression shifting from awe to suspicious confusion.

“*Happy Birthday To You!*” Bree began to sing.

“*Happy Birthday To You!*” Christina joined.

The power of suggestion was strong enough to sway the frat bros into joining the song, and Claudia caught her breath for a moment as eyes turned from her to Trey and his face went from confused to knowing and embarrassed.

“*Whoooo!*” Bree whooped, clapping as she took a half step back.

Sporadic claps came from neighboring tables, but the excitement of the waitress loudly cumming her brains out and spilling beer everywhere was over, and so was the distraction of the frat dude getting Happy Birthday sung to him, so most people went back to their meals and drinks.

“Enjoy the cake! It’s on the house!” Bree assured the red-faced Trey as she reached into a pocket and produced something else. “But, first, can we get a picture?”

“Huh?” Trey started.

“Well,” Bree replied, now holding a smartphone. “It’s not every day we have a birthday in-house. We wanna post special events like these on social media!”

“Wha- Nah, man.”

“What, you don’t wanna take a picture with a pretty girl?” Bree challenged, her customer service smile turning into an almost evil smirk as she gestured to Claudia.

The frat bros oooohed and jeered.

“Yeah, c’mon, Trey.” They jabbed. “Go take a picture with her. C’mon.”

Trey tried to protest, but in vain as his friends put on the pressure. Finally, after several moments of exchanging insults and uproarious laughter, Trey slammed his hands down in defeat.

The bros cheered in victory.

The man on Trey’s right shuffled out of the seat to let him up.

“Wear the hat!” A bro called as Trey escaped the booth.


Their chant broke into another cheer as Trey put on the hat.

“You can get closer.” Bree comforted as Trey stood awkwardly next to Claudia. “She doesn’t bite.”

Trey inched closer.

Claudia took a hazardous sidestep and pressed herself against him, throwing an arm around his shoulder and bumping her hip against his, almost making him stumble.

“Say cheese!”

The flash went off.

Trey tried to disentangle himself from the embrace, but Claudia held firm.

“*C-C’mon…*” She begged, smiling at him in his stupid birthday hat, his face as red with shame as hers had been. “*Don’t you wanna take another photo with me?*”

“I-“ Trey tried to protest.

“*That’s my phone.*” She whispered in his ear, her lips almost touching him.

The camera flashed again.

The embarrassed red flushed from Trey’s face.

“*You thought you were – Rnnnnnn… Mmmph…*” Claudia groaned as her vibe continued to pleasure her.


She’d been looking almost towards the camera, that time. The photo would be sure to show her ecstasy-contorted face as she snuggled up next to Trey, his hand on his hip, hers around his shoulder.

“*You thought you were gonna embarrass me?*” She finished.

“N-no, I-“ He tried.

“*Tell people you saw me working here? Saw me melt because somebody tipped me, like a whore?*”

Trey was silent.

“*You can.*” She breathed, feeling the swell again. “*Make me a laughing stock for every prude at that place…*”

She referred to the university they both – or, rather, all, including the other frat boys – attended, where a majority of the student body was either devoutly religious or otherwise extremely socially conservative.

“*But now….*” She whined, breathing more quickly, the heat inside her fit to burst yet again. “*Now I’ve got you by the balls, too!*”

With her free hand, Claudia reached across and grabbed Trey’s by the wrist, pulling it in towards her and shoving it underneath he waistband of her shorts.

The frat bros gasped and cheered in amazement.

Orgasm consumed Claudia yet again.

Trey stood, petrified, as the camera flash went off, capturing him with his hand between her legs as she made a genuine O-face and convulsed.

Claudia didn’t know, but she thought and hoped he could feel what he did still buzzing inside her.


“*Ahhh….*” She releases his hand, moaning and sighing, but she didn’t take her arm off of him.

“What’d you…?”

“*Whaaaa-ahh… What’s y-your… girlfriend gonna th-think…” Claudia queried through syrupy words. “When… She sssssseeees y-you… Fingering me?*”


“*Cause thaaaat’s… ahhh… what it loo-looked like… You… Snuggled uuuup… W-with a biiiiig-tittied whoooore at a club… Hand in her pants…*”

Trey was silent.

Claudia finally disentangled herself from him, but continued whispering in his ear.

“*You can see… see my nipples and everything…*” She went on. “*And… Your bros… They’re gonna b-brag about how you blew… a hundred bucks on making me… cum for you…*”

Trey turned and looked at her, eyes full of horror.

“*Cause that’s cool for them…*” Claudia swallowed, regaining some composure. “*But not for… everyone else…*”

“I’m sorry…”

“*It’s okay…*” She assured him. “*I won’t post… The photos…*”

Trey’s face lit up with relief.

“You wo-“

“*I can… Though…*” She continued. “If I ever… want to… Make you a laughing stock too…*”

Trey blinked, stunned, then settled his expression.

“I’ll keep quiet…”

“*Me too… Give you… Deniability…*”

Despite the moron crowd he hung out with, Trey was fairly smart… He knew how blackmail worked… He knew that his silence on the matter was the price of hers… And he would eagerly pay…

“Alright, lovebirds, move out of the way…” Christina interrupted, stepping past them again. “I got glass to sweep and beer to mop up… Unless you wanna do it…”

“Actually,” Bree interjected. “I needed Claudia in the office for a bit. Sorry Christina.”

“Meh.” She shrugged.

Trey shuffled back into his middle seat, and was shortly trapped in by his frat bro again.

As Bree put an arm around Claudia’s shoulder, handing her back her phone, the waitress couldn’t help but throw a glance back at table seven.

“*Happy birthday, Trey!*” She taunted.


“You handled today well…” Bree said, an hour later, walking into the office.

The office itself was a hybrid space more than an actual office. The franchise owner kept few files on site, his desk only took up a small corner, and he was never there, anyway, except when hiring, so the rest of the room was up for grabs.

Lockers had been installed for waitresses to stow their purses and other belongings – most importantly their regular clothes – when they got up in their skin-tight uniforms and went to work flaunting themselves…

Claudia, having calmed a great deal waiting out the rest of the shift in the radio dead-zone of the office – and packing her vibe away in its case just to be safe – reclined on a couch opposite the room of where the lockers stood.

She had doffed her clinging top and soaking shorts, dried off with a spare dish towel as best she could, and changed back into jeans and a modest long-sleeved shirt.

Confident in her appearance, comfortable in her own skin though she was, she felt no compulsion to oversexualize herself for onlookers… Beyond what was necessary for this most convenient way to pay her bills…


“Yeah.” Bree smiled at her as she marched to her own locker and began removing items. “You did good.”

“You’re unusually cheerful.” Claudia noticed, smiling.

Bree had seemed indifferent to Claudia often since she had taken the job… Claudia had assumed it had simply been a conflict of personalities – maybe she’d said or did something wrong, made a bad first impression – but Bree seemed to be coming around, now… Showing concern for Claudia’s condition, and eagerly assisting in her scheme…

“Yeah…” Bree repeated. “D’you know how satisfying it was to finally put one of those creeps in their place?”

Claudia laughed.

“So it’s not just me who hates it here.”

“We all hate it here.” Bree sighed, closing her locker. “Having to deal with all these dirtbags leering at us all day *and* keep a customer service face on? Ughh…”

“It’s so gross…” Claudia agreed. “But do you think I went too far blackmailing him like that?”



“No.” Bree shook her head.

“No.” Christina concurred, walking into the room.

“No?” Claudia asked again.

“No. Fuck him.” Christina scoffed. “Fucker tried to… Well, *succeeded at* makin’ you look like a slut to make his friends laugh… Either he didn’t know or remember that secrets are like herpes – especially in frats – and his buddies were gonna talk shit about you, or he was planning to talk shit about you to begin with…”

“I mean… I didn’t know any of his friends… And he didn’t point out that he knew me…”

“Doesn’t mean he wasn’t gonna.” Christina countered.

“Aren’t you the one who told me to serve them?”


“So, what, now you’re on my side?”

“Always was… Just couldn’t help ya… Doesn’t mean I didn’t sympathize; even said I did…”

“Yeah, you did.” Claudia acquiesced.

“Seriously, though, Claudia…” Bree chimed back in. “You handled that like a champ.”


“That scumbag humiliated you in public, and was probably planning to assassinate your reputation, and you came up with a plan that shut him down without causing a scene or losing the restaurant any revenue…”

“I had, like, four orgasms and white-tee-shirt-contested my boobs in front of the whole dining room! Everybody was looking at me!”

“Okay, you didn’t cause a *bad* scene… You kept your cool even when you were really, *really* hot and bothered… I think we could use that kinda of savvy on the hostess/management team…”

“Yeah?” Claudia grinned, excitedly, sitting up.

“Yeah… There’s an open spot, I’ll recommend you if you want it.”

“Fuck. Yes.”

Claudia beamed at the praise and the extended opportunity. She’d still have to put up with the ogling eyes of Buzz’ patrons as they tried to stare holes through her uniform, but at least she wouldn’t have to worry about hundred dollar tips and two-hour vibrator tours as a hostess.

“Y’owe me for cleaning up after the spill… Y’know that, right?” Christina spoke up, shattering the moment.

“I owe twenty-four bucks to the restaurant for dropping the beers; I’ll fork over another twenty-four to you for cleaning them up.”


“Still leaves you with… What… A seventy-two dollar tip from *one* table?” Bree did the math.

“On top of my other tables.” Claudia confirmed.

“What are you gonna do with all that cash?”

“Rent.” Claudia yawned. “Groceries… Maybe buy a vibrator; I’m sick of men and their antics…”

They all laughed.

Exhausted after a long and harrowing – but productive – day, Claudia flopped down in bed, sinking into her mattress the moment she got home.

Before drifting to sleep, however, she clicked on her phone and hovered over a message she had drafted out while waiting for her shift to end, and had been debating on sending for well over an hour.

She smirked with playful malice and pressed “send”.

Attached was a cropped photograph of a ghostly pale white face – Trey – zoomed in to an extreme, with a curve of black hair that didn’t match his blond peaking in from the left…

“Got a promotion. Thanks for the tip. See you in class. – Claudia.”

Finally closing her eyes, she wondered how closely Trey’s girlfriend monitored his phone…



*Worked with a few unfamiliar (to me, at least) concepts and dynamics in this one. Definitely a long one, too. I fear it may be a bit back-and-forth, and have a few confusing plot points and transitions, but hopefully it still turned out to be a good read.*

*Questions, comments, constructive feedback always welcome! Thanks for reading; hope you enjoyed!*


[Segment One](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/l2cg6z/buzz_segment_one_f_vibrator_publicvoyeur/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app), [Segment Two](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/l2cipq/buzz_segment_two_f_vibrator_publicvoyeur/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app), Segment Three

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/l2cl0x/buzz_segment_three_f_vibrator_publicvoyeur

1 comment

  1. Bravo. I have to say this story was hot as hell and the ending was certainly unexpected. I thought that they were gonna interact at school somehow after this. Would have made an interesting series. But still definitely great.

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