Literally fucked the shit out of a girl. [MF]

This happened 2 summers ago, but I just found this sub today, so here we go.

I went on vacation, I was between relationships and it was my first time vacationing alone. It was kinda weird, but pretty chill. Its refreshing to set plans without the need to compromise with other people. I’m not gonna come out and say where for fear of family figuring out who’s telling this story, but it was somewhere tropical and popular as a tourist destination.

It was a 6 day vacation, and I spent the first 3 exploring, trying new foods, drinking, swimming, etc. At the end of day 3, I was hanging out by the pool at my hotel, and chatting up this cute and quirky girl who was about the same age (late 20’s). We were hitting it off real well and actually stayed at the pool until the hotel closed it for the nightly cleaning at 1 am. She came back to my room, and pulled out some weed she had. We smoked and listened to music until the sun came up and we laid down to get some sleep.

When I woke up around 2pm, she was still in my room. I woke her since I was looking to go out and do more. I told her that she was welcome to come along if she wanted, I really only had chilling on the beach planned for that day. We hung out on the beach until 8pm, went back to my room, had a quicky, then we went out to a few bars and clubs.

She came back to my room with me again, where we hooked up more and she spent the night again. The next day (day 5) we hung out again, this time I abandoned my plans and we went to do the stuff that she wanted to. One of those things was an hour bus ride to an old colonial fort.

Where the bus picked everyone up was at the trailhead for a small path that led to an amazing vista overlooking the bay where all the hotels and resorts were. We got there 2 hours before the bus left so we’d have the time to walk the trail.

We get up to the view, and realized we were the only ones up there. It was unsurprising because it was raining on and off and most of the real touristy people were doing things inside. We started making out, then one thing led to another, and we fucked right there at the top of the path.

The moves this girl had in bed were absolutely incredible, and she only upped the ante by saying I could finish in her butt if I was down. I was down (duh) so I pulled out of her pussy and carefully slid it in her ass. We finish and pull our pants back up and start heading down the trail. I checked my phone and realized that we were close to missing the bus so we booked it back to the trailhead. We jumped on the bus and off we went.

We chatted and joked through the first 20 minutes of the ride, but once the bus hit the freeway, traffic slowed to a crawl. After half an hour of driving 5 mph or less, I poked my head out the window and saw that the traffic was backed up quite a ways – all the way past my line of sight with how the road curved a little ways past where we were.

Our conversation had tapered off at this point and we both played on our phones. Another half hour had passed by this point and she had began to shift in her seat a little bit. I figured she was just getting a little stir crazy, as she did have a very energetic personality. I jokingly said, “Can’t wait to get off this bus, huh?” She distantly said, “Yeah…” before looking conflicted and asking, “You wouldn’t judge me if I did something crazy, right?”

I was confused as to what she could’ve meant. “Of course not,” I said with a bit of a chuckle. Without hesitation, she stood up and shit her pants.

I was in complete shock. Lemme tell you, I’m not one of those guys that would’ve found that hot. It wasn’t liquid, it stayed in her tight knee length shorts, but it was visible and it was massive. I mean like MASSIVE. The lump was somewhere between the size of a grapefruit and a soccer ball. I’ve taken some big shits in my day but I mean this thing was H-U-G-E.

I had never seen something like that before. Fuck, I’d only ever walked in on someone in the bathroom once in my life, and that was only a split second before I was like, “Shit, sorry!” and closed the door. Now, I’m sitting on a bus in a third world country, next to a cute lil blond girl with a huge turd in her pants, trying to act cool while she nervously struggles to tie her poncho around her waist.

I struggled for words for what felt like twenty minutes. Really it was like 15 seconds but this shit was awkward, yo! When I could finally speak, all I could muster was a confused, “Uuuuuh?” She responded with a surprisingly confident, “Traveling does a number on my stomach, that probably wasn’t the best idea back there while we were hiking.” I was still in shock so I just said, “Yeah, apparently.”

She got over her embarrassment pretty quick. She just opened the window next to us and sat with one leg tucked under her so it didn’t get smashed between her butt and the seat for the remaining 45 minutes of the ride while we just chatted idly.

Everything turned out being cool, we chilled the rest of our time there. She was leaving a few days after me and declined to swap numbers since I lived on the complete opposite side of the country as her. Pretty sweet trip overall honestly.

TL;DR: I hit it off and hooked up with a girl I met on vacation. She had an iffy stomach but was still down for anal which resulted in her shitting her pants on a bus and sitting in it for 45 minutes.



  1. Woah lmao that shit is crazy lol. I really can’t even comprehend this being real. Ik it is but wow especially that she was so chill about it. I guess logically it makes sense in some ways but I mean wow idk lol I don’t know how someone could do that and how chill she was about it almost makes it seem like she’s done that before. But it’s good you’re a sweet person I could see a lot of people reacting really negatively to that maybe even aggressively.

  2. Seems like she snaked two nights of a free hotel stay from you and did something wild to shove you off when she was done. ?

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