My Best Friend Part 30 (fiction, plot, love, cons, friends)

I walked into the bedroom and threw the clothes into the pile where our bags were. I noticed that the bags were already open and the apparently the girls had gotten their shower equipment out. I looked over to the bathroom to see the door was closed and sounds like the water was just being turned on. I walked over to test the door and found that the door was unlocked. I went back over to the luggage and grabbed my bathroom kit. Then I went back to the bathroom and went in.

I walked into the bathroom to see the girls had already gone into the shower section. I shrugged to myself putting my bathroom kit on the counter pulling out my shampoo and conditioner containers and walked over to the shower section.

The girls were lathering up using the full force of the jets spraying from both sides of the walls. Well Amanda was lathering up on one side while Jeanette stood in the force letting the water massage her with what I imagine was scorching hot water. I got close to the water and sure enough it was hot enough to burn me.
Why girls have to shower in the hottest water imaginable I’ll never understand.

I just sat down in the corner letting the girls do what they normally do in the shower and that is enjoy it while they wash their bodies and shave areas of their body. It always fascinated me how they can shave their legs or pubic area without getting razor burn. If I try to shave my face every morning by day three I get really bad razor burn that no after shave or lotion can cure. Thankfully they let me shave every once two or three days. Granted it took em a couple times to get used to my stubble but they said it was better than me complaining that my face felt like it was on fire.

Amanda looked at me through the mist and fog that was beginning to form, “Enjoying the show?”

I smiled at her, “Always.”

Jeanette spoke, “Well get in here and wash that chlorine off you.”

I laughed, “Not in that water you call lava.”

The girls scowled at me but with small smiles on their faces. Jeanette spoke, “It’s not that hot.”

I scoffed, “Right.” But I still got up and made my way the fire hose spray the girls called a shower.
The moment in stood in between the blasting torrents of water. I was right it wasn’t just hot but it was fucking hot. It instantly made me jump but my body welcomed the heat and I adjusted to the heat fairly quickly.

I stepped out of the torrents and grabbed my small bottles of shampoo and conditioner. After I ran the shampoo and conditioner through my hair I looked at the girls, “Alright I’m clean.”
Amanda looked at me with a scowl, “Where’s your loofa and body wash that I got you?” Her scowl showed me she wasn’t being mean or that she wasn’t pissed, more like it was one that she usually showed on this topic.

I scratched my head with my smile, hoping my smile will get me out of trouble, “Would you believe I forgot to pack it?”

Amanda had her warm smile on but she still sighed, “Alright. We can use my loofa and body wash. Come over here you big lug and turn around I’ll start on your back.”

Amanda spent the next few moments scrubbing the hell out of me with her loofa. Sometimes I enjoy when Amanda or Jeanette pampers me in the bathroom by doing this or shaving for me or something along those lines. This isn’t one of those times, I think she was a little hurt that I didn’t bring MY loofa and body wash that SHE got me and this was her payback for that. Note to self don’t forget loofa and body wash next time we go on vacation.

After a little bit of us pretty much scrubbing ourselves clean trying to get all of the chlorine off our bodies, we sat in the tub portion of the huge shower little the torrents of water slowly fill up the tub until the water was at the over flow point. We sat there for a few moments and slowly began to relax.

The girls just laid their heads in the crooks of my arms relaxing cuddling up next to me. I enjoyed the warmth the water poured into my body. Enjoyed the softness of my girls against my body.

We just laid there letting the warmth of the water, the quietness of the room, and the stillness of the water calm and relax our bodies. I laid my head back onto the rest area and was beginning to let myself drift. Or at least I felt of my girls lightly stroking my groin.

I lifted my head to see what was going on and to find the culprit. I quickly found the culprit…Amanda. Amanda was lightly gliding her nails along my groin. Once my mind registered who was touching me my dick registered and responded to the touch. At first it elongated itself outwards until the base became stiff in which made my member stand then flop back because of its own mass and like a falling tree lightly slapped my stomach.

Amanda giggled as she watched my dick elongate, rise, and the fall. “I never get tired of watching what my touch does to you.”

Jeanette looked down at my engorged member, “And I love what that thing does to me.”

Amanda chuckled, “I second that.”

With that the girls pushed me up out of the water until I was sitting along the ledge while they brought their attention to my standing soldier. My butt hadn’t even touched the 5″ surrounding the whole bath area before Amanda’s lips were kissing her favorite inner velvet toy. Jeanette was right next to her kissing the areas that weren’t being touched by Amanda. Sometimes they would kiss each other while my dick was in between their lips. I always loved watching when they do that. Just watching them do that almost sent me to the edge every single time.


We slowly moved out of the bathroom after drying off and continue where we left off which was the girls orally pleasing my blood trapped decision maker. Ok semi decision maker, he kind of lost interest when we dried ourselves off entirely.

We walked out of the bathroom and was greeted to hear noises with small banging against our wall.

If the noise wasn’t a good enough clue as to what was happening next door the added noise of a girl moaning mildly loudly when each bang against the wall happened.

I wanted to laugh at the situation. That or make more noise to see who could make their girl moan the loudest. If we did my money was on us.

Before the thought of who was next door to us hit me…yes the thought was beginning to form, Amanda pulled me to her and pushed me down making flop down against the bed. I looked and watched as Amanda and Jeanette kneeled down and quickly brought my small brain to attention with their mouths.

The girl in the adjacent room continued her loud moaning.

I sat up, grabbed Jeanette by her shoulders and threw her on the bed. I grabbed her ankles and guided my orgasm missile inside her. Within a few thrusts Jeanette was moaning in tune with the girl in the adjacent room.

I kept my rhythm about half as fast as the adjacent room making Jeanette’s moan equal to the moaning sister’s two moans.

I watched Amanda as she watched us having sex for the next few moments masturbating slowly just biding her time until it was her turn on her favorite orgasm toy.

We continued our pace until we heard the wall quicken its pace and a guy say, “I’m about to cum.”

The girl moaned back, “Hold on a bit longer I’m almost there.”

The wall pounding became quicker and the guy< “I don’t think I can last any longer.”

I could tell the girl was pleading as she moaned, “Just a minute longer.”

Then the wall stopped as a guy groaned very loudly and then stopped. I heard the girl sigh rather loudly as she remarked, “I’ll be right back.” Then we heard the room door open and then close.

Amanda looked at me then smiled rather wickedly at me then looked down to Jeanette who looked at her back while her lower anatomy was fixated on its vagina canal workout. Jeanette looked at Amanda for a brief moment before smiling the same wicked smile and nodded at Amanda. I looked at the two and realized what they were getting at. I sighed and nodded at Amanda by saying, “Go ahead go get her.”

With the added permission Amanda looked like she was hopping up and down for joy as she bounced her way to the door and exited the room. I went back to my task of slowly letting my dick enjoy its vaginal massage it was receiving.

Amanda returned a few minutes later with the unsatisfied girl…Maggie. Maggie looked a little disheaved and looked like she was about to cry.

Or at least that was how she looked until she saw my dick inside Jeanette just slowly pumping away.

Maggie saw what I was doing and quickly straightened. I saw the look on her face and sighed. I pulled my dick out of Jeanette and saw that Maggie had blushed a deep red. When my dick finally fell out of Jeanette she sighed wishing I would continue but was obvious attend to what was going on. She turned her attention to Maggie and saw that Maggie’s eyes were glued to my swollen member.

I looked at Maggie’s naked body and wondered if she knew she was still naked and from the looks of it was turned on by what she saw. I spoke, “Something wrong?”

Maggie didn’t say anything but kept her attention on my dick. I cleared my throat and that snapped her attention. I smiled warmly at her and repeated myself, “Something wrong, Maggie?”

She flinched and hesitated before speaking, “No just….” she just kind of trailed off realizing she was still nude and sort of covered her body parts up forgetting that we were supposed to be nude until we leave or at least until we drive off the land of the nude colony.

Amanda spoke for her, “We heard everything.”
Maggie turned beat red. I could even tell she wanted to dunk her head into the ground. I didn’t know if I should give her some room or come up and give her some encouragement.
Jeanette recovered from our equal edging and spoke, “Did you orgasm with Damon?”

Maggie bowed her head and it seemed her body was beginning to turn red from embarrassment, but she shook her head.

Amanda came up to her, “OH I’m sorry honey. That is always a shame.”

Jeanette put her arm around her and guided Maggie to the bed so they could sit. I followed by laying on the other side giving them plenty of room. Don’t want to scare the girl.

Jeanette spoke, “Is it always like this?”

Maggie looked at her quizzically.

Jeanette smiled, “Have you ever orgasmed with a guy?”

Maggie looked down and I think I saw her turn even more red. Once again she shook her head.
Amanda spoke, “Have you ever orgasmed?”

Maggie shrugged, “I think so.”

Jeanette, “With a toy?”

Maggie nodded. But followed, “I was hoping he would be the one to make me orgasm.”

I think I saw her pout a little bit with that confession. I wanted to laugh but instead I simply stated, “Not all guys can last forever there are breaking points.”

Jeanette quickly interjected, “Yes, but they can be trained to last longer. Or you can use devices to help them last longer.”

Maggie quirked up and looked at them. “How?”

Amanda smiled, “Well if you guys become sexually active and have sex often enough his stamina will naturally get better.”

Jeanette laughed, “Or you can make him ‘edge’ and it will quickly increase his stamina but it does take some time before any results starts to show.”

I laughed, “Yeah that way FUCKING blows.”

Maggie looked at all of us quizzically.

I spoke, “‘Edging”,” Maggie turned her attention to me as I quoted the ‘edging’ with my fingers, “is a technique where you two have sex at various speeds ranging from slow to fast until he is going to cum. Then before he cums you make him stop entirely until he goes limp and is rested. Then you start back up and repeat the process.”

Maggie looked at me, “Why does it blow?”

I smiled, “Because if you do it too many times in one day his dick becomes extremely sensitive and has what is known as blue balls. First time we did that my groin hurt something fierce. But over time it does help.”

Maggie stuttered, “Oooh.”

Jeanette spoke, “That’s one way. Or you could use devices to help him last longer but that’s a temporary fix.”

Maggie turned back to Jeanette, “Like?”

Amanda spoke, “Like cock rings.”

I laughed, “That doesn’t make him last longer more like delays it for a few strokes.”

The girls glowered at me but they continued. Jeanette said, “Or you could make him use a desensitizing condom.”

I spoke, “Or as I like to call it the devil condom.”

Maggie giggled at that and turned to me, “Why do you call it the devil condom?”

I sighed, “Well like they said it’s a desensitizing condom. It basically desensitized the nerves in the dick making it numb to an extent. Usually they can last longer.”

Maggie nodded. I added quickly, “Or make them go limp after a little bit because they can longer feel what’s going on down there.”

Maggie stated, “Oh.”

Jeanette spoke, “Or you could slip him some stuff that I’m helping field test for a friend.”

Maggie looked at her, “What stuff?”

Jeanette spoke, “Well my sister’s co-worker stumbled upon this mixture he does to keep himself healthy.”

I looked at her, “Are you talking about that stuff you’ve been putting in all my sports drinks.”

Jeanette looked at me seeing I recognized what she was talking about and nodded. About four months ago Jeanette and Amanda had me agree to adding more girls to our bed because I supposedly had too much stamina for them with all the edging and devices they made me use on a regular basis did increase my stamina to an impressive state. They proved it by making me fuck them and they tapped out for the next girl to have gone until they tapped out. I made them prove it and they worked devices into the challenge without any contest. What I didn’t know at the time when Jeanette first game me the stuff hidden in the sports drink and has admitted to adding it to my sports drink whenever we are alone never when I’m in practice for football, at the gym, or during a game.

The guy that stumbled across this mixture still hasn’t figured out a name yet and as far as I know is still in the patenting process. The guy worked with Jeanette’s sister, Jenna, who is a complete health nut but also a chemical engineer…go figure a brainiac doing porn on the side. When he stumbled across the find he tested it to make sure it didn’t do damage on the human body. Fast forward to now, the stuff is a powder form that smells horrible and I’m unsure of the taste because my sports drink hides it too much. It has multiple uses on both genders we have found. For men, me more specifically can’t say much for other men, is it gives me a more fuller hard on so it takes more before I shoot off because everything is more constricted. My dick’s senses are desensitized by what feels like 10% so I can last longer without a condom on, with a condom on it feels like I can go forever before blowing my wad. Once I do come my rest period is shorter by at least half so instead of sitting around for 30 minutes before my dick is ready to go again I’m back at full erection within 15 minutes. And the stuff lasts about 3 hours or so.

For females it merely heightens their senses and increases their blood flow to their gentialia making them more sensitive. Amanda tried it once and she fucked herself stupid on my dick to where she was a brainless orgasm puddle of goo on the floor. After that first time I told Jeanette to make sure she didn’t do that again or lessen the dose or something. For Jeanette she became more like Amanda when it came to sensitivity. You licked her nipples barely and she would be sent into orgasmic convulsions.
Maggie looked from me to Jeanette and back, “What does it do?”

I told her and went through what it does to me and the girls told Maggie what it does to them.
Maggie looked at me, “And are you on it right now?”

I looked at Jeanette and she nodded. I looked to Maggie and nodded.

She just looked at me then down to my half mast member. “But you’re not hard.”

Amanda laughed, “Honey it’s not Viagra or anything like that. It doesn’t keep the guy hard. More like helps him have endurance.”

Maggie just uttered, “Oh.” Her gaze was still transfixed on my member.

I sighed, “It’s just a dick Maggie.” Now I know how girls feel when you stare at their boobs instead of staring them in the eyes.

Maggie shook her head and uttered out loud, “Sorry I just don’t normally see them that big up close.” Maggie immediately turned beat red as she realized she said that out loud and looked down trying to hide her face.

Jeanette laughed out loud, “Yeah first time I saw his dick I almost accused his mother of fucking a horse and he doesn’t know the truth.”

I scratched my head, “I’m not that big.” Even I felt like blushing because I know I’m supposed to be proud of being a big dick card carrying member but still it doesn’t seem that big to me.
Jeanette laughed again, “Jay even my sister says you could give quite a few of the big dick adult stars a run for their money.” She paused for a moment and then added, “Well the ones that haven’t been altered at least.”

Amanda laughed with Jeanette and looked at me, “Baby every single time you bottom out on me it feels like it’s in my stomach.”

Ok I’m not supposed to blush because I’m a man but I am. I just want to call bullshit but even my fucking cousin has commented on my girth being abnormal. Fuck every girl that has seen my lower anatomy without clothes has either stared and drooled or has made a comment of its size and some of those comments have either been bad or good. I mean honestly what do you say to those kinds of things….thank you? Puff out my chest and say ‘Yes I am!’ being proud about that? Na I’ll stick with being in denial and trying to be level headed about it.
Maggie remained frozen in place while the girls laughed and comment on my dick while I stayed in denial. She stayed that way like she was trying to fade into the background or like she expected the girls to react differently and she was in shock. I could tell she didn’t know what to do.

I looked at Jeanette, “Do you have any spare cock rings and those devil condoms?”

Jeanette looked at me and thought for a second before she nodded. She hopped up and went over to her suitcase that was on the other side of the room and dug through it. After a few moments she came out of it and went back to Maggie handing her a fresh package of cock rings and a box of those devil condoms.

Maggie held the two items and smiled to Jeanette before saying, “Thank you.” Jeanette smiled at her and said, “Don’t be afraid to make Damon wear both before you two have sex again to see if there is any improvement.” Once again Maggie smiled but more warmly at Jeanette and said, “Thank you I appreciate it.”

Maggie held the two items in her hands and her eyes were wondering from them to my dick to the door to the wall. Honestly I didn’t know what she was thinking when she did that but I imagine it was something along the lines what should she do. Should so use the items in her hands on Damon and coerce him into Round 2. Or should she stick around here to see what will happen. Or at least that’s what it looked like to me what was going through her head.

I decided to play stupid and ask the obvious question, “So what are you going to do now?”
Maggie gave me a small smirk, “Honestly I was trying to figure that out myself.”

Jeanette walked around her until she was behind Maggie before speaking, “Were you trying to figure out if you should stay with us or go to Damon?”

Maggie nodded.

I saw Jeanette look at Amanda but I have no idea what she was doing seeing how Jeanette’s back was to me at this moment. But I did see Amanda as she returned her little grin she always gave Jeanette basically stating its ok with me. So I guess Jeanette had a devious smile and knew what she was going to do…and seeing how I lost a certain bet there was nothing I could do if they decided to have me fuck her. I still say those bitches cheated in that challenge… I still bitter…..who me, Nah.

I was about to imagine the worst of what might happen when Jeanette whispered to Maggie but was still loud enough that I could hear her clearly. “Do you want to watch what Jay is capable of as he fucks Amanda?”

I imagine she nodded seeing how Jeanette’s body was blocking Maggie but Amanda smiled and walked around the bed to where I was laying.

Amanda approached me and immediately pushed me over so we could be on the bed. Maggie and Jeanette got up and faced the bed. Jeanette was close behind Maggie with one arm wrapped around the girl and began whispering in Maggie’s ear.

My attention was brought back to Amanda as she began kissing my vein enriched appendage. She didn’t touch any part of my dick with her hands she just used her mouth kissing the shaft letting it grow and do its normal thing when it isn’t assisted. Grow then stand up and finally fall back letting it lightly slap my lower abs because of its length, weight, and gravity. Amanda smiled up at me as she watched it lightly fall back on me. Why she was so enchanted by that sight brought great joy to her. I think she loved the power she still possessed on my body as I did on her. I guess that’s one reason why we are still together is because she had such control and power over my body that she loved. I just lightly chuckled at her and smiled.

Amanda fore went the whole oral gratification and went straight intercourse. She straddled my hips, bent down and kissed me, reached down, grabbed my dick, guided the tip to her opening, and slowly impaled herself onto me.

The moment she started lowering herself I felt that her inside was completely slick and felt her juices already flowing down my dick creating a better lube. I knew she was horny but now I knew she was passed the whole teasing and wanting to make love to the straight pounded. I could tell her body demanded it. The moment our kiss ended and she opened her eyes the yearning to be pounded like there was no tomorrow was there. I saw everything in her eyes. Her love, her happiness. Her need. Her desire. Her passion.

I heard Jeanette speak to us, “Show Maggie what you do to your girl when you make love to her.”

I almost saw Amanda’s desire to be pounded hard die with that command but at the same time a renewed fire lit up and she moaned, “Yes make love to me baby. Make sweet powerful love to me.”

I only uttered, “Your wish is my command.”

I rolled Amanda over and started slowly pulling my dick out and then forcing myself back in slowly while I French kissed my girl. Our bodies became this entangled mess. Our tongues were exploring one another mouths trying to play a tongue version of thumb war. Her hands were on my back digging her nails into my back’s flesh. One of my hands was in Amanda’s hair cupping the back of her head. My other hand was exploring her body making momentary stops at her breast and ass.

We stayed in that position and that momentum for a little while. Every few strokes my thrust back in goes from slow to fast and strong. Each time Amanda yelps in my mouth.

God does her velvety goodness feel so massaging my dick.

After a little bit in that position Amanda began to squirm and felt her pussy beginning to go into convulsions around my dick, I knew she was going to cum. I broke our kiss, lifted myself up a little bit, pulled my dick out of her, grabbed my dick and began flicking the tip on her clit. She instantly tensed up and stream of liquid shot out of her hitting me.

I heard Maggie moan, “Holy shit!”

I looked over at her and saw that Jeanette was now masturbating Maggie while Maggie watched on our little romp.

Jeanette’s low throaty laugh and heard her say, “Oh they’re just getting started. It’s so mesmerizing. Makes you envy Amanda and wished you switched places with her. Doesn’t it?”

Maggie was so transfixed but the question registered and she nodded.

I went back to my girl and lowered myself to kiss her. Her kiss became deep and tried to pull herself into me. I pushed her waist and lightly twisted telling her to flip over. She quickly complied. I grabbed two pillows and lightly touched Amanda’s pelvic area. She lifted herself putting her ass in the air while I shoved the two pillows under her and then she flopped back down but her ass stayed in the air. I closed her legs and spread her ass checks apart until her opening showed itself which was pretty easy to find.

I slowly pushed my dick back inside her and put one hand down on her shoulder blades putting some of weight down on her as my cock slowly disappeared in her. The moment my dick disappeared to the hilt she moaned. Then I pulled out slowly and she whimpered.

In. Moan. Pull. Whimper.

In. Moan. Pull. Whimper.

In. Moan. Pull. Whimper.

In. Moan. Pull. Whimper.

Amanda begged, “Faster baby, faster.” I denied her that delight. But I did change my thrust at the last second.

In. Slam. Yelp. Pull. Whimper.

In. Slam. Yelp. Pull. Whimper.

In. Slam. Yelp. Pull. Whimper.

I heard Amanda grunt as I slammed my dick inside her and felt her pussy clench down on my dick. Her body went completely tense and felt her body go into waves in her orgasm as her pussy milked my dick just with the convulsions. Which made Amanda writhe trying to move but couldn’t.

I waited until her orgasm subsided before I pulled myself out of her. I rolled her back onto her back. I saw the look on her face she was in orgasm bliss. I grabbed her ankles, raised them up, put my tip in, and leaned forward bending her in half as my dick slid inside her. The moment she was fully bent and I was to the hilt her eyes widened and she gasped.

I heard Maggie moan, “Oh God.”

I looked over to see Maggie bent over the bed by Jeanette as she was thrusting her own falsie. I smiled and went back to what I was doing.
I started really pounding Amanda. I threw slow motion to the wind and was going as fast as my body allowed. Amanda’s eyes stayed wide and she began switching from pleading to deity mentions in non syllable bouts.

After a few moments Amanda began the squirm really hard trying to get out of this position, she was begging for me to pull my dick out of her, and I felt a huge flow of water trying to force my dick out and her pussy was pulsating hard around my dick. I pulled my dick and no sooner had my tip leave the entrance a huge geyser of liquid sprayed out of Amanda and she screamed as her liquid left her body. The force was so hard that her blast reached up to the ceiling and rained down on us.

As soon as her squirting orgasm stopped Amanda collapsed completely, flopped over sideways, and lightly convulsed in place. I looked down at my baby and saw her eyes rolled into the back of her head. I quickly checked her pulse and found it beating strong. I sighed and realized she was orgasmic euphoria. Whenever she hit this stage in sex she was completely spent, I once tried to continue fucking her and she cowers away. Still every time she does it scares the crap out of me.

I heard Jeanette laugh and say, “Fuck her into an orgasm coma again?”

I chuckled and nodded still looking down at my baby.

Maggie asked while Jeanette’s falsie was still in her, “Does that happen to her a lot?”

I chuckled, “Only when I fuck her hard.”

Jeanette laughed, “Almost all the time.”

Maggie pulled Jeanette’s falsie out of her and walked around to look closely at Amanda, “Is she gonna be ok?”

I laughed, “Yeah she’ll be ok. She’ll come out of her little state in a little bit then crawl into bed and go straight to sleep.”

Maggie looked down at my dick and then back up to me, “So what are you going to do now?”

I shrugged, “Well it’s Jeanette’s turn now.”

Maggie scoffed, “Do you let just those two play with you.”

My eyebrow rose, “Meaning???”

Her face turned beat red and fumbled with balance for a moment. She looked down at the ground when she spoke, “Is there any way you can substitute Jeanette for me for tonight?”
Jeanette laughed, “Of course you can. That’s why we pulled you in.”

She looked up with a huge smile, “So it is true?”

I looked at her quizzically, “What’s true?”

She looked at us coyly, “That you all allow more than Amanda and Jeanette to join your bed.”

I chuckled, “Well we do try to keep it on the down low. If anyone that joins us can’t tell anyone. Along with agree to some other terms as well.” I was well past the whole trying to keep me dating Amanda and Jeanette because that bag of worms was let out thanks to Jeanette’s ex and my team mate Nate.

Fucker still let’s some guys by to hit me hard if I have the ball and we are comfortably ahead of course. But this little part of our life of multiple girls joining our bed I’ve made every people swear they won’t tell a soul. So far since we started adding girls to the rotation it hasn’t backfired and no one knows. Aside from the ones that have been added but they usually talk to themselves and compare notes from what I hear.

Jeanette stepped up, “But for this week we are waving those terms. Aren’t we Jay?”

I sighed and smiled at Jeanette, “Of course.”

I looked towards Maggie, “Seeing how you asked and this is the first time I’ll go easy on you and even let you pick the first position.”

She looked at me like she just won the lottery or something amazing, “Really?”

I chuckled, “Sure whichever position will make you cum.”

She blushed and looked down, “What if I don’t know what position that is?”

I laughed, “Then just choose whichever one you have wanted to try.”

I watched as Maggie tried to figure out which position she wanted to try and after a little bit she figured it out, “I want to try when I’m on top.”

I smiled and went to lay down on the bed after moving Amanda a little over so we don’t bother her in her orgasm coma. She still convulsed as I picked her up a little bit. I even wrapped the blanket on her so she wouldn’t get cold while she was blacked out.

Once I was laying on my back Maggie came over and straddled me. I grabbed my semi and rubbed the tip of my dick inside her lips until it got hard again which only took a couple of flicks. With renewed strength in my appendage I guided the tip to her opening and slowly guided her down on my dick.

Maggie lowered herself down on me and got a little passed half way down then moaned, “You’re so deep.”

I tried not to laugh at her statement and I saw Jeanette was trying to bite down a laugh as she watched.

Maggie raised herself and then back down to the same spot and moaned, “Oh god.”

Maggie spent the next few minutes continuing that pace of lower herself a little passed half way down on my dick and rising back up and moaning different things each time. I just let her do this keeping my promise of being gentle on her. The most I did in this position is keep my hands on her hips helping her lower down and rise up.

Who says I’m not a gentleman?

Maggie’s pace sped up but she kept her depth the same. Her moaning turned into little yelps.
After a few moments she stopped and looked at me, “can we change positions?’

Jeanette blurted out, “Did you cum?”

Maggie shook her head but responded, “I think I was really close.”

I smiled, “So what position do you want to try this time?”

She responded quickly, “How about doggie?”
I nodded with a smile.

Maggie got up and positioned herself with her ass in the air. I got behind her and lightly flicked the tip of dick on Maggie’s lips. She immediately moaned saying, “Mmmmm that feels good.”

I found her opening and slowly inched my way in her. I got about half way in before she muttered, “God you’re so deep.” I pushed myself in a little bit further and heard her grunt a little. So I backed out as she moaned.

I grabbed her hips and sped myself beyond what she did in her last position. Her moans quickly changed to yelps and mild pants.

Jeanette looked down at Maggie and smiled, “How does he feel?”

She spoke and yelped as I kept my momentum, “Fucking Amazing.”

Jeanette chuckled while Maggie continued to yelp while I kept up my pace. Jeanette came over to us and reached under Maggie and I felt her stroke Maggie’s clit while I continued my half entranced pace.

Within minutes Maggie stopped her yelping and her whole body clenched tight. I felt her pussy clench down on my exit so my dick slipped up because the entrance closed tight. I just smiled and sat back while Maggie’s orgasm rushed through her.

After a few moments Maggie finally collapsed and I heard her utter, “Wow.”

I laughed and said, “So how was it?”

She didn’t move from her spot but we heard her, “So that’s what an orgasm is.”

Jeanette started giggling but was able to ask in between breaths, “You’ve seriously never had an orgasm until now?”

Maggie spoke, “If that is what an orgasm is I want it again….if I could move.”

Even I was laughing. Jeanette spoke, “Yeah now all you need to do is pick up the stuff we gave you and use them on Damon.”

Maggie sighed, “Just give me a minute to regain movement in my limbs.”

I was laughing, “No problem. Take all the time you need.”

I grabbed Jeanette by the hand and led her to the only chair in the room. I sat down and guided my hard on to Jeanette’s opening and made her sit down.

