[FM] My (25F) New Year’s resolution: Going into the blooming phase of being a “late bloomer”

Happy New Year, everyone!

And yes, I know that this comes (cums?) late — obviously I have troubles with the resolution of doing things promptly and without delay… This happened two weeks ago, and is written from the next day’s perspective (when I started writing this down). — Enjoy :)

For the beginning of this new decade, I decided on some standard resolutions for my physical health, such as exercising regularly and eating more healthy, as well as taking care of my mental health and well-being. One specific and also more special resolution was related to my mental health and development: To kiss and have sex with somebody.

Now you might wonder whether I — at the stand of the first January of this year — was an unkissed, 25-years-old, virgin. No, I wasn’t. But up to that point, I had only ever kissed one person. My first kiss was just shortly before my 24th birthday (hence ‘late bloomer’). And I got it from the only same person I then ever had sex with: my one-and-only ex-boyfriend who dumped me last spring, after a few months of us being together. He broke up with me just as the pandemic was beginning to take over the world and just hours/days [who knows] before I would have told him about my newly discovered kinkiness, my sexual fantasies and corresponding sex toys in my closet…

To make things short: Ensuing 2020 was a dark valley of depression and loneliness to me.

Well, 2021 felt better right from the beginning – and, more importantly, I felt better, right from the beginning :)

So I decided to take that aforementioned resolution, to get my ex out of my head and out of my muscle memory. I finally wanted to move on and feel free instead of lonely with my sexuality. And it did not seem helpful to only ever remember that one person having done things to and with you in bed…

So, what did I do? I downloaded Tinder. Lots and lots of people there.

I quickly matched with Theo, who bluntly stated what he was looking for. Sex, not much more. – I was taken aback. Is that really what I wanted? Would it be that easy? I told him, I needed time to think. And I thought. And I liked my thoughts. A lot.

We exchanged some few information about our lives and habits, asked about STDs and any contacts during the previous 2 weeks (the pandemic still going on, you know…). We both stated our wish for safe sex. And we talked about our bodies and whether (and how much) that mattered to us. [For those who wonder: I am rather short and chubby, with large breasts. He is average height and slender.] – And that’s when he told me about his big cock. I didn’t pay much attention towards it at first and just went on in the conversation without acknowledging that piece of information.

He mentioned his big cock a second time. I got anxious — how big is big!? Would I be able to take it!?

I told him, that I was a little afraid. He specified, that it was not extraordinarily big in the sense of its length, but rather in the sense of its girth.

I decided to bring some lube. And that turned out to be the best decision for yesterday evening.

His cock was thick. I don’t know about the numbers. I didn’t measure, and I didn’t ask. But my vagina definitely does remember his girth. We met yesterday evening, and my sore vagina opening still tingles when thinking about it (or when walking).

So how about we go back to yesterday evening:

We met at the metro station, he brought me to his place, and only then and there did things get sensual and sexual. He gave me a peck once inside and asked me what I wanted to drink.

I decided to stay sober and went for tea to compensate for the cold outside. He decided on wine for himself, telling me about how the alcohol would prolongate our fun.

We sat down on the bed next to each other, the drinks in our hands. He took a sip. I couldn’t. The tea was still too hot, but at least it helped bring warmth to my cold fingers. It got awkward for a few seconds. But Theo took the reins and leaned in for a kiss. It wasn’t amazing, a lot of teeth involved, but it was very exciting to share a kiss with somebody after months of deprivation. I kissed him back. Our hands wandered around on the other person’s body. It felt amazing to touch and be touched. Our clothes quickly came off. My shirt, my bra. His shirt, his pants. My pants. His boxers and my panties. He was in awe with my breasts. I was in awe with his dick. He didn’t exaggerate, it was thick!

He asked me, whether I wanted to take him in my mouth. I was eager to try, though uncertain whether his cock would fit my small mouth. Well, its head did fit just closely, scraping my teeth. And I couldn’t really bob my head on it, or take it further. I therefore fell back into kissing Theo’s dick and licking it for some time. Meanwhile Theo fondled my breasts, and pinched my nipples. The latter was rather rough, and I had to intervene and tell him to be slightly more gentle. He was a quick learner :)

I enjoyed having contact to another human being, touching a man, his body, his dick, and having him touch me. I was in heaven already and the initial awkwardness was far away. Theo and I got along quite well.

His hands also found their way down to my wet vulva and clitoris, and I then quickly had one, two fingers inside of me. My head came up and we kissed and made out. I eventually mentioned to him, that maybe we should finally get a condom on his cock, and his cock up my vagina. I was aroused and horny as hell, and eager for it. Getting a condom on Theo’s penis was not a problem. However, getting his penis in my vagina, was easier said than done. — as mentioned earlier: He was well-hung. And even though my pussy had produced quite some amount of glistening lubrication, it wasn’t enough. I was on top of him and couldn’t get him inside me. I believe we both felt slightly discouraged for a moment.

I then told him to get me my backpack. He handed it to me, and out I conjured a bottle of lube. It saved our evening!

I didn’t skimp on it and put a lot of it on his still erect penis, and my vaginal opening. This time, I lay on my back, and he slowly entered me. It worked out. And it felt amazing, having my pussy being slowly stretched further and further by a penis, by his penis! I moaned in pleasure, and Theo smirked and kissed me.

After a few slow movements, and simple enjoyment of being united in this carnal way, Theo placed my legs over his shoulders. He almost folded me in half and pounded away. It felt intense and was incredible. I was reduced to being my body and living its sensations. There wasn’t much room to think.

Theo came after a short time, and we went to the bathroom together to clean up. I needed to get rid of the initial excess of lube (I had taken too much of it, and yes that’s actually possible :D) which, to get rid of, I had smeared all over the back of my thighs while being filled with Theo’s cock. I didn’t want to smear it all over his bed in the heat of the moment. He then took off the condom and cleaned his penis, while I gave him a back massage.

We returned to his room, talked, and continued making out. I explained the concept of teasing to him. And told him what I like about it. I strongly suggested to involve less teeth in kissing, and talked about how there is a fine line between pleasurable pain and plain pain, when it comes to teeth being used on nipples. Again, Theo was a good listener and a quick learner. The pleasure while kissing, and having my nipples LIGHTLY nibbled on, only increased. We both weren’t done yet with each other. We were hungry for more, and while the first round was quick and rough and intense, the second round was more gentle.

I went on top. A little less lube this time. Again, it felt amazing to have him inside of me. Every slight movement of my hips and every slight twitch of his penis were translated into some kind of positive hormones in my body. I varied the speed with which I moved. Theo supported me with his hands for some time, then gave my breasts some attention. We kissed a lot and kept our heads close together. I got closer and closer to cumming. Theo repeatedly told me “I love you, Lisa, I love you”. And while it felt good to hear somebody say that to me, I wasn’t able to say it back that way. For me, these words in their simplicity mean too much. I couldn’t reply the same. So I told him: “I love having your penis inside of me. It feels incredible.”. I touched myself and both our breaths got heavier and heavier. I came. From his face, Theo seemed to have had an orgasm as well. But as he shortly afterwards explained to me: He had the orgasm in his brain only, not in his body, i.e. he didn’t ejaculate and his penis felt somewhat sensitive and that it hurt.

We separated our bodies and lay next to each other and cuddled. We touched and stroked each other’s bodies a lot, both being touch hungry and needy. We talked about our families, our lives. We kissed a lot – with less teeth than at the beginning. We felt at peace together in the afterglow. And it could have stopped here. But Theo then very slowly started teasing me.

He teased me just the way I had told and taught him. Touching me lightly and then moving his hand away again. Kissing me. Brushing over various parts of my body. And that was when I simultaneously got the first tongue kiss of my life! Not a simple kiss where you realise that your partner has a tongue and teeth as well. No, a tongue kiss, where all the attention and tension and arousal is on the tip of your tongue, which in turn is in intense contact with your kissing partner’s tongue! It made me so very aroused to feel our tongues touching each other, wrestling, and dancing together! I was in heaven (maybe I hadn’t left). And Theo sensed my heightened arousal. He put his hands and fingers to use and made me cum. Once. Twice. Thrice. Teasing me. Stopping in between. Kissing me and my body. I was a shivering blissful mess.

He got more aroused himself and ready for a third round. He put on a condom and asked me to get on top. I was exhausted but obliged in my bliss and general content. I wanted this to go on. It had been an amazing evening with Theo up to this point. And we tried, and tried again, but it was too much. I couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t take him in me anymore. Lube was no longer enough. I was spent and tapped out from him being on top and trying to make it work. I just lay on his bed. He took me in his arms. My legs were slightly trembling and shaking. We cuddled. And talked. And cuddled.

And then I decided to go. It had been 4 hours. I don’t know for sure how many times I came. But it was definitely enough for me to consider it the beginning of a new phase in my [sex] life. I felt good. And exhausted in the very best way possible.

Theo brought me to the station and we then went separate ways again when the metro arrived.

Theo knows that I didn’t have sex in a long while before him. But he doesn’t know, that he is only the second person who I ever had sex with. And also the second person I ever kissed. – I am grateful for the experience I had with him.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/l1ojr7/fm_my_25f_new_years_resolution_going_into_the