Alice’s Poker Gangbang (Part 1) [3rd Person] [MFMMM] [Group] [Fiction]

Alice rings the doorbell, standing anxiously on the front porch. She wonders what she got herself into, but can’t shake the feeling of excitement sitting deep in her gut. Earlier during the week, Drew, her intern manager’s boss, had asked her to do extra work on Saturday. She quickly agreed to a chance to earn a few more bucks, after all, internships don’t pay much, or even at all. But between the office banter and casual flirting, she suspected that there had to be more to the invitation.

She hopes she’s dressed appropriately for the occasion. She decided on wearing a black dress, pairing it with her favorite Vans. Her face is bare, with only an eyeliner applied neatly on her eyelids and colorless lip balm on her lips. Cute, but still casual. It should be fine, she thought. Drew didn’t explicitly outline what she should wear. He just said she’d be a hostess for a poker game with some old friends and her duties were to serve food, and beverages as needed, and generally be around the game. But the twinkle in his eye, and their interactions at work left her wondering, and nervous. An excited nervous to be sure, but she still didn’t know exactly what he had in mind. 

The house is dark, and it’s been almost 30 seconds since ringing the bell. Alice wonders if she should hit it again, or would it be better to turn around and leave? She glances down at her phone. It reads 5:59pm. “Fuck. A little too early.” she thinks. Just as she reaches for the button, to ring through the house again, she hears footsteps, some shuffling, and the door swings open. 

Drew greets her with a warm smile, his bright blue eyes shimmering at her. Alice never really asked his age, but by his looks, he’s in his late 30’s. He’s an attractive man, well put together. His facial hair is well trimmed. His short, light brown hair is currently wet, clearly just out of the shower, also highlighted by the fact that there are wet spots visible through his t-shirt and he’s only wearing tight grey joggers, clinging tightly to his legs.  

“Hey Alice. You made it. Thanks for being prompt. One of the best attributes a good employee can have.” He looks her up and down, taking her in. “You look great. Come on in.” He steps aside the door and ushers a path for Alice to make the step in and in the house. 

She wipes her sneakers on the doormat, shuffling inside the house.“Thank you. Lovely home, Sir.”

Drew is significantly taller than her, and he looks down. “You’re fine, Alice. Don’t worry about it,” he says nodding towards her shoes. “I have a cleaning service come once a week and I’m sure they’re fine.” He pauses. “And thank you. I’d be happy to give you a quick tour. It truly is an example of the benefits of our company, and what can happen if you’re a hard worker, doing what it takes for the company.” 

“Are you questioning my work ethic, Sir?” She teased, breathing out a small laugh. Cracking jokes makes her less nervous, but her nerves haven’t settled down completely, and doubts that they will settle down tonight at all.

Drew refuses the bait, but smirks. He puts a comforting hand down her back. “Come. Follow me. Let me show you where tonight’s festivities will take place.” He walks down a small corridor connecting the foyer of the house to the main living space. They walk into the kitchen, which is modern and clean. “This is the kitchen, of course. We’ll spend most of the evening in the basement, but you may need to come up here from time to time to raid the fridge. Most everything we have should be prepared, but if you need, feel free to use anything you find. When we start drinking and get a little rowdy,” Drew pauses, “Sometimes some bad habits come out.” He laughs. “Like eating as if we were still in college.”

Drew walks over to a closed door, and opens it. “This leads to the basement, where we’ll be hanging out. Come on.” He waits for Alice to walk down in front of him, to get a better look of her silhouette from behind. Her dress hugs her torso, highlighting her waist and her perky breasts, and by the looks of it, she went braless today. The dress’ skirt flares out, but Drew could still make out the outline of her wide hips and round ass.

When Alice reaches the bottom of the stairs she takes a few steps into the room, Drew right behind her. “Wow. Okay,” she marvels, “A true, authentic man-cave.” 

Drew chuckles lightly at the comment. “Yes. This is my space. My passion project of sorts. Everyone needs their own space, and this is mine.” He steps ahead of Alice, leading her through the open space. “I have these three TV’s, so I can watch at least 2 games at the same time, and still have something else on. Tonight we’ll have a few games on, and then the big Pay Per View fight.” Drew pauses awkwardly, “At least until Michael begs us to turn on porn. It, umm, seems to happen every time.” Drew gauges Alice’s reaction at this comment. “Would that be a problem if it happened?” 

“Pfft, not at all.” she smirks. “Guys watch porn. Not a new piece of information to me.”

Drew raises his eyebrows and returns the mischievous grin, “That almost sounded enthusiastic.” He nods, and continues the tour of the open room. “What you see is what you get, but I do love it, and so do my friends, which is why they always end up here.” Drew walks towards the back of the room, soft from recessed lighting illuminating a mahogany bar. “There is a full wet-bar, stocked with anything we should need. There is a kegerator under the bar, with two local beers on the taps. Behind, as you can see, a wide selection of spirits, and in the mini-fridge, mixers.” Drew’s face scrunches a bit. “I guess I should’ve asked. Have you ever made drinks? I mean, we’re not too picky, but Matt likes his Old-Fashioneds a certain way.”

“Does bartending college parties count?” she smiled sheepishly.

Drew teases, “Well, if we need foamy beer and jungle juice, it sounds like we’ll be in perfect hands.”

“Don’t worry Sir, I’ll manage somehow.”

“I know you will. Just pour the first drinks stiff, and nobody will notice. Hell,” he smirks, measuring his boundaries, “I’m not sure anyone will be noticing much of their drinks.” A subtle pause, “though there may be plenty of “stiff.””

“Oh, is that so?” She raises one eyebrow. She’s starting to understand what might happen later that night. She takes a deep breath, “Sir. If I may be so frank. Can you please tell me about your plans for the evening. I think I deserve to know, don’t you think?”

“Straight to the point. I like that.” Drew nods. “Fair enough.” He leads Alice over to the plush couch facing the TV wall and asks her to sit, doing so after her. He looks her in the eyes, speaking firmly, and with authority. 

“Alice, anything that happens tonight will stay with the people here and in this house. Secondly, absolutely nothing,” he pauses for emphasis, “and I mean NOTHING, will happen that you don’t want to happen. Do you understand?”

She feels like a bomb is about to drop in her guts, but nods along. “Understood, Sir.”

Drew continues, “Good. So, my buddies and I have known each other forever, most of us anyway. We like to get together, bullshit, and let off some steam. Poker night is the main monthly event where that happens and, well, I invited you, frankly, because I thought you’d like it, and that you’d be a good fit for, well, whatever happens.” 

“What are you implying, Sir?” Alice pushed further. She has an idea of what her boss is referring to, but nonetheless, she wants him to spell it out loud. 

“I’ll be blunt. Alice, I think you’re attractive. I think you have a sexiness about you. I also think you’re extremely smart, clever, and witty.” Drew’s eyes burn into hers. “I also have a sneaking suspicion that outside of work you have a bit of a wild side. Maybe it gets out, maybe it doesn’t, but Alice, I invited you here to entertain us, because I think that wild side wants out. And, I think you want to show it off.”

Alice’s face turns bright red. She fiddles with the hem of the dress, nervously. “What makes you think that, Sir?”

Drew studies her face before answering. It comes with confidence, “The way your eyes break contact towards the floor, just a little, when you call me “Sir”. The way you come to work some days without a bra. Little moments, where I’ve caught you at work, flustered, while sneaking a peek at your phone, surely looking at something… not safe for work.” Drew lightens up a bit, “I’m a grown ass man, and a pervert, Alice. And…” he laughs, “I know another one when I see one.” 

He awaits her response, which isn’t forthcoming. “Am I wrong, Alice? If I read the situation wrong, you can be our bartender tonight, and leave with a little extra cash. All above board.”

Fuck, she thought. No use in playing coy anymore. Plus if anything, she wants to find out too. “Well. You got me. Right on all accounts.”

Drew smiles. “Good. I’m glad we got that clear. Let’s establish the ground rules.” He reaches his hand towards Alice, touching her knee gently. A jolt of electricity shoots through his body. “I meant it. Alice, when I said nothing would happen that you don’t want to happen, and I will be fully in control of everything that happens.”

She purses her lips nervously, nodding. “Okay. Tell me what you expect of me. What do you want me to do, Sir?”

“We’ll start simple,” Drew starts. “It will be about filling drinks and keeping snack plates full.” Drew pauses, waiting on an affirming nod from Alice. “I don’t actually know what will happen. We’ve sat around this same room and bullshitted about this scenario for years, and what we’d do, but this is the first time we’re actually doing it. My gift to them. Well, really, my gift for my friend Michael.”

“Oh?” asks Alice with a quizzical face.

“I’ve known him since high school. Mike’s… well, he’s a great dude. Good husband. Good dad. But life, man, life has just walloped him.” Drew waits a beat and laughs. “His wife is honestly a mega bitch. He’d never leave her, because he’s too good, and the kids, but… he needs some fun.” 

Alice nods, following. 

“So the truth is,” continues Drew, “I’m not entirely sure what will happen, but I know the things we’ve fantasized about. I’d fully expect as we begin drinking, and loosen up, there will definitely be some touching. As in, my hands, their hands, as you and I permit. I’m sure they’ll grab your ass, and try to sneak feels. With that dress you’re wearing, well, knowing Matt, he’s going to try and sneak his hand under it.” Drew waits again for a confirmation of understanding from Alice, which comes in a clear head nod.

Drew decides to dive in. “After that, Alice, I’d say the mood of the night and your willingness to be involved will dictate the rest. But I’ll be honest. We’ve fantasized about getting a sexy plaything naked in front of us. On display for our pleasure. We’ve talked about, well, just about everything, Alice. Touching her. Eating her out. Spanking her. Choking her. Double teaming her. Fucking her senseless. More things, I’m sure. I guess one could say, you’re our free use slut for the evening.”

“But again, everything that happens will be at my control, and your consent. At any time, if you look at me, and say ‘Red, Sir,’ it all stops immediately.” He paused. “Any questions or objections, Alice?”

Alice goes quiet. Tingles run down her spine, her cheeks feel hot. It was as if Drew had fished out her kink list out of her brain and read it out loud to her. She is no prude, but being called out like that, especially by her older, much experienced boss, makes her feel naked.

“No, Sir.” 

Her response was a pleasant surprise to Drew. He didn’t think that she would be into it, not all of it, at least.

“Well, Sir. I guess I better get prepping the drinks and learning the lay of the land before your guests arrive. And to uh, prepare myself as well.” Alice readies herself to get up off the couch, but Drew puts his firm yet gentle hand on her thigh.

“Before you do that,” he pauses. “I have something for you to wear. Since well, let’s face it Alice, you’re probably wearing nothing underneath your dress.”

The comment made her blush, again. “You got me. Again.”

“Mmm, good girl.” Drew’s eyes are naturally drawn to the hem of Alice’s dress and her soft bare legs, from the admission. Still, he pulls himself away, and gets up, walking over to behind the bar, and back to the couch with a black paper gift back in his hand. He sits back down next to Alice, and lays it on her lap. “The bathroom is just down that hall. The first door on the left.”

Just in time, the doorbell rings. “Right, that has to be the first of them. You go get changed and I’ll get my friends.” Drew gives Alice a peck on her cheek. “I think it’ll be to your liking.”



  1. This suspence Is killing me!
    I got here after reading part 2 and now can’t wait for part 3.

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