What college is actually like (beta test), (chose your own adventure story), (male POV), (college), (slow burn)

What college is actually like (Beta), (chose your own adventure story), (male POV), (college), (slow burn)

Hi, this is the sixth story I’ve posted

This one is different, in that it’s very ambitious! It will take a lot of time, and effort, but I would like to try to create a chose your own adventure story through Reddit! At the end of a post, you will have multiple options, each taking you to another post, continuing the story based on the decisions you make!

I may have bitten off more than I can chew here, but I certainly plan on giving it my best shot!

At first, your options might seem somewhat limited, as it will take time to write for all the different paths you can take, but over time, more and more should be written.

Let’s begin!

You stand on a platform, seemingly surrounded by nothingness. There are others on the platform too, seemingly running towards you. None of them have distinct faces, and before you realize, they have you cornered.

You begin to sweat, and attempt to talk your way out of the situation “Hey guys, I’m sure there’s some way we can work this out”.

But it’s no use. They move in on you, slowly, methodically, like the terminator in the first movie. You back up as far as you can, but there is nowhere to back up to.

Faced with this faceless figures, and the oblivion of the unknown, you try desperately to stay on the platform. You try desperately to grab on to something, someone, anything. Your hands can’t seem to close around anything, your whole body becomes rigid, and you feel yourself start to fall over, off the edge of the platform, into oblivion.

Just as you fall over, you wake up with a start.

Sweat runs down your body, and you can’t help but shiver.

You check your phone: 4:43 AM.

You only had to get up at 7:00 to make it to your morning class.

Despite your best attempts, you couldn’t fall back asleep, so at 6:05, you decided to get up, and take a shower.

You lived in a small apartment, a fair distance away from the college. That was probably why you could afford it. Working part time didn’t earn you much, but you were more than willing to spend an extra half hour every morning getting to school, if it meant you could have your own place. You were never really interested in living in the college dorms, much preferring the privacy of your own place, however small it may be. And small it was. Your kitchen doubled as your bedroom, and the only other room as was the bathroom, but it was more than adequate.

You look at yourself in the mirror, as you run the shower to get the hot water going.

Who are you?

Cyoaes 2a: Johnathan “John” McNally: An English major minoring in history


Cyoaes 2b: Daniel “Dan” Pawlak: A Double major in Economics, and Political science


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/l00jx4/what_college_is_actually_like_beta_test_chose