The Rabbit Hole Epilogue [Trans] [FF] [Hypnosis] [BDSM]

**The Rabbit Hole Epilogue**


Nadia sits down at the desk one more time. Penny’s waiting for her in the other room, but she needs to do this first. She’s been putting it off, but that’s not making it any easier. It haunts her, and it will until she finally sits down and do it. There’s no way out—only through.

*Dear Joanna,*

*Before I start, Penny will never know where this goes. You may not trust that. You may think I’m compromised, and I understand. Trust with Penny is complicated. More so when you learn that she doesn’t trust herself. She may never earn back her trust with you, but I hope that I may. Even if I can’t, I hope you’re happy.*

*I’m writing because you deserve to know how we’re doing. I know we hurt you, and Penny put you through a nightmare. Neither of us will ever be able to apologize enough for that. But you’re the reason we’re together, and you’ve loved me more than I deserve. I want you to know how the story ends, to know that your role – and your suffering – wasn’t for nothing.*

*I appreciate your response to our wedding invitation. I expected silence, so even a gentle ‘no’ was refreshing and more than we deserved. It also saved us twenty dollars on ordering food for you (ha!).*

*Anyways, the day has come and gone. I’m now Mrs. Nadia Lane. I keep saying that to myself and smiling. I’d say I like the sound of it, but I don’t know. I remember the sound of it, and it rings in my ears, but the words themselves make me smile, sound or not.*

*I guess I should explain the sound bit. I’ve lost my hearing. Or, I guess, technically I gave it away. The only way I could be with Penny was if she no longer had any power over me. I found a doctor willing to do a procedure to deafen me. I know that sounds extreme, but the process is reversible. I think I can get cochlear implants whenever I want and have my hearing back. For now, I don’t want it. Either way, my deafness allows me to be with Penny. It was the only way we could be equals. Her power doesn’t work on me, and if she gets out of control, she can’t trap me. I never have to be Dolly again if I don’t want to.*

*Take a step back from the letter, go for a walk, and come back. Otherwise, you’ll ignore everything else I have to write.*

*Better? Did you walk? You promise? Pinky promise? I’m serious. You should do it. This won’t work if you’re all pissed off that I’m deaf now. I’m not pissed, and you shouldn’t be either.*

*The truth is a lot of my relationship with Penny is fucked up. The way we met was fucked up. The way she kept me was fucked up. The way I went back to her was fucked up. And yes, my deafness may be fucked up. But the point I want you to take away, the only point that matters as far as I’m concerned, is this: I couldn’t be happier. This is what I want. I may have been thrown into this relationship, but now I’m the one making decisions. I decide to be here, and being here has made me happier than I’ve ever been in my life.*

*It’s certainly been a struggle and a transition. Penny and I go to classes to learn sign language, and I have a tutor that helps me with reading lips. It’s a huge leap, but these are the consequences I’m willing to live with. I have no regrets, so don’t have regrets on my behalf.*

*Besides, I wish you could see Penny these days. I understand why you don’t want to, and all the baggage there. But she’s a different woman. I’ve never seen her more confident, more at peace within her whole body. It’s a miracle, honestly.*

*She doesn’t work as a hypnotist anymore. No more stage shows. No more hecklers. No more Rabbit Hole. She gave up her book deal and her movie gig. She’s not trying to create a program and send it to the masses. She’s given that all up. She’s retired. Instead, she’s been working with a bunch of men and women online who want to transition. She uses her powers to help ease them into their new selves, never forcing, only doing what they want done.*

*It reminded me of our friend, Ginger. She’d kill to meet Penny. Ginger struggles to talk like a woman. One sentence from Penny, and Ginger does it perfectly. Walking like any other woman. Mannerisms. Preferences. Style. Fashion. Weight loss. She even works with addiction and helps them deal with trauma. There’s a whole world of people out there who want to transition, but don’t know how. Some of them can’t afford hormones and surgery. Some of them can, but that’s the easy part. They’ve got baggage and wounding and habits. The world is against them, and Penny makes that easier. She makes that much easier.*

*And I’m working to help her. As a partner, not a secretary. I’m going back to school to become a psychologist. Penny doesn’t have the training to help people understand themselves. She merely overwrites them. With my training, I’ll be able to counsel them through the process with Penny, helping people all over the country who struggle with who they are but see no way out. We’ve even started working with people struggling to come out of the closet or explore their curiosities and preferences. It’s entirely consensual. No one comes to us who doesn’t want it, and we don’t work with anyone unless they are 100% willing. I keep Penny in check with that.*

*Part of the reason I’m writing is because we want to name our program the Joanna Project, in honor of you, but we don’t want to do it without your permission. Penny knows she’s done you wrong, but putting your name on the project will help remind us why we’re doing this. We want to help people that are willing and hurting. We want to ease their transition and make it as painless as possible. That’s what we’re offering the world because that was robbed from you. You may never be able to atone for what we did, but this is one small offering to show how serious we are when we beg you to forgive us.*

*Please forgive us.*

*Now, you’re at the end of my letter, and I’m sure you’re skeptical. Hell, I’d be skeptical. It’s a lot to take in, and it feels impossible to believe. And if you don’t want to add your name to our program, I understand. All I want you to know is that I’m free. I’ve made up my mind. I’ve decided who I want to be. I did it freely, for love.*

*And more than anything, you should know that I gave up the easy path. I can’t be mindless anymore. I can’t be nothing. Penny needed more than a doll. She needed a partner, and that’s who I am now. I gave up mindlessness for her, because, though it took too long to figure out. Penny was what I wanted the whole time. She’s all I want.*



Nadia puts down the pen, shaking her hand out a bit. She carefully folds the letter and tucks it into the envelope.

A green light blinks on Nadia’s desk, the sign that Penny wants her.

“Just a second,” shouts back Nadia.

She seals the envelope, puts a stamp on it, and tucks it into the drawer. She’ll send it tomorrow on her way to class. For now, that’s handled.

She rounds the hallway and opens the door to Penny’s studio. It doesn’t matter what they call it now, Nadia will always think of it as The Rabbit Hole. Two chairs are set up facing a large television. Next to them, perpendicular to the setup, is a third armchair. That’s where Penny sits, waiting for her.

In the past few months, Penny transformed. She still dresses the same: impeccable taste in tailored suits and fashionable business attire. But today she’s taken off her blazer. Even her shoes are kicked off. She is in black slacks and a pale blue sleeveless blouse that hugs her body. Her hair is up, but Nadia imagines it’ll go down once the fun starts. It’s the little things that speak volumes. Penny would have never been relaxed in a session, even with Dolly. She still had her confidence, but it was relaxed now, as though each event wasn’t some trial determining her worth. There was a casualness to her pulled back shoulders, the tenderness in her smile when Nadia walked into the room.

She signed for Nadia to get undressed, but first Nadia went over and kissed her, then she took off everything but her collar. She sat in her seat, one of the armchairs facing the television. Penny got up and began tinkering with the television and setting up the room. She turned off the lights and lit candles. She casually unbuttoned the top three buttons of her blouse, raising an eyebrow seductively at Nadia as she did it. Nadia’s mouth went dry when she saw Penny was braless. That was just for her.

Penny turned on the television and sat behind Nadia. The familiar whirling pattern of The Rabbit Hole filled the screen. There was no sound of rain or chimes. Nadia remembered what they sounded like, but it started to blend with all the other sounds her memory clung onto. Instead of using that to relax Nadia, Penny used a more tactile approach. Her hands ran over Nadia’s shoulders. At first, they were light fingertips strokes that sent tingles all over Nadia’s body, climbing the back of her neck and running over her scalp, tightening the skin there where goosebumps spread.

Slowly, Penny’s fingers tightened as she massaged Nadia’s shoulders. Nadia sighed and relaxed into it, letting Penny have her way with her. She kept her eyes on the spiral, letting her mind melt away. She became less and less herself, and more and more a body. With each thought gone, she was rewarded with a new sensation. Penny would kiss her gently on her neck, nibble on her ear, more and more should strip away Nadia’s day, her plans, her doubts, her fears, and her stress. More and more she would fill her with tingles, with sighs, with moans of pleasure, and with aches of need.

Amidst the spiral, words flashed across the screen. It was hard to read them. Nadia was getting sleepy. She was falling into herself, fading away into nothing, but the words kept her anchored. They kept her from sleeping. They drew her to a location, a person deep inside herself that she never forgot. They drew her into Dolly.

“It’s playtime, Dolly,” said the screen.

Nadia’s heavy eyelids fell, and Dolly woke up.

Penny’s hands stopped, and Penny appeared next to the pleasant spiral. She signed for Dolly to strip her. Dolly obeyed, slowly peeling off Penny’s blouse. Penny held up a finger and told her to do it sensually. Dolly obeyed. She peeled off the blouse one inch at a time, and as she did it, she kissed each inch as it was revealed. Penny arches her back and smiles, biting her lip and suppressing a moan.

Dolly slides down her body, carefully stripping away each inch of clothing, dutifully kissing each inch of skin as it is exposed. As she sinks to her knees, Penny’s hands run through her hair. As she peels off Penny’s panties, Penny’s hands clench, holding Dolly’s head in place. She brings Dolly’s face to her pussy and signs for Dolly to eat. Dolly obeys, licking Penny’s pussy. She does it slowly, as she hasn’t been told otherwise. Each lick is long and slow, like a cat cleaning a partner. Penny’s hand guides her, keeps the pace, and forces her chin and lips up against Penny’s smooth pussy.

Penny moved towards one of the armchairs, didn’t let go of Dolly’s hair. She didn’t tell Dolly to stop. Dolly kept licking, dragged along by her hair, ignoring the pain, as Penny lifted one leg on the arm of the chair, giving Dolly more access. Dolly kept licking, and Penny moaned, bucking her hips into Dolly’s face. Her hips made long strokes, covering Dolly’s face in juices from chin to forehead, but Dolly kept licking. Penny could dump hot wax on Dolly, pierce her nipples, or tie her to the ceiling, and Dolly would keep licking.

Penny signed for her to stop, and Dolly obeyed. She sat in the armchair, and signed for Dolly to dance, to strip, to entertain her. Dolly rose to her feet. She spread her legs, popped down, and shakes her ass. She goes through the motion for Penny, obeying as though she heard music, obeying as though she had clothes on. She peeled off imaginary bras and panties, flinging them at Penny. Penny pretended to catch them. She curled a single finger towards Dolly, and Dolly crawled on all four, making sure her ass swayed with each step, towards her Mistress.

Penny demanded a lap dance, and Dolly obeyed. Again, she moved without music. It wasn’t the memory of music that played through her head. With Penny’s commands, she didn’t need music at all to dance. Her body followed the strings of Penny’s words, curving and flowing to please her Mistress. She straddled Penny, swaying her hips back and forth, letting her body roll over and over Penny’s body.

Penny reached behind and undid her bun, letting her hair spill over the back of the armchair. She ran her hands over Dolly’s back, letting her fingers grip and pinch the soft flesh where it pleased her. Dolly was hers. She wouldn’t mind whatever Penny did to her, nor would she receive pleasure. The only pleasure was in obeying, was in dancing for her Mistress as long as the words compelled her to do so.

Dolly’s hands ran over her own tits. The striptease compelled her to be coy, to pull at her own nipples, to run her hands up and down her body, through her hair, pulling it up and arching her back, rolling her hips and her whole body over Penny’s. Penny’s hands roamed too, finding Dolly’s breasts, pinching and twisting them, cupping the breasts fully in her hand and squeezing. Dolly didn’t moan. She didn’t sigh or flinch or shriek. She danced. She obeyed.

Penny made the sign for scissors and spread her legs. Dolly repositioned herself and rolled her clit over Penny’s. The dance continued to the silent music, but now Penny joined her. Dolly rolled her hips, and Penny thrust back. Their clits rubbed and teased each other, everything soaked and hungry. Penny tilted her head back, moaning. Her hands clung tightly to Dolly’s hips, her thighs, fingers and nails digging into flesh, but Dolly kept dancing.

Penny sat up, roaring. She signed for faster, and Dolly gave her faster. She ground against Penny, fucking her with her clit as hard as she could. Penny returned the fervor, thrusting back. Dolly’s body warmed and thrummed at the command but didn’t feel the pleasure until Penny commanded it.

When she did, Dolly’s body spasmed. She clung onto the side of the armchairs for balance and used the steadiness to pick up her pace. She bent over, curling her whole body over Penny, pumping her hips and clit as fast as she could. She looked down into Penny’s eyes. Her Mistress was lost in lust, grunting and roaring. They were both close, but Dolly couldn’t cum without the command. Her body would buzz and bubble, the pleasure would overtake her, she may explode, but she would not cum without permission. It was impossible.

Penny looked up and latched onto Dolly’s breasts. She licked quickly at first, and then bit down. Dolly’s body wanted to roar, to scream with ecstasy, to clench and climax, but she kept thrusting, kept riding. Penny thrust back, driving both of them insane, pushing them both to the brink and past it. They marched towards oblivion, their bodies barely reined in by the commands over them.

Penny signed for cumming, and Dolly’s body shook. She vibrated as piercing blue pleasure spread from her pussy to her fingertips. She curled her toes, arched her back, and locked up as the shaking of each nerve, each bit of her soul, took over. Penny locked up beneath her, curling into Dolly, digging her hands into Dolly’s back, and holding on while the pleasure rocked her.

They stayed frozen like that: Penny lost in pleasure; Dolly lost without a command. Penny gave light kisses to Dolly’s belly, her hips, and her breasts. She kissed Dolly all over, saying something Dolly couldn’t hear. Then she sat back and signed for Nadia to return.

Nadia smiled. She had a special smile when she returned to herself, like waking up from a dream and realizing it was true. She kissed Penny and thanked her. They were both panting, both buzzing, both satisfied.

“You okay?” mouthed Penny.

Nadia nodded and kissed her again. She slid down Penny’s body onto the floor and hung unto Penny’s leg. As she caught her breath, she asked, “Can we go again?”

She felt Penny’s laugh as her mistress turned on the television, and the purple warmth of The Rabbit Hole washed over them.

If you want more, and you know you do check me out on Patreon, Twitter, or Amazon.


1 comment

  1. I want to thank everyone that’s been with me every step of the way on this series. This is the end of Nadia and Penny’s story. They are both flawed, both broken, and both trying to make the best out of a messy world. But this story was originally a commission, and much of the plot was not up to me. However, I’m excited to say that the next series is entirely me so keep an eye out for Poetry & Blood coming soon. That said, as always, you can find all my work on Amazon if you just can’t wait.

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