Long time friends get much closer :)))

Del shivered waiting under the plastic bus shelter. Spring was coming, but the wind was sharp and she wasn’t wearing a jacket. She hugged herself and tucked her hands in her armpits. As she hopped on the spot, she turned to face her friend, Odin.

“I hope they play *Biggie*,” she said.

“I’m sure they will,” he replied. “It’s a 90’s night. How could they not?”

He leaned with his elbows on his knees, sitting on the bench. His baggy shirt pressed against him in the wind and he shook his hair out. The bus pulled up and Del was ready with her bus pass, itching to get going. The pair sat together in silence across from an older man.

Del’s mini skirt pushed up her thigh as she sat down. This didn’t go unnoticed by the older man. She looked at him and he raised his eyebrows at her and licked his lips. Odin reached out and put his arm around her, pulling her close. It was a bit of a surprise to her, Odin and her were friends, but she appreciated the act of protection and leaned in. The man looked away.

Only a few stops later, they arrived at the club and Odin followed Del out onto the sidewalk. The wind hit them again and Del made a run for the door. A wave of music poured out momentarily onto the street. Their friends had arrived just before them and were waiting there to welcome them. Adam nodded to Odin and Sara lunged to give Del a long, tight hug.

“Aaaahhh!,” she squealed. “Happy Birthday, Del!!”

Del smiled and did a small dance hand in hand with her. Sara looked stunning as always. Her legs were long, strong and tanned. Italian genes gave her beautiful skin and long dark hair that swung behind her. A tight black dress revealed her toned body. Surely, there were already several guys in the club eying her. Del’s style was different, but she was far from unattractive. A thin oversized, cropped t-shirt left her bralette visible and her tight skirt hugged her ass. The two girls knew they looked good and were ready for a good night.

From an impossibly small pocket, Del pulled out a mushroom and popped it into her mouth. Sara ensured her that she would keep an eye on her, but Del knew better than to trust Sara to stick around to the end of the night and silently checked with Adam that he would stay near her. Odin returned from the bar with four shots and handed them out.

“To Del,” he said and they emptied the glasses. Sara dragged Del onto the dance floor and the boys followed, somewhat reluctantly.

“Hey Del!” yelled Adam, from less than a metre away from her.

“Yeah?” She was back to back, dancing with Sara.

“Let’s make a bet. If they play *Hypnotize*, you have to kiss Sara.”

She laughed, but agreed.

“Lips to lips,” he said. “No butterfly kiss bullshit.”

Sara agreed this time too. Adam looked at Odin who just smiled and took another sip of his drink. The group danced a few more songs, then retreated to the bar for a break. Sara was teasing Odin for being too stiff on the dance floor and Odin was trying to convince her that dance floors are for moshpits. The bartender was flirting with Adam, but as usual, he was too oblivious to realize and too stubborn to believe his friends when they told him. Even the round of shots on the house didn’t make it through his thick skull.

The music was all consuming to Del now and the lights were mesmerizing. She closed her eyes to take in one thing at a time. When the characteristic intro to *Hypnotize* came on, her eyes flew open. Adam leaned back with his elbows on the counter.

“Well, let’s see it then,” he said and indicated between the two girls. Del threw her arms around Sara’s neck who held Del’s face in her hands. The kiss was long and gentle. When they pulled away, Sara had Del’s lower lip between her teeth and it snapped back when she let go. Del winked at Adam before being whisked away to dance with Sara again.

“Damn, that was hot.” Adam said to Odin, then followed the girls.

Odin nodded slowly. He could feel himself getting harder by the second.

Sara was grinding against some guy and Del was spaced out, swaying with her eyes closed. Adam stood in her general vicinity, but was dancing with another pair of girls who were quickly becoming infatuated with him.

“I’ll be right back,” Del told him before heading to the bathroom. The world was spinning, but only slightly, and she wanted a moment of peace away from the flashing lights. To her surprise, Odin was at the bottom of the stairwell that led to the toilets.

“Hey,” he said. “You good?”

“Yeah, just needed a break,” she replied. He stayed with her, listening to the muffled hip hop from upstairs and concentrating really hard to think of Del as the friend she’d always been to him rather than the girl who kissed the other girl and made him hard. He was still hard.

“Are you having a good time?” he asked.

She nodded and smiled, but kept her eyes closed.

“They played *Biggie* for you,” he said and she smiled again.

Maybe it was the alcohol in his system or maybe he was following the instructions of his raging boner, but it happened no matter what the driving force. He entwined her fingers in his and approached her from the front. Del’s eyes were still closed, but he could see her eyes moving around behind them and her eyebrows furrowed a little bit. She had done that whenever she was thinking for as long as he’d known her. Odin brought his other hand up to her jawline and hesitated before rubbing her cheek with his thumb and pushing his other fingertips into her hair. Del’s chin tipped naturally up without resistance. His breath was shaky as he brought his face close to hers. He paused again, feeling her light breath on his lips, before pressing them against hers. She responded, bringing her free hand up into his hair and he dropped his hand to her back.

They tasted each other delicately at first. It was foreign to both of them. Both were familiar with the other, but never before in this way. Odin pressed in harder and Del’s shoulders were against the wall. The kiss grew passionate with their actions. Mouths open, their tongues flicked each other. Odin held her tight to the wall with his hands on her hips and she wrapped both arms around his neck. They were both breathing hard when Del pulled away and Odin buried his face in her neck, wishing for more. She pushed his shoulders off her gently and he drew back. They looked at each other, shocked about what had just happened between them. Del touched her lips with her fingertips. They felt the same, but she felt different. He watched her closely for her reaction. It wasn’t overwhelmingly positive. It reflected what he felt, nervous. She squeezed his hand and looked at him with wide eyes before scurrying back up the stairs. She saw Adam at the bar sipping a beer and Sara still on the dance floor flirting with the same guy she had been grinding on before. Del joined Adam at the bar.

“Hey,” he said. “You were gone for a bit. Are you feeling ok?”

“Ya of course,” Del replied. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“Right,” Adam said. He was a little confused, but thankfully didn’t question it. “That was a hot kiss, hey?”

Del blushed such a deep red, it brought an apology out of Adam.

“Sorry! Sorry! I guess I shouldn’t have made the bet.”

She had completely forgotten about that kiss and regained her composure.

“Oh! No, that was fun. I’m glad you did.” She laughed. Adam was further confused. Odin emerged from downstairs and joined the two at the bar. He nodded at Adam who nodded back, then sat down on the stool beside Del.

“Sara found a guy for the night?” Del asked Adam.

“Looks like it.”

They all leaned to look at Sara who saw them looking and dragged over the two guys she’d been talking to to meet her friends.

“This is Noah and James,” she said and linked her arm around Noah’s.

They both addressed the group and James wished Del a happy birthday.

“Big 90’s fans?” asked Adam.

“Just out for the night,” answered James, but he spoke to Del. Odin scooched his stool a little closer to her and rested his arm on the counter behind.

“It’s a good night for it,” Odin replied to James, who took the hint and left. Sara and Noah followed him to the dance floor. Del looked sideways at Odin. He was embarrassed, but worked to hide it. Earlier tonight, he would have been perfectly fine with her meeting someone at the club, but it was far from okay with him now. He hadn’t worked out exactly what that meant for the two of them yet and he was aware of the strange signals he was sending Del.

“I’m going outside for a joint,” Odin said and left for the front door.

Adam and Del were left to themselves again.

“So,” trailed Adam. Del was thankful for Adam’s obliviousness.

“So,” she replied and let out a deep breath. “I’m about ready to get home actually.”

“Already? Ok.”

“Yeah, it’s been an exhausting trip,” Del explained and they laughed.

When Odin returned, they went to check on Sara who, unsurprisingly, told them she’d get a ride home with Noah. Adam called an uber, but the bus to the other side of the city arrived first. Del and Odin sat together again, relatively stiff this time, and completely silent until they rose to get off at their stop.

“Well,” said Odin. “Happy Birthday.”

“Thanks.” Del smiled. They both felt the enormous balloon waiting to burst, but neither of them wanted to pop it. Odin went to leave, but Del grabbed his hand. He turned back around to look at her.

“What was that?” Del asked him.

“What was *what*?” he replied sheepishly. Del just looked at him and waited.

“It was…” he trailed off. They were still holding hands. “A drunk decision?”

Del dropped his hand.

“That’s all?”

Odin could tell she was hurt and his heart sunk, but he was nervous.

“No, it’s not,” he struggled to look at her face. There was a pause.

“I liked it,” Del said and Odin’s eyes popped up to meet her’s. “I like… you.”

He stepped closer to her and their hands met between them.

“Do you think,” he started. “That maybe… it could happen again?”

She stepped forwards and dropped his hands. He leaned over and pulled her waist in towards his hips. She gripped his biceps and wrapped a leg around his thigh as he bent her back. Their second kiss was immediately electric. He grunted and she sighed. When she needed a break to breathe, he sucked and nibbled her neck. Odin couldn’t get enough of her. The more he got, the more he wanted. Del was rapidly falling for him too. When Odin slipped a hand up the back of her shirt, she froze.

“Not outside,” she said. “Come in.”

He hesitated, but not for long, and the couple ran to the door. Inside, they kicked their shoes off and hurried to Del’s room. They’d spent many hours together there, but this would be different. Odin picked up where they left off, pulled Del in against him and pushed his hands up the back of her shirt. The dip in her waist was so feminine. It blew his mind that he didn’t realize how gorgeous she was before tonight. Del was struck by the strength he had, moving her around. She felt incredibly lucky to be with him and for him to want her as badly and she wanted him.

The clasp of her bra came loose and she automatically raised her arms for him to remove her top. He did so slowly and carefully. Taking in the view as he did. Free from her top, Del tugged on the edge of Odin’s shirt. He pulled it over his head and tackled her to the bed behind her. On top of her, he held her hands back behind her head and kissed her breasts, licked her nipples and rubbed his face between them. Del laughed at that. He kissed down to her waistband and looked up at her. She smiled and her eyes sparkled. Gently, he tugged the skirt down over her thighs, to her knees, and off. Standing at the foot of the bed, he gave her legs a yank by the ankles and she skipped towards him on her back with a gasp. Legs draped over his shoulders, he tasted her.

It felt so good. Del’s legs occasionally jerked in reaction to the flicking of his tongue. Her body temperature spiked in response and her breathing became heavier. Her hips bucked and he came up for air. She could taste herself on Odin’s lips. They rolled over, so Del was on top. Her fingers shook with nerves as she fumbled with his buckle. Odin reached for her wrists.

“Are you sure, Del?” he asked her.

“I’m so sure,” she replied. He undid his own pants and Del pulled them off him. This was *her* Odin. The one who bragged when he did better in a class they shared. The one who made it clear when he thought her joke wasn’t funny. The one who stayed up ‘til three in the morning to help her study when he had his own classes to deal with. This was the same Odin who now lay before her, cock standing tall, evoking the strongest erotic reaction she’d ever experienced.

Repositioned, straddling his waist, Del guided him into her. He could see the pleasure on her face when he pushed deep. She rocked back and forth, slowly, enjoying the sensation of him inside her. Odin made a conscious effort not to cum too soon, but she was different from other girls. Their connection was strong and vulnerable. She was *Del* and it was then that he realized he’d loved her for much longer than just one night. The tension built up in his body. His muscles flexed and then he couldn’t hold it in any longer. He lifted Del off him, by the hips, and released a massive load onto his own chest.

“Holy shit, Del,” he whispered. “That was something special.”

I write erotic fiction and post it in a blog. I’d love it if you checked it out: daphneburke.wordpress.com

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kzvt0v/long_time_friends_get_much_closer


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