Between Friends (Chapter One: The Phone Call) [FMM] [Adult Language] [Slow Burn]

This is a bit cringeworthy, but it’s a good story, so I’m going to post it anyway, lol! ?

I started writing this story a few years ago, (pre-rona) when I was going through a deep depression.

I stumbled across this charismatic gamer (who shall momentarily remain nameless) on YouTube and after watching a few videos, became intrigued. He was entertaining, to say the least, and really helped me through a dark period in my life.

Unfortunately, my distraction blossomed into infatuation, which resulted in this unfinished body of work…which I now present to YOU for your enjoyment/amusement/ridicule, lol.

Try not to cringe too hard, ok? ?

Between Friends
Written by: Dakota Velvet

Chapter One: The Phone Call

I was awakened abruptly by my cell phone ringing.  Disoriented, I scanned my room through blurry eyes for the offensive sound.  Following the sound of my ringtone, I slammed my palm down on the bedside table, picked up the phone and squinted against the bright glare of my screen in the darkness.  By the time I had found my phone, I had already missed the call from an unknown number, but whomever it was left a voicemail.  Grabbing my glasses off the nightstand, I saw that it was 4:30 AM.  

“Who in the fuck would be calling me this early?” I thought to myself as I looked around my room again.  It was a typical scene… a few socks and jeans were strewn across the floor, some papers and open books on my desk where I left them…that’s when I noticed the half empty bottle of Jack Daniel’s  and YouTube still running on my desktop.  I must have been bored and got drunk watching my favorite gamer, Jacksepticeye. “Oh, shit.” I chuckled to myself, squinting at the screen.  My head was swirling as I sat up slowly, and walked across the room to my desk.  Leaning in close to the screen, I saw that he was playing Cuphead and I started to remember that I was playing a little solo drinking game where I have to take a shot every time Sean cusses…needless to say, I got pretty fucked up.  I didn’t mind though, I always thought that he was hilarious…his gameplay vids remind me of how I would play if I weren’t such a klutz with my hands.  Let’s not ignore that fact that being easy on the eyes didn’t hurt either…the way his brilliant blue eyes sparkle while he’s talking to his viewers, his boyish charm, and mischevious smile…there’s an “accidentally sexy” thing he’s got going on…and I’m definitely here for it.

I gently settle into my seat and my mind really starts to wander as the next video begins and it’s of him hosting the SXSW Awards Show. Him in that suit… “Damn.” I think out loud to myself as I devour him with my eyes. Seeing that suit hug his body, skimming his lean, muscular frame in the most delicious way…my imagination goes wild imagining what’s underneath.  I feel an odd rush of heat flow over me and my heart skips a beat as he looks into the camera… maybe its just the whiskey, but I feel like he’s talking directly to me and me only.  I imagine that the stage goes dark except for just one spotlight on Sean and the room goes silent. Slowly, the camera zooms in as he stares lustfully and starts to unbutton his jacket.  Slowly he removes his arms from the sleeves and peels it off, tossing it carelessly to the floor of the stage.  His piercing gaze remains unwavering, burning a hole into the pit of my stomach as he bites his bottom lip and begins to unfasten the top few buttons of his shirt, exposing the downy, chestnut tufts of hair on his chest.  I begin to shift uncomfortably in my seat…maybe it was the whiskey, but I could have sworn he whispered the words, “I want you” as he slowly reached down and begins to unfasten his pants…

I’m suddenly jolted out of my alcohol soaked fantasy by my ringtone, piercing the silence.  “FUCK!”, I mutter loudly, more embarrassed than frightened.  I hadn’t realized how far gone I was into my fantasy about Sean, and when I stood up to get my phone, the chill in the room had caught the wetness between my thighs and made me shiver.  I placed my hand over my face as I hung my head in shame and sat down on the edge of my bed and answered the call.  “Hello?” a familiar voice says on the other end. It was my friend Benjamin from LA.  Ben and I grew up and attended high school and college together and became best friends over the years, which is probably why he felt it was ok to call me at such ungodly times in the morning…as he often did.  

“Ben? What the fuck man???”, I yelped into the phone, nervously crossing my legs and sitting up straight as if he could tell I was aroused over the phone.  “Do you know what time it is? What’s going on?”

“A better question would be, did you get my message?”, he laughed sarcastically.  I had gotten so caught up in fantasizing about Jacksepticeye that I totally forgot about the voicemail from the unknown number. Judging by Ben’s question, it must have been him that called earlier.  “Oh, nah…my bad Ben,” I said sheepishly.  “I was sleeping.” 

“Well, wake yo ass up girl! Remember I told you I was flying in today? You were supposed to pick me up!”  Gasping loudly, I looked at my calendar. “Oh, SHIT!!!”, I sputtered into the phone. “That was TODAY???”  Ben began to laugh hysterically on the other end.  “You’re lucky your my best friend, goofy…” he began. “It’s all good though, I ended up catching a cab, but that brings me to why I called you.  I ran into a friend of mine at the airport who got stuck needing a place to stay. I know it’s last minute, but I wanted to know if they could crash at your place until they get situated?”  

I clenched my teeth silently. Ben knew how I hated being put on the spot… yet he insisted on doing the shit.  “Ben! You have GOT to be kidding me!? Are you asking me to let some stranger I’ve never met,  spend the night at my place at the last minute?” Ben began laughing again on the other end, but this time I heard a second voice.  “Aww, C’mon! I promise I’ll be on my best behavior!”, the other voice said.  

“The fuck?”, I thought to myself. Why did that voice sound so familiar? 

“Dammit Ben, who is that? Jeezus Christ…do you have me on speaker???” 

He and the other person erupted into hysterical laughter once again, but I didn’t find shit funny at all.  I glanced nervously around my room at my slight mess…I was prepared for Ben…he’s used to my mildly lazy ways.  But a stranger may not understand that sometimes I’m just not in the mood to clean up, and I don’t feel like being judged.  I walked down the hall, out into my living room and looked around to make sure at least it was clean and presentable.  Finally Ben and the other person stopped laughing long enough for me to get a word in.  “Uh, y-yeah, I guess they can stay the night,” I grumbled, nervously fluffing my hair.  “It’s not like you’ve really given me a choice.”

“Great.”, Ben began, still snickering slightly.  “Because we’re outside.”  

“Holy SHIT.”

Without thinking twice, I dropped my cell phone and scrambled back into my bedroom, rushing to put on some sweatpants and pull my hair into a high puff.  As I struggle to get my socks on, I hear a knock at the front door.  “I swear, I’m gonna fuckin’ kill him…” I hiss through my teeth as I adjust my bra and smooth my tee-shirt down as best as possible.  I pop a piece of gum in my mouth and return reluctantly to the living room to open the door.  I turn the knob slowly and standing there with a huge smug grin on his face is Ben, with his suitcases in hand. 

“Sup, girl? Ain’tcha glad to see me?”, he says, still giggling slightly.  Ben is so tall and muscular, he practically takes up the entire doorway with his oversized frame. I scowl up at him silently as I catch a flash of green just behind him.  Looking past his shoulder, I catch a glimpse of who the other person with him is, and my mouth falls open in utter disbelief…

If anyone wants to continue reading it, here’s the link on Wattpad!???
[Between Friends ](


1 comment

  1. Btw, I realize his hair is no longer green, that’s just how long ago I started writing this story, lol. ?

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