stranger let mom and I [f] move in with him in exchange for sex

So this is kind of depressing but just to be honest…a few years ago I was 19(f) and living with my mom. We were struggling financially and on the verge of going homeless.

My mom met a guy online who offered to have us move in to his house with him and he would also take care of basic needs like food. I don’t know the exact details of the arrangement but basically she would in turn have a sexual relationship with him.

Eventually he wanted to start having sex with me as well. I definitely didn’t want to but he had provided a much better situation for us and I didn’t want to screw it up. He never forced us to do anything but it was implied what would happen if we didn’t do what he wanted.

So basically my mom and I were living with this guy and both regularly having sex with him. This lasted about a year. It got to the point where sometimes he wanted both of us at the same time. Luckily my mom and I never had to touch each other but these situations were still basically threesomes. Occasionally he would also have us have sex with other men he knew.

Looking back I’m not sure exactly how to feel about the whole situation. Clearly the guy was sexually a creep and those experiences with my mom were extremely awkward. But he did treat us well other then that and significantly helped us out when we really needed it and ultimately we were able to get our lives together.



  1. Sounds like a total dirtbag that doesn’t deserve to be called a man … more a leech. A mom should never condone what occurred and should be ashamed and ask your forgiveness. I hope you find a partner in life that respects you and values you and what you bring to a relationship. You may need to look at counseling to understand the depth of abuse. Best to you.

  2. I went through a similar situation, and now I’m in counseling for grooming/r*pe (19 still counts, especially if he had control over your housing). I don’t believe feeling like being forced to have sex or losing your shelter/food puts you in a position to consent. If you were trying to bring it on out of your own volition, then sure. But, if it is the case where you felt it was inappropriate, there are tons of free help for survivors.

    I hope things are better and it goes from “I don’t know how I feel” to “this is how I feel” – I used to say “I don’t know how I felt” a lot until I was sitting down and processing it.

    Sorry if I’m reading into anything, but it just sounds exactly like me before therapy. I hope I’m just reading into it and projecting and you’re safe and happy!!!!(:

  3. Don’t know which country you are from and how you got into that situation. But sometimes we do whatever we need to do to survive. Your mom had an arrangement with this guy, but probably he changed his mind and included you in that arrangement later on.
    He significantly helpt you, according to you, when no one did. Was that morally right? Definitely No. He took advantage of the situation and that was wrong.
    No one is to blame here, to be totally honest. You received the help you needed in exchange for sex. The alternative could have been much much much worse. The streets are no place for women. You would have ended up in prostitution and drugs. And could have still been out there between life and death.
    You seem like a wise and mature young woman. And I hope you will stay well and safe in the future.
    See this as a victory to you. You made it and survived. Enjoy life!

  4. This is the hottest thing I have ever read. I want this arrangement in my future lol.

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