Clean up

My tounge slowly circles your head, my tounge tasting the saltiness seeping from it. A smile crosses my face, as my lips slowly go down your shaft. My body tights the deeper down my throat you go, until eventually I can no longer breathe, and thats where I stop. And thats where I hold, hold until I can hold no more and bring my mouth slowly back up your shaft. You just spilled your load inside of me, yet with just the touch of my tounge your back at attention. I bring my mouth back to your head, and while making eye contact take my tounge and lick your shaft: long, smooth, soft. I lick around the width of you, my tounge tasting the salty sweetness of two lovers. My fore fingers grip the top of your head, slowly squeezing, as my tounge comes from the top in slow licks making sure to get every last drop of cum out. This is the clean up procedure, and it must be followed making sure not a single drop of precious cum is wasted.


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