Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 6 [MF] [Fiction]

My vision is slow to be restored as I start to come to. I feel the cold of the ground on my side as I lay sprawled upon the ground and its contrasted by the warmth of the liquid dripping down my side. I can feel it trail upon my skin as it drips into the dirt below. I’m too weak to move and cant help wonder if this is how it ends for me. As my vision is restored from the fog in my head, I start to remember what happened. How you, Little Red, were scared off by the attack by the bear.

I muster all my strength to lift my head to look for Little Red. I need to know if your safe. But as I look from side to side, I can’t see any sign of you. I guess part of me was hoping that you would have come back for me after the bear ran off. But here I am alone, cold, and bleeding. I stumble to my feet and find that they can just hold me. They shake and I want to give in but I know I must not give in.

I wonder if I should look for you Little Red but I don’t know if I have the strength. But I have to try. I need to know you are ok. I lower my nose to the ground and breathe in to capture your scent. The familiar smell fills my nostrils and I am compelled to follow the trail. I focus everything on moving forward. Each step is labored, but I don’t care about the pain the pulses through my side. I have got to get to you. I have to make sure you are ok.

I’m not sure how far I have traveled. I’m not even sure which direction I am traveling. I just know that your scent is getting stronger the farther I travel. The thought that I am nearer to you drives me to keep going. I can’t give up now.

There is a clearing up ahead. I can see the sun shining at the edge of the forest. I feel like I have been here before but my mind gives me no answer as all my focus keeps me following your path. I make it to the meadow and I take in the surroundings but I don’t see you. But what I do see is a familiar little cottage and I know I have been here before. I have followed you here before. I will myself to cross the meadow. I need to know you made it home safe.

With each step that gets me closer to the cottage, everything gets brighter. I can barely see the cottage anymore the light is so intense. It’s so bright I lose track of which direction I am suppose to go. My feet stumble under me and I hit the ground hard. “Little Red!” I try to yell. I can’t even tell if it was out loud or not. In that moment I feel all is lost as I just wanted to know you were safe. But this is as far as I can go as consciousness departs me again.
