The Date part 3 of 4 [MF]

Hi! I am new to this group as of about a week ago and I am posting some stories I’ve written recently for friends. If you want to see my previous stories, you can find them here:

[The Party and the Professor](

[The Nap](

[The Date Part 1](

[The Date Part 2](

[The Date Part 3](

[The Date Part 4](

I’d love to hear your opinions on any of my stories and I’d especially love to hear how they might have affected you…



**Part 3**

We leave the car and walk towards the hotel’s entrance. The cool night air dances around your skin and clears your head. The breeze makes you instantly self-conscious of how damp your panties are between your legs. You glance down your dress. Of course no one can see, but you know. How many people are going to be there looking at you? You know you look really good tonight and you know men’s eyes will be on you, thinking about you and not having any idea just how much you want to climb on your escort and finally fuck this man. You know no one will be able to tell that you just had a couple of powerful orgasms and that you bet you are in for an evening with more to come. No one knows you have leather cuffs with chains on, no one knows about the little vibrator in your pussy…

Thinking about the night so far starts your blood moving again, and your excitement makes you go a little flush in your cheeks. You wonder what I have planned for you for the rest of the night. You look over to me, proudly walking beside you and looking pleased with how things have been going. Your smile twists a little on your face as your impish side starts to wonder what might happen if you shake up the night a little. Since you’re in public, now might be the time to… be bad. What would happen then? How would you get punished? Your grin widens as you palm and silence the chain between your cuffs hidden under the scarf as I open the door for you and let you into the building.

We walk into the bar. It’s lit softly and seems about half filled with hotel patrons of all types. I guide you towards a corner booth on the far side, one more dimly lit than the rest of the tables. As we walk by the bar in the center of the room, you feel the eyes of a few men at the bar on you. Normally this might not be something you notice or care to acknowledge to yourself but being out tonight, looking as good as you do and enjoying your time with me, you feel confident and playful and you surprise yourself as you add a little swish to your stride as we walk by. You glance briefly to the bar to see two businessmen obviously watching you walk by. You grin and feel good for the attention.

We sit down at the round corner table and slide around to the inside edge. You wonder how to handle the cuffs, how to hide them the best from the rest of the bar. You decide quickly to put your hands in your lap for now and see how things went from there.

A waitress quickly comes to the table and you hear me lean over towards her and ask for two glasses of wine over the general noise of conversation in the room. The waitress walks away and I turn back towards you, my attention totally on you again. “How are you feeling?”

You smile and look up at him. “Oh, I’m feeling pretty good.”

“Excellent. Let’s keep that going, shall we?”

You lick your lips a little, “I really hope so. I wonder what you have planned?”

I smile and you see a slight twinkle in my eye as I respond, “Oh, I have plans but it’s no fun if I let the cat out of the bag before it’s time, now is it?”

You raise an eyebrow as you start to formulate a plan. “What if mess with those carefully controlled plans of yours, hmmm?”

I lean in close to your face and then move towards your ear. You feel my hot breath on your face, then your neck and then you hear my low deep voice, “Well, I guess I’d have to punish you, wouldn’t I? Now do you want to be punished tonight on our first date?”

A sudden burst of low intensity vibration goes off inside you as I stare into your eyes. It catches you off guard for just a moment, but you quickly right yourself and smile up at me, acting as if nothing was happening.

You feel the vibration intensify inside you and you bite your lip and try not to squirm. You close your eyes, concentrate a bit and look up at me again. You laugh with a closed mouth with an expression of “what was that?”, and try to look nonchalant about it, only barely pulling it off. Under the table your hands pull against the cuffs and you grab the chain with both hands as you fight back against the sensation.

I laugh softly, impressed at your rebellion and then with a jolt the vibrator turns up to what must be the top setting! Your concentrated face distorts and your eyes close as you try to hide your reaction to this explosion of feelings going off between your legs. Your breathing quickens and you find yourself grabbing your legs and digging your fingers in. You feel a moan coming on and you fight to keep it in. You know people will hear you if you make the noise that wants to bust out of you right now. You smile through clenched teeth and look at me with pleading eyes for a moment, and then the vibration cuts off.

A shiver of pleasure goes down your spine as you lean in towards me and say in your most sarcastic whimper, “Oh, of course not sir. I’d never want to get punished…” You giggle a little and sit back against the seat.

The waitress is suddenly at your table with two glasses of red wine. I ask her to charge these to my room, 623. I sign something quickly and the waitress walks away. I slide a glass towards you, making it easy to grab without making you show off your cuffs. You pick up the wine and we clink them together with the toast, “To our first date… “. You drink happily from the glass and the wine warms your mouth and throat.

You glance around the room and see the two good looking businessmen who watched you earlier still looking over at you. You realize that if someone was watching you a moment ago during your little power-play it would have shown on your face pretty obviously. You wonder what they think is happening. They whisper back and forth to each other while still looking at you, obviously talking about you. You smile to yourself as you feel me lean in to whisper to you again.

“I want those panties.” I sit back a little and take a sip of wine.

“You what?”

I smile at you. “I said… I want your panties. Right here. Right now. “

Your eyes widen for a second as you think about how to do this without being obvious. “You want them here? Do you want me to go to the bathroom…”

“No baby, I want you to take those wet little pussy soaked panties off right here and hand them to me like a good girl… with your cuffs on. “

I sit back in the seat, a playful smile on my face.

You look over to the men at the bar. There’s no way you’d be able to not be obvious about getting these off while in your seat, while restrained with the cuffs. You can see that I am enjoying watching you squirm at the thought of it.

I click the remote and a short burst of vibration rumbled inside of you. You squeak a little under your breath, not being quite ready for that. You smile. Okay, let’s do this. The imp in you decides it’s time to go all in. It’s that kind of night after all. You lean in towards me and kiss me softly on the lips, then more deeply. I am surprised at first, but quickly return the kiss to you. You break the kiss and then whisper to me with a big grin on your face, “Just one sec Daddy…” and you suddenly slide under the table and quickly move to between my legs.

I am obviously surprised at your move, and you see me quickly looking around the room for any trouble. I look down with a grin on my face and nod the “all clear” sign towards you. You see the table covering is close enough to the floor that you don’t think anyone could see you from across the room. Perfect!

You quickly lay on the floor, pulling up your dress and pulling down your wet panties down your legs. This is so naughty, you can’t help but giggle with an excited glee. You quickly peel them off and pull your dress back down. Now, the next part of the plan!

You can tell that I am expecting you to get back up in your seat, but you have other ideas! Your shackled hands are put on each of my legs and you quickly slide them upward towards the very obvious erection in my pants. You slide you hand up and squeeze my erection through my pants. You hear my gasp above you and you laugh to yourself. You bet I didn’t plan for this!

Your deft little fingers quickly unzip my pants and reach inside to pull out my hot hard cock. You take your wet panties and wrap them around me, gliding the wet lacey fabric against my skin as you start to stroke me.

You hear me sigh above you. Obviously I wasn’t ready for this. You hear me whisper urgently down to you asking you what you were doing? You have to stop… “ I go silent as you slide the panties down to the base of my cock and you slide my head into your mouth, sucking and circling your tongue around me, stroking quickly. My hands stop trying to dissuade you and then start holding your face as you put the cock deeper into your mouth. You can tell, the surprise of all of this has broken my defenses and you can feel my cock swell and taste the pre-cum starting to come out.

With the restricted space under the table, you move your head forward and backwards over my head, your little fingers gripping and stroking below you lips. I start tensing up as you feel me getting closer to orgasm. Suddenly my hands go back to trying to stop you. I start to whisper as quietly as possible “Stop baby, you’re going to make me cum right here! Stopp … uuuhhhh… c’mon baby.. uhhhh.”

Then you hear what you expected to this entire time. In my right hand I click the little remote to kick in your vibrator, your little “leash”. What I didn’t realize is that when you took off your panties you pulled out that vibrator. Wet with your juices and waiting in your hand, you quickly hold it against the base of the head of my penis just as the waves of vibration hit it!

You feel my legs tense and shake on either side of you and my body goes rigid and I explode inside your waiting mouth. You put your mouth back over the tip of my cock and catch every spurt after spurt that I produce as you stroke and milk me for the next minute.

Pleased with yourself, you tuck my penis back in my pants and zip it back up. You move so you can see my face and you slide back up to your seat when I nod the “all clear”.

You look over to me and I am trying to look serious, but I quickly break out in laughter, obviously enjoying the moment of rebellion with you. You laugh back and I reach over and wipe a little cum from the side of your mouth. You quickly put that finger in your mouth and lick it off, then reset as if nothing untowards was going on. You remember your wine and take a big sip. Your heart is racing and you are pleased with your little act of rebellion. I look at you, smile, and ask “are you ready to go upstairs?”

You take another drink and nod. We slide out on one side of the booth. I turn for a moment towards the wall to check my clothing and reset myself. As you stand and get ready to go, you realize that the two men at the bar are looking right at you now and they have big smiles on their faces. It must have been so obvious for anyone who was watching. The thought of strangers kind of watching you sets off a little pang of delight, and as I put my hand at the small of your back to walk us out, you take a second to let the scarf fall away from the leather straps and chain, and with the sweetest and most innocent smile you can muster, you raise your hands up to your chest and wave your fingers “goodbye” to the both of them. The businessmen’s mouths drop open as you turn away. You can’t help but laugh at the idea of it all as we walk.

We quickly stand before an elevator and I press the button to call it. The wall is made of mirrors and polished steel. As the elevator dings its way down to us, you can seem me standing behind you. I lean down and put my hands on your shoulders and whisper in your right ear.

“Get ready, baby. We’re going to have to punish that little cum-slut you see before you… “

You move back towards me to press your body against me. “But Daddy, I don’t mean to be bad… “

“That’s why we’re going to work extra hard to whip this out of you baby, starting with this tight little ass…” My hand suddenly lands on your left butt cheek and I squeeze slow and firm. A little squeak escapes your lips as the playful pain from your ass surprises you.

The elevator dings once more and we enter the car together, both with big smiles on our faces. I press a button, and the doors close.
