The Date part 4 of 4 [MF]

Hi! I am new to this group as of about a week ago and I am posting some stories I’ve written recently for friends. If you want to see my previous stories, you can find them here:

[The Party and the Professor](

[The Nap](

[The Date Part 1](

[The Date Part 2](

[The Date Part 3](

[The Date Part 4](

I’d love to hear your opinions on any of my stories and I’d especially love to hear how they might have affected you…



**Part 4**

We stand silently in the elevator as the first-floor dings by. “What’s going to be in that room?” You wonder to yourself. “What’s waiting for me up there?” The thoughts of the bar are still swimming in your head, as is the taste of cum and wine in your mouth. You just won your battle, and from what I whispered in your ear, it had the desired effect. No more good girl tonight, you’re going to earn this punishment! You smile and shift slightly back and forth, anticipating whatever crazy thing was about to happen.

The elevator dings through six floors and the doors open and we leave the car, my hand at the small of your back. I lean down to whisper in your ear as we walk down the hall.

“Tell me your safe word before we get to the room please, I just want to make sure you remember it.”

“Umm, Ajax. Ajax!”

I smile. “Well alright then, let’s get started.”

We stop at a door. I swipe a key card and I hold open the door for you to enter first. The room is completely dark, except for a night light by the door. I close the door behind us. You hear the bolt click and the security chain get drawn.

I speak to you softly, but insistently. “Close your eyes baby.”

“Okay…” You comply and feel something made of soft fabric cover your eyes and fit to your head. “A sleep mask” you think to yourself.

You feel my warm hands slide up your back, slide over your shoulders and then encircle your neck and hold you firmly.

A quick chill of excitement goes down your spine as the sensation of standing in the dark, blindfolded and alone in a room with me for the first time hits you. I stand behind you and slowly put my large strong hands around your neck. A pang of animal fear gives you butterflies in your belly. A sudden strange thought of “he could break my neck if he wanted to…” jumps across your mind.

I linger, holding your neck for only a moment, and I unbutton the decorative choker you had worn tonight. In the darkness you head the clink of metal, and then feel a cool leather strap get wrapped around your neck and then a buckle fastening it at the back.

In your darkness you feel me move in front of you. You hear a click of some sort of fastener on what seems to be a metal ring on the front of your choker. You think you hear me turn on a light and then hear the sound of a light chain getting unrolled. You feel a gentle tugging from the chain attached to your choker.

“Walk this way,” I say softly. The silence of the room makes your excited breathing all the more noticeable to you. You step forward a few steps.

“Stop here.” My hands on your shoulders gently turn your body orientation. I reach around you and do something with your cuffs, and then you realize that I have removed the connecting chain between them, but the cuffs don’t get removed.

I move quickly behind you and I begin to unzip the back of your dress.

You feel me stand very close behind you, my hot breath on your neck.

“Stand still.” I say as my warm hands slowly guide the dress off your shoulders, then your back and down your stockinged legs. You feel a leather strap being wrapped and secured around your ankle. My hands glide to your other leg, and the other ankle cuff is attached.

My movements are so slow and methodical. Every time I touch you, your skin feels like it rises to m e e t me, wanting to be touched and stimulated. This slow movement, after what you’ve been feeling already tonight, is a tease. “Yes,” you think to yourself, “I’m being teased… “ Part of you expected to be thrown on the bed and fucked immediately. Some spankings, some dirty talk maybe. This is so much more… torturous!

Thoughts of wanting to move pop in your head. My hands slowly inch up your legs, glide over your ass and then onto your back. You feel me undo your clasp on your bra, and then I slowly, achingly slowly slide the straps off of your back, over your shoulders and down your arms.

You want to reach out and grab me. You want to stop the teasing and you want to be kissed and held with those hands. All this waiting… it’s so cruel!

“Oh no…” you suddenly realize, you’re being punished! All of this… slow down is a punishment for earlier in the bar. You decide it’s time to rebel again.

You reach one hand slowly across your belly, gliding towards your pussy. The other hand reaches out and around where you think I am, trying to grab me and allure me with touching yourself. “That should do it… “

You suddenly feel the light sting of something striking across your ass! You squeal out of surprise and freeze in place. Another quick slap of something, this time with more sound goes across both cheeks. The heat of the strike is immediately felt.

“Stand… still.” My voice is low and assertive, but not angry. “You need to take your punishment baby… you asked for it after all, didn’t you?”

You smile and put your tongue between your lips, not sure what you want to say back.

Another slapping sound, followed by delicious stinging comes from the back of your thighs. You feel what you think to be a bundle of thin leather straps get slowly dragged over your ass, your back and over your shoulder. As you smell the leather as the scent reaches your nose, I walk around in front of you.

“When you disobey, you get the leather”, I whisper to you.

You feel the straps drape over your breasts and excite your nipples as their rough edges glide across. You can smell the leather, you can feel the many little piece of strapping and each little edge leaves trail of excited sensation behind it.

“Now, I asked you a question. You asked me to punish you down in the bar when you sucked my cock in view of anyone who was watching, now didn’t you?”

“You smile again, “Yes, yes I did…”

“Then you need to take your medicine…”

You feel the straps being held against you as they slide down your belly and across the top of your pussy.

“Spread your legs”

You comply, moving your feet apart while standing in darkness.

The leather slaps the inside of your left thigh, shooting an exciting shock of pain through you. You feel it again, this time on the right thigh. You gasp as this one was a little sharper. Again, left and then right. You squeak a little with each strike.

Then you feel the straps hit you ever so lightly across the bottom of your exposed pussy, wrapping around and hitting a little on the bottom of your ass. Your butt and your pussy both clench in pleasure. You can feel that you are getting very wet again.

Again the straps hit your pussy, but this time a little harder. A light moan escapes your lips.

I laugh and walk around behind you. My head leans in and I whisper in a deep tone with almost a growl behind it. “Your quivering little pussy makes me rock hard for you, my little cock slut. Your little noises and the way you like the pain really make me just want to bend you over in front of this big full window and fuck you hard for all the world to see…

“Then do it baby, I WANT it… FUCK ME!” you growl back.

I pause and you feel me pull away from your ear. I grab both of your cuffed wrists and put them behind your back. I click something onto them and you can feel that they are attached close together. I put my hands on your hips and guide you a couple of steps.

“There is a chair a step in front of you. Straddle it and sit down.”

You move forward and find the chair and straddle the seat and sit down. It is some sort of padded wooden desk chair and you are sitting on it backwards with the chair back in front of you.

You feel me take the left ankle cuff and attach something to it. I then move and do the same to the other ankle. Both of your feet are flat on the floor and as you try to move them you can tell that they are secured to the chair in a way that you can’t move them any significant amount. I put my hands on your hips and guide you back a few inches as you feel the edge of your ass extend over the padded edge of the seat.

Then you feel a firm but gentle tugging at the ring on your choker and the attached chain bends you down so your chin is resting on the padded top of the chair.

You suddenly feel very exposed as your now bent back and hips with your legs spread like this feel like they are spreading your ass and pussy to anyone standing behind you. The feeling of bound exposure makes your lips quiver in anticipation of whatever is to come.

That is when you feel the back of your blindfold being undone.

“Close your eyes baby, it’s going to be a little bright”. You do so, and then the blindfold is lifted. “Go ahead and open them whenever you’re ready. “

You blink your eyes open and the first thing you see in front of you is the office desk they put in every hotel room. Then you notice the wide mirror on top of the desk. As you adjust you see the mirror is angled to see another two mirrors to your right. One of them show you a full side view and your restraint in the chair. The other one is a three-quarters view of you from behind. Your very exposed ass and pussy are easy for you to see.

You take a second to absorb the sight, you’ve never been in this kind of position before where you were so restrained that you couldn’t turn around, but then you are still able to see everything that was happening to you. “Nice mirrors baby, I haven’t seen this before…” You say.

I stand behind you, a wide grin on my face as I watch you take it all in. I am still fully dressed, but I have unbuttoned a few of my buttons on my shirt.

“You know, I am very happy I predicted correctly that you weren’t a very vanilla girl… Let’s continue.”

You feel, and now see, the bundle of straps dangle across your back, and slowly drag down to your hips. You hold your breath as you watch me pull back a give a swipe across your lower back, then another a little lower. I quickly move down, striking you on both sides your hips, and then across your ass. Each slap and sting send little jolts of pleasure through your body and you make little squeaks of happiness as each strike falls. You feel the heat raise on your skin and you see the area turn pink in the mirror. I raise the leather again to strike, you hold your breath and brace yourself… but I set it down beside your face on the table.

I reach into a black duffel bag on the table that you had not noticed before, and root around for a moment. I quickly pull something out and you quickly recognize it as a Hitachi style vibrator.

“MMmmm” you say out loud. “You decide to give me a reward now?”

You hear me chuckle to myself. “No baby, no reward until you earn it!”. A vibration sound fills the room as I click the Hitachi on. I reach a hand down and slide it softly across your pussy, pulling back a glistening finger. I pop it in my mouth and say “You’re pretty turned on, I need to be careful…”

“Careful of what?”

“Your pussy is mine tonight. You don’t get to come until I tell you that you can! You understand?”

You squirm a little against the restraints in protest. “Yes, I understand.”

“What was that, I can’t hear so well with all this buzzing back here.”

“Yes!” you blurt out, “ I understand, my pussy is yours and I can’t cum until you let me!”

“Goooood” I step up to you and place the vibrating head of the hitachi square on your pussy, careful to avoid the area around your clitoris.

The vibration feels good… really good. You push back against it yearning for more. Your eyes close as you get into the sensation and you try to move yourself to get your clit touched, but I hold it against you in a way that you can’t. You can feel an orgasm building though. It’s slow and it’s distant but it starts to build. Just a bit more… a bit more… “ and then the vibration is gone!

Your building orgasm interrupted, you glare into the mirrors at me in mock anger. I just smile back at you and shrug. With my right hand I smack you full handed on your right ass cheek, then your left. The shock of the spankings change your attention and you feel the haze of the orgasm buildup frustratingly fade.

You see me in the mirrors pull out a lighter and light a couple of tapered candles on the table beside me. “Mood lighting? The room is fully lit…”

The thought leaves your head as suddenly the vibration is back! Again, the head of the vibrator is placed on your pussy away from your clit. You feel the vibrations pulsing into you again and it feels so good, but it’s also frustrating as you want to fuck something, you want to rub your clit with something…

You hear how wet you are by the sound your wet pussy lips make against the vibrator head. “I love that sound, it’s so fucking sexy,” you think to yourself. You almost don’t hear the sound of a second vibration before you feel the head of a thin second vibrator power up and begin to press and encircle the edge of your asshole.

This new feeling… it sends shivers down you back and your legs and adds to growing orgasm in your belly. “Yes, here we go… this is good” and you hear yourself starting to moan and notice your hips gyrating unconsciously…

When I pull both vibrators away this time you let out a frustrated “Fuck!” from your lips. “Come on baby, I was getting so close. I want to cum!”

Your eyes suddenly pop wide open as the crazy sensation of burning liquid blazes a few tiny trails across your ass. Your breath catches in your throat and the switch from pure pleasure over to the stinging pleasure of pain knocks you out of your orgasm buildup again. “What the fuck was that?”

Another few hot drips blaze across your other ass cheek and then fade away. “It’s candle wax baby, never tried it?”

You laugh with a shake to your voice. Your body is being put through an emotional roller coaster. “No, I never have, it’s fucking intense!”

You exclaim again as more wax is dripped across your upper thigh. Your head feels a rush as the pain pushes adrenaline into your system, and a minute later when I press the vibrators against your sopping wet pussy and your asshole the feelings are all the more intense! Quickly you catch up again to where you were, the buildup happening so much faster. You are moaning and sweating, you want to desperately be penetrated… you want to rub your clit and release all of this but you just pull against the restraints with incredible frustration. Your hands behind your back reach for anything you might be able to grab but there is nothing and it drives you a little crazy.

When the vibrations stop this time your body feels like it’s being held over a cliff now, peering over, almost falling but being held back from oblivion… oh you want the oblivion… You’ve never ached for an orgasm before, but that’s what it is, you are aching to cum.

The sensation of a clamp being put on your very sensitive left nipple suddenly shocks you to what’s happening around you again. “OOhh, baby I love those… “ I clip the right one on and give a little tug on the chain connecting them together. You moan lightly as the sensation goes directly to your belly.

You look to see your face in the mirror, and your eyes look wild, almost like an animal fighting to escape. You’ve never seen yourself like this, and you find it sexy as hell. You never knew how much you’d like this, but now you know it’ll never be the same again once you knew you could feel this way…

I kneel on the floor to the left of you. “Ok baby, it’s confession time. It’s time to admit your sins as a little cock slut… “

You turn your head a little towards me and smile. “If you let me come, I’ll admit to anything you want!”

With my right hand I turn on the hitachi and hold it against you again, this time it seems to be set at a lower speed. Again, the sensation is intense and you feel the buildup to orgasm start it’s slow march again.

“Okay, when we were in the bar and you grabbed my cock even when I told you not to, what was going through your mind?”

You laugh, “You didn’t seem to mind it too much at the time!”

I chuckle and pull the vibrator away. “Noooo… “ you moan out to me. “Okay okay, I wanted to be a brat! You had me turned on and really wanted to suck your cock!”

I press the vibrator against you again, the good vibrations make you sigh audibly. Your resistance is waning as you are starting to tire, and you are beginning to feel more a slave to the feelings going on in your body.

“Good… but there was something else, wasn’t there? Why didn’t you just wait until we came to the room?”

You know exactly what I’m asking about, but you’re a little embarrassed to admit it. You decide to fib. “You know, it was a little dangerous… that’s sexy!”

I pull the vibrator away again and your eyes go wide from frustration. You try to press your ass back to m e e t my hand but you have so little movement available to you. “While that’s true, admit your sins my dear…”

You laugh in frustration; you know what it is I want to hear.

“Okay! Okay okay… There were a couple of guys at the bar giving me the eyes since we got there, and I was feeling so sexy… I wanted to give them a reason to remember me! That’s so fucking hot… making someone think of you and making them just have to jack off to you! That’s the truth, really! Please baby, I want to come so bad! I’m going to go crazy here!”

I smile and reach across to unchain your collar and then behind you to unlatch your wrist cuffs. I start the vibrator up again, but this time it’s on high and I rub it up and down the back of your pussy. The sensations ripple through your lips and your right hand quickly plunges down to rub your clit vigorously. Your moaning starts to build and you surprise yourself with the sounds coming out of your mouth as you get there, grunting and moaning like you never have. You get quickly get to the edge until your eyes close and your mouth clenches. I lean in and kiss your neck, my left hand reaching down to pull on the chain attached to your nipple clamps.

As you get ready to jump off your cliff, I press the vibrator more firmly against you and as I feel the shaking of your legs and hips begin, I unclamp your nipples. The extra sensation of b l o o d rushing to your senisitve beasts sends you over the edge and you yell out in pleasure as you shake violently all over, your legs straining against the legs cuffs as your face contorts and you momentarily lose touch with what’s happening around you.

Several moments later, as you are gliding back towards reality, you feel me unlatching your feet and pick you up from the chair in my arms and lay you down in the soft warmth of the bed sheets. “Holy shit…” you whisper to anyone in the universe who would hear it right then. You then feel me beside you as I wrap my arm around you and pull you close to me in a spoon position.

“How are you feeling baby?” I whisper to you in your ear.

“Good… fucking good” you smile. “I feel stoned right now”, you giggle.

“Wonderful, I couldn’t hope for anything better.”

You turn around into my chest and start unbuttoning my shirt the rest of the way and pulling it off my arms with something of an urgency. “What are you doing babe?”

You pull your face up to mine and kiss me passionately, then say with a smile “I want to fuck before I pass out! Take off your pants!”

We pull off my pants as quickly as we can and you climb on top of me, slowly grinding and riding my cock and kissing me until you became too tired. I laid you on your side and we tenderly finished together as I spoon you to climax. We fall asleep holding each other like that for a couple of hours.

We wake, then we run the hot-tub and spent time in there enjoying each other and then appetizers from room service. We happily retire to the bed again afterwards.

As we lay there, fading into sleep and talking about the evening. “Now, that was a great first date. Probably in my top five” you say smiling.

“Top five? Damn, I need to try harder next time.” We both laugh.

“Really though, tonight was kind of crazy. I never got so intense before. “

“Well, you know what they say… confession is good for the soul.” We laugh at the corny joke and talk ourselves into a long and happy slumber.
