How I broke $150worth of toys

So me and my friend with benefits get together and we like using toys like restraints with locks. So I’ve got her tied up and I do all the sexy things I want to do. Then I go to unlock her and I cannot find the fucking key. I always put it right back in a specific drawer right after I use it and it wasn’t there. I looked for it for about 20 min while she’s lying there locked up with cum on her. Finally I give up and go get my electrician tools and I end up using my plyers and wire cutters to hack her out of everything. I wasn’t even sure my tools would get through the metal so I was really worried. Like there was a chance I would have to call my dad or the fire department for help. Idk which would be less embarrassing. In the process I broke about $150 worth of sex toys. We had a good laugh about it afterwards but in the moment we were both panicking. I used to have a backup key but that fell down my sinks drain a while ago so I’ve always been very careful with the other key putting it back in that drawer. I have no idea what could of happened to it my room is relatively clean.


1 comment

  1. This made me laugh pretty hard, you went from kinky BDSM to the electrician popping in the deal with the sticky situation, sounds like something straight from pornhub actually.

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