Peaches and Oranges~ (non-fiction) (masturbation)

I don’t write often, but I was inspired from last nights.. sensual adventure. Please tell me if I should make more!

As I slowly lower my hand into the water, the peach shaped bath bomb begins to fiercely fizz, taking as much space as possible. The stem instantly disappears into a green foam and the soft orange color begins to envelop the water. As the soft sugary bomb quickly disintegrates, the pit is revealed and a new color emerges: pink. Glitter gushes through the ripples and presents itself with glory. This small pool welcomes me and my femininity with warmth. I slowly descend into the peachy smell, and allow all stress and worry to seep out of me. I close my eyes and breathe in the scent of womanhood; sweet and soft. Fruity. I allow my fingers to wander around my body, feeling the imperfections and embracing them with love. I graze the stubble on my legs and pubic bone, trace the stretches on my inner thighs, and slowly bring myself to the pit of the peach. Unfolding the wings of my peach, I gently press on the pit, savoring each nerve ending. A woman’s touch is delicate because she must be gentle with herself and her peach; it is a precious pearl that must be treated with only the most intricate of movements. Ah, the sweet spot. “Right there, keep going,” when a man hears that, they seem to interpret it as “faster, harder,” but that is not the case. I continue my gentle pace and pressure, making sure to focus on the pearl that calls to me. My face is now entirely submerged with just my nose poking out to breathe. I am submerged in the orange water, the peachy scent, the girlish glitter and my womanhood. It stays that way, builds up to a point of plateau, and then all is released. I bring my head up as I cannot help but gasp, and my peach convulses to the rhythm of my shallow breaths. After a few moments, I let out a sigh and submerge myself once more, just for an instant. I realize that a bath is for cleaning, and get to my business of washing my hair and scrubbing my body with the scent of oranges. A wonderful mix, peaches and oranges. Sweet, but with a little bit of tang. I am now clean, both body and soul. I leave the bath feeling refreshed, and filled with peaches and oranges.
