Da Fuck is an E-Boi? – Part Five (Gay, Fem, Trans, Gay4Pay)

They stood before an alter. A large man in black. His face partially covered by a black surgical mask, showing dark eyes and edges of a trimmed beard around a strong chin. He loomed over his counterpart in all white… A shorter, plumper figure. Wearing a heavily modified bridal outfit.

It was closer to bridal lingerie than a bridal dress. White lace fingerless gloves went up to their bicep. A soft white choker adorned their neck. They also wore a surgical mask, this one lacy and white as the rest of the outfit. Upon the brides head was a flowered veil, already pulled back to let the two gaze at each other unobstructed. Mostly, the bride had fringe of dark hair that covered one eye. The rest of the outfit got more extreme. This bride had thigh high white lace over platform heels. They went up to a garter that perfectly framed round hips, a plump ass, and a obvious package contained in white lacy panties.

A boybride, the best kind many would say. Their chest was mostly bare, the garter riding high and connecting to a small corset that wrapped around their stomach, but didn’t even try to cover a bare chest… and the lovely piercings that hung from a pair of small brown nipples. Which stood out from a pale creamy chest.

There was no officiator, but a voice was heard. It was… playful. A teasing voice stretching out the words in as lurid a way as possible. “Do you, big daddy Butcher, vow to take this cute boi bride as your’s? To have and to hold? To bend over, and spank? To lovingly deep dick every chance you get?”

The view focused on the man, his dark eyes focused on his bride. He nodded, and one gruff “Yes. I do. And I will soon.” The view panned to the bride, who let out a small moan. Their one eye seemed to be smiling. And to confirm the camera panned to their back. A small white puff was attached to their garter, just above a plump pale bottom. Which shook in obvious delight. A bunny boi bride, and a excited one…

“Do you, Jb the Bunny boi, take this man to be yours? To hold and love, to support and to care? To milk his shaft, drain his balls, and be eternally grateful every time he puts you in your place like the dirty little bitch boi you are?”

The e-boi’s voice caught in his throat for a moment, but he was nodding rapidly. One hand let go of a bouquet of rainbow colored flowers to move his hair out of the way, and both eyes focused on the groom. “I do! I do, I do, I do!!”

“You two are such a cute couple…” The voice had to say, and Jb looked away bashfully, but his ass kept shaking. “If any would object to these two sexy things hooking up for all eternity… speak now, or forever hole your fucking peace.”

The two had eyes only for eachother, and there was a heavy pause before the voice continued. When suddenly a loud bang was heard! The camera appeared on a set of doors that and a figure that stood before them. It was a woman with short blonde hair in a bob cut and a furious look on her elfin features. She wore a white dress of her own, the length of which seemed to almost be made of separate sheets of cloth, and it hung to her lithe frame and the mounds of two small but perky breasts. She pulled up the front of her dress with one hand and began to march forward.

The man looked confused, but the bride looked stricken. “Woah! Who’s this fine ass biddy coming up! She looking to steal yo man?!” The voice spoke, and Jb stomped one petulant foot in annoyance.

“You! Who do you think you are?!” The bride spoke with anger, and the blonde came to stand before them, forming a triangle.

She made a sweeping gesture with one hand while the other let go of her dress to be placed firmly on a hip. “I’m here to put a stop to this nonsense! You can’t marry him! You can’t even handle him!”

The bride, and multiple recorded voices, gasped in alarm! “W-what?! No.. is this because… because I have a cock?!” She gestured with her bouquet to the obvious bulge in her panties.

The intruder grimaced. “What? No!” She reached down to take a firm grip on the front most part of her skirt and with a hard yank she pulled it away! It came free leaving most of the skirt intact, but a clear view at the woman’s legs, the insides of her thighs. and there, sticking up stiffly from a pair of black panties, a semi hard cock! “I have one too! And its bigger…” She struck a pose, and wiggled her hips.

“Oh…” The bride said, giving the the bouncing member a narrow eyed glare. The Butcher let out a small groan, and Jb looked from him to the blonde. “Well… that doesn’t matter, because I’ve got this!” and the competitive bride turned with a growl to show off his plump e-boi bottom in all its glory! “And everyone knows Daddy Butcher is a total ass man!” He dropped the rainbow bouquet and reached back with both hands. His nails were painted black and gripped his pale cheeks to spread them wide. The white panties weren’t quite a thong, but with those cheeks spread they pulled up to shove nearly as much pale creamy skin!

The intruder took a step back as if struck. “You bitch… alright, its true. That is a hell of a dump truck ass… But I… have this! and she pointed one red painted finger nail at her mouth. “A cock sucking pair of lips that will drive him wild…! Come on Butcher! Don’t you wanna let me taste your… fat tasty meat!”

The big man in question, groaned, and one hand stroked his crotch. He growled, gripped, and let out a sound like a roar before yanking hard to pull his break away pants off! He stood there bottomless safe for black socks and dress shoes. The coat tails of his tux hung down over his bare ass, and his massive cock bounced with newfound freedom.

Both the bride and crasher let out twin sounds of lust and longing. “W-wait.. no!” Jb cut off his own yearning for his suitors shaft as the blonde crouched before it and wrapped both her hands around its length.

“Just watch! I’ll show you what a real bride can do for **her** man…” She sneered at the bride, began to stroke the mans cock, then leaned in and wrapped her lips around his shaft. They were painted red, and as she kissed and sucked at it, smears of color began to leave a trail. Butcher groaned, and his head rocked back. A stricken Jb watched in horror…

“Oh god.. its just so.. big, and… tasty!” The blonde pulled off long enough to say that, then pushed the shaft up and started to kiss and lick her way down it. She got to his balls, and outright stuck her face into them to nuzzle, kiss, and lick. She looked back, his fat sack covering half her face. “Look at these big things, full of yummy cum for a good bride… Don’t you wish you could taste’em? Hmmmm?” She laughed, and stuck out a tongue to lick then get nearly an entire testicle into her mouth. Butcher groaned again, and it was obvious he was enjoying it immensely.

“No! I won’t loose like this, you.. you cock sucking whore!” Jb spread his legs and pointed an angry finger at the trans giving the big mans balls a tongue bath.

“Ha! And proud of it bunny boi!” The home wrecker in question returned with glee. “Actually… I’m not a cock sucker, I’m a cock worshipper… Just watch and see…” And she started to work her way back up his cock.

Jb had had enough. “No… No! I’ll show you!! Butcher! Daddy… I’ll do anything for you.” And Butcher looked up, his eyes met the brides… and Jb reached up to one ear, and pulled his mask off.

Another loud recorded gasp was heard. The ‘officiating voice’ also made a return. “Daaaamn! Bunny boy cute as FUUUUUUUCK! Look at those lips, bet he’s THIRSTY!!”

Jb stood there looking nervous but determined. His mouth was bare for the first time, and soft plump lips were glossy with black lipstick. The butcher took a look, eyes wide, and groaned with lust. He reached down, put a hand on the blond, and casually pulled her away from his cock, opening the path for his bride. “Suuuuck. Nooooowwww.” His groaning voice resounded, trying to come off as some kind of monster that lived only to fuck.

“Yes daddy!” And Jb dropped down to crouch before that fat cock. The camera taking a moment to focus on his plump bottom as he squatted, the motion obviously familiar… He took the cock in both hands, stared at it longingly… then leaned in to plant a wet dark kiss to the head.

“Oh shit! He did it! Oh you know what this means! Ya’ll is man and boywife! Congrats yall! Now suck that fat cock bunny boy!” The announcer was never heard from again… No one cared, because Jb sucked the head of that fat cock into his soft mouth, eyes glazing over. The big man reached down to put fingers in the dark hair as red lipstick marks were joined, and in places completely over shadowed by dark inky smears of matrimonal love.

“Its not.. its not fair…” Said a small voice, and Jb pulled back with a wet pop, his lipstick already smearing around his mouth. He leaned over to look past Butchers muscular thighs, where the intruder was kneeling there, rubbing her eyes. “I just wanted to… to…” She sniffled hard.

“Wanna help me?” Jb said, and the blondes head snapped up. Butcher let out a curious grunt. “I mean… his cocks still fucking huge. I think I could share some as long as you’re not a bitch about it. I mean… you’re pretty hot…” And Jb’s eyebrows went up and down a few times in interest.

The blond just blinked, stared at him, then looked up to Butcher. The big man made a come hither gesture… that seemed directed from her to his cock. The blonde broke out in a shining smile. “Alright! Sure!”

And so both began to suck on his cock, working it from both sides, in a wet sloppy mess.

A pair of strong hands took both their heads and directed them. His hips moved some, at times using their lips like the sides of a pussy around his shaft. Then directed them both to the tip, and had them kiss and intermingle around the fat tip. The massive man groaned in complete lust and both knew what it would mean. Both of them got a hand on his shaft and stroked. It was obviously a practiced motion… but viewers would just have to suspend their disbelieve. As with a loud groan the big man began to cum hard.

Jb had a cheshire cat grin stretched wide as his Daddy’s cum shot across his face, into his hair, and some landed into his quickly opened mouth. The blonde gripped the cock and aimed it her way, second helpings since she wasn’t today’s bride. But the big man had plenty for her too, and her face got a even glisten with only a little into her hair. The two looked at each other, and then Butcher grabbed their heads again, to turn them to face each other. “Now… KISS!” He commanded, and the camera came in for a wet, sloppy, cum filled kiss between the two of them.


“So… a wedding scene?” Asked Frank as he sipped some coffee?

“Yeah!” Said Mia, Jackie sat next to her, his eyes sparkling in wonder. “I’ve got some friends I’ll ask. We’ll leave out a full attendance, we just need an alter. Or hell we can do most of it with green screen back ground graphics, I’ve seen some of your video’s.” The last was praise given to a blushing Jackie. “I don’t think we’ll need a priest.. but I have this friend of mine. She’s the best, and she’ll do a killer voice over for it instead! She’s a drag queen, and if you ever watch RuPaul… you might know her.” The trans pornstar winked at that and Jackie practically bounced in his seat.

“That sounds awesome! Oh my god… I’ve always wanted to do something big! I love to write scripts, and I can just do so much with this! And… And I can get a bridal outfit!”

Frank blinked at all of this. He had no idea what a RuPaul was, he barely understood the idea of doing things with green screen, and now they were talking about bridal? He looked at Jackie, the cute plump boy with his thick thighs, fat ass, and a ready smile for his buddy Frank. The big man found himself blushing a bit. “I uh… sounds fun.”

Jackie looked at Frank with a massive smile. That little bit of praise all the permission he needed to go crazy with this and know that the stud would back him up! “It will be! Oh… I can’t wait!”

“I’m thinking a interrupt scene.” Said Mia. “You know, a ‘speak now or forever hold your peace’ thing!” During the intonation the woman’s voice had taken on a somber sound in an attempt to sound like a priest in a stuffy cathedral. Jackie nodded so fast and hard Frank had to smile and share his joy.

As the two got into discussion lines of dialogue and outfits, Frank looked between them. So… he was going to fuck, the both of them? He felt a bit nervous. “I’m gonna get a drink.” He said, and the two nodded easily as he went to the kitchen.

Jackie watched him go and bit his lip. Mia noticed. “You ok? Um… are you sure you’re gonna be alright sharing him with me? I mean… just on stage. Of course.” The woman said the last and looked away. Jackie grinned.

“Yeah. It’ll be fine I think. He’s… just the best. You see it too right?” The blonde trans nodded. “You like him too already don’tcha?” The blonde’s eyes widened.

“What? I mean, well, he seems like a great catch. But he’s your guy.” Jackie blushed. He liked thinking of Frank as his man. His stud… Oh… his groom? Husband?! He pulled in a deep breath to roll it all back.

“He’s… great. But yeah I think it’ll just take some adjustment. And I don’t think we can just go into a performance. We should… practice some first.” Jackie gave Mia a look with that. Mia blinked, and gave a shallow nod. “Think you could… stay over tonight? You know I’ve got a really big bed.” Mia nodded to that too, she’d seen the bed in some of their video’s.

She had actually watched… all of their stuff before meeting Jackie in person for the first time. She’d worried that Jackie had played up just how sweet Frank was, but the boy was right, the man really was just a teddy bear. “Come on!” Jackie said to her in a hushed whisper. “Lets get ready and have some fun!” Now Mia was nodding faster, biting her lip and surprised by nervous and excited she was. She was a professional porn star! And being asked to hook up with couples wasn’t something that new… and she’d even done scenes with the idea, including straight couples. But something about these two, about how sweet Frank was, and how much he and Jackie obviously had a thing for each other. Maybe Mia could help move that along? She knew that if she could, she had to!

They got up and made it out of sight a moment before Frank came back from the kitchen. He blinked looking at their empty seats. He had thought he heard the bedroom door close, and sure enough… Both in the restroom? Or maybe Jackie wanted to show off his collection of sex toys. Frank chuckled at that and sat down. He didn’t mind. Honestly kind of happy to have a moment to keep thinking.

He had been spending more and more time with Jackie. He’d fucked the guy… damn, countless times. Always on camera though. Save a few pre scene blow jobs… Jackie always wore his mask on camera so it didn’t quite work. And damn those blow jobs were hot… having that cute emo boy wrap his lips around Franks cock… take his time to lick and kiss his balls… He’d never had any woman give a blowjob like Jackie. They were supposed to be fluffing scenes, to get him ready. But more than once he’d blown his load. Jackie… never got mad.

One time he’d blown right into Jackie’s mouth, the e-boi hadn’t even blinked. Sucked, swallowed, licked Frank clean… then sucked him back to life. He said after that his jaw was a bit sore, but he gave the big man a grin, laughing as Frank apologized for all the extra work! He never minded helping out… God, that had been a good scene, one of their longest. Frank had fucked him in nearly a dozen different positions before he’d cum, and Jackie had made a mess… twice! Before Frank finished!

Jackie had just said it was awesome because he’d finally gotten to do a scene where he could use all the dialogue he wrote for it! But Frank had wondered if he’d enjoyed it more than just that.

Thinking back to it all, the big man started to get hard. Very hard. He swallowed and tried to think of something else. They had company, he couldn’t have a massive boner now. He just started to get it under control when the door opened up, and Mia stuck her head out it. Just her head… “Hey, there you are Frankie! Hey hun can you come in here and take a look at something for us?” Frank blinked, but hopped up.

“Sure!” he said, moving over. Mia… closed the door in his face. He frowned, but gripped, twisted, and pulled it open. And there were two bent over asses in front of him. The plump bubble and thick thighs of Jackie. He was wearing a blue thong that didn’t come close to hiding his balls, and a set of blue stockings.

Mia’s hips were skinnier, and her her ass was a bit smaller. But it was a cute bubble butt, that she shook eagerly. She was in a set of white panties, and he could just barely see a bulge there… Both of them got up on their knees from shaking their backsides and looked at him over their shoulders. “Like the view big boy?” Asked Mia, and Frank swallowed hard.

“Y-yeah… um. Woah. Should I uh, get my phone or something?” He was blushing, and hard as diamonds. Jackie shook his head.

“No… we’re not recording, were uh.. practicing.” The boy blushed, and Mia gave him a sideways glance, smirking. “So you can get comfy with Mia before we do a big scene!” And the e-boi reached down to grip Mia’s ass and give it a squeeze! Mia followed suit and the two had crossed grips on each other’s juicy cheeks.

“Damn..” Frank said, and nodded. A small part asked if it was weird to just hook up with these two. Off camera… just, people being intimate. That part wasn’t strangled, more like it evaporated as he stepped closer and started to undo his pants.

“Uh uh! We’ll do that…” Mia said, and the two turned to face him and sit on the edge of the bed. “I love how big you are… I can sit here comfy and pull out your little friend!” She giggled as she undid his pants with expert hands.

Jackie snorted. “Oh, I’d use anything but Little to describe any part of my Frank.” The big man heated up at the possessive words. Jackie seemed to realize what he said and looked up to Frank with a open expression, Frank just grinned, and it put the e-boi at ease. Yeah… his Frank.

“Well I hope so! I mean, I saw him on screen…” The trans star pulled the mans pants down, his boxers, and- “Woah… And he’s ready to go…” The fat length of Franks full appendage came into view quickly, then bounced up so fast he almost smacked the pornstar in the nose! She ducked back and laughed, and Jackie reached out to grip the hulks cock with a ready hand.

“See? You underestimated him… so… How bout you pucker up and apologize for your bad manners Miss Mia!” Mia looked at the woman, to the bouncing cock, and then to Frank with a mischievous smile.

“You’re so right. I’m sorry Frank, you’re not small in the least…” Then she leaned in, puckered up, and kissed the tip of his cock. Frank shuddered, and let out a groan.

“Fuck…” he groaned, and the professional opened her mouth, and enveloped the head of his cock. Her tongue swirled around the tip as she looked up and made eye contact with him.

“Oh, wow. That’s hot… God I hope I look that hot sucking a cock…” Said the E-boi watching.

Frank thought about making a joke about the boy, and just how ‘straight’ he was. But that would just bring up thoughts of his own orientation. And who cared? Instead, he grinned and decided to turn up the heat. “I bet you’d look even hotter licking my balls.” Jackie’s eye’s went wide, then the boys plump lips went wide in a smile.

“Frank!” He laughed, bit his lip, then nodded. “You tell me daddy.” And the boy dived under Franks shaft as Mia started to take more into her mouth. As the trans stroked his shaft, Jackie started to nuzzle and lick his balls. The big man moaned out loud.

“Oh… FUCK! You two.. too fucking sexy.” He took a step back, and Mia started to pull back. She figured the big man was overstimulated, and probably on the verge of blowing up. Jackie knew that was exactly what was going to happen, and pulled back to put a hand on the back of Mia’s head.

“Uh uh! Keep going! He’s gonna blow!” Frank was gritting his teeth, and Mia was surprised that Jackie wanted to get the big man off so quick! But she didn’t resist, instead she focused her gaze, and showed Jackie and Frank how a starlet sucked cock!

“HNNNNG!” Frank gasped out a moan and the blondes hair swung back and forth as she took his cock into her mouth again and again. Her small hands slid up and down his shaft, and the man just couldn’t resist. Frank groaned out, grit his teeth, and his balls tightened up as he came hard. She started to pull back, and her eyes went wide as the first thick gout of it filled her mouth!

“Ah!” She shouted as she pulled back, and tried to swallow, but there was more! She pulled his cock down, the next two spurts hitting her chest, and letting out a laugh as thick cum splattered across her white bra and tits. Then Jackie was there. He was a little rough, but he slid her hand off, gripped the big mans cock, and swung it towards his own face, mouth open. A thick spurt of jizm shot out, half of it hitting his face, the rest going directly into the e-boi’s mouth. Followed by Jackie latching his soft lips onto his man’s cock and sucking for all he was worth, a loud “MMMmmmmmm….” coming from the boy.

Mia watched in some amount of amazement and horny glee. She had her hands on her chest, rubbing at the cum there. “Fuck thats hot…” Reaching back she unclasped her bra and let it fall. Frank looked over, and groaned again. “Uh huhhh…” He groaned in agreement, but mostly at the sight of the pretty blonde girl rubbing his jizz into her tits. She grinned at him nastily, then pulled a Jackie. She dove into start licking at his balls.

Frank twitched, and swallowed hard. His body jerked, and his fat cock was FORCED back to life. “F-f-f-fuuuuckkk… ya-ya-yesss!” his voice rose in pitch as he tried to say the second word. His cock was so sensitive from the first orgasm, and it was relentlessly stimulated by these two!

But it worked… and like a pair of witches doing dark magic, they resurrected his cock. He saw Mia’s hand moving and looked down. She had dropped to crouch as she licked his balls, and he saw the girl had her panties shoved down, and a small white and pink penis was hard in her hand. “Fuck… almost forgot that was there…” Both cocksuckers shared a glance at that, and Jackie pulled off with a wet Pop!

“Oh yeah? Did you forget about mine baby?” He grunted, but was grinning.

“Sometimes I do… But I don’t mind when its around.” He smiled at the boy stroking his cock, and Jackie cheeks grew a bit rosy at his words. With a grunt Mia stood up, her cock several inches below where Frank’s much longer legs placed him.

“Well lets do some comparisons!” She pulled at Jackies arm, and the e-boi laughed as he stood too. Frank, not waiting to be prompted grunted and widened his stance, bending his knees. His long fat cock was between the two of them. Jackie pulled his thong down enough for his own hard cock to pop out.

“Hey!” he said, “I think I’m the smallest here!” Mia giggled, covering her mouth. “That’s not fair… aren’t you on hormone treatments?” He asked the porn star who gave a small shrug.

“On and off. I’ve taken a break, or else I couldn’t even get hard… sorry boo.” Jackie rolled his eyes.

“Your’s is the cutest too.” Rumbled Frank, saying it out loud before he could think about it too hard. Jackie looked at him with wide eyes, and reddening cheeks. Mia looked between the two of them and bit her lip. They were so cute!

“You really think so?” Jackie asked, the bulky man swallowed, and nodded confidently. Jackie almost melted there on the spot. The two of them really were just staring at each other and Mia wanted to tell them to just kiss already… but with her hear that might be awkward. She decided to try something else.

“Frank, can you lay down? I wanna try something…” They snapped out of it, and looked at her, he gave an affirmative and laid down. “Ok! Jackie get on the bed too, like this!” She climbed up and straddled Frank, sitting just below his cock. “Ok… Now sit on the other side…” Frank blinked not sure what she was going for, Jackie got a shy but excited smile on his face, he knew. The E-boi straddled his stud, and moved closer.

Frank felt something strange, then a warmth on his cock. The two of them moved a bit, and Jackie ended up stradeling Mia slightly… and then all three had their cocks rubbing together in a three way frottage. “Woah… Is that what I think it is?” he was breathing fast and Jackie looked back, and grinned.

“Do you think its two cute girls with cocks rubbing them against your big manly meat? Then maybe…” he was blushing as he said it, and Frank grinned. Girls? He looked at Jackie from behind, and couldn’t see the pale boy’s red face. “Hell yeah…” The big man breathed out the very emphatic response and reached down to grip Jackie’s hips.

Mia was giving Jackie a funny look, smiling, but also trying to be reassuring. “I think you’re a very sexy ‘girl’ Jackie.” The boy blushed more and reached down to carefully get his hands around all three cocks. He didn’t want to get into a big gender discussion. He just felt… good. Frank was attracted to him, even the boy parts. With no coordination both ‘girls’ started to bounce and grind.

They spent a while just doing that, riding against that cock. getting more and more turned on… And Frank wanted more… “Fuck… Ok… That’s enough. I want that ass.” Jackie looked back at him with a grin.

“Oh yeah? You want it daddy? Want it on this fat cock?” But was surprised when the stud shook his head. “Huh?”

Frank grabbed the girly boi’s hips, and manhandled him back. “I want it right here!” He pulled the boy back, feeling Jackie’s soft balls rub against his chest as he pulled his ass closer. He yanked the thong to the side, and burried his face between those cheeks.

“AAaaahnnn! Oh gawd!” The boy cried out, and moan. “Yes.. YES! Daddy eat it! Oh fuck… eat my boi pussssssyyyy!!!” Mia watched it happen with a look of amazement, and maybe a little bit of jealousy. She decided to get in there… She wanted to ride Franks cock, but watching Jackie… She moved forward, sitting on Franks pelvis and dropping down, then wrapping her lips around the E-boi’s hard cock. The sound Jackie made was loud and high pitched. Frank could feel Mia moving and connected the dots. He pulled his mouth away from the slick hole.

“Suck it Mia! Suck my girly boi’s cute little cock!” This got an even louder moan from Jackie, who couldn’t believe Frank had said it! Had claimed him…

“OH GOD! OH GOD! OH GAWWWWDDDDD!” Frank actually felt it when Jackie came, that cute ass tightened up against his tongue! He grinned, and forced the tip of his tongue into the boy’s ass, and Jackie’s eyes rolled up as he emptied a load of his cum into another person for… the first time in a long time.

Jackie was gasping, and Mia pulled back, wiping her mouth off and smirking up at the E-boi. “Almost as tasty as Frank’s…” She winked at the boy, and he just smiled at her panting.

Frank gripped Jackie and helped the boy off from his face. Jackie moved, and quickly got into position against Frank, shaking a bit as he cuddled up against the big man. “That… was so good… Oh my god…” Frank just hugged him close. The smaller boy, who was slowly embracing his identity as a female looked at the stud… Then, unable to resist, he leaned up, puckering his lips.

There was just a moment, where he closed his eyes, and felt a pang of fear. Worry… would he be denied? Would Frank turn him down? Maybe just kiss his cheek, or forehead, or nothing at all? Oh god he just put the big lug on the spot, he wasn’t into boys like Jackie, let alone girl’s like Jackie, he was going to- Frank kissed him.

Soft lips pressed against Jackie’s and the femboi moaned in absolute bliss. The kiss broke, and they stared at each other. “Oh my god….” Said Mia, and both looked at him. “That was so sweet…” She blonde bit her lip, and reached up to wipe at her eye. Frank blushed, Jackie beamed like the sun.

“Oh!” Said Jackie, and Frank looked back. “You should ride him! Its SO fun!” Mia blushed, and lifted up onto her knees to look back. Past her pantie clad cock, there it was, Franks hard cock, like a proud flag pole.

She looked at it, and bit her lip. Then to Jackie. “Are you sure hunny?” She wasn’t asking Frank, she was asking Franks girlfriend. This went right over the big mans head. Jackie looked back and forth from the two, then nodded.

“I want you too. Really.” Jackie gave her a heart felt smile, and Mia returned it.

“Aw… you’re so sweeet… Ok!” She rose back up onto her knees and looked at his cock again. “My god it is big… Mmmm… Ok.” She moved back, gathered saliva and spit on his cock head, then stroked it some. Frank let out a grunt, but let her work. Jackie moved away from him, sitting on the bed and watching it all with glee. She got it wet, while her other hand pulled her panties down and off, kicking them away to let her pink cock and tight little sack some into view. Her cock was a bit longer than Jackie, but hormones had shrunk her balls to half the size of the E-boi’s. Mia got the tip of his cock to her entranced. Her mouth was open as she took in deep breathes.. “Ok… here goes!” She felt his cock, hard as rock spread her ass. “Ooooh… wow…” Her eyes glazed over, and Frank grunted and reached up to grip her hips.

She smiled then, a wide slightly goofy thing. She’d been with professional pornstars, and Frank could give any of them a run for their money. Her hole spread, and she sunk down onto it. The big man grunted out a “Tight… Hnnng…” And Jackie grinned at him and squeezed his bicep. She went down most of the way, then rose back up. And then, the depth set for now, Frank grabbed the petite transgirl and started to lift and lower her up and down on his shaft.

Mia’s eyes widened, and she started to moan. “Oh, oh.. oh… Ohhh!” And then he used his hips some, thrusting up to go deeper. “Ahn!” She moaned out and her cock started to bounce, her perky tits, a nice B-cup, started to jiggle. They sped up together, her lust driving her to take more and more, and the muscled man giving it to her.

“Wow…” Jackie said, watching her bounce up and down on the femboy’s usual play toy. “God, does my ass look that good?” She turned to look at Frank. The big man was grunting, his teeth bared. But his lips curled into a smile for her.

“Better…” he said, and the girly twink smacked his arm.

“Well show her how hard you can go baby! Fuck that slut!” Mia’s eyes widened a bit, and Jackie hoped up. He moved behind her, and lifted her arms up to help her. She raised them all the way up and femboy gripped her hands and she effectively dangled above Franks lap. He grinned, bent his knees to get his feet on the bed, then started to thrust his hips up.

“Oh!” She couldn’t say much more than that as she bounced up and down on his cock over and over. Her eyes rolled back, and she let out wordless moans as her tight ass was impaled again and again. “oh god! Oh god! OH fuckkkk meeeee!” Finally she couldn’t help it, she managed to ask Jackie to let go, and she dropped down, on all fours and bouncing her ass up and down on his cock. Jackie instead, started to smack her ass.

She moaned out, and found herself face to face with the big lug. “Its… so… goood… Oh godd… oh goddddd..” she wanted to lean down, it just seemed right. But she thought about watching that sweet moment he and Jackie had just shared… and she resisted. Then Jackie shoved her down. “Kiss him you slut!” Both their eyes widened and her mouth was shoved against Franks.

He gave in and wrapped his strong arms around her. His hips kept working, pushing most of his length up into her again and again. It was too much for the pent up porn star. She hadn’t been with anyone sexually in months! Not since that terrible experience that made her take a break from the biz. And now, being held by this man, kissed by him… while her sexy new friend encouraged her. “MMMMMMmmmmmm….” She moaned against him, and half way through it she came hands free against his stomach. There wasn’t a lot of cum, and it was pretty thin. But it felt absolutely amazing.

Her eyes rolled back, then closed in bliss. His tongue mingled with hers, then he pulled back, and she just panted. “Oh god. oh god… cum in me.. please cum in me… Oh godddd…” She begged him, she wanted to know he felt good in her, that he wanted her… Frank acquiesced. He grunted, squeezed her so tight she couldn’t breath for a moment, and his head slammed back into the bed, once, twice… three times and she felt the heat of his seed filling her well fucked hole. Her mouth stretched into a wide smile. She’d done it… and it felt so… damn… good.

“oh… fuck that was hot… God I almost wish I had recorded it…” Frank smiled up at Jackie standing over the two of them. “Maybe round three.” He growled. “After I get a drink.” Jackie beamed at him, dropped to his knees to give him a quick kiss, then hopped off the bed. “I’ll be right back! You just enjoy those big cuddly arms a bit longer Mia! Told you he was the best…”

Mia looked up at the stud, he grinned at her, then bent down and kissed her forehead. She just let out a small sigh. Not a sad sound, but content. Shortly later she pulled off his cock, cum leaking out over his shaft, between her thighs… most of it staying deep inside her. The transgirl felt so warm inside… She moved into position next to the stud and cuddled till Jackie came back with drinks, and served them up to the other two before getting comfy in bed as well.

Frank looked down. His life really took a turn… A girl on his left, a boy on his right? Two boys? No. Two girls? Eh, who gave a fuck.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kw2so4/da_fuck_is_an_eboi_part_five_gay_fem_trans_gay4pay

1 comment

  1. I did NOT think this would fit on one post! Nice… I had to be pretty close to the line though. Whatever!

    I’m so sorry for the long delay on this chapter. The last one was so short just to make sure it was build up for this one! Then it took nearly a month to get it out! I’ve been distracted by my Archive page, and also… I’m making a Subscribe Star page! Because I spend a lot of time on these stories, people seem to like them, and I thought maybe I could make a little money off of it.

    Anyway. I had to post this one for free of course, too many people have been waiting for it! And I hope it was a good pay off.

    I’m honestly not sure if I’ll keep writing with these characters, I think I stopped at a great point for them. Great sex, great friends, great lovers. What more can you ask for?

    I will endeavor to make more stories featuring fembois though! I usually lean towards milf’s but girl’s like [r/QueerBunnyBoi](https://www.reddit.com/user/QueerBunnyBoi) Always get me going…

    Comments and Criticism are always welcome and I truly hope everyone enjoyed this.

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