Fantasy about fucking your throat

Anyways, I do fantasize about laying you down on my bed. Head down on the side and rubbing the tip of my cock against your lips.

I do like the look in your eyes, a bit scared of me. I might take to long to pull out and let you breathe. Most of the time I’m cautious about it. But other times, rarely, something is taking control. I just ragingly fuck your throat to soreness. Not letting you breath until you’re eyes are rolling.

This time, it might be it, I can feel your resentment as I push against your lips. You hesitate. You lips are a bit pinched and I can feel it.

I grab your boobs and push. Slowly, without stopping until your mouth is full.

* Noise of suction.

I then back out and in again to lubricate the entire shaft. I start to moan as I properly fuck your mouth.

I think about your body, think about fucking every part of it. Between your boobs, your pussy and your ass. In my head I’m fucking your ass…

I let my head wonder about your curves , shaping them as I go, redrawing them until… you start to look like your sister?

Yeah… bigger boobs, shorter hair, smaller hips. That’s the shit. I am fucking your sister’s ass like a bull. She is pulling me whit one hand to fuck her deeper. It’s weird I see her mouth open… but no scream. Just the silence.

Snapping back to reality your hand is on my hips pushing me back to let you breath. The surprise urge my cock to cum 4 thick strings of hot cum down your throat. I see on your neck a pulsing bulge as your hand losses grip. You’re passing out!

I pull out in a explosion of cum caused by your coughs. As you regain conscience, I realize your other was on your pussy the whole time… it’s so fucking drenched. I can see the light reflect on your entire hand.

I came. You tell me.
