My Daughter [F]19 and I [F]46 have an escalating photobombing zoomdate war going on.

As I’ve mentioned, it’s my daughter [F19] and I [F46] living together in lockdown. I’m divorced and was looking forward to getting out there and dating this year, but obviously, that hasn’t happened the way I had hoped. But recently I’ve started to meet people online and have been having some zoom dates.

She has a tendency to walk around in just undies and a t-shirt most of the time, or even less if she’s just out of a shower, and I’ve had to have talks with her to express the importance that she doesn’t do that while I’m on my work video meetings during the day. My computer is in the main living area and has a view of the open space and hall where she’d walk from her room to the bathroom or kitchen and the last thing I need is her strutting around with her booty out or more while I’ve got my boss on video call haha.

Anyway, we hadn’t had any mishaps until a week or so ago when I was having a first video date with a gentleman I had been talking to. We were having a nice chat, it was around 9 or 10 at night, we’d been talking for about an hour. I had told my daughter I was having a video date and asked if she could stay out of the main area but I guess we were going longer than she wanted to be cooped up in her room.

As I’m talking to this guy I see his eyes kind of flair a bit in surprise and I see my daughter in my own camera view, she slips from her room to the bathroom across the hall. It’s only a hallway but there was definitely her butt on display as she walked across the hall in a hoodie and panties.

He was a bit flustered and embarrassed and so was I and I apologized and knew she’d have to walk across again so I turned off my camera. I turned it back on when she’d gotten back into her room and we finished up our date and I went and gave her a talking to ha.

She argued it’s where she lives and it sucks to have the whole little apartment in view of the camera, she can’t get anywhere. Which I understand, but told her to message me or something before she came out next time so I could turn off my camera. I said I told her not to strut around half-naked when I’m on a call and she said “you said not to do that on *work calls*” a little snarkily.

So I said, “well how would you like it if I walked around half-naked while you’re on a video date!” and that’s where all this trouble began haha. She said I would just be embarrassing myself, not her. So game on girl.

The next time she was on a video call with a guy she liked, mom showed up in a tshirt and panties asking her to remember to take out the trash! She looked quite shocked that I had followed through with it. And things have been escalating from there. No nudity but we keep photobombing each other on date calls wearing more and more revealing clothes. The last time she conveniently had a shower while I was on call and she walked out in a towel that was very barely covering anything.

The guys I’ve been chatting with have been getting quite a show lol. I don’t know if they really want to keep chatting with me or are just hoping to get another glimpse of my daughter. She did let me know one of the guys she was talking to asked her how her “hot mom” was doing after I had dropped in on them haha.



  1. I’m really enjoying this escalation between the two of you… am I wrong in thinking there might be some underlying sexual tension there?

  2. I’ve been really enjoying these stories, would it be possible to see a photo of both you and your daughter? Not necessarily revealing but just to define the picture in my head as I read along as it’s so hot.

  3. Sounds like some good clean fun (no pun intended)! ??

    Actually, it’d great that you and your daughter can have that type of fun together. It’s something that you’ll look back at later in life and laugh at!

  4. I remember you encouraging your daughter to get topless at the beach. So I kinda hope that it won’t take long for her to make the final step and drop that towel. Would you declare her the winner of your little competition or would you follow along and do the same? Or would you even dare to be the first to go naked, forcing her to make a move?

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