Fucking my Stalker [FM]

Here’s another story from my catalog of awkward sexual experiences. Everyone is 18+.

I used to go to college with this girl, Sadie. For some reason she was *really* into me and even stalked me for a little while. I’ve never had a girl fawn over me before and especially not like this. I can’t lie, part of me felt like it was a nice change to feel chased as opposed to being the one on the hunt, but nothing went how either of us had planned.

Sadie was very short and petite, come to think of it, she may have been the smallest girl I’ve ever hooked up with. She had medium length, wavy blonde hair that she usually kept it up in a ponytail or bun and she touted big blue eyes with reasonable ass and tits for her body size.

I definitely found Sadie attractive, but I somehow had just talked my way into a date with Jen, who was super hot, funny and well out of my league. Our date had got me really nervous and I didn’t want to do anything that might mess up my chances with her.

I let Sadie down gently, privately, in person and with all the best intentions for her, but she very matter of factly told me she “wasn’t giving up on me.” She lived just the floor down from me and it soon became impossible to not run into her. First it was while I was doing laundry, she’d happen to be doing it too and then would come up to me and say hi. Then I’d notice her while I was at the cafeteria and then again at the gym. Our college had almost fifteen thousand undergrad students, there’s no way I kept seeing her by accident, but I didn’t say anything to her about it. Well, not until it escalated to finding her waiting right in my dorm room. After that, I became hyper aware of her whereabouts and even had my roommate (who thought I was overreacting, but still obliged me) to text me if he happened to see her.

Speaking of my roommate, he thought I was nuts to not sleep with Sadie despite my date with Jen, or how crazy I thought she was, “why not,” he said, “her pussy’s still pink.” It wasn’t the most eloquently said, but it did plant seeds of doubt in my head.

If I confronted her, she always had a different excuse for why she was in my area and it usually was a lie, like once she told my roommate she had plans to meet me in my room and despite all my stories about her I’ve told, he believed her. She didn’t do anything harmful, but I started getting more blunt and direct about my feelings towards her and how not cool this was.

That’s around the time when she would start getting more hostile with me. She got mad when I purposely avoided her by deviating from my normal routine. She was so delusional she would actually blame me for “keeping her waiting,” when we didn’t have plans. One time she showed up at a party I was at and after a little while of avoiding each other I tried to say hi and ease the awkwardness. She instead ignored me completely for about twenty minutes before unleashing hell on me out of nowhere. She started to accuse me of sleeping with any girl she saw me simply talking with, which sadly, I hadn’t slept with anyone in a long time. I started getting really angry with her and we went outside where I tried to explain how none of it was any of her business.

I thought I was doing the right thing. I had been warned repeatedly “don’t stick your dick in crazy,” so I wasn’t. My first date with Jen had gone pretty well, ending the night with a kiss, taking it slow, but plans for a 2nd date. Jen was all I wanted to be focused on right then and even though we weren’t exclusive or anything, I wanted to show her I was serious about her.

I didn’t know it at the time, but I never would get that 2nd date with Jen. I think she just lost interest in me, but not before stringing me along for a while. The more distant she became and the amount of time my dick’s been dry made Sadie looked better to me by the minute.

Just before I officially waived the white flag for my hopes with Jen I came back to my room from class one day and Sadie was there, alone, and watching TV. This time, I felt different when I saw her, like her chaotic nature is now an expected part of my life. I felt like I was no longer fighting the current and slowly drifting to the conclusion that I was crazy one to turn her away. What was I thinking? My heart started to beat faster. This time I didn’t say anything to her at all. I stood in place, staring at the show she had on and casually undid my belt, sliding my jeans to the ground and stepping out of them. Removing my shirt I could see her watching me curiously. Only covered by my boxers now I climbed into bed next to her.

As she watched my pale chest and legs swing over her body to get into bed next to her, I studied look of shock and excitement on her face that gave me that warm fuzzy feeling again. Maybe I had been thinking about this all wrong and this could work between us, maybe my expectations were set far too high. She kept asking obvious questions, like “do you know what are you doing?” Or “are you drunk?” Followed by giggling or some awkward staring and smiling while I didn’t say much back.

We’re both in my bed and I’ve pulled up the covers to our waistline while I’m mindlessly staring at the TV, trying to figure out how I’m going to initiate this when she asked bluntly, “do you have a condom?”

I did, but as it turns out, I grossly overestimated the amount of sex I’d be having in college and the huge box of assorted condoms I purchased back in high school have now expired. She surprised me because without missing a beat she said, “well, just be careful, ok? I’m not on anything.”


We start kissing and I’m eagerly helping her remove her pants, shirt and bra tossing them on the floor one by one, and leaving her with only a blue thong on, that’s a few shades lighter than her eyes. She had a thigh gap that was driving me wild. I sat up and she straddled me, face to face, and we started making out.

As our tongues collided and recoiled into and out of each other’s mouths, our hands feverishly explored the other, being fueled by raw lust. Pulling my lips from hers, I grabbed her by the hair and softly angled her head to the side. I began to nibble and suck on her neck while she allowed soft gasps of pleasure to escape directly into my ear and caused me to shiver at times.

I moved down her neck, kissing and biting my way over her collarbone and started on her tits, sucking as much of them into my mouth as I could fit, keeping my tongue swirling around and occasionally over her nipple, just light enough to keep it teased up and giving her goosebumps. She grabbed tighter onto my hair and pressed my head into her chest causing me to strain to open my mouth wider. She was now grinding her waist harder onto my stiffness and I could feel my precum leaking, being smeared along the inside my boxers. The warmth eminating from behind her underwear was almost overkill, my hardness was off the charts, feeling more ready to go than I’ve ever been.

I knew I left a couple hickies on her chest as my desire to enter her body began to bring out some primal force in me. I kept reminding myself to take it slow while I removed her thong. I grabbed her ass when I kissed and then laid her on her back while my hands soon found her breasts again, before sliding down her stomach and over her waist, stopping to rest my palm on her clit. I began testing the waters, dipping a tiny bit of my longest finger inside her, slipping in easily thanks to her sopping juices. She pulled my pillow to her face and bit down to keep the noise of her following moans down. It was hot, but they almost sounded fake. Real or not, they became the bar I measured my performance with.

She was literally dripping wet by now, to the point there was an audible squelch when I slipped a second finger inside of her. Her moans became quite a bit louder when she decided muffling herself with the pillow was no longer necessary. Her groans sounded hungry and desperate for release now. Her hips started gyrating fast against my hand so I leaned into her and went faster as well. I could hear a hint of pain in her moans as I quickly and methodically rubbed the rough patch inside her until my fingers began to prune. Then her hips started to really ride my fingers, slamming her clit into my palm with each trust. I felt her pussy clench my fingers tightly just before a small flood surrounded them.

I couldn’t wait any longer and I needed to be inside of her, right now. I climbed to my knees and grabbing her by her waist I dragged her closer to me, “go slow, it’s been a little while,” she said.

Using the head of my cock to tease her opening and her clit more, I spread the natural lube all over her. Then, I stopped when the head had slipped under her lips, spreading them just enough that they draped over the tip perfectly in line with her entry. I took each of her legs in one of my arms, propped them up and pushed into her slightly, feeling the tip start to breach her was instant bliss. It was soon obvious how tight her pussy was.

As overbearing and annoying as I thought she can be, entering her felt worth every bit of her crazy. She and I both took a small pause for a breath before I sunk a little deeper into her, feeling her rough ridged walls applying enough pressure to make my very average sized dick feel like I was a monster widening her up. My shaft became coated in a thin layer of her lubricant as I carefully inched myself inside her more. Just as her lips had swallowed the last of my cock and my pelvis was kissed against them I recognized these were dangerous waters my dick was swimming in and I had to go slow to last.

I slid my dick back a little bit to find a thrusting rhythm when her pussy clenched around it unexpectedly, pushing me even closer to my limits. My next thrust came and again I felt her contract around my member sending the tingly rush of numbing and lightheadedness to stampede through me, tearing through all my resistance. In the quickest chain of events, my cock begins flexing and spasming against my will, exploding huge spurts of the white, sticky warm stuff inside her while my major muscle groups had tensed up beyond belief.

I was *so* embarrassed. I didn’t want to be labeled as a “2 pump chump” or to hear rumors of how shitty I was in bed. At the time I had no idea if girls could feel when a guy cums inside them so I desperately tried to pretend like I didn’t just have the hardest orgasm in recent memory. I slowly dragged my still cum spewing cock backwards again in hopes that very slow, romantic strokes will get me back to hard, but in my brain I already knew she just took everything I had to offer. I was starting to deflate. A few more slow pushes of my limp rope confirmed I wasn’t going to pull of this deception.


I could feel my ears and face burn hot with shame and I couldn’t look her in the eye, “I’m so… I’m sorry, I’m, wow, can I buy you something?”

She barely had her clothes back on before storming out of my room. She barely ever acknowledged me from that point on, because as she said, “she couldn’t trust me.” Luckily, nothing but bruised egos came out in the end (STD test and all,) but her pussy was so good I was actually felt sad knowing she’d never want to fuck me again. I guess it was all for the best since she seemed pretty nuts, but I saw on social media that she just got married and it reminded me of this story.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kv14dd/fucking_my_stalker_fm


  1. Fuckubg hot, I’m a 23 year old chick that just got off to this. I much prefer reading erotica to watching porn so thank you <3

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