My Hot Ass Neighbors Chapters 4-6

Hey y’all! Here is the second section of the new book I’ve been working on. This one will really give me a lot of freedom so please, don’t be shy to PM or comment anything you’d like to see covered. I will probably post one more section in the next few days before finishing it and publishing a complete version with at least eight total encounters. Either way, enjoy!

Ch 4

When I watched Alice’s hips and ass sway side to side out of my apartment, I knew I was in for the ride of my life. I cleaned up a bit on my balcony, picked up my clothes, and tried to shake off some of the vodka before diving straight into my pizza.

The rest of the night was supposed to be lowkey. I stayed up watching TV and was trying to relax from all the back and forth I had to go through during the move. At that moment I realized I had left myself a pre-rolled joint of some hybrid cannabis. Good shit apparently. I was saving it for a time worth celebrating and from the prior drinks, I was already feeling pretty good.

*“Fuck it,”* I thought.

Around my new apartment, I searched up and down for my little stash until it popped up in my desk drawer. I knew the Village had a pretty strict smoking policy when it came to cigarettes so I didn’t want to take any chances. I exited my apartment, headed down the elevator and out the front doors. Off to the side was a sidewalk pretty much empty besides a few bushes. Perfect place to smoke.

I lit up the joint with it in between my lips, letting the fire pull through and ignite the tip. My first few breaths were loud coughs as the smoke flew out of my lungs and throat. The smell was immediately present. *Definitely* some good shit. I continued smoking without thinking much about it. The weed started getting to my head and whatever tensions that may have lingered had melted.

Despite that, the second I heard some noise around the corner, my head snapped sharply in reaction. It was just a girl… someone from the leasing office so I tried to hide the joint behind my back as it continued to burn.

“Hey,” she said with a wave.

She was beautiful. Her hair was full of volume, curls that sprung with her every step. Even in her work uniform of a polo and khakis, her dark and smooth skin glowed under the moonlight. Her waist was narrow, but I could see her ass from the front when she approached me.

“You’re Tiffany, right?” I asked. “I’m Dex.”

“Correct! I think one of my coworkers showed you one of the units here before. Have you successfully moved in?”

“Today is actually my first day- er, night I suppose.”

“Ah, that’s something worth celebrating! Sorry if I was interrupting your smoke, my shift just ended so I’m about to call it a day.”

“Oh, this?” I brought out the lit joint in front of me. “You weren’t interrupting, I just… didn’t want to get in any trouble.”

“Trouble? For a joint?” She questioned.

“Yeah, I’d hate to get in some kind of predicament with the leasing office during my first twenty four hours,” I said with a nervous chuckle.

“Oh, you’re serious?” She asked, quite stunned. “We don’t care about that stuff at all! In fact, I was going to ask if you were willing to share…”

“Really? Well, *um,* sure,” I shrugged while passing it to her.

She inhaled with more composure than I could. Opening her glossy lips into a tiny circle, she blew out the smoke into my face slowly. I was enamoured.

Tiffany took another hit and then passed it back to me. I was already high enough, but I didn’t want to come off as a bitch or waste any of it so I just kept smoking with her. Talking to her was so easy anyway.

“Thanks for the weed! Tastes… *citrus-y*,” she added.

“Orange sherbet, apparently… So… do y’all let people smoke *inside*?”

“Honestly,” she started with hands on her hips. “We’re not *supposed* to smoke inside, of course. *Buttttttt*… marijuana can usually come out pretty easily while cigarettes do not. To be real, most tenants smoke weed in their units all the time and we don’t say much.”

“Oh, damn… That’s actually dope!”

“I know right,” she agreed while taking another hit. “This is almost out… and I feel like it’s only fair that I share some of *my* weed with you now. I know it’s pretty expensive in this area.”

“You don’t have to do that,” I tried to politely decline for the sake of not coming off too eager.

“It’s really not a problem. Like I said, I just got off work so I’m probably gonna take a shower and then smoke anyway. You in?”

“Yes. Most definitely.”


As I followed Tiffany to another side of the Village, her ass taunted me with every step. The roundness of her behind was extra profound under the tight beige material gripping her hips and thighs. She seemed pretty fit, but she still had more than a handful to grab and her bottom half jiggled whenever we had to climb stairs. Sometimes I would be able to catch a sliver of her pussy through her pants. I was dying for it already.

She and I made more small talk along the way so she would look over at me once every few sentences. I think she caught me staring at her ass a few times, but she kept smiling so perhaps she didn’t. Or maybe she just didn’t mind.

“Here is my little realm of sunshine,” she announced while opening her front door and inviting me in.

It was around the same size of my unit, minus the balcony. The living room’s centerpiece was a gorgeous wooden table with a myriad of designs etched into it. Atop it was a small set up of paraphernalia: a grinder, rolling papers, a small bowl, and a few things I’ve never seen before. Surrounding it was a few bean bag chairs and an extra large loveseat.

“Make yourself comfortable! There’s hella drinks in the fridge and my weed jars are under the table. Help yourself if you wanna pregame some more, but I *desperately* need a shower. If you could roll one while I do that, it’d be *amazing*,” she said before disappearing into a dark hallway.

“Oh… I- um,” I stuttered, but she was gone already.

I don’t know how to roll joints. That’s why I bought the pre-roll! My first reaction was to wing it. I’ve *seen* them rolled before. I know what one looks like. Can’t be too bad.

*“But what if I mess up and fuck up the weed!”* I thought again.

The only reasonable solution was in my pocket the entire time: YouTube. I gave a quick search for ‘rolling joints’ and plenty of results came up. *Too* many results. I figured the one with Wiz Khalifa in it would have enough credibility. Following his instructions via hot tub, I grinded up some sweet, sweet kush. I got some papers. I put some weed *inside* of the paper. Next, I had to actually *roll* the thing.

It was miserable to say the least. My first attempt looked like a wrinkled leaf during autumn. One that has been stepped on about half a dozen times… I don’t know if it’s possible to damage weed, but if it is, I probably did so. What distracted me further was the sound of Tiffany’s shower going off. I started to think of what an idiot I’m going to look like with this scrunched up paper wad in his lap. Quickly though, I started to think of Tiffany herself.

She was probably naked right now, only a few feet away from me. In my head, I envisioned her rubbing her perky breasts with a soapy loofa. The steamy shower would tease the view of her tight pussy, only exposing the smooth length of her sexy legs. I began to imagine what her ass would look like fully exposed. What it would look like if she had sat on my face.

Then she suddenly came back to the living room, probably indulging in my dumb ass face off in fantasy land. The crumbled wad of rolling paper and weed was still in my lap, but I wasn’t focused on that in the slightest. She stood in front of me, her long legs poking out from a silk bathrobe. It was tied up so taut that I couldn’t see a smidge of cleavage, only her hard nipples poking through the fabric.

“I guess you couldn’t get the joint figured out?” She asked humorously.

“Well… I’m not really a heavy smoker so I don’t know… how?”

“No shame in not knowing something. I would show you, but let’s just throw that weed in a bowl instead.”

She grabbed the paper from my lap, her fingers brushing against my inner thigh for a split second. Nonchalantly, she glided past me and sat down on the love seat. With her legs crossed, she undid my mess and funneled the weed out into her palm. Next, she grabbed an elephant shaped bowl on the table and filled it up with the green flower.

“Ever use a bowl before?” She asked while handing it to me.

“A few times. There’s a carb I need to hold onto somewhere, right?”

“Exactly, it’s right on the elephant’s trunk.”

Tiffany passed me the lighter and watched as I let the fumes crawl down my esophagus and then float to my brain. I coughed and gagged. I had to force myself to keep some sort of cool in the midst of the fiery rampage my dry throat was enduring.

She made it look so effortless, however. When Tiffany lit the bowl, the smoke poured into her mouth smoothly and she blew it out with grace. She looked calm and serene. I swear I was about to fall for her right there, but maybe that was the weed talking. Eventually she brought over some water and we started to talk some more.

“So what brings you to the Village, Dex?”

“A lot of things. The city mainly. The industry I work in is focused here. The people are cool too.”

“I can see that. What industry are you in?”

“Music. I work for a record label.”

“Oh, wow. That’s pretty cool. What do you do for them?” She inquired further.

“Artists and repertoire. I scout for talent, work with artists, stuff like that.”

“What!? That’s so fucking cool! Why didn’t you mention that from the start?”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“If I was doing something that cool, I’d be telling everyone! I bet you meet a lot of famous people, right? I bet!”


“I knew it! That’s wild… I bet all of the ladies fall for that stuff… Have you ever subtly name-dropped someone to get laid?”

“I mean…”

“Oh, no way,” she said with a giggle.

“Some- *some* girls really like industry talk for whatever reason. It’s just work to me.”

“Ah, so humble too? You’re really quite a catch. The jawline, the muscles. You’re even kinda shy. Girls are gonna have their way with you around here.”

“Why do you say that?”

“The Village is mainly women from age twenty to early thirties. Of course, you’ll see a few guys here and there, but it’s most female. I think maybe the company is biased or maybe one of the approving managers is just a pervy pig, but that’s how it is around here. Someone like you will *certainly* get attention…”

“Is that why I’m here with you?” I asked with a sly smile.

“No!” She grinned back. “I just didn’t want to be *rude* is all. Weed leeches are no fun.”

“You’re right… but you know what *is* fun?” I asked while leaning closer to her face.

Her eyes closed and so did mine as we locked lips for the first time. It was supposed to just be a peck, but it felt more intense than that from the jump. She quickly opened her mouth, seemingly inviting my tongue to prod at hers. When I took the chance to french kiss her, her tongue came to life.

My hands reached out to caress her legs and knees as we crawled up next to each other. She pulled on my shirt, bringing me closer to her. I reached up her thigh, finally grabbing the roundness of her right butt cheek.

The more we made out, the more I leaned into her body until I was virtually on top of her. She kept kissing me as my hands explored her lower half. Tiffany’s hands grabbed my hips and pulled at my shirt again. Before long I was in between her legs which had wrapped themselves around my waist. Gripping onto my collar, she broke the kiss to whisper in my ear.

“I need you in me.”


“I need you in me,” said Tiffany.

One of her hands pulled her robe open and the sides of its red silk split open to reveal her naked body. No panties, no bra. Her skin was the color of midnight and she was as smooth as one could possibly imagine.

Tiffany’s breasts were medium sized, but rounded and shaped beautifully. Her tight stomach showed off a rigid set of abs that even I was jealous of. Her narrow waist led on to her wide hips and big ass. I still had my hand on one cheek as I took in the view. A small strip of black pubic hair led to her perfectly pink pussy.

She was already wet when my fingers started to tease her hole. Gently, my fingertips rubbed her entrance. She was so sensitive to my touch, her eyebrows furrowed as I moved on. Sliding my finger up and down her pussy got her wetter, but when my other hand began to press against her clit slightly, her face scrunched up immediately in the pleasure.

Tiffany’s hips started to buck up and down while I played with her. I rubbed her clit in a circular motion as one of my fingers started to enter her. Delicately, my pointer finger pressed itself into her tight pussy.

“Oh *fuck*,” she moaned.

Back and forth, I slowly worked my finger into her. To continue her pleasure, I backed up and moved my head down to lick at her clit. With very little pressure, my tongue pressed against her most sensitive spot. Then I inserted another finger.

“*Hmmmm*,” she whimpered.

Both of my fingers fucked her wet pussy as she dripped over my hands and face. As I sped up, her knees started to twitch too. I knew that I had to keep going before I fucked her so I started to lick her with long strokes of my tongue. The pace of my fingers increased as they curled forward to massage her inside.

“Oh my fuck, oh my fuck,” she kept repeating until she came.

Her legs shook rapidly and her hips bucked back and forth for a few seconds. I gently kissed the inside of her highs and rubbed the outside of her sweet pussy as she rode out the feeling.

“Goddamn,” she said with a moan. “*Fuck…* I need you in me, for real.”

Without a second to spare, I took off my pants and rubbed my dick along her wet, dripping hole. Her brown eyes looked up at me to give me the okay before plunging myself inside of her.

The second my tip was in, we both let out a slight moan. Her pussy was so tight, even after working her up, that I could feel the edges of my head being welcomed by Tiffany. I started to thrust slowly, her legs opening up for me more. As I got into rhythm, I turned my focus on her face.

Her sexy, glossy lips were quivering as her eyes focused on my cock going in and out of her. Her steady attention to getting fucked was so hot that I wanted to fill up her pussy right there and then, but I knew I couldn’t give up yet. My thrusts became more aggressive, but slowed. With each stroke, her tits bounced in front of me in perfect sync. Both of her tiny nipples were hard, poking out and begging for my attention.

Before I could do the honor of having my way with them, her face turned up to mine. Her mouth was opened, gasping with each thrust of my cock inside of her. One of my hands stayed on her hips while the other went up to caress her symmetrical face. My palm cupped her chin, but her mouth nibbled at my hand.

As I tried to retract my hand, her mouth latched onto the fingers I used to finger her pussy. I kept fucking her, harder now, as she sucked and licked at her own juices. I could hear her hum harmonious moans while her tongue cleaned my fingertips.

When she was done with my fingers, she grabbed my hand and placed it around her throat and motioned me to squeeze. Her neck was frail and I wanted to make sure I didn’t hurt her or make her uncomfortable, but she demanded it. As I grabbed onto her, I immediately felt her pussy clench around my cock.

Her legs stayed tied around my hips as I fucked her, but her pussy was now leaking her juices and my precum. My hand on her hip moved to play with her clit which sent her into overdrive. Tiffany’s legs trembled and her waist spasmed back and forth. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her pussy clenched and clenched and clenched.

I wanted to cum so bad. I was on the brink. As I tried to pull out, Tiffany kept her legs tied tight, forcing me to keep fucking her. She dug her nails into my back and I sucked on her neck as we kept going. I kept thrusting and thrusting until I came. We could both feel my seed explode and coat her insides, but we both kept going. Her grip over me didn’t loosen and neither did mine. We could hear the puddly sound of my cock thrusting into her cum filled hole and it was like music to our ears in the moment.

“Maybe you should stay the night.”
