At sunrise [MF]

Follow on from [On the Balcony.](

She stirred at the gentle clinking noise. The room was dark, but there were threads of light starting to appear on the horizon. She suddenly realised where she was. She was lying on his plush grey sofa, facing the wall of windows. Looking out to the balcony she could just make out the leather jacket abandoned on the floor outside. She flushed at the memory of the previous night.

She started to sit up and realised she had been covered in a woollen blanket and, more importantly, she was only in her underwear. Looking around for her clothes she could see them folded neatly on the dining table, several steps away.

‘Sorry, did I wake you?’

She jumped at his voice from behind her.

‘Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you. I was just making some coffee because I couldn’t sleep.’

‘What time is it?’ She asked, holding the blanket tight to her chest.

‘Very early, about 5 I think. Go back to sleep, I’ll be done here in a second. You can go in one of the bedrooms if you like. I would have moved you there last night but you protested every time I tried.’

‘Yet I allowed you to undress me?’

In the half-light she could see him hang his head in embarrassment.

‘I thought it would be more comfortable for you than to try and sleep in jeans. I didn’t peek, honest.’

She gave a wry chuckle. ‘Your fingers were inside me last night, so I don’t think I could be too mad if you did.’

His gaze shot to her and he gave her a scorching look, his green eyes almost luminous, shining in the dark room. The passion in his eyes took her breath away and she could feel her pussy dampen again.

‘Would you like a coffee?’ He asked in a sultry tone, indicating that a coffee is not what he would like to give her.

She could only nod to accept.

‘Would you like your clothes?’ He queried. There was a pregnant pause. She shook her head slowly and his mouth formed a small smile as he returned to make their drinks. He established her coffee preferences and brought the cups over to the sofa. He sat down next to her, not quite touching. As he handed her the cup he felt her fingers brush over his and he felt a bolt of arousal shoot through him. He had been intensely aroused the previous night and the disappointment he felt when she fell asleep was almost overwhelming. It was this that prevented him from slipping into a peaceful slumber. He hadn’t wanted to take matters into his own hands, he wanted her. Her mouth, her hands, her pussy, any part of her he could get.

As the room lightened, he could see her in more detail. Shadows on her neck caught his attention and shame crossed his handsome features. He rubbed his fingers across the bruises he saw there.

‘I’ve marked you a little. I’m sorry.’

‘Really?’ She giggled. ‘I haven’t had a love bite since I was a teenager. Don’t worry about it, I’ve got plenty of turtlenecks.’ They laughed a little together and returned to their coffee as the room started to lighten.

She finished her coffee and leaned over to place the cup on the oak coffee table, the blanket dropping away from her chest. His attention immediately shot to her almost bared breasts. His cock started to rouse at the memory of her breast and nipple in his hand the previous evening.

She leaned back, leaving the blanket where it had landed. His hungry gaze didn’t leave her breasts and she could see his hard cock start to tent his underwear. Her mouth watered at the idea of having him. She had felt his body against her last night and though it was now hidden with a loose T-shirt and ever-tightening briefs, she knew that he would be delicious to look at.

She reached out and took his half empty coffee cup. ‘You were finished with that, right?’ She said with a smirk.

‘If you’re going to occupy my mouth with something else, then yes, I’m finished.’

His dirty words fuelled her desire and she leaned over to kiss him hard on the mouth. He grunted slightly at the force of her kiss, holding her by the upper arms to move back slightly. They settled into a calmer rhythm, hands rubbing over arms, legs and chests.

He pulled her to straddle him and reached behind her to remove her bra. He divested her of the garment and tossed it casually to the floor. The teasing touches and glances he had of her last night didn’t do her justice. The two perfect globes were tipped with pert, pink nipples. He had to taste them. Taking one nipple in his mouth, he fondled the other with his hand and pinched as he had the previous night. She gave the same gasping reaction and tangled her fingers in his dishevelled dark blonde hair to keep him in place.

She could feel his hard cock between her legs and started to rub her covered mound over it. He moaned into her breast at the sensation.

All of a sudden she climbed off him. He gave a grunt of protest at being out of reach of her breasts. This was quickly replaced by excitement as she motioned to him to remove his briefs. He lifted his behind to push them down allowing his cock to spring free, a drop of precum already beading on the head. Kneeling on the sofa next to him she took his erection in her hand and licked up the precum oozing from him. Then she started to give him long licks from root to tip, dropping little nibbles here and there.

With a groan he draped his arm over his face to cover his eyes. The sight of her taking him was too erotic for his charged body to cope with. When she started to take him in her mouth fully, he placed his hand on her head and gripped her hair to control her speed. He barely resisted the urge to thrust up into her mouth.

‘Stop.’ He commanded, stilling her head with hand clasping her hair. ‘I want you.’

She looked up at him, with tousled hair, flushed cheeks and glistening lips she was the image of debauched beauty.

‘You have me.’ She replied.

He guided her face to his and gave her a long, deep kiss. ‘I’m so glad that I do.’

He released her and she stood to remove her panties. He watched her every movement, each twist of her curvy body igniting arousal within him. She went to straddle him again but he stopped her.

‘No, turn around, face the window.’

Doing as he asked, she knelt on the sofa facing the imminent sunrise and carefully manoeuvred her legs either side of his. He gripped her hips to move them both to the correct position and gently brought her down to sheath him within her. They both groaned at the feeling and took a second to catch their breath before she started to rise and fall slowly. He started to thrust up, matching her rhythm and they moved in sync as the sun started to spread its light through the room.

He placed sporadic kisses and licks on her back, and rubbed her legs to make sure they didn’t get too sore in the slightly awkward position. As he felt her start to tighten around him he pulled her body back against him and saw her eyes were closed, missing the symphony of yellow, red, orange and purple filling the sky as the sun rose.

‘Open your eyes.’ He said. ‘Look out the window, the sun is almost rising. Come at the same time, come with the sun.’

She nodded and tried to steady her movements. He moved his hand down to rub her clitoris, hastening her climax. She reached her peak just as the sun broke over the horizon.

He groaned at the feeling of her release gushing out around his cock, soaking the sofa. Though that was the last thing he cared about at that moment. Spent and boneless, she leaned back against him, eyes closed. He was still inside her and could feel her twitching against his cock with the aftershock of her orgasm.

‘Are you going to fall asleep on me again?’ He asked as he gave her a peck on the forehead. She opened her eyes lazily and smiled as she shook her head.

Sitting up, she started to move on him again. He halted her movement, guided her up to pull himself out of her, then down and back until his cock was sandwiched between her ass cheeks and his hand.

‘Keep moving, baby.’ He instructed and she continued her motion, popping her ass out slightly to keep him in place. It only took a few strokes and he came with a groan, spraying her back with his release which slowly rolled down to collect above her ass cheeks.

‘Shit.’ He whispered as he stroked her long, brown and now slightly sticky hair.

‘What’s wrong?’ She asked.

He blushed as he answered. ‘I…, uh, I got some, stuff, in your hair.’

‘Don’t worry about it.’ She said, looking over her shoulder at him, mischief dancing in her brown eyes. ‘Sometimes the best bit of getting dirty is the fun you can have getting clean again.’
