No names to protect the guilty.

I guess it’s confession time again. I posted another story on a different r/ about how my wife and I got into the LS. I can post here if anyone is interested. We are both convinced that nobody in either of our families know our secrets. With that said I want to share our experience over the holiday with my brother-in-law’s wife. Short back story is they’ve been having relationship issues on and off for a few years, it’s mostly due to some mental health concerns that my wife’s brother won’t fully address. We are trying to be supportive of her and been a shoulder to cry on so to speak. They live about an hour or south of us so impromptu meetings really don’t happen, especially with the state of the world and kids and jobs, there needs to be a little planning involved. Moving on. Couple days after the new year she texted my wife and I asked if we were free for a visit. Of course we were because who really has a social life anymore. My wife asked if it was the whole family so we could have snacks for the kids and stuff to make dinner as we’re both families of five. She said it would be just her and that she misses everyone. Okay not a problem. She comes up late afternoon and when we first see her what is easily visible is that she’s been crying. My wife realizes immediately her brother has been being a dick. He’s about 10 years younger than her and the baby of the family. Instead of spending time making dinner I just order in and since our kids decided to go out with their friends and girlfriends it is just the three of us for the evening. My wife breaks out the wine and my SIL gets to talking. She’s relaying how hard the last six or eight months have been and she’s finally realizing she may be at a breaking point. Of course we’re sympathetic as we have had marital issues in the past but thanks to a good therapist we were able to work through them. So after dinner and much more wine we let her know she shouldn’t drive home and of course she’s welcome to stay as usual. She said she would like that. It’s getting late so we go upstairs to watch TV and settle in for the night. Thinking back on it when we watch TV upstairs it’s always in our bedroom and not the spare room we made into a TV room. We just all hanging out on our bed and it’s never weird. We are all quite tipsy and only have the TV on for background noise as she relays the issues she’s had over the last several months. There was a lot of droning on, I really wasn’t paying attention TBH, let’s face it as a guy I’m not really good with solving women’s problems. I did interject in the conversation some of the things that have worked for us over time. One of the things I did catch was that they haven’t been intimate in over a year. Holy shit I thought to myself I can probably go a week before I start becoming grumpy and irritable and a general pain in the ass. I was dying to know why so I point blank asked. She said that intimacy became quite boring and was never anymore than vanilla and the times they were intimate were weeks if not months apart. He seemed to have lost interest. She didn’t want to go out and be a porn star or live the rock n roll lifestyle but something more than missionary would have been nice and welcome. As far as we are aware she was his first and she has a few bodies stacked but that’s about it. My wife is quite a caring and nurturing individual. So she starts with the hugs and the stroking her back and hand holding. As a guy my manhood is rising and I have to tell myself this is not one of those situations. I’ve always thought I wouldn’t mind sleeping with her, hell I think about sleeping with various women I know, what guy doesn’t. What added to this is we were already dressed for bed the girls had shorter nightshirts and I just had on shorts and a t-shirt, admittedly my SIL’s nightshirt was riding up and you could start to see the bottom of her rear end. I don’t know whether it was to elicit a laugh or break the tension but my wife said to her “those are really cute panties” she smiled kind of wistfully and said “thank you I really don’t have anyone to wear them for”. I’ll admit that made me feel really sad for them. I guess it’s some point after the copious amounts of wine I must have dozed off while they were still talking. A while later the animals must have made some kind of noise and I stirred and realized that my room was dark and I was sleeping between my wife and sister-in-law. Now my wife is a very particular sleeper as she needs a certain side of the bed, with certain pillows and certain blankets in order to sleep well, I on the other hand could sleep on a double yellow line in the middle of a freeway at noon. I scooted closer to my wife so there would be no issue of impropriety. In our still half drunk state my wife and I started making out, forgetting we had company in bed. We were getting a little heated as my hand slipped down between her legs, I was able to stick in a couple fingers quite easily. The moan my wife let out roused our sleeping companion. After realizing she was stirring my wife shushed me and became very still. It wasn’t me making the noise or flopping around. After that the mood was kind of waning and we moved back to some light kissing. My sister-in-law must have been awake by then as I felt her roll over and heard her say “you don’t have to stop on my account”. I could feel my face flush but I had no idea why. My wife apologized and blamed the wine. She started to get up to go in the guest room and my wife told her that’s okay, stay, we’ll behave. My wife must have been in a really playful mood because she crawled over me to give her a hug and a peck on the cheek. My sister-in-law said that’s the most she’s been touched in a loving, physical way in months. My wife gathered her into her arms and hugged her and stroked her hair. I know this was not at all sexual but my erection was raging. I heard her let out a weary and mournful sigh and whispered thank you. I thought I heard what sounded like kissing and I was right my wife was kissing the back of her neck. Apparently it was going to be one of those encounters. You know, Dear Penthouse Letters I never thought this really happened to people but here’s my story… By now my wife had crawled completely over me and was crawling over her so she would be in the middle. And here I thought I was going to be the meat in the sandwich. Oh well. I didn’t want to get my hopes too high so I just tried to calm myself and enjoy the show. They became lost in the moment kissing and caressing each other. I was having real difficulty controlling myself so I slid over close to my SIL and started rubbing her ass. It was going to end one of two ways there was going to be no middle ground. She didn’t resist and encouraged me by reaching behind her and pulling me closer to her body. I caught my wife’s eye to make sure this is okay and she just kind of gave me a little shrug so I guess this was okay. Emboldened by the situation and with the apparent reassurance of my wife I began to rub her thigh and raise her nightshirt so I could hook her panties and slide them down. She rolled onto her back and my wife and I each grabbed a side and took her panties down. She pulled herĀ  nightshirt up until it was under her breasts revealing her gorgeous thick thighs and incredibly wet sex. My wife, who is always the gracious host, asked her what she wanted, what she was feeling. She responded with “all of it”. I’m not sure what she meant by that statement. Again my wife was really in tune and said to her breathlessly, “you have to tell us so we can make you feel good.” Hooray, she said we so I was definitely included. “Touch me, lick me, bite me, eat me, fuck me. I need to feel again. Use me however you want” she whimpered. “Make love to me!” And we did just that.


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