[MF] When it goes right, fuck me it goes right.

First time writing anything like this. I believe the person this happened with will read it, and I have her permission to post. I wrote this in one go – it’s a first draft so to speak, only reading through it to fix typos basically… so forgive any mistakes. Enjoy!

It had been a week working on this ship and I was starting to feel on edge. Touch is an important thing for me, but on a ship the extent of physical contact with another is maybe shaking hands with someone once every two weeks. That, coupled with night shifts, can do weird things to a person. It was a big, ocean going vessel, contracted to work in a harbour for a month. The days were long and even though shifts were busy and the hours passed quickly, I found myself scrolling reddit, looking for someone to talk with, to occupy my mind.

After replying to a few posts without success, I made my own. I had made similar posts before with limited success, however this time, I received a suprising amount of replies. My excitement wained however when most replies were ‘Hi’. The important thing about chatting to someone online is the ability to do just that. Monosyllabic replies did not pique my interest, and so almost all replies could be deleted. But one reply did intrigue me. In my initial post I said I was looking for someone maybe on the other side of the world, so we would be awake at the same time. This person, however, was in the city I was working near, and explained they were a bit of a night owl, often not being able to sleep. Proximity is always going to add a dynamic and the message seemed a little playful, and down to Earth.

After a few messages, I was glad I started chatting with her, she was fun, interesting and could hold a conversation. Most of all she asked lots of questions which is always the way to a man’s heart, we can’t help but natter on about ourselves. We swapped (clean) pics and… yes, a million times yes. Blonde, blue eyes. I couldn’t see what kind of body type, or much else about her, but it didn’t matter. 

Messages often digressed into extended jokes – it worked for both of us, I was basically locked up on a ship, and she was locked down in quarantine. Things got silly sometimes and it was exactly the distraction we needed. On the 4th or 5th day of texting however, she dropped the first hint it might be more than light entertainment.

We had been sending and laughing at victorian parlance pick-up lines after she had watched Bridgerton, a period drama with overtly sexy scenes. To cut to the chase, this was the back and forth. 


Me: What little decorum left in my yearning being, hath been strewn asunder under the raging torrent that is my passion, Edith……. Ahh, I don’t know, haven’t watched a period drama in a while!

Her: … Are you trying to seduce me?

Me: I know I’m good, but I’m not seduce someone from a boat a few miles away good! ?

Her: Don’t sell yourself short, you almost had me with that regency monologue. 

Me: The problem with that is I only have a limited amount and would inevitably switch to pirate speak out of desperation. 

Her: Maybe I want to hear a little pirate?

And that was that, subtle, but definite. This girl was fun. There was definitely blood rushing, and not just to my head. The flirting continued, and so did the flutters in my stomach. However, my jaw actually dropped when she sent a picture of her ass in tight black pants, or maybe leggings. It was a self destructing message, and I was so blown away, and a little flustered, I didn’t pull myself together enough to take it all in in time. She had been hiding a killer body too. We sent a few more pics that day, kept it merely heavily flirtatious, but still a bit cautious. In bed after my shift I said goodnight, and then let my hands wander while thinking about her, before falling asleep…

The following days became pretty hot and heavy. Things jumped a notch and soon we were both too horny to stand on ceremony, and were helping each other cum with pics, words and even a few audio recordings. We both found ourselves distracted constantly. We told each other what we like behind closed doors and we played into that. I am naturally dominant and after a while began to simply tell her to do something, and she would comply. I would often want to see how wet she was by her showing me her fingers. Fuck, how much I wanted to just stand in front of her and taste her like that. Have her wet my bottom lip with her two fingers, so that when I then bit my lip I could taste her. It drove me wild. She had a simple way of requesting something, and then adding ‘Please’ afterwards, seperately… that somehow read like a submissive asking their Dom for permission. She was effortlessly sexy.

This continued for a couple of weeks on and off while I was working on board. Some days had very normal clean conversation. Some days would be intense and I was glad I was wearing a belt. The schoolboy trick of having to tuck it in became very useful and very necessary. Those days would inevitably end up with us making ourselves cum for each other, incredibly turned on by the other, and being turned on again by how into it the other was. On one occasion, I told her she was only allowed cum while kneeling up straight on the floor. I teased her with pictures and by texting her what I would do to her, while she touched herself, until she began ‘shaking all over and came so hard she smashed her coffee mug trying to grab something to steady herself’ as she put it. She took a photo from behind in that position, using her floor length mirror. All she had on was a lose white t-shirt that was pretty see-through. It also framed her incredible ass, and her feet were crossed so cutely behind her. I had to immediately excuse myself from work for when she sent it. I went to my cabin, grabbed myself tightly and then thought about her in that position, sinking my teeth into her ass-cheek before taking her on her floor, from behind – laying her down and stretching her arms out in front, pinning her, until I erupted inside her, biting at her shoulder, while she made guttural groans from deep down inside and I could feel her warm cum flooding and soaking both of us. Imagination is a powerful thing. 

When that project ended three weeks later, we were in a position. We had been building up the tension, and teasing, and driving each other crazy for what seemed like an eternity at that stage. The country was in lockdown so meeting for a coffee or something normal was impossible. I, however, had been in an isolation bubble on the ship for 4 weeks by that stage, which I mentioned to her. She said she had been isolating too for work. We both took a long time to say what we both wanted to. It was irresponsible, it was potentially dangerous, but we had to meet. Our loins might literally explode if we didn’t.

I told her to come to the ship, that everyone was back on days now that we had finished, and the one guy keeping watch at night spent most of his time watching TV in the mess. My cabin was next to an entrance door, dockside. The risk of being seen was minimal. The cabins on this ship were generous, large couch, desk, bed, floor space and en-suite – I alleviated her worry that it would be a cramped or uncomfortable experience. 

At about 1am, I went up to the bridge and kept an eye out. Sure enough, a dark figure came walking down the quay, in and out of the orange street lights. I texted and told her precise instructions on how to get to my room, while I went down and made sure the guy on watch was distracted. 

After about 15 minutes had passed, I left the Mess and the watchman. I slowly walked back to my cabin, wondering was she there? had she been seen? Did she get cold feet? I was trembling and began wondering what the hell I was doing. My stomach was doing somersaults. As I rounded the corridor, I put a hand on the wall and took some deep breaths and made myself calm down. I stood outside the door, took one more deep breath and went inside.

I had told her previously, above everything else, we had to be quiet. She got on the vessel on her own and she’d leave on her own, if caught she’d be thrown off and the watchman might get a few angry words from the captain in the morning. If caught in my room however, I’d be out of a job. As I entered, my heart stopped. She obviously had enough time to prepare what she had secretly planned. .. She was sitting in the middle of the couch, legs crossed, wearing only her underwear, an oversized black coat with a fur hood, a blindfold and a very nervous smile. She gasped slightly as she heard me step in. 

I immediately began to get hard. I walked straight to her, my immediate reaction was to remove my clothing and push into her mouth without hesitation… But I did hesitate. Not out of indecisiveness, but because I realised I wanted to prolong this. I stopped in front of her, bent low, kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear, in a low-tone. ‘Glad you could make it’. She whimpered at my voice, and I knew there and then I had regained enough composure, and would be able to treat and tantalise, even torture, this woman.. just like we had fantasised about. I took a minute, I thought about what I wanted to do, and it occurred to me that I had been so worried about if she would make it at all , that I never planned anything. No matter, thinking with my dick got me this far, it was safe to continue following it’s lead. The first thing I wanted was to make her body as sensitive as possible, and the second thing was to feel her warm soft skin on mine. I knelt in front of her, and put my hand on her knee. Then began moving my hand up and down the outside of her thigh, only using the back of my nails.. Lightly, ever so lightly. After a moments I grabbed her calf fully and squeezed. I uncrossed her legs and set her foot down so that her legs were apart, but not so much that I prematurely made her feel vulnerable. I brought my head down and let my lips gently touch off the top of her thigh behind her knee, on one leg, while simultaneously digging my fingers into the same place on the other. I pushed my nails up along her, hard, making distinct red lines while I began kissing up her thigh. She made little jumps at every touch, every change, and I loved it. I brought my mouth to her other leg, half way up her thigh and began sucking gently but firmly, like a teenager unsure to leave a lovebite or not. I reached to her side and let my fingertips gently make their way up her ribs, again feeling her muscles spasm under my touch. I looked up at her and whispered ‘I need to taste you, I’ve been waiting too long.’ Immediately, she brought her hands to her underwear, before checking herself and then continuing more slowly. She pulled her underwear forward enough for her other hand to dip in easily, there was already a darker patch where she had soaked through the cotton fabric. I could see the outline of two fingers making a circular motion before disappearing momentarily.. she brought them out again and reached toward me. I grabbed her hand and stopped her. She was a little taken aback, but she submitted as I bent her arm back towards her own face. With her two fingers I coated her own bottom lip with her wetness, so that her lip shone in the dim light like glazing on a cake. I kissed her hard, pressing her lip hard against her so we could both enjoy her, before lightly sucking her lip to taste her fully. I rested my forehead against hers a moment, eyes closed, to savour it. I was so hard at this point it was almost painful, and I could feel the warmth pulsating in my own underwear. Both our bodies were generating incredibly heat. Soft, flushed, amber skin in the lamp light. I took her hands and stood her up, noticing she was trembling slightly all over. 

‘I’m going to undress you now, and you’re going to touch yourself like you were at home, when we were messaging. Only this time, I’m going to do the things I said I would’, I said in a slow, hushed voice. 

I pushed her coat off her shoulders and it dropped to the floor. Then I stepped back and undressed myself, leaving her standing, blindfolded, guessing. She still hadn’t seen me I realised… She was brave and fuck, if she wasn’t the sexiest creature alive.

I stepped back to her and suddenly drove my nails into her ribcage with both hands, then around her back and down onto her ass where I gripped her firmly and pulled her against me tight. She yelped before giving way and pushed her head into me, mouth on the nape of my neck, kissing so tenderly, catching her breath. I undid her bra and let it fall. I leaned back to look at her breasts, her swollen, pierced nipples.. I pinched one lightly between the back of my fingers, and then let my hands explore. I began kissing her again, her whole mouth engulfed in mine. She brought one hand forward and held me, measuring me, in the subtle way women do. I’m not a huge guy but I’m not small by any means. Either way, she was happy, and whispered, ‘Fuck Yes’ into my chest as she began kissing me, slowly making her way down. I let her go on for a while, enjoying every touch, but stopped her as she began to drop on her knees – that took almost all my strength and all my will power. ‘You First’, I said.

I asked her to turn around and remove her own underwear, a pair of black hipsters. She understood perfectly, and even blindfolded, pushed me back for a better view. She turned around and took them down as far as her knees, bending over completely and exposing her ass, and the shadowed, perfectly rounded shape between her legs. She arched her back as she stood up straight again and then wiggled until they fell from her knees and she could step out of them. Just. Fucking. Amazing.

She bent forward again and found the couch, turned, sat deep into it, and pulled her legs up so that she faced me, knees bent at about the same height as her head, and slightly apart. Her hand blocked a full view of what I wanted so bad, as she lightly brushed her fingers around her clit, waiting. This time, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I got on my knees again, pushed her legs apart, put my arms under her knees and around her ass, shunting her forward so she was right at the front edge of the couch. To keep her knees up she needed to keep her legs quite wide now. I pushed the flat of my palm against her teasing hand, coaxing her to rub more diligently. What I wanted was one of my favourite parts of a woman’s body – I pushed one leg as wide as was comfortable and put my mouth on the crease between her stomach and leg, at the top of her thigh, and began moving down that line. Fuck if it wasn’t soft and welcoming. She moaned quietly as her fingers did their work and as my tongue alternated between stiff, probing flicks and long licks. Her other hand flailed a bit, looking for something to grab, finding the edge of the couch, her sharp intakes of breath telling me every time I found a new spot. I moved down further, to the same level as her fingers, but not digressing from that perfect line between leg and torso. Some wetness got on my beard, and I could breathe in her sex.. It was making me drunk. I dragged my tongue, hard and flat against her, from the start of her ass, near the couch edge, up to where the tendon of her leg ran close the the skin, causing her to convulse every time my tongue hit it. Then I took her free hand from the couch, put it on the back of my head and she grabbed my hair tight. ‘let me see your fingers go in now’, I said, and as she did I locked on to her clit with my mouth, covering everything, giving her just enough space to work her fingers. Her whole body juddered and she began groaning, I clapped my hand over her mouth as she came, instantly. I used my teeth, my tongue, my whole mouth on her and rubbed the soaking wet base of her pussy and ass while her fingers moved in and out frantically, unable to keep a rhythm. That was as much as she could take – she ripped off the blindfold, grabbed my head with both hands and kissed me hard on the lips, jumping against me. I fell back on the floor and she fell with me, her lips locked to mine, kissing me passionately, little noises escaping from her mouth. 

She almost jumped again, moving down and putting as much of me into her mouth as she could, foregoing all ceremony. She licked, sucked, rubbed, made love with her mouth, with the same furious passion she kissed me with. She pushed down further, cupping my balls, licking behind them and biting at my legs. She pressed her tongue hard against the root of my cock, under my balls and, with her hands grabbing my thighs so hard it hurt, drove her tongue upwards, not stopping until she reached the very tip, then opened her mouth and came down on it deep. It took everything within me to not cum there and then.

I pulled her back up and cradled her ass in one hand, her head in my other as she pushed down on me, and I pushed into her. She drove her face into my neck knowing she had to stay quiet. And like that we melded, barely having to move and every quiver feeling like a full blown orgasm. Her juices flowing onto me, around my balls and down my thighs, with me pushing back and only able to contain myself for so long. ‘I’m going to cum’ I whispered, in what little voice I could muster. My hips rocked with her and I began to vibrate, she made a high pitched murmur before gluing her mouth against my chest again to silence herself.

We came together, shaking, blind, grappling for each other, trying to hold on. For a moment neither of us were in our bodies, neither of us were in that room. Eventually we came down. My eyes had welled up from the intensity, and she was unable to open hers. Neither could speak. We just lay there, breathing. Eventually, I mustered to strength to pull a blanket down and we slept where we were. 

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ktdh4f/mf_when_it_goes_right_fuck_me_it_goes_right


  1. Well now I have a new fantasy – some sort of secret freighter boat sex.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. You sir are a literature teacher’s wet dream! Incredibly well written!

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