[MF] Online classmates. Best orgasm

This is my first time ever posting on here, I’m a bit nervous about the response so I’ll be quick.

I’m 26 and married. I’ve been married for 2 years now and happy. I always did think that I got married very young. I always feel like I’m missing out. I hear stories from my single friends about their hot one night stands and it drives me crazy. My sex life is average. My wife is not a super freak but she’s great in bed. Lately I been looking for ways to connect with women online secretly just to have fun and flirt but I’ve had no success with that. Until a couple of months ago.

I’m still in school and taking online classes. At the beginning of the semester I didn’t buy the book so I emailed the entire class to see if there was at least one person who would send me pictures of the material. Luckily one person replied and her name was Linda. I could tell by her college online profile pic she was beautiful and I wasted no time and searched her on Facebook. We started to message only about school and through our school platform. It got harder to send material through email so I just asked her for her number so she could txt me the images. Next thing you know we are now having conversations about each others lives and getting to know each other. I’m a big flirt so I start doing my thing after a couple of weeks and she likes it. She knows I’m married and she also live with her boyfriend. One day we were talking about tattoos and I said fuck it I’ll send you a pic of my rib tattoo. So I sent her a picture with my shirt off and the reply was amazing. She said I had a great body. ( I’m 6,1 185lbs and Brazilian) later that night she txt me saying that she couldn’t stop thinking about the picture. I told her I could give her a lot more than that. The following night my wife went to sleep and for the first time we face timed. We were both passed nerves. We were being friendly at first but we knew what we wanted. We began to flirt really hard then I decided to push it and tell her I can’t stop picturing her body. She said “stop imagining and look” she took all her closes off and was absolutely beautiful. She’s Mexican with brown skin, huge ass, tiny tits, and very short. She began showing off her body then began playing with her self. She was so wet I could hear it through the phone. She ask me to help and I said how? She told me to take my pants off cuz she was dying to see my dick. I was rock hard by this moment so I don’t hesitate. I pulled my dick out and she loved it. I told her I couldn’t be loud becuse my wife was upstairs and I think that just excited her more. She started going harder and harder playing with her self while talking dirty and telling me the things she would do if she was with me. Telling me the things she do better than my wife. She was so excited. She told me my dick was so much thicker than her boyfriends. Then she ask to see me cum becuse she was about to cum too. As soon as she said that I exploded into the camera and she began to quiver like crazy. I could see the cream go down to her ass hole. Since then we still text and have a few hot facetimes. But it got me thinking I want to do this more with other women. So if there are any women interested in having some hot online fun, maybe my Brazilian dick can do it for you.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kt5nzq/mf_online_classmates_best_orgasm