I think I am a cuckold son about mom

Hello everyone, my name is David and I am 18 and a half years old. I have been thinking about this for a long, long time and finally made up my kind to speak up about this to everyone. Hopefully you guys would read attentively. And after finishing if you have any opinions or wanna discuss this, feel free to hit me up in personals or comment.

Let’s start off with my mom. She is 37. She got me pretty young though. Talking about her physique I wanna say that I am no expert. She is of average height, black hair, nice developed breasts and quite a fit body since she works out a fews times a week.

As of me, I am a very submissive kinda guy. Typically what my high school pals call me a loser. Being a loser and having a hot mom at the same time has been very frustrating. All the time I could hear guys in school saying dirty things when my mom came to drop me off or take me home. I felt so humiliated and disgusted but I could do nothing since I am a very weak person. As for that, I never got to mingle with girls.

My mom and dad got divorced 6 years ago. I got to stay with my mom after that. After the divorce she took some time off and tried to date a few men but things didn’t work out pretty well. I guess she is not so good in getting into a relationship. So after that she took a short break and started going to bars at weekends. I should add that she is a working mom so she works all week hard and at weekends she just goes to the bar to relax and started doing one-night-stands amd picking up randoms guys from the bar to home and spend the night.

At first I didn’t know about this habit of her. It was probably 4 years ago when I first discovered it. Usually my mom comes home late from the bar and I am asleep at the time she returns so I never realized before. So speaking of that night, I woke up around 2 am as I was thirsty. I went to the kitchen to get some water and while I was pouring water from the pitcher to my glass, I could hear soft sounds coming from the direction of my mom’s bedroom. You guys must relate to the feeling when you just woke up and still feeling very dizzy that was my situation when I heard those sounds. I was curious since I didn’t expect her to be up so late at night. So I put down the pitcher and started walking slowly towards her bedroom. As I was walking closer the sounds were getting more and more clear and I could make up a picture in my mind about the whole situation. I was just praying that it should not be what I am thinking in my mind but reality was exactly what I thought. My heart was rushing so much blood it was pumping like the heart of a race horse. When I stood just infront of the door I could clearly hear two giggling voices. One of my mom’s and the other one was some male whom I didn’t know. This made me very scared and awstruck since I had no idea who that was with my sweet innocent mom in her own bedroom. I also saw that the door was locked from inside. At that moment my whole world was falling apart. I remember I couldn’t feel my legs and my head was spinning so fast. Hearing the sounds, I could surely say that my mom was having sex with some stranger guy inside. At that point I totally forgot about my thirst. The worst nightmare of the son of a single mom came true. I thought I would just faint away but something kept me standing there. I was shocked to realize that I was gettig a hard one down my pants. Do you remember the very few times when you are so horny and hard that your hard penis just beats tiny up-downs by itself? That was exctly what was happening with mine that time. I was feeling so disgusted and ashamed to see that I was getting around by listening to my mom having sex. So in dumbwit, I put my hand down my pants to calm down my penis but soon as I touched it, I kind of exploded and blew a huge load off in my pants. All of my bottom part was wet of the cum I just ejaculated and I wad totally confused what to do. To be honest it was the best load off my miserable life. But at that time I got so ashamed and pleasured at the same time that I just ran off to my room, locked it from inside and lied down on my bed with the wet pants on myself. I couldn’t sleep for a second that night and all I was hoping was for the morning to come quickly so that I could see who that was with my mom. At around 7 am, I heardour front door opening and I quickly rushed to my room’s door and peeked through it. I could see a guy of maybe 25/30 of age opening the door and my mom was standing behind him with her sleeping robe on herself. I didn’t know that guy. After opening the door he turned back probably to say good bye to my mom but I was shocked to see him leaning on my mom grabbing her by her hip and giving her a deep french kiss. My mom was giggling and laughing so loudly while they were kissing. Probably it was his way to say good bye to my sweet mom and then he went away. Seeing that I couldn’t hold myself any longer and take a load off again. With the wet pants on and doing the second load, I was just lying down on my bed and thinking how helpless I was to see all these and getting humiliated that I couldn’t do anything to stop. At the same time, it felt really very good also.

After this incident I tried to forget it the whole day but that was basically all what I thought of the whole day. And I remembered all those dirty words guys said in school about her, I was starting to enjoy remembering those. I didn’t know what was going through my mind that I thought like that. Anyway, I stayed up late the whole week every night to witness the same thing again but soon I realized she brings guys only at weekends. So I always wait for the weekend to come so that I can listen to my mom having sex with random strangers and jerk off.

It has been going on like this ever since and as time went by things started to get normal. I mean nowadays sometimes my mom brings a guy early home when I am awake. Sometimes the guys have dinner with us and my mom introduces him as a friend of hers to me. Then most times they finish dinner early and while I am sitting on the dinner table I could see the guy taking my mom to her bedroom by walking her while his hand in on my mom’s shoulder. I feel so good to see that and also very humiliated. Sometimes thy have breakfast too in the morning and they try to tease me by saying, “Dude your mom is just great.” My mom at that point giggles and softly pokes the guy with her elbow saying to stop. I just give a smile as if I know nothing. It feels so good to get humiliated like that.

Me and mom never really talked about this thing openly but I think my mom realizes that I am old enough to know that she has needs too. And I don’t mind at all. I usually do the dishes after meals so that after dinner she don’t have to stay around and enjoy her night with whoever she brings. Most guys she brings home are usually between 20 and 30. I usually listen to them but only a couple of times my mom and guy were so drunk that they forgot to lock the door and I got a sneak peek inside. It was dark but I could see my mom riding him on cowgirl position both times. Guess she loves it.

As I said this is an on going thing and many people ask me what is my wish or end goal from this. I have given it a lot of thought and I think that I would be very happy to see that someday my mom brings such a guy and after spending the night she gets all charmed by him and start falling in love with a guy. So maybe she will date him a few more times and eventually decide to get hitched with him and stop her wild adventures. I really wish my mom would get married again since she has been single for so long.

I hope that whoever the guy she choses maybe catches me one day listening to them and just to make me feel more humiliated let me sit on the couch in mom’s bedroom and enjoy the show. Maybe he convinces my mom to let me see. One day maybe when the guy is not home mom calls me and talks to me if I want a step dad or not and I would happily agree. Then that night, after they done having sex and I am done jerking off sitting on the couch, mom orders me to go to my room so that she and the guy can talk privately but I stand behind the door and listen how my mom and he gets passionate, flirt and finally my mom proposes him and he accepts. Just thinking of mom having mere sex is kinda boring. I like more the romantic aspecr. Like she getting passionate, romantic with the guy, talking love stuff and as I see her doing so, I will realize that slowly her love towards me is fading away and all her love and attention is focusing towards her. It may seem very disturbing and pathetic to a son but that’s what I want. Kind of netorare stuff. That my mom doesn’t even care about me anymore and all she thinks in of her new husband. As for me I would happily do all the household works and everything. I just want my mom to be happy both mentally and sexually. I would not hesitate to sacrifice my own sexual life for serving my mom and her new husband. Besides I am never gonna get a girl anyway. And all I can think of is my mom having love with the guy and I will just keep jerking off and remain virgin for the rest of my life.

Mom will start teasing me and team up with the new husband too. Somedays they will let me sleep on the couch after they have sex, sometimes under the bed (Just to make me feel more and more humiliated as I could listen to them talking romantic stuff while I am passing a sleepless night deprived of love from mom.) Someday mom will take pity on me and convince her husband to let me sleep between them on bed all three naked hugging each other. And someday when they are in a bad mood after sex, they will just kick me out of the bedroom cause they will feel like I am hampering their privacy and kicking me out will give my mom and step dad some quality time to have of their own.

That’s all I had to say. Hope you guys enjoyed. Feel free to judge, comment or knock me in personal-chat anytime you want. Thanks.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kr678l/i_think_i_am_a_cuckold_son_about_mom

1 comment

  1. Oh my god! This is so hot. Keep us posted if you ever get a live show. Also, can I dm you?

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