Office Follies, Chapter One [Office] [Submission] [Oral]

Chapter 1


‘Look,’ I said, ‘all I wanna do is copy this thing, file it, and get outta here. That’s it.’

He stared at me.

I opened my arms wide. ‘So are you gonna move and let me get it done?’

‘I can’t,’ he said. ‘I have to fix it.’

‘Jesus Christ. It’s very simple… I take my photocopy, I go. Are you understanding me?’ I was raising my voice now.

‘If I could, I would,’ he said.

He was cool, far too cool. Here I was losing my temper and he was holding it together. Was that a smirk playing on his lips? My blood was beginning to boil. I bit my lip before I swore.  

‘Fine,’ I said. I made towards the door. Before storming out, I looked over my shoulder at him. I didn’t know why he stressed me out the way he did. Dominic had been in the office three weeks now, and every time he made an appearance I felt a strange irritation. It’s not like I was attracted to him. He wasn’t particularly handsome; I mean, he probably had a half-decent body under the cheap shirt, but he certainly wasn’t gifted in the looks department, not by a long shot. Dark, unruly hair, poorly shaven. And he was too young by far. But even as I looked at him leaving the room, he turned to gaze at me with an unmistakable leer in his eye. My face burned as I glared back at him. I marched to my desk and slammed the file on the desk, and went into the staff bathroom.

No one was in there. I opened the top buttons on my blouse. The anger I felt had caused me to sweat. I took some issue paper and dabbed under my arms and between my breasts. Dominic and his stubbornness had upset me, and that on top of a horrible week too. Christ, I was ready to go home. I noticed the flush in my cheek… was I? No, I said to myself. You weren’t. I adjusted my bra and closed my blouse. Loose strands of my dark hair had tumbled loose. I looked like a woman who was flustered. I adjusted my bun. I smoothed out my skirt, took a deep breath, and walked back outside.


‘See you Monday, Genevieve,’ my boss said as I was leaving.

‘Have a good weekend, Mark,’ I said. I knew he wouldn’t. In the midst of a bitter separation, his wife was putting him through hell.

I was thinking about the glass of wine that was waiting for me at home, when the lift pinged. I stepped inside. The doors were closing when a hand came through the door. I recognized the rolled up sleeve with the tattoo peeking out immediately. Dominic pushed his way inside.

‘Jesus,’ I muttered. Was this guy out to deliberately wreck my day? ‘Are you following me?’ I said.

‘In your dreams.’

Smug, too. I felt my blood boil again.  

‘I’m Dominic,’ he said, as the doors closed.

‘I know.’ I tried not to look at him.

I could smell a heavy musk off him, a hard male odor. The lift was suddenly too small for the two of us. The lift descending, he turned to face me.

‘You don’t like me much, do you?’ he said.

‘I couldn’t care less about you one way or the other.’ Perhaps there was more irritation in my voice than I intended.

‘Then what was that all about, back there?’


‘Before, in the office…’

He leaned against the wall, planting his legs apart. His shirt was open more than it needed to be, revealing the sparse, short hairs of his chest.

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ I said.

‘Fine.’ He was looking down my blouse as he said it.

The lift jerked to a stop. The two of us froze.

‘No. No way,’ I said. ‘Not today!’ I started thumping the buttons of the elevator, but to no response. ‘You gotta be fucking kidding me!’

I looked at Dominic, who merely smirked. Is he kidding?

I fell against the wall of the elevator. I glanced down, seeing the outline of Dominic’s cock in his pants. I felt my face flush and I looked away. Dominic sighed and looked at the ceiling. I knew what he was doing – he was giving me an opportunity. So out of the corner of my eye, I looked again. I wasn’t wrong. His cock was pressing against the cheap polyester of his trousers. Thick. Long. I looked at his face, he aware of my gaze, but staring at the ceiling, so I returned my eyes to his cock. My heart thumped. What if? What if I stepped forward and reached out, and squeezed his thick member between my thumb and forefinger, just to test its hardness, then gave it a proper squeeze. I felt my face burn. Then maybe kneel down, and rub my face on his prick, feel its contours against my lips, my cheek, then rip the belt open and slip my hand in and pull out his heavy member. I could imagine him above me, grinning… and what would he do? Would he slap my face with it a little, before letting me take the tip in my mouth? And I could feel it… feel it grow harder in my mouth…

I looked up to see Dominic staring at me. I blushed and looked away. Then the lift started again.

Dominic cleared his throat. ‘Thank God for that. I thought we were gonna be stuck here together, just the two of us. Can you imagine?’

He turned away. My face burned, and my pussy tingled.
