A Deal Till Marriage [incest] [M/s][F/d][MFMF]

Jack Peterson, (21 years old), slouched on his bed, aimlessly scrolling on his phone. He glanced over at his sister Amy (20 years old), as she sat tapping away on her laptop. A year younger than Jack, the two had always been close but when they decided to take online university courses instead of going to university, they became each others’ study buddy too. With no friends from university to hang out with, the two spent nearly all day with each other and naturally had grown closer.

Jack took a moment to run his eyes up and down Amy’s body. Her shoulder length blonde hair would usually be up in a ponytail and her tank top hugged her body to reveal her curves. Much like their mother, Lizzie Peterson (40 years old), Amy had been blessed with large breasts, and she always wore her short shorts around the house. This was no coincidence – Jack would often turn the heating up to make sure both his Mom and sister wore as little clothing as possible. The trick had worked like a charm for as long as he could remember, of course, their Dad, Mark Peterson (40 years old) never complained!

The four of them lived in the typical suburbs and would spend their weekends hiking or jogging. Health and fitness was very important to the Petersons, Both Lizzie and Mark grew up playing sports so naturally were quite fit and looked more like Jack and Amy’s older siblings than parents. Lizzie’s long brunette hair contrasted with Amy’s blonde and though Amy was a lot more athletic in her body form, Lizzie was by no measure unfit. Lizzie’s breast were easily a cup size bigger than Amy but Amy beat her Mom in the curves department. It was always like the two had a unspoken competition for the attention of the men in the household. They knew they were hot and would take any opportunity to show off. Mark and Jack of course thought their careful glimpses were going unnoticed by the girls – they weren’t.

Both Jack and Mark had spent a summer a few years back building a home gym in the garage. To the surprise of the ladies, the two actually made use of their gym and had made considerable progress. Jack was a lot leaner than his father, proud of his six pack, he’d have his top off whenever he could but Mark could out lift his son any day of the week. Mark was an inch less than the typical dad bod, but he was strong and burly. Wide, broad shoulders from all the bench press and big, strong thighs from the heavy squats, Mark would easily draw the attention of his wife and daughter, something he secretly enjoyed very much.

Both Mark and Lizzie come from highly religious upbringings and so naturally instilled the same values in Jack and Amy. Though they weren’t much church goers anymore, Mark and Lizzie were very much traditional in every other sense. So when Jack and Amy decided to take home classes to save on tuition fees, rather than to go in person university, both parents were largely relieved. The money they could have worked out however they were proud their kids were thinking about their financial futures. But secretly, they were more relieved their kids would not be subject to the temptations of college life.

Back in Jack’s bedroom, Jack snapped out of his trance, from eyeing his sister up and down he sat up and cleared his throat. “Ugh, Amy, you know err, I was thinking about Mom and Dad…” Amy looked up from her laptop with a quizzical look.

“You know how they told us no sex before marriage, and you know they got married when they were 18 because they were high school sweethearts and they had me at 19 and…” Jack rambled.

“What are you trying to get at Jack,” Amy said impatiently.

“It’s just unfair, that’s all” Jack sighed.

“What do you mean?”, Amy swivelled in her chair and looked at her brother, carefully pushing the conversation along.

“Well, it’s just, things were different back then, and so no sex before marriage was easier, like, they were both younger than us when they started, you know, and we are both older, virgins and still never really experienced anyth… and I just think, maybe…” Jack was staring at his phone, avoiding eye contact with Amy.

“So you want us to fuck?” Amy blurted out matter of factly.

Jack was stunned, he quickly sat up; “Huh, what no, I was just saying maybe it would be ok if we fooled around with others… wait, do you… do you want to?”

Amy moved onto Jack’s bed and knelt by him; “Well, who are we gonna fool around with? All our friends are off to college, no one around. Besides, I was thinking, the whole ‘no sex before marriage’- thing, well, it was more of a ‘you should only have sex with someone you love’ – thing. And we love each other. I mean not in that way I suppose but it’s still ‘love’ in a way. So we wouldn’t be breaking any rules if we were to experiment on our own – right? I mean if we -“, now Amy was rambling and Jack cut her off…

“Okay” he blurted.

Amy looked puzzled; “huh, okay?”

Jack’s mind was racing, he wasn’t even sure what he was agreeing to, but he was jumping on the opportunity; “yeah, okay, let’s do it – I’m down.”

A smile spread across Amy as she jumped up and straddled Jack’s hip. His basketball shorts and her mini shorts trapped Jack’s cock between them. Amy wasn’t intending for this but she didn’t really know where to go either. Jack was just lost in the moment, here he was on his bed, with his sister sitting on his cock. He naturally moved his hands forward and cupped her breasts through her top. Amy bit her lower lip, never having her breasts felt up, even through her top, this was sending electricity through her. She lent forward, placing her hands on Jack’s chest and her hips started to grind by their own instinct. Soon, Amy was dry humping her brother as Jack massaged his sister’s tits. The two inexperienced siblings were enjoying pressing their genitals into each other. Even through their clothes, Amy could feel her brothers hard cock pressing against her pussy, and Jack could feel the heat emanate from Amy onto his groin. The excitement and electricity that was running through them was driving them both wild. Lost in the moment as they slowly reached their climax, they didn’t hear Jack’s bedroom door open.

“OH MY GOD!”, Lizzie shouted as she watched her daughter grind on her son. The two froze and turned around like two deers in headlights. “Amy. Your room. NOW.” Lizzie was clearly livid, her motherly instinct took over as she swung the door open. Amy sheepishly got off Jack and walked out without a word. Jack sat up with his mind flat lining. “I’ll deal with her first, do not move a single muscle mister,” Lizzie said through near gritted teeth. As she closed the door behind her, Jack ran his hands through his hair in disbelief. What had he done? What was he going to do now?

The next 30 minutes were the longest minutes of his life. Jack sat on his bed, trying his best to hear what was going on in Amy’s room. His bedroom was sandwiched between his parents on one side and Amy’s on the other. But he couldn’t hear much, other than some muffled voices. Lizzie had gone downstairs and grabbed Mark before going into Amy’s bedroom. All of a sudden, the voices died down and Jack could hear a couple pairs of footsteps go down stairs. His bedroom door swung open, his Mom looking at him with a half disappointed half sympathetic look; “Downstairs, you dummy.” A sliver of relief hit Jack hearing his Mom call him dummy affectionately. He got up and followed his Mom down the stairs into their living room, where Amy was sitting next to their Dad. Jack avoided all eye contact as Lizzie sat next to her husband.

As Jack went to sit next to his mom, he began, “It’s all my fault, I started it and I take full responsi….”.

Mark cut him off, “It’s okay Jack, Amy here explained everything and we understand completely.” Jack looked at his parents, his jaw ajar. Mark took a deep breath and sighed, “We messed up. As parents we were too careful and over protective, we didn’t let you party, we didn’t let you date and you two, surprisingly, actually listened. We stopped you from experiencing the things we experienced. Your Mom and I got married the day after she turned 18, we just couldn’t wait, and we’ve been fucking like rabbits ever since!”

“MARK!” Lizzie smacked her husbands shoulder, trying her best to hide her smile.

Mark returned a smirk before continuing; “What I’m saying is, we both understand that curiosity killed the cat and your hormones and urges will take over, all we ask is, that you guys wait a little. Don’t rush into anything, you’ll graduate in a year or two, get jobs and before you know it, you’ll be engaged. ”

The four sat awkwardly on the couch, Dad and daughter on one end and mother and son on the other. Amy turned to her parents, “But Dad, it’s just, we can’t help it, it’s not that everyone else is doing it – it’s that I really want to experience it for myself. It’s not just curiosity. It’s basic instinct. I mean, it’s just really tough, you know?”

Jack quickly added, “We get where you’re coming from but we haven’t even had our first kiss…” Jack looked at his parents and his parents quickly looked at each other. Hearing their kids say this broke their hearts. Both Lizzie and Mark felt a massive burden fall on their shoulders. There was a silence in the room as Mark tried to find the words to express himself. Suddenly, Lizzie turned to Jack, “I understand honey, it’s just… we never really thought…. you know, maybe…” she turned to her husband, “if it’s a kiss you’re looking for maybe we could give you that? I mean, this stays between us and if it will stop the two of you going any further…?” Lizzie was more speaking to her husband now than she was to Jack. And Mark, realising his wife was asking for permission more than anything else, gave a sly nod to his wife. Lizzie turned to Jack; “What do you say, one kiss, so you know what it’s like. Kill the curiosity instead of the cat, so to say?”

Jack was taken aback by the offer. He had always day dreamed about fucking his mother and sister. All the different positions across all the different rooms in the house. And now, all of a sudden, his own Mom was offering to kiss him? All Jack could do was nod. Lizzie placed her right hand across her son’s left cheek and slowly moved in. Jack watched as her eyes closed and she puckered her lips, he quickly replicated and closed his eyes just as their lips touched. He could feel his mom’s warm breath pass over his face as she lightly parted her lips before closing them again, kissing him gently. Mark and Amy watched in amazement as Jack carefully returned the kiss. As quickly as it had begun, it ended and Lizzie drew back with a smile. Jack lingered before opening his eyes. “Not fair! I wanna try!” Amy said and before Jack could truly take in the moment, Lizzie turned to Mark.

“Go on, it’s only fair I suppose.” Lizzie gave Mark the permission he was looking for. He turned to his daughter who eagerly moved forward. Their lips connected, their eyes closed, their hands over each others faces. Amy savoured the moment, enjoying being kissed for the first time. Feeling a little daring, she parted her lips and pushed her tongue between her father’s lips. To her surprise, his tongue met hers. A groan escaped her mouth as Jack and Lizzie watched their sister and husband in a full on make out session. Mark slowly broke the kiss and sat back. Jack watched as Lizzie licked her lips; “hey mom, could we try kissing with our tongues like they did?” Jack couldn’t believe he had just asked his Mom that. “It’s only fair,” he added. Lizzie looked at her husband, who nodded in agreement. Lizzie smiled and moved her lips to her son’s once again. This time, she tentatively pushed her tongue to met Jack’s. Soon they were making out. Lizzie couldn’t believe it. She was making out with her son. And surprisingly, she was enjoying it. He was a good kisser. No, a great kisser. All of a sudden, Lizzie could feel her body heat up, her face started to flush red. She broke the kiss and cleared her throat, adjusting herself before looking at her husband who carried a devilish smirk. He could tell his wife had enjoyed that and with that playful smirk, Lizzie knew her husband was teasing her. She darted a ‘quit it’ look straight back to her husband.

“You know I’ve never really been curious about kissing,” said Amy. All three turned to her, wondering where she was going with this. “I have always been curious about what a real cock feels like….”

“Amy!”, Lizzie broke Amy off before she could finish.

“It’s only fair Mom – I’m just saying, Jack got to settle his curiosity, I want to settle mine.” Amy looked at her Mom with those big eyes. Lizzie thought for a second. Her daughter was right. She turned to her husband with a look of confusion and question. Mark picked up on it.

“Maybe you could feel me cock through my jeans?” Before Mark could finish his agreement, Lizzie nodded and Amy perked up with a big smile. Mark slide his legs slightly ajar and Amy placed her hand on Mark’s thigh and moved her hand slowly up over his crotch. Jack took a moment to notice his Dad’s bulge before looking over at his sister who was now biting her lower lip like she had done earlier. He glanced over at his Mom who was also biting her lower lip. ‘Like mother, like daughter’, Jack thought. His eyes traced his mother’s figure. She was wearing a tight t-shirt with regular blue jeans to match. Her t-shirt hugged her ample breasts tight and Jack wondered if those were his mom’s erect nipples poking through. ‘Couldn’t be – she’s wearing a bra under her t-shirt’ – Jack thought.

A gentle sigh brought Jack back to his current situation. Amy had let out a sigh as she felt her father’s cock but she turned around to her mom; “Mom, I can’t really feel anything – it just feels like I’m pressing against a sack of potatoes!”

“Why don’t you sit up honey so Amy can slide her hand down the inside of your jeans?” Lizzie suggested to her husband, who dutifully complied. The two parents couldn’t believe they were going this far. Amy pushed her hands down the front and for the first time, wrapped her fingers around a cock – her father’s cock. She tried to move up and down but the jeans were too tight. Mark must have noticed too as he undid the top button and a little bit of the zipper. Amy kept stroking his big shaft under his jeans before pulling out, somewhat satisfied but craving more.

Lizzie turned to Jack; “I suppose it’s only fair you get to feel a pussy, if you want to that is…”

Jack was in heaven. His Mom had just offered to let him feel her up. He opened his mouth to say something, to say anything but nothing came out. Lizzie smiled and held back a chuckle at her son’s loss for words, turned slightly on their couch and undid the top button on her jeans. “Here,” she said as she took her sons hand and guided him under the waistband of her jeans. Jack’s hand started to move by it’s own accord, twisting and sliding till his fingers were pushing through some of his mom’s pubes. He pushed further down till he could feel her clit pass under this fingers. Lizzie let out a quiet “Oh”. Jack looked at this Mom who’s eyes were now closed and then looked at his Dad for permission. Mark gave his son a confident nod, eager to see more. Jack moved further down, struggling as Lizzie’s jeans pressed tightly against him, till his fingers slid between his mom’s pussy lips. He instantly felt the wetness and the sudden heat as his fingers curled in just a tad. He couldn’t really penetrate under the jeans but he tried to. Lizzie, realising this, expertly undid her jeans and slid them off under her, never really getting up off the couch. When her jeans passed her knees, she spread her knees, leaving only her green lace panties on and her son’s hand behind them. Jack didn’t dare to move as his Mom took off her jeans but as soon as she settled down, his fingers dove in. Amy couldn’t believe she was watching Jack finger their mother whilst Mark was slowly adjusting his big hard cock that was growing at the sight before him.

Lizzie was in a trance. The taboo of the situation was not lost on her. In fact, it turned her on and she was just as surprised. Feeling her son’s fingers push into her, swirl around, coated in her wetness made her mind race. Before she knew it, she felt an orgasm begin to climb through her. She let her head fall back a little as her son continued to work his fingers, exploring her most intimate parts. Jack wasn’t trying to finger his mom, he was learning, studying his mom’s pussy with his fingers and it drove Lizzie’s mind wild.

Suddenly, Amy interrupted, “Mom – can I feel Dad’s cock with his jeans off too – I didn’t really get a chance to…”

“YES” snapped Lizzie, not really sure if she was saying that to her daughter or to her son but Amy and Mark didn’t miss a beat. Mark ripped his jeans and his boxers clean off and his big, hard cock swung out. He plopped back onto the couch and Amy wasted no seconds placing both her hands on his cock. She started to run her hands up and down before moving a hand to cup his balls, massaging and playing daringly. Pre-cum started to leak from the top of her father’s cock, which she wiped all over the head of his dick. Mark watched his daughter with a smile whilst glancing over to his wife who was clearly blushing.

Lizzie closed her eyes and tried to hide the fact that she was silently cumming. Small shudders shook through her body and Jack began to realize what was happening. He started to move his fingers in and out but as soon as he started, Lizzie’s body stopped shaking and she was coming down from her high. She swung her head forward and her eyes rolled down and she cleared her throat. Jack slowly lifted his hands out of his Mom’s panties as she adjust her self on the couch. Jack noticed his fingers were soaked and looked at his Mom. Her cheeks were red, her face flushed as she locked eyes waiting to see what her son would do. Without hesitation, Jack sucked his fingers in, tasting his mother. Lizzie turned to see Amy was now on her knees between her fathers legs, her face an inch away from his cock, admiring it as she moved her hands up and down. Mark was watching his daughter and looked at his wife with a smile.

Amy turned around, noticing Jack licking his fingers, “Hey! No fair, I want to taste too!” This time Mark wasn’t waiting for confirmation from his wife, he already knew they had gone too far to stop now so he simply placed his right hand around Amy’s head and guided her to his cock. Amy carefully licked the tip and tasted her father before slowly wrapping her lips around his cock. She began to push her head down as her Dad’s cock pushed her jaw ajar. Taking him in she began to slurp and twirl her tongue around, eliciting deep groans from Mark as it was his turn to let his head fall back and enjoy the experience.

Jack turned to his mother and much like his father, was now taking a more active approach: “Mom, since Amy is sucking on Dad, can I suck on your tits?”. Lizzie swung her head from her husband-daughter duo to her son, shocked at his forwardness. Without saying a word, Lizzie lifted her t-shirt off, leaving behind her bra. Jack’s mouth fell open as he watched his mother sit next to him with nothing but a matching pair of panties and bra. But before Jack could really take in the moment, his Mom snapped her bra off and chucked it on the floor, freeing her ample breasts. Jack could feel saliva collecting in his mouth as his eyes feasted on her perfect breasts. Lizzie’s nipples were brown and erect, her breasts full and easily much bigger than one would have thought. Jack reached his left hand out and cupped Lizzie’s right breasts, squeezing and kneading whilst his mouth moved straight to her vacant tit. His lips latched around her areola as his tongue gently massaged her nipple.

Lizzie couldn’t help but smile, watching her son suck on her tit. She grabbed his head and held him tight as he hungrily sucked. Looking over at her daughter, Amy had taken the opportunity to get rid of her clothes and knelt in front of her father completely naked as she sucked him off. Lizzie watched as her husband’s eyes finally opened and saw her having her tits sucked by their son. The shock on Mark’s face quickly disappeared as he groaned in excitement. The sight of his son pleasing his mother turned him on nearly as much as his daughter sucking him off.

As Lizzie turned her focus back to her son, Jack removed his lips from his mother’s nipple and asked, “Mom, can you suck me off like Amy is sucking Dad off?” Hearing the words come out of her son made her pussy twitch, somehow her kids were now in charge, and she and her husband were enjoying it as much as they were. She nodded with a smile. Jack quickly stood and separated himself from his clothes in quick fashion. Standing naked in front of his mother, he stepped closer. His cock already hard, Lizzie didn’t have to reach far to wrap her fingers around her son’s member.

She took a moment to study her sons cock. ‘Beautiful’, she thought. Not as long as her husband’s but certainly thicker. Much thicker, she could see thick veins run down the side of his cock, as she slowly jerked him off. Moving to the edge of the couch, and spreading her legs so her son could step closer, she parted her lips and took her son into her mouth in one sweep. This was not her first blowjob and she couldn’t wait, she needed to feel her son’s girth in her mouth. She expertly moved her tongue around, extracted moans and grunts from her son.

Jack didn’t know what to do with his hands, watching his mother give him his first blowjob – the feeling of her tongue and lips moving around his cock flatlining his mind.

Amy let her fathers cock slip out of her mouth and said; “Daddy my pussy needs what Mom is doing but I don’t think getting eaten out is going to do it, I need something more… I need this Daddy,” she grips Mark’s cock tightly. Now Mark, much like his wife had done moments ago, silently nods his permission as his daughter takes charge. She gets up and places her knees on either side of Mark’s hips on the couch. Mark reaches down and holds his cock straight up and his daughter slowly lowers herself on to him. His cock spreading her virgin pussy lips aside as she continues to sit down. Jack and Lizzie (still with her mouth full of Jack’s cock) both watched as Amy was being penetrated by her Dad. Slowly, she kept sitting down as inch after inch disappeared.

Mark could feel her tight pussy trying to push her off and push his big cock out, but his daughter kept going. “That’s my girl,” Mark complimented as Amy finally was sitting fully on her father’s lap, consuming him in completely. Taking a second to enjoy the feeling of having her first cock inside her, Amy smiled as she looked over her shoulder at her Mom and brother. They both smiled and Amy lifted off her Dad, leaving only the tip inside before sitting back down. And then up again. Then down again. Soon, Amy was slowly moving up and down, letting her father’s cock repeatedly impale her. She could feel her pussy walls gliding past her Dad’s cock.

Mark slid his hands to his daughter’s hips, helping her push down on him and lift her up. Soon they were picking up the pace. It dawns on Amy that she is finally fucking – she is actually fucking and she was fucking her Dad! Suddenly, an orgasm blasts through her body. She slams her hips down and Mark holds her hip in place as he feels his daughter quiver. He watches her face contort in blissful agony and Amy looks down to see her father waiting patiently as she cums. She falls forward and her lips met her Dad’s as they kiss again. Just as quickly as the orgasm had arrived, it melts away but Amy was far from done, she restarts sliding up and down and this time she was going for speed. Soon a fast paced clapping echoed through the room as the hips of both father and daughter slammed together.

Jack looked at his Mom but before he could say anything she whispers hungrily; “I know.” Lizzie pushed back into the couch, laying flat with her hips resting just off the edge. With one hand she pulls her panties to one side and Jack grips his cock and takes aim. Moving between his mothers legs, Jack’s cock finally reaches it’s destination as he slides the head up and down his Mom’s pussy lips, coating himself in her wetness. Failing this test of patience, Lizzie jolts her hips forward, forcing her son’s cock to penetrate her.

Jack savours the feeling of entering into his mother. The most taboo act, to return to where he once came from. To push further in, watching his thick cock glide into his mother. She was tight and oh so wet. So wet that he suffered hardly any resistance pushing in. Jack glanced up at his mother who was watching their privates connect. He pushed in till his balls made contact with his mother’s ass cheeks.

Jack took a big breath in, finally he knew what it was like to have sex. Finally. And to top it off – it was his mother who had so generously and lovingly blessed him with this gift. He could feel his mother’s pussy pulse around him. Jack starts to pull his cock out and slowly return in to his new found home.

Lizzie was just sitting back, enjoying the sensation of her son’s cock spreading her pussy apart. Her husband could reach further in with his longer cock but her son’s much thicker cock brought an entirely new element to the game. She stroked her hair out of her face as she looked over at her husband. Mark was now ramming into their daughter from below, meeting each of Amy’s bounces with a thrust of his own. Somehow, Mark must have known his wife was watching as he glances over at that very moment. Both Mark and Lizzie made eye contact and almost telepathically communicate the same message: ‘let’s show these two what it’s really like to fuck’.

Lizzie snapped her eyes back to her son and wrapped her legs around his hips, her ankles locking behind him. She gave enough room for Jack to still pump his cock into her. Lizzie then slid her hands up her son’s torso and pulled him forward till his chest crashed into hers.

Jack knew where his Mom was going with this, he let his weight fall on her, feeling her breasts press into his chest. His mouth moved towards her’s as her tongue met his before their lips touched. Hungrily making out, the mother-son duo pounded away as across from them the father-daughter duo were lost in their own act of passion.

Beads of sweat now dripped down Amy’s back onto her Dad as she rode him faster and faster. The sounds of the claps getting louder only fuelled Jack to fuck his Mom harder and harder. Soon their own claps were matching that of his sister and father.

The four continued to fuck, letting out moans and grunts as all inhibitions were lost. Amy was the first to reach her climax and started to moan loudly. This of course set the other three off and soon all four were feeling waves of pleasure pass over them.

Mark could feel his daughter’s pussy convulse around him and Jack could feel his Mom’s pussy pulse. Lizzie could feel her son’s cock throb inside her and Amy could feel her Dad’s cock twitch inside her. Lost in the moment, Mark grunts as he starts to cum inside Amy. Amy doesn’t slow down and their clapping sound turns into a sloshing sound as cum starts dripping down from her pussy, around Mark’s cock and onto the couch.

Knowing they were cumming set Lizzie off who wrapped her hands around Jack’s back and dug her nails into him. Jack could feel his Mom shake under him and she let go off their kiss and moved her lips down to his right shoulder. Soon, out of instinct, Lizzie bit into Jack’s shoulder, unable to control herself.

The pain from his mother’s bite pushed Jack over the edge and he felt his balls clench as he started to shoot his jizz into his mother. As soon as Lizzie could feel her son cum, her legs clamped around his hip, pulling him in and holding him there.

In contrast to his mother’s bites, Jack reached forward and begain kissing and licking Lizzie’s neck. The two, holding each other in an intimate embrace as their waves of pleasure rode through them. At that time, Amy lets her finally cries and whimpers as her climax comes to an end and she collapses onto her father who holds her in his strong arms.

The four laid there, amazed at their united climax, holding each other in a silent love grip. Both the men were still buried deep inside their respective sexual partners. The four could still feel each other’s most intimate parts twitching and pulsing every now and then.

Amy was the first to break the silence; “Daddy, that was amazing but you came insi….”

“It’s alright honey, had my wires snipped years ago” Mark reassured his daughter. Jack looked at his mother with slight worry.

“And I had my tubes tied, we’re fine baby,” Lizzie whisper, not quite mustering the strength to speak. Jack moved his lips to hers to kiss her once more. Amy gave her Dad a quick peck.

“You know, maybe we could make some kind of an arrangement, where we help each other out till me and Jack get married, I mean I’d definitely like to do this again!” Amy’s suggestion did not have to wait long for an answer.

Between his sloppy kisses, Jack muttered “I’m…so….definitely…down.” Lizzie couldn’t hold back a smile as she continued to kiss her son. Still not really having the energy to talk, and not wanting to break their kiss, Lizzie just clamped her pussy around her son’s cock a few times. “I’d…say…Mom…agrees…or….at least… her….pussy does!”

Mark chuckled before adding, “Then we have a deal, till marriage.” Amy smiled before slowly grinding her hips on her Daddy’s cock. She returned to kissing her Dad as the four continued their sinful embraces, the room slowly filling with moans and groans once again….

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kqyyqg/a_deal_till_marriage_incest_msfdmfmf

1 comment

  1. Omfg this was so good I literally sat so long reading this my whole arm is numb

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