Quarantined with Kell, Part VI – FINALE [incest][MF/FF][mother/son][aunt/niece]

Thanks again for reading. I hope you enjoy the final installment.

I may reprise these characters sometime in the future.

Though I do not always have the time to respond, I do read all comments in the comments section, below.

Quarantined with Kell


The three weeks after my father’s death were a blur. Kell, Bridget, and I supported each other as best as we could. Sex just about stopped.

My mother stayed at her parents. My father’s body was cremated. We postponed any kind of a formal service until after the pandemic, deciding to hunker down for now and lick our wounds.

The reading of my father’s will took place via videoconference. I had expected that most of the money would go to my mother, and I was right, but there was a clause providing for $50,000 to be given to both Bridget and I upon our father’s death. With Kell and I just getting started, that money would go a long way towards getting us on our feet financially, even potentially acting as a down payment on a better place to live.

Then came the blow.

The will made my mother the executor, along with an attorney. A codicil gave her wide latitude as to how she interpreted the will.

A week after the reading, my mother called. I had just logged off work when the phone rang with my Mom’s picture on the display.

“Hi Mom,” I answered.

“Hi Jacob,” she said. “I’ll cut to the chase and dispense with the small talk. I’m calling about the money your father set aside for you in his will. As you know, the will also gives me the right to amend what you received, up or down, if I feel there is cause to do so. For example, if you have done something that might have cast you out of your father’s favor. I don’t think he would approve of your relationship with my sister.”

“Mom, he didn’t care one way or the other. He just wanted me to be happy.”

“I still don’t feel that you should receive your share of the money if you are still sleeping with his sister-in-law.”

I shook my head. “You are using this as a way to impose your will, not his. I thought you were over this whole thing.”

“I had just stopped fighting it because I had no leverage. Now I do. You won’t get a red cent as long as you are sleeping with Kell. End of discussion.”

I was stunned. I just stood there and stared at the phone, flabbergasted.

My mother continued.

“Furthermore, I am tired of being away from home. My father has completely recovered. I think my parents can manage on their own. In six days I am coming home. If you know what’s good for you, you will be waiting, but that red-haired bitch of a sister of mine will be out of my house.”

“So you want me to kick her out but stay around?”

“I want you to break off your relationship, send her home, then you stay around and you and I can quarantine as planned originally.”

“What about Bridget?”

“She is not involved. If she wants to stay with us she can, or she can go home, her call. It’s you and Kell I am concerned about.”

I didn’t say much after that. We wrapped up the call and I hung up. Kell and Bridget had heard the tone of my voice and had caught the basic gist of what was said.

“What do we do?” I asked.

“Probably do what she asked, for now,” Kell said.

“For now?” I said.

“I have a plan,” Kell said with a smile. “I bet we can use my sister’s tricks against her.”

“What do you mean?”

“Your father is dead. She now wants to be cooped up in the house with you. I bet it wouldn’t be too difficult for you to get her into a compromising position and get some photographs.”

“You want me to seduce my mother like she did for her father.”

“Yep, I bet you could, too. She’s going to get tired of her vibrator sooner or later. Her virginal act aside, she has never dealt with dry spells well. You lead her on a little and I bet she will be all over you.”

I thought about that night when Bridget and I fucked in the attic, Bridget in my mother’s dress – and my own desire for my mother. I could actually fulfill that desire, and turn the tables on my mother.

“How do we begin?” I asked.

“We begin by researching hidden cameras on the Internet.”

I opened my laptop, Kell looking over my shoulder. A quick search brought up some nanny cams. Kell froze.

“Close the laptop,” she said.

“What? Why?” I asked.

“Just close it.”

I did as she told me. She put a finger to her lips then took my hand and Bridget’s hand and led us outside of the house, walking a few houses down the street until she spoke.

“Oh, shit, did you see that?” she asked. “On the first page of search results. Those devices, there was a digital clock and a teddy bear. I recognized them.”

“You recognized them? From where?”

“From your house! Your house is wired with hidden cameras!”

“But who would do that?” Bridget asked.

“Who do you think?”

“So she has been watching us the whole time we were at her house?”


I shook my head. “God, I wonder how long she has been doing this? Oh man. She gave me the clock radio I have in my bedroom when I was in high school. Was she watching me jerk it when I was a teenager?”

“Mine too. I wouldn’t put it past her,” Bridget added. “She might have even wired other places as well. That might have been why she knew you two were on the beach that night.”

“Wow,” I said. “We need to confront her with this.”

“Yes, we should. But there’s confrontation, and there’s confrontation,” Kell said, and winked. “Our conversation a few minutes ago in the house means she now has us on record saying you were going to try to seduce her. So it’s in her best interest to let you go through with your plans. She could claim that you were the one who instigated the whole thing and therefore she has cause to remove you from the will.”

“But that would mean she would have to show proof that she has wired the house with cameras.”

“Not at all. The moment you try to make a move, she just shuts you down. Claims the audio recording came from you leaving a call open by accident or some other bullshit. Boom, you are out of the will.”

“So what do we do?”

“Let’s go back in and act like we are going through with the plan. Meanwhile, I am going to load some sniffer software on my laptop and see if I can’t locate and tap into her video controller to see where the cameras are. If we’re lucky she may have even stored some incriminating videos.”

I am not a tech person, and Bridget is a mixed bag, but Kell has always been a whiz at technology. Within an hour, she had found the IP address of the controller. Though we didn’t know where it was physically in the house, she had no trouble locating it virtually. And though my mother had changed the default password, it was not difficult to figure out.

We did this in silence, out of sight of the cameras we could identify. Our only communications were via text messages.

And then, there it was, on Kell’s computer screen. An array of cameras. Seven in all, spread our around the house. In my room, the guest room, the master bedroom, Bridget’s old bedroom, the living room, the kitchen, and the dining room.

We went for another walk to get out of the house and figure out our strategy.

“So we have enough evidence now to blow her out of the water,” I said. “I say we just call her now and confront her.”

“We’ve got cameras, but she’s wiped the server of any incriminating videos. Anything she wanted copies of she apparently stored elsewhere, maybe on her personal laptop or on key drives in some locked closets. Just having the cameras isn’t enough evidence. If we really want to get her we need something more damning. Plus, after all, you wanted to seduce her, right?” Kell asked, with a cocked eyebrow. I had to admit the idea still held an appeal.

“So what do we do?”

“We tell her I went home, then Bridget and I hole up at Bridget’s place, leaving you two alone. Since she wants to get some evidence against you, I bet she tries to seduce you pretty quickly after she gets back. As soon as she takes the bait I grab the videos from the server before she can cherry-pick only the ones she wants seen, and we can call her out on her spying – and get your money.”

So, as planned, a couple days later Kell and Bridget went to Bridget’s apartment. When I brought my mother home from the airport, I told her that Kell hand gone home and that Bridget went back to her apartment. She and I were the only ones around.

The first couple of days went uneventfully. It was my plan to let her make the first move. Kell and I texted often, and she checked the video controller regularly.

I didn’t have to wait too long.

It was a Thursday evening. After I logged off work, my mother made some stir fry for dinner, and we decided to watch a movie on TV. I wanted to take a shower first.

When I came back down, I wore a pair of old shorts and a T-shirt. I went into the living room and flipped on the television, surfing through the options on Netflix and Prime. I could hear my mother in the kitchen. A moment later I turned when she came into the room and I caught my breath. While I was in the shower, my mother had changed into a light, short satin robe. I had seen the robe before on warm nights, but this time was she didn’t appear to have anything on underneath. It was tied at the waist, but open enough at the top to display ample cleavage and the very edges of her wide aureoles. And though I wasn’t going to let my eyes wander, in my peripheral vision I was pretty sure I could see trimmed pubic hair flashing when she walked.

“So it begins,” I thought to myself.

We debated what to watch on TV and finally settled on a couple of sitcoms. I sat on the opposite end of the couch from my mother.

When Kell and I had planned this out, she told me not move too quickly, that everything had to be organic, and slow. But now that the time had come to start making my moves, all I could think about was that night with Kell and Bridget in the attic. That night when I kept mistaking Bridget for my mother.

I had never before felt this way about my mother, but having had that experience of seeing those pictures, of seeing my mother in that dress – and then fucking Bridget in that same dress – it had left me with longings I wasn’t sure I liked, but that I couldn’t deny.

And after what she had done to Kell and I, it wasn’t about love, it was about pure lust.

And revenge, I guess.

I looked over at her on the opposite end of the couch, then looked away. Then looked back, letting my gaze rest for a moment on her chest underneath the robe, the outlines of her nipples against the fabric. before raising it to her face. She turned to me.

“What?” she asked, quizzically.

“Sorry, it’s nothing.” I turned back to the television. She shrugged.

A moment later I looked back at her, staring for a moment at her chest.

This time she caught me looking.

“What? What’s the matter?” she asked. “Out with it.”

“Nothing. Sorry, it’s just I really can’t help but notice how much you and Bridget look alike. I hadn’t really spent that much time with her lately until Kell and I were cooped up with her, but it really is amazing. You guys look alike.”

“Really?” she asked.

“Truly. You guys are practically identical.”

I wasn’t lying. Besides some additional lines in her face and freckles on her chest, they really were almost like twins.

I felt an erection growing in my shorts. I had on boxers underneath, so I shifted my position enough to let my expanding cock slide up one of the legs of the shorts. It was obvious underneath the fabric, and if I shifted a little, I could have slipped the head clear.

I glanced over at my mother again, took in her breasts. I lingered my gaze just long enough to get her attention, but looked back at the TV before she looked over. When she did look over, I could see from the corner of my eyes that her vision was locked on my tenting shorts.

I shifted. The tip poked free.

I looked at her and she immediately looked back at the television.

“Everything okay?” I asked.

“Fine,” she said, her face stoic. She shifted her shoulders so that the robe gapped even further, exposing her right breast completely.

Apparently she was up for the game, too.

Kell had said to take it slow, but I knew that if I continued down this path I was going to just fuck her on the couch right now. I needed to slow down.

I yawned. “It’s late. I need to get a couple things cleaned up for work tomorrow. I’m heading up to my room.” I stood up, the erection obvious against my shorts.

My mother stood up and gave me a good night hug. She pressed her body against mine and I could feel her breasts against my chest, her hips pressing against mine. My erection pressed against her thigh.

I went up to my room. I cleaned up a little leftover work, waiting for her to head up to her room for the night. Finally, around 11:30, I heard the television turn off and my mother come up the stairs. As she passed by my room, she knocked.

“Come in,” I said.

She pushed the door open and stood in the doorway. The robe was half open and one of her breasts was completely exposed. I felt the return of the erection stir in my shorts and made no attempt to hide it.

“I thought you would be asleep by now,” she said.

“I’m headed that way. I just took care of a couple work things, and I might turn in shortly.”

“Well don’t stay up too late,” she said. Her eyes wandered down to my shorts that now had a noticable tent. I thought she was going to say something, but she seemed to change her mind and withdrew.

I shifted my laptop so the screen was no longer visible to the camera my mother had hidden in the room, then logged into the video controller using the information Kell had provided me. I flipped over to the camera that was in my mother’s room and put on a set of ear buds to I could hear.

She entered the bedroom and took off her robe. Seeing her completely naked after everything that had happened made me hard immediately. I ditched my T-shirt and shorts and let my erection stand free.

She dug a laptop and a vibrator out of her nightstand and opened the computer. I could see the screen from the camera view. In a moment, the video controller screen popped up, and then the view from the camera that was in my room.

I was watching my naked mother watch me naked. It was showtime.

I reached down and began to slowly stroke my cock, up and down. She couldn’t see my screen, but I am sure she assumed I was watching porn. I might as well have been. The quality on the camera she had hidden in her bedroom was excellent. I could make out the lines on her face, the bumps on her aureoles, the strands of damp pubic hair from her neat little bush sticking to her skin as moisture dribbled from between her pussy lips.

I could also see my own image on her screen. I moved my body slightly to make sure the camera got a full, clear shot of my cock. The idea that my mother was watching me masturbate was making me even harder. The blood rose into my cock and the tip swelled, gaping the hole at the apex. I “innocently” gave my cock a stroke in the direction of the clock-radio/camera, giving her a clean view of the engorged tip.

I heard her gasp and saw a shiver run through her body. She slipped a hand across her breasts, massaging them, squeezing the nipples. They were large and hung slightly downward, just like Bridget’s. I thought of our fuck session in the attic and how badly I wanted that to be my mother.

I took my finger and ran it up the underside of my cock, squeezing out all of the pre-come that had begun accumulating inside. I took it on the tip of my finger and stretched it out from my cock head, making a thin thread. I pressed the salty slime to my tongue and licked my fingertip.

Watching this, my mother took her own finger and put it in her mouth. Then she put both of her hands on her chest, caressing them gently. Her eyes were locked on my image on her screen and I knew that she was wishing I was the one who was there touching, caressing them. I wanted to go to her, I needed her. But I knew I couldn’t, at least not yet. After what she had done to me, and to Kell, I had to see this through, so I restrained myself. I stroked my cock some more, cupped my balls, and ran a hand up my chest. I spread my legs to make sure she had a clear view between them.

My mother’s hand had now found its way between her thighs. She ran her hands up and down the lobes, parting them, slipping a finger inside. She leaned back on a pillow that was propped against the headboard, still able to see the laptop screen, and stroked her finger in and out of her pussy. When she pulled it out, a long thread of grool extended from her soaked snatch to her hand. She brought it to her mouth and licked her hand clean, then slid three fingers inside herself and began stroking more vigorously. With her other hand she continued to touch her breasts.

The insanity, the intensity, of what I was doing struck me right then. My mother had a hidden camera in my bedroom and was masturbating while she watched me masturbate. What she didn’t know was that I was also on the video controller and I was watching her pleasure herself. It was like a double-secret masturbation session.

My mother reached for her vibrator and flicked it on, playing the tip across her breasts. Her nipples were as hard as arrowheads. She slid the toy down and rubbed it across her clit as she worked her fingers in and out of her slit.

I was stroking myself into a frenzy as I watched my mother masturbate. I was trying to edge on and off, I didn’t want to come too fast and lose energy. I wanted this to last a long time. But as my mother reached her first orgasm, I felt my balls begin to tighten. I needed to unload, I needed to come.

I watched the screen, trying to hold back.

Then, suddenly, my own image disappeared from the screen in front of my mother. Instead, Kells’ face popped up.

“Hey, there, sister,” said Kell, smirking. “Do you usually rub one out while watching your own son masturbate?”

“Kell?” my mother stammered, caught offguard.

“Yep, it’s me. Jacob and I did a little hacking while we were here and discovered your little camera stash.”

“You little bitch,” my mother cursed.

“That’s me,” Kell said, smiling. “Hey, Jacob, why don’t you come in here. Don’t bother getting dressed, you’d just have to undress again.”

My mother cursed again. “I’m not . . .”

Kell cut her off. “Yes you are. You were getting ready to anyway. You want it, stop acting like it is otherwise.”

Instinctively, I reached for my shorts, but decided against it. We had seen each other naked, what was the point.

I strode down the hallway and into my mother’s bedroom, my rock hard cock bouncing from side to side.

The view in her room was pretty much the same as the view in the camera. Her sitting naked on her bed, the laptop in front of her, Kell on the screen.

“Hey Jacob,” Kell said when I approached.

“Hi Kell,” I said. “Whatever happened to taking it slow?”

“Once I got the video of her playing with herself while watching you masturbate, I decided to speed things up. Anything you want to tell your mother?”

I stood over my naked mother. For the first time that overweening confidence I had always seen in her eyes faltered a little.

I had to admit she looked hot. Her nipples were still hard, and her snatch was still sopping wet. It seemed pretty clear to me that despite her protestations, she was still turned on. And I was turned on not just with how hot she looked, but also a little bit drunk with power.

“So, what is this shit about you taking away my part of my inheritance?” I asked. “And before you answer, remember we have evidence you were watching me masturbate and playing with yourself. I also remember you gave me that clock-radio with the camera when I was still in high school. I bet the world would love to know about your spying on your own children.”

My mother looked down. For the first time, I think she realized just how much trouble she was in.

“Okay,” she said. “You can have your $50,000.”


“And what?” she asked.

“How much was Kell’s college fund you stole from your father when you were kids.”

“Jacob, no!” blurted out Kell. “That’s water over the dam. Let it go.”

“Not to me its not. She has enough money to pay it back.”

My mother nodded. She clearly was defeated.

“It was $75,000. I will pay that back too.”

“Good,” I said. “And there’s one thing more I want.”

She looked up at me. She had the same doe eyes as Bridget, and they looked beautiful as she regarded me cautiously.

“What’s that?” she asked.

I leaned down and kissed her on the lips. She hesitated for a moment and I thought she was going to draw back. But instead she returned the kiss, opening her lips and slipping her tongue into my mouth. I reached out and cupped her breasts. They felt just like Bridget’s except a little softer. Her large brown nipples were hard, the bumps standing out and the tip like a dart. I disengaged my mouth and ran my tongue down her neck to her breasts, tasting each one in turn, taking my leisure as I suckled at my mother’s breasts.

I happened to glance towards the laptop. Now in addition to Kell watching, Bridget had joined the call and she and Kell were kissing and fondling each other’s bodies as they watched my mother and I go at it.

I was still working over my mother’s breasts. Her skin was the softest I had ever felt on a woman before. It was like silk over cotton. I could have spent hours lost on her chest, but then I remembered what she had done, why it all came to this, and I was ready to turn my attention elsewhere.

I pulled back and gave one of her nipples a rather hard pinch.

“Ouch!” my mother exclaimed. “What was that for.”

“Let’s not forget what you did,” I said. “You still have to be punished.”

I pushed her down on all fours on the bed and grabbed her ass. Her cheeks were lily white and just as soft as the rest of her. I slapped one side, then the other. She let out a moan, that was answered by a pair of groans from the direction of the laptop. I looked over. Bridget and Kell weren’t even paying attention to us anymore. They were in the midst of a 69 on Bridget’s bed.

“I can’t believe I’m even taking part in this,” my mother said. I slapped her ass again, hard. She cursed.

“You’ve done worse,” I said. “Knock of that good girl act. We know all about you now.”

She didn’t say anything for a moment, then finally she shook her head. “Well then, if you’re going so spank mommy’s ass, then fucking do it already.”

“Fuck yeah,” I said. I went at it lustily. I slapped one side, then the other. My mother’s body was practically a double of Bridget’s, and her ass jiggled and shook with each blow. Her white skin turned pink at first, then an angry red, with goose bumps and several rows of welts. I didn’t stop until I could see that my blows really hurt her.

“On your knees,” I said, and pulled her off the bed, forcing her to kneel in front of me where I stood. “Now be a good mommy, and suck my cock.”

She was finally becoming a good girl and didn’t have to be told twice. She licked the head of my cock, teasing the tip, the aperture, the underside. She slid her mouth down the shaft slowly, pressing her tongue against the underside, letting me feel it slipping down every inch. I looked down on her as she did this. It could have been Bridget or my mom, the only difference being the small cultivated patches of gray her temples. She worked her way up and down the shaft, sucking hard as her lips slipped in and out. She looked up at me with the same doe eyes Bridget had displayed that night in the attic. It just made me that much harder. I had fucked Bridget, now I was going to fuck my mother.

She pulled her mouth off my cock and lifted up her breasts, burying my cock in the soft flesh between them, using her spit to lubricate. I closed my eyes and surrendered for a moment to the sensation of my own mother on her knees in front of me giving me a blow job and a tit fuck, while my sister and aunt looked on.

Finally I pulled out and pushed her back onto the bed on her back. Her tits jiggled and I reached out, cupping and squeezing them some more. I stopped myself before I began sucking them because I knew if I put my mouth to her tits again, it would be a while before I let go.

Instead, I gave my rock-hard cock a stroke or two, pushed my mother’s legs apart, and buried it to the hilt. She groaned.

“Jacob,” she whispered. “Fuck me, please fuck me. I’ve wanted this for so long. I’ve been looking at your cock for years on the cameras, always just out of reach. Please, fuck me. Come inside of me.”

I paused. “All those years you were spying on me, on Bridget, on who knows else. Why should I give you what you want now?”

“I’m sorry, please fuck me. I’ll make it up to you. I’ll do whatever you want.”


“Yes, please just fuck me.”

“I’ll hold you to that,” I said, and rammed my cock home, deep inside of her. Her cunt was just like her skin, soft and yielding, but firm. A stream of juice flowed out past my cock and down her ass, puddling on the sheets. I slipped back out and back in, making an audible sucking sound as I pile-drove back in.

I was not gentle. She had been watching me in secret for years. If she wanted to feel my cock inside her, it was going to be on my terms.

I slammed my body against her again. Her tits jiggled and she groaned.

“Harder!” she called.

I didn’t answer, I just rammed her again and picked up the pace. My balls beat against her asshole hard enough that it hurt, but still I went at it. She groaned and propped herself up on her elbows, pressing her mouth onto mine. She was slick with sweat. Her slippery tits slapped against my chest as I fucked her and we kissed. Our combined perspiration slid between her breasts and down her stomach.

She moaned as I felt the muscle contractions of her first orgasm.

I could feel my balls beginning to tighten. It wasn’t going to be too long now before I came. I tried to slow down a bit, but my mother called out “harder, faster” again, and wrapped her legs tightly around me. I could feel another wave of an orgasm washing through her.

I tried to pull back before I came, but her legs held me tight. She felt me trying to pull out and repeated her earlier entreaty.

“Come inside, Jacob. Come inside your mother.”

I was getting close. I was using every technique I knew to try to delay the inevitable, but her constant exhortations to go faster and harder were wearing me down.

My mother gave me one final plea. “Come inside mommy, Jacob.”

That was it. I lost control. My balls tightened and a torrent of sticky, pearly juice shot out of my cock into my mother’s waiting cunt. She screamed my name as I unloaded inside of her. I filled her up completely, leaving trails of semen dribbling out of her cunt around my throbbing cock.

I rolled off her and lay on the bed beside her, utterly spent.

Kell clapped…

A BRIEF EPILOGUE (what happened afterwards)

My mother was good as her word and both Kell and I got the money she promised.

The four of us are currently quarantined at my mom’s house. You can imagine the things we are doing. I would tell you but that might be a story for another day.

The situation with my mom has patched up sufficiently that the four of us are considering making this a permanent arrangement once Covid is passed. We’ll see.

My mother is a whiz with hidden cams and a bit of an exhibitionist, like her sister. I can’t wait for this pandemic to pass so we can put both to the test. But that, too, is a story for another day.

This is not how I expected things would turn out, but sometimes life has a way of throwing you curves.

But the most important thing right now is that we are all reasonably happy.

And this is the end of my story (at least for now).


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kqnci4/quarantined_with_kell_part_vi_finale

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