Way back in high school I was one of the few black guys on campus, known for playing the guitar and fucking off. She was 5 feet tall, a tiny blonde nerdy type and known primarily for her brains. We will call her sarah She was definitely attractive, long blonde hair, big breasts for her size and small subtle curves, but coming from a large, low-income family, they didn’t have money to waste on anything but mostly practical hand sewn clothing. Most of the guys were afraid of her because she was smarter than they were and she seemed to have a pretty no-nonsense attitude. I seemed to always have the most girls in school but it was probably only because I played pretty songs on the guitar and they loved that. I suppose I was a good listener too. I loved running around and being wild.

Sarah was different. She had several brothers that I hung out and smoked with. So, I had the opportunity to hang out at their house once in a while. The guys at school only had only ever seen sarah in her conservative school clothes and the only pair of glasses her family could afford. She usually wore her hair in a ponytail or braids. The guys only noticed her when she was receiving some academic award. I began to look at her differently one day.

I went over to her house with her brother on the way to play some hoops. She was there in the front yard wearing a pair of very short cut off Levi’s. She held a garden hose and was playing in the water. As I got out of the car, she stopped what she was doing, looked me straight in the eye and warmly said, “hi!” Like she was happy and excited to see me. We exchanged some small talk, until I remembered that I was there to see her brother. I think it was then that the fire started. I had never seen such delicious skin or heard my name spoken by a lovelier, sexier voice. She was there in her incredible natural beauty. It was a Saturday morning; she wasn’t dressed to go anywhere. She didn’t wear any of the war paint the other girls wore. Her beautiful long, blonde, satiny hair flowed naturally and freely. The image haunted me.

Over the next few months, we played the flirting game and finally became a secret couple. We became inseparable, spending as much time together as possible. I was still horny as hell, but very much in love and would not do anything to lose her. Our necking was becoming more and more passionate.

One of the things that she always liked me to do was to scratch her back. To tell you the truth, I found this a bit of a chore until that evening she asked me to go up under her blouse to scratch her back. Her skin was absolutely perfect smoothe fair and flawless. It was the softest and smoothest thing I had ever experienced. My sexual excitement grew to a boiling point. After that first time, I took every opportunity to have my hands under her blouse. Feeling brave one night, I slipped a hand under her bra strap and around to her soft, perfectly shaped large breast. She bolted from the sofa and proceeded to lecture me on what a good girl she was. Somehow, my brain was able to maintain my solemn, guilty, sorrowful expression, while celebrating the conquest all at the same time. I was thrilled. She was so angry with me that I was put in cold storage for several days. She hung out with me but barely talked to me. I promised to be good and to never do anything like that again. I did my very best to behave.

She must have sensed my growing frustration and my struggle to behave. Because I know I wasn’t her first. One night my car was parked in her parent’s driveway and we were kissing and holding each other. She proceeded to throw a surprise at me. While I was scratching her back, she asked me to unhook her bra to get better access. I gladly did so. My heart started thumping, The swelling in my pants became very uncomfortable. I scratched her back for awhile, Afraid to let my hands wander to where they wanted to go. She then sat back in her seat. She looked at me and said, “you know the other night when you tried to touch me? Well, I’ve changed my mind.” She then unbuttoned her blouse. Wow!!! I kissed her passionately and placed my hand on her firm stomach. I explored that velvety skin and worked slowly up to her perfect breasts. As I gently fondled them and explored them she laid back in her seat. I couldn’t believe it. I was in heaven! Her nipples were firm before I even got there. I enjoyed myself so much. She made no effort to restrain me. I started kissing her hair and then slowly kissed down to her ear and then to her neck. She knew where I was headed, but made no effort to stop me. I proceeded downward from her neck exploring her naked shoulders and chest. My heart was beating rapidly. I then continued downward kissing my way down to the center of her breast and took one of her nipples into my mouth. I caressed it gently. I felt her hand on the back of my head gently stroking my hair and guiding me back and forth to each breast. I swirled around her nipples with my tongue and could hear her rapid breathing. For a moment, I placed my hand on her upper thigh less than an inch from the goal of my next conquest, but decided not to push my luck that evening. I wanted to savor this precious moment. I returned my hand to her breasts.

At some point, I was afraid of overdoing it and decided to stop. I backed off to my seat. She didn’t move, but said, “that felt good, do it again?” So I again proceeded to taste and tease those beautiful breasts. She actually said thank you as she buttoned up her blouse.

Our make out sessions became hotter still. On several occasions, I attempted to get my fingers down to that magical place between her legs, but she always deflected my hand. She didn’t get angry. She would just gently divert my hands elsewhere. I think, that in an effort to direct my attention from her treasure that I was dying to explore, she agreed to touch my aching manhood. I loved the feel of her small soft warm hands and her wet lips on me, but beyond that she wasn’t comfortable doing hand jobs or blowjobs. I literally think she thought that part of me was made of steel. She would get too rough, and I’d have to stop her.

Things often happen when you least expect it. I was at her house along with almost her entire family. Her older brother was coming home from his first weeklong road trip with a Junior College Basketball team and we were all up waiting for him. He didn’t come and didn’t come. Her mom and dad were early risers, so sarah told them that we would wait up for him. They rounded up the four younger brothers and sister and they all went off to bed. You have to understand that this was no ordinary house. It was very clean and well taken care of, but it wasn’t up to anybody’s code. It didn’t have any interior doors. All the doorways had a thin curtain instead of a door. There were also no hallways– you had to pass through one room to get to another. Mom and Dad slept in the very next room. We could hear them breathe. We were finally all by ourselves on the sofa in the living room. We had to keep very quiet. After a fair amount of time we started making out. I had no great expectations of reaching any other goals since her folks were only a few feet away.

She was unusually amorous and very into it that evening. I was a bit nervous about who was in the next room. It was a strange temporary exchange of roles. I had been the sexual aggressor up to now. She was now the one getting lost in our lovemaking. Some how in our passionate positioning, I ended up on my back on the sofa and she was lying on top of me. She was kissing me more lustfully than she had ever before. I was very conscious of her precious mound grinding on my leg. My hands were up under the back of her blouse exploring her incredible warm soft skin.

As my hands ventured downward I noticed that the jeans she was wearing were very loose around her waist. I decided to explore as far as I could. My hand moved under the waistband of her panties, and to the top of her ass cheek. I was surprised that I hadn’t been stopped yet, so I pushed further. I now held that wonderful firm ass cheek in my hand for the first time. It was so firm yet soft at the same time. I squeezed it firmly and kneaded it. I think I was testing to see if she realized where my hand was. No reaction! She continued to kiss me passionately. Dare I go further? I decided to go for it. My long fingers crawled down that wonderful cheek and felt the upper part of her inner thigh. Her legs were parted somewhat, around my leg. I stretched my fingers where I thought that magical place that I desired so much was. She stopped kissing me and laid her head on my shoulder as to brace herself and settle in for what came next. My heart was pounding and sexual tool was throbbing. I thought, “My God, she’s going to let me touch her.”

I first touched down at the little space just above the object of my desire. I proceeded downward to her extreme wetness. I was totally going on instinct. I at least had learned enough from my relationship with her to go slow. My fingers found this incredible hot wetness. She was so wet, smoothe, and hairless. I gently explored and tried to determine the shape of everything. I was searching completely blind. I felt the lip on either side of her wetness. I placed a finger in the middle to feel her opening, but didn’t push inside. I explored further down until I found where the two lips joined again. I then touched the swollen spot just after. I felt her gently recoil and heard her gasp a little in my ear. I loved the response I got and decided to continue to touch that spot. It was wonderful. As I touched her, she reacted and made those wonderful little noises. Sometimes a little gasp and other times a little moan. I continued doing this for a very long time, I could feel her pleasure grow and grow. She was grinding her pelvis into my leg and seemed to be in another world. I was hard as steel and aching to be in her. Lucky for her I guess that her parents were in the next room. That forced me to take it very slow and quiet. I let my other fingers join in. While keeping up the attention to her clit with one finger, I used other fingers to pry apart her lips even further. I couldn’t lose; every new thing I tried sent her to a higher level.

Almost by accident one of my fingers slipped in her part of the way. I could feel how wonderfully wet she was. The muscles that surrounded the tip of my finger seemed to try to suck me in deeper. She now started rotating her hips and seemed to chase my fingers wherever they went. Her hands were gripping my arms tightly. I was dying to be in her. Her breathing was hard and hot. I was afraid her whimpering was going to wake up the whole household. Her wonderfully wet sex was grinding against my fingers. My fingers were free to take any liberty they wanted. She was really humping my leg hard now, and I was trying to read what she wanted. She pressed hard onto me and took what sounded like a deep breath. I was surprised that she started quivering and shaking. I wasn’t sure what was going on exactly, but I knew that she didn’t want me to stop. She continued to quiver and shake. She was moaning pretty loudly and breathing hard. Her body tightened for several seconds. She then let out a sharp little sound like OHHHHH!!!, Ohh!!! Oh!!!!. She ground her mound into my leg a few more times and started whispering desperately, “no more, no more.” I quickly stopped moving my fingers as her whole body went limp. She had worked up a sweat and she was breathing hard with my fingers still pressed against that wonderful place. I thought to myself, “I gotta fuck her right now; I don’t care who walks in”. I removed my hand from her pants and we both sat up. Her face and her neck were red and she had a dazed look about her. I told her that I wanted to fuck her. She shook her head no and said, “we can’t right now.” I wouldn’t have it. Her mind was struggling to be in control of her body, but I knew that her pussy was calling the shots.

I held her hand and walked her over to the other sofa across the room that wasn’t in direct view from her parent’s bedroom. We laid down on the sofa facing each other, and I started kissing her and pulling her pants and panties off. She lightly protested but continued to kiss me passionately. I had my pants down just about to my knees, and was rubbing my desperate tool against her pubic hair. I rolled over on top of her. She instinctively put one leg up on the back of the sofa and the other on the front edge. She was ready, and I was ready. I guided my above average aching hardness to where I was barely touching her sweet soft treasure for the first time, I was mad with lust and just about to plunge my hard throbbing cock into her soaking wet pussy when the room was suddenly filled with light from the driveway. We both gasped and started getting dressed, knowing that her brother had arrived. We barely got ourselves put together before the door opened.

I suffered through a long tedious hero’s welcome with Mom, Dad and big brother (the whole time I was smiling on the outside but in my mind I was saying “shut up and go to bed. I want to fuck your sister!!!!”).

Alas, It was eventually time for me to go home. Sarah walked me to my car and got inside with me. With only a little coaxing we again attempted to finish what we started. We got to about the same spot where we had been interrupted before when we thought that we saw the silhouette of her dad in the night. We again hurriedly dressed. I kissed her good bye and went home.

By the time we were alone again, she had cooled down and her head was again in control. I was now allowed to touch her delicious treasure, but no fucking would take place. On the next couple of dates, I put my hand down her pants and fondled her and opened her until she thought that her pussy was starting to take control. She would then put a stop to it. It was in this stage that we started a new routine. We would go to a movie and leave a little early to come back to my house, where we would sneak quietly into my room. We’d take off all our clothes and get under the covers. It was there in the light that I was first actually able to see how beautiful she really was, Not an imperfection anywhere. I gloried in her small perfect naked body. She really enjoyed being naked in bed with me. We would kiss and hold each other, fondle each other and roll around under the sheets. It was a lot of fun. She was willing to do this almost anytime. I guess that I had learned some patience; things were moving forward, even though they weren’t quite at my pace. One thing that was frustrating was that she wouldn’t let me look at her beautiful treasure there between her legs. I could touch it and rub my stiffness against it but could not look at it or kiss it. Eventually our little game under the sheets started to progress. She surprised me again one evening when she rolled me over on top of her. She spread her legs and guided the head of my anxious member to her hot opening. She moved her hips up and down driving me crazy. She then encouraged me to press into her opening, but stopped me abruptly when it hurt her. She wasn’t use to me and it was a struggle at first yet once all the way in her people’s dilated and she bit her large bottom lip. I couldn’t believe it I was finally there. And yet again we were interrupted we jumped up in the air clothes on and acted like nothing was going on.

One night we couldn’t go out because her parents were to be gone and she had to watch her younger siblings. She invited me over. We had great fun playing card games and board games with the kids. I was always a great hit with her brothers and sister. At one point they all disappeared and returned wearing their pajamas. Sarah did too; She wore those long soft cotton flannels. I felt very relaxed and right at home. Sarah got the kids playing a board game and then came over to me, took my hand, pulled me off the sofa and led me to one of the back bedrooms. We could hear the kids arguing over the game two rooms away. She got up on the bed, pulled her nightgown up past her waist exposing her perfect large breasts. I was startled. She said, “come on.” I wasted no time pulling my pants down and crawling between her legs. She got hold of my hardness and guided me to where she wanted me to be. She said to me, “try it.” I tried to push into her but again she stopped me. She rested and then had me try it again. This time I actually felt some progress. I felt that I had gotten about an inch into her got into a better position and started to press. My heart was beating fast, because I felt the tightness. I started pressing hard, then harder. With every thrust, I inched deeper and deeper until I felt I was all the way in. I gave no pause and began to push and pull in and out of her. Her facial expression turned from pain to pleasure. I fucked her hard. I slipped in and out easier and easier. I was a sex starved crazy young man. It wasn’t long before I couldn’t hold it any longer. I buried my cock in her as deep as it would go hitting cervix and exploded, filling her sweet pussy with my cum. I lay there for a moment and feared what came next. I was afraid she would be upset with me. Quite the opposite, She held me tight. And kissed me hard. I carefully pulled out of her and we laid there holding each other and talking about it. She could not get over it and from that moment on there is no going back. We snuck around fucking every moment we had.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kqgufu/highschool_memories_mf

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