HS Graduation Night [mf]

***this story has an extremely long backstory so you can skip ahead if you want but it may take away from the main part***

When I started 11th grade, it was at a brand new school that had just been built in our county. There was no senior class the first year it opened, just freshmen through juniors. Since it was a brand new school, the districts were realigned so we started going to school with kids from several other schools in the county that we’d never gone to school with before.

There was a girl that I knew of, but never met from another school, we were friends on MySpace lol but I didn’t KNOW her, just added her because I thought she was hot. We didn’t have any classes together that year but ended up becoming part of the same friend group.

Fast forward to senior year, I took art first period, SHE was in my class. We sat at the same table because the class was mostly freshman and sophomores, now that I think about it, we may have been the only seniors in the class. Well, I had a girlfriend, a pretty serious girlfriend so I looked forward to first period everyday but never crossed a line, just basically innocent very minor flirting.

We became pretty close friends that year, but for some reason it was like a secret friendship. I think I was worried my girlfriend would be jealous if she knew how close me and this girl were so when we weren’t in class together, I was distant towards her. My girlfriend and I ended up breaking up the week before spring break so I was Mr. Pitiful that whole week and part of spring break in PC I was mopey.

Saw my ex in PC flirting with other dudes and just didn’t handle it well, ended up drinking a lot and getting hammered. The first day we went back to school me and S were talking about our break, she told me she went to Colorado with her family to visit her dad’s parents. I told her about my breakup and the drinking.

A couple nights later I was bored in my room, I had gotten off Xbox for the night and was getting ready for bed and I was mega horny and looking for an excuse to text S. So I ended up just texting her, it’s been a while but I’m pretty sure I asked her if we had a test or something. I know it was class related. We ended up texting for a while before I said I had to go to bed or I wasn’t gonna wake up for school on time.

Art class that next day was different, there was something in the air. There was suddenly a tension. I started looking at her differently and I think the same happened for her because we started getting super flirty.

We started texting all the time but talked about not wanting to date or anything because she was moving to Colorado to go to college and live with her cousin and I was staying in state to go to school so it would’ve been pointless to date for basically a month at this point.

One night, I’m pretty sure it was a Friday or Saturday because I was playing MW2 later than I would on a school night, and my went off. It was a text from her, and it was after midnight, all the text said was “OMG”. I remember that text very specifically because it was not the normal initial “hey what’s up” text.

So I texted her back “uh oh lol”, she responds with “Dylan is a fucking jerk”. I said “Dylan who?” I was confused because I didn’t know she was talking to somebody, we’d been talking a lot and had obvious chemistry and sexual tension but she wasn’t my gf or anything. She responded asking if she could call me because it was a lot to text, so I got off the Xbox told her I had to go pee real quick and she could call.

Well we ended up talking on the phone all night. We talked on the phone for hours and hours and ended up having phone sex. I remember cumming so much I wasn’t sure if I was going to stop. I wanted to fuck her so bad it was insane. Class with her was getting to be unbearable. The art class was huge and had a wall inside the room, so it wasn’t just a typical classroom with 4 walls, the wall in the art class had all the sinks where we’d wash our paint brushes out and stuff and on the other side was a bunch of racks where we could lay our papers to dry and the kiln was there also.

We ended up kissing for the first time in the classroom on the other side of the wall where the racks and kiln were and I had to stay over there after she walked away because I had a massive boner and everybody would’ve seen it trying to rip through my shorts.

We started trying to come up with a plan to fuck. My dad was super strict and I was terrified of him so I knew my story had to be perfect so I could get away with sneaking around him. I ended up being too scared to try anything, but the night we graduated, after graduation was over my parents were throwing me a small grad party at our house. It was just family there and I got a few gifts and we had finger foods and cake.

Well my dad walks up to me in the backyard and puts his arm around me and says “so what are you gonna do tonight?” And I was like “huh what do you mean?” He says, “well tonight is your night, go have fun, just please be careful and no drinking and driving.” I looked at him like he just told me I won the lottery, I was always so scared of him that I was always worried I was gonna get caught but that night, he was giving me the green light. I immediately knew what I wanted to do, so I told my dad “I’m gonna call *insert friend’s name* and see if it’s cool that I come to to his house. My dad said cool, have fun.

I was in such a good mood, my dad was never like that with me ever, he was always so strict and ran a tight ship. So I went up to my room and called Her. I said my dad is letting me stay out as late as I want tonight so I’m about to go to *friend’s name* house, are you gonna be there? She said no because her mom was having a small party for her but she couldn’t go anywhere after because her mom had to work the next day. Her mom was a single mom and I believe she was a nurse or something because she worked weird, long hours. So she said she had to stay home because she had to watch her little brother the next day when their mom went to work.

I was crushed. I even remember saying to her “dang I really thought tonight was gonna be the night”. She said she was sorry and she wished it could be. Said maybe we can figure something out over the summer before we both leave for school. So I went to my friend’s party, I was there for a little while and had drank like a beer and a half and sitting outside on the deck with a couple of friends, talking, and I feel my phone vibrate, so I check it and it’s her and it just says “hey.”

So I perk up, and respond “hola”. The next text was her address. And then a text following that said, my mom is asleep. So I call her and I’m like you want me to come to your house while your mom is home? She said her mom and aunt got into an argument when her family was leaving from her grad party so her mom took a Xanax and went to bed.

I told her I was on the way, I left the party, didn’t say bye to anybody, just left my drink on the table, walked out to my truck and as I was getting in a buddy yelled “where you going?!?” I said “I’ve got plans dude! I’ll see y’all later!”

I parked on the street, in front of her house. I called her when I was walking up her driveway and she cracked the door and let me in, locked the door behind me. Right off that door was a set of stairs that went up to her room, her room was like the bonus room over a garage. She had a bottle of vodka hidden in her closet and some blue Hawaiian Punch. She made us drinks and we just kinda sat there for a minute awkwardly.

I couldn’t believe I was in her bedroom. Since it was a bonus room it was a pretty big bedroom so she had a couch on the far wall under the window above the garage door. We were sitting on the couch, drinking, talking. I could’ve just stayed there all night and been happy. But it was late, at this point like 3am or something. She said she was tired and went and laid on her bed, the movie she was watching before I got there had ended so it was just on the dvd menu screen. She asked me if I wanted to come watch it with her because she missed the last half of the movie because I “showed up”. She said it jokingly like i was there annoying her. I said “oh ok sure” in the same tone she used with me. Then we laughed at each other, so I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.

She restarted the movie, I’m pretty sure it a Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock movie, but not Speed. We started watching the movie and she was laying on her stomach facing the foot of the bed, I was sitting to her left on the edge of the bed. I ended up laying on my stomach too, and my head was now near hers. I made an excuse about my back hurting and wanting to lay down.

*************where the action starts***************

She looked at me and just smiled, I smiled back. And then it was like we just knew what was about to happen. We both just kinda scooted towards each other and kissed. It was just one kiss. And we each just went back to watching the movie. A couple minutes goes by and I scooted close again and whispered, “can I have another one of those?”

She leaned in again and this time we really kissed. But no tongue. Then went back to watching the movie. At this point I’m rubbing/scratching her back and my shoulder was starting to hurt because of the awkward way I had to lean up. I ended up rolling over to my back and said something about my shoulder hurting.

From here, her head was up above me so she leaned down and kissed me again. This time, we got to the tongue part. I was on my back and she was on her stomach so I slid one arm under her chest where she was raised up and my right arm went over her, so I was sort of hugging her while laying down. We stopped kissing and she laid down on her side to where her head was nestled on my shoulder, almost chest.

We pecked a few times from that position. It was nice. It was comfortable. Just laying there with her. She put her hand on my chest, I put my right hand on top of hers and we started making out again. I was rubbing her back with my left hand and suddenly I stop kissing her and pull back. And said, “I could do this all night.” She smiled and said, “oh yeah?” And I just nodded and leaned back over to kiss her. I slid my hand down her lower back and start rubbing her with my finger tips. I go under her shirt and start rubbing her bare back.

She smiles while kissing me, our lips still touching and I could feel her smiling. Then I feel her fingers twitch a little where her hand is on my chest. Then her hand moved a little. Then it moved all the way down to my crotch. I was hard as a rock. I let out a sigh and made a really corny joke that still makes me cringe lol I said “look at what you did”. She smiled though and let out an mmm while slightly biting her bottom lip.

She kept rubbing the outside of my shorts and I already felt like I was going to erupt. I rolled over to face her, I was on my left side, so my left arm was still under her rubbing her back, she was still rubbing my crotch with her right arm from my point of view, but her left arm, so with my right hand, I slid down and squeezed her butt. She was wearing cheerleading shorts and a tshirt so even though she had the shorts on, they were short so I got some bare butt check on the grab.

I kept rubbing her butt, squeezing and grabbing and then I started testing my limits. I would go to squeeze her butt, and let my middle finger get closer and closer to her pussy. She never told me to stop or anything so I eventually got to wear I was very clearly rubbing her pussy on the outside of her shorts.

So she rolled over to her back and I stayed on my side but now I had a more comfortable reach to her pussy. So I kept rubbing the outside of her shorts, running my fingers up and down her pussy. We were still making out and I was kissing on her neck. I stopped rubbing her pussy and slid my hand up the inside of her shirt and grabbed her right boob (I guess technically her left). Her boobs were great. Her nipples were pink almost ghost nipples. Great size, couldn’t tell you the size but they were great lol.

I lifted up her shirt and pulled part of her bra away and started licking her nipple. She made the sexiest sounds. She sat up and took off her shirt and bra, then laid back down. I was a little in awe of her body. I forgot to mention in the backstory that she played soccer most of her life so her body was nice.

I went to alternating between the nipples and rubbing her belly, I slid my hand back down, this time under her shorts and panties and down her bare pussy. She was drenched. The top of my hand got wet from the inside of her panties being wet. With the middle finger on my right hand, I slid all the way down her pussy and then slowly entered her with my finger.

She arched her back a little and made another sexy sound. I fingered her for a little while, changing from having one finger inside her then rubbing the outside of her pussy with my wet fingers. Then she sort of pushed me over to my back and climbed up and straddled me. Her boobs were in my face so I kept licking and sucking and squeezing each cheek in each hand.

Then she sits up and starts undoing my belt, then she undoes my shorts, then the zipper, pulls each side of my shorts away from each other and reaches down, under my underwear and grabs my dick. I promise y’all I don’t know how I didn’t explode right then.

She ends up taking my shorts off and is just sitting on top of me, stroking my dick. Then she slides down and puts it near her face. She looks up towards me, almost like she was waiting for my signal to do it or that it was ok. I said “you’re killing me” and she took me in her mouth. It was warm. It was wet. It was heaven. She proceeded to give me the best blowjob I’d ever had at that point in my life. Honestly I don’t even remember how long it lasted. Couldn’t have been very long. The foreplay and the build up were enough to do me in.

I told her I was about to go, I had never been with her before but this was usually the part where the girl would stop sucking and start jacking because they didn’t want cum in their mouth. I’d had two girlfriends let me cum in their mouth, of of them swallowed, the other tried but ended up spilling some/gagging and spit it all out.

But she kept sucking. I think she could tell I was getting close because my body started to tense up and I squeezed her hair with my left hand and the sheet with my right hand. I gave her another warning, one last chance to stop sucking me off. I said “seriously here it comes” and then she took me took the base.

It was like her last trick. The blowjob up to that point was pretty good, but this was the part that made it the best bj I had ever had and wouldn’t have a better one for several years after that.

The only reason I wish she would’ve took me out of her mouth was because I wished I could’ve seen how much cum came out. It felt like I couldn’t stop. It was pulse after pulse after pulse to the point that my whole body was almost jolting or something. Like surges through my body.

I said “oh my god what did you do to me??” in a joking manner, she asked if I liked that and I was like “uhhhh were you not here? Of course I did.”

Then I said it was my turn to return the favor and sat up and got situated as she laid down on her back. I kissed and licked her inner thighs, kissed her pussy a few times, then licked it from bottom to top. Then I slide my index finger on my right hand down from the top of her pussy to the bottom and the slid it inside her. I leaned up to where I could reach her clit and went to town on her clit while I was fingering her. Then I would lean up, stop licking her pussy all together and with my index and middle finger, I rub all the wetness of her pussy around the outside of her pussy lips and up around her clit.

She didn’t cum but after her moaning and arching her back said “please fuck me.”

I reached over to my shorts and reached for the condom in my pocket. I sat up to my knees, in between her legs and opened the pack and slid the condom down. Then I rubbed her pussy with my dick head. From top to bottom, then bottom to top.

I couldn’t believe I was about to fuck her. This was also when I learned about nut #2. I’d never came more than once with anybody else. Usually it was just a bj or I would get a bj until I almost came, then we’d fuck.

So I slowly entered her. She was extremely tight and while I was going in she sucked through her teeth like saying ouch. I asked if she was ok and said yeah it just hurts a little because your dick is so thick. (Which was an instant turn on, even though I was already very clearly turned on).

I slid all the way in, then all the way out, then I went all the way back in and then all the way back out. Then I went all the way in, and then pushed from my toes to go as deep as possible. We kissed, well at that point it was more like shear primal licking or something, we were going fucking crazy on each other. I started to roll my hips and grind into her and starting picking up speed to where I was basically pile driving her.

She was working her hips from under me, which was insanely sexy to me, nobody had ever done that prior to her and nobody did it after her until I met my wife. She asked if she could get on top, so I rolled over, she climbed up and put me back inside her. She started grinding on me, it was incredible, then she sat up to where I could reach up and rub her clit with my thumb.

All of a sudden she starts grinding at almost light speed and starts going “holy shit holy shit holy shit” and I said “yeah? You like that baby?” She said “oh my god I’m gonna cum” and I said “yeah? You gonna cum for me” I was feeling like a total stud because I wasn’t close to cumming because I was on my second nut of the night.

I leaned up and put her left nipple in my mouth and sucked really hard, smacked her left butt check with my right hand and said “cum, cum for me right now and she went “shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttt oh my godddddd” while she slowed down the grinding and almost sat down even further to where I was deeeep inside her.

She slowly grinded while she was calming down. Then she laid on top of me, while I was still inside her. We were chest to chest. We kissed so more. She asked me if I went, I said “no but it’s ok, I did earlier” she said she was sorry she went before I could go again and I was like “trust me lol it’s ok”.

I put my underwear back on. She moved up to where she normally lays in her bed. And went under her covers, still naked. I laid beside her and ended up dozing off. She woke me up at almost 7am saying we fell asleep and I had to go because her mom would be getting up for work soon.

We snuck down to my truck and kissed in her driveway a few times and I said “text me later when you wake up” she said ok, told me to have sweet dreams. And I left. Drove home and went to bed. Woke up later that day and went downstairs, my dad was in the garage putting something together with my little brother and he asked me if I had fun last night, I said “yep, the party was pretty fun. Lots of people ended up staying the night since they couldn’t drive home.”

Me and her ended up hooking up several times over the summer before we moved for school. Sometimes, I’ll still randomly think about her and those times. We had such amazing chemistry. I ended up flunking out of college my sophomore year and moving back home. We chatted back and forth on Facebook a few times, but never met up again. Now I’m married with kids and she’s engaged.

We had a lot of fun together.

Edit: to correct some grammar errors

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kq2bxs/hs_graduation_night_mf

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