[MF] More than I M (37) sexpected at a massage

Obligatory long time lurker first time poster, Throwaway because….yknow Pre-covid

I’m not doing the whole skip to the graphic parts…. Context is what makes it hot and you my dear reader, know it!

A bit about me: I have always struggled with confidence due to being bullied as a youngster. I had some experiences throughout college and my 20s but importantly had a bit of a glow up as the kids say in my early 30s and really began a sexual awakening. I’m 6’4, muscular, as I work out a lot. Not like gross meat head muscles and I really only have like a 4- pack? rather than a 6 pack. Broad shoulders and big arms… So I have been told (Yes I can bench and squat 300 a few times). I do not think that I have a handsome enough face for women to throw themselves at me at a bar or whatever. But I have been called handsome once or twice over the years.

So yea… not the kind of guy girls swoon over, never have been despite what social media tells you about guys my height. I’ve never really had sex with any 9s or 10s (sorry to use that outdated un-woke rating scale but it is pretty easy). I get nervous around girls that hot and cannot be my charming self. Because I don’t photograph that well, I have gone on online dates that turned into sex on the first date but it was always with people where our profiles said “looking for a relationship” I have never gone on the dates for the sole purpose of hooking up or gone right to someone’s apartment from a dating site. I even tried that on tinder or even put just looking for fun on some of the more established sites and the girls that responded to me or hit me up were just not what I wanted. Most of my pure hookups have been out in the wild as it were and I’ve had some FWBs.

My Dick is pretty big. About 8 inches and pretty thick I never measured the circumfrence. I’ve gotten tons of positive feedback over the years and also it was too much for some ladies out there. I’m pretty proud of my dick. I always joke that it is my best physical feature.

I live in a major city and in addition to being super bored one day and kinda horny, My muscles were sore and tight from all the working out. I figured some sort rub and tug action was in order BUT honestly….. if you’ve ever been to some of these places and for my lady readers or guys that have not…. It is usually terrible. Unattractive Older Chinese ladies with bad teeth…. They sometimes put you on this shower table that every guy has laid on naked to wash you down first…. It is just nasty af and I’d rather just take care of it myself and go get a nicer massage at a spa.

So I remembered this other place that I had been a while back that does “tantric massages” which is basically a nice massage from a topless girl and a hand job but fairly sensual. It was a bunch more money than the gross spots are but I’m not trying to do that regularly. I had used the service twice and it is strict as to what happens there. The last two girls, it was a great massage and the whole package and that was it….. very professional and what I was expecting on this day. The girls, while much more attractive and younger than at the aforementioned gross Asian massage parlors, still were nothing that would turn my head on the street. Until this day

So after making the appointment I head over and enter the apartment. The girl is stunning! Leaps and bounds ahead of the other girls from this service. She was maybe 5’0 brunette with large and incredible real breasts….. Just my type. I love short brunettes with big breasts. I’m barely able to talk as I am so flabbergasted at her beauty. My brain shuts down in the presence of women like this. We give a little hug. I’m looking down at her. The size difference must have looked hot.

So she says… Hey I can tell you just showered bc your hair smells nice so you can just get ready. So I strip down and am about to lay on the bed (Yes they do it on a bed) and she says no wait “stand up”.

Im like okkkkkk….. I’m actually a little nervous because this standing up thing is abnormal from my last two sessions but more importantly, my dick is not really hard yet and if she is going to be able to examine it in the light of day like that; I want it in its full glory. I oblige anyway and she has me close my eyes and gently caresses me all over my body while I’m standing up. She uses her head sort of?? and is kinda sniffing me sort of? It’s hard to describe. Her hair and breasts are tickling me all over…. I start to get hard and suddenly she says… YOU are really cute. I blush and reply with something along the lines of aww shucks…. gee… you’re just saying that and she says “no… you’re just my type. Tall and a beard, broad shoulders”. So she is basically in a string thong and that is all. Again no different than the last couple of times with this service but neither of the other girls told me I was hot!

So I lie down and she starts the massage. She is doing a wonderful job at the massage part which is half sensual half normal massage…. but I cannot get over how hot she is… It is distracting, but I tell myself a few times… She’s just here for the normal service she’s just being nice for tips but regardless, I’m so turned on that I can barely think. Our conversation flows and she is constantly complimenting me like my muscles as she runs her hands over them. I am complimenting her on this or that. Making nice conversation.

So then she has me flip over. I am on my back, she’s on her knees next to me with her butt facing me working my legs… And I must say as someone who struggles with confidence….. I am all oiled up.. I’m looking jacked. I could see her stealing glances at my cock. I’m feeling hot! I figure I’ll press my luck. I put my hand on her ass and ask is this ok? She says yes please. (Yes please? Hmmm) Then I start to tell her that she is also just my type and I make sure the tips of my fingers start coming dangerously close to her pussy. I’m teasing her. I am making little swoops with my fingertips getting a bit closer to her inner thigh with each swoop. She is NOT telling me to stop. Finally fortune favoring the bold I cross the line from the fabric of her thong to her pussy. She acknowledges it with a small pause and shiver but does not look back at me AND again I was NOT told to stop. I make another swoop and keep doing it getting just a tiny bit closer each time until I start rubbing her clit with my finger and she puts her heads down just enjoying it. I stick a finger insider her pussy and she seems to be enjoying it A LOT. She is not massaging me anymore. It’s do or die right now…. I reach up with both hands on either side of her hips and begin to pull her thong down. She does NOT stop me.

I pause for a moment just to see if she will take the lead at all but remember I am so turned on that my heart is beating so fast I can feel it in my ears. She turns around fully naked now and…. and she resumes the massage and she starts massaging my chest down to my quads. I guess she is not necessarily going to make a move.

I look up at her and say. “I am so turned on you are incredibly sexy” and she says “I am having trouble concentrating on the massage”. Just at that moment she reaches over to my opposite shoulder to work on it so she is on her knees sprawled over me and I just lift my right hand up and begin to use my finger on her again just teasing her clit. She puts her head in the crook of neck on my left side begins to whimper in my ear. With that I think, and not with my brain, “fuck it what’s the worst that could happen? “ I scoop her with my right arm and quickly flip her so she is laying down, with me on my knees and her on her back and I use a two handed technique on her clit and pussy until she cums hard.

She looks up at me and puts her hand on the back of my neck and pulls me down and I am hovering over her and she is staring at my dick not even looking me in the eye. Then she looks up and We make out. I make my way to her neck and nibble her ear a bit making sure to exhale just right you know the move.. Finally I prop myself back up…We’re both breathing so heavily knowing in the backs of our respective minds that we are about to have unprotected sex with a stranger and also resigned to the fact that this is going to happen but also really stupid. My mind goes a million miles an hour. My Brain makes all sorts of rationalizations. My dick starts to touch her pussy. I want her to take an affirmative step. She looks up at me… then back at my dick and then up at me again and starts to push her pelvis towards me. She is so wet but still with our relative sizes it does not just slip in, I have to work it into her. With our hips and hips only we work it in slowly, still both basically panting. At this point I realize that I’m not going to last very long. Honestly anyone that could dead sober after being that turned on for an hour or so straight and then finding themselves in this position unprotected well….….. More power to you and you probably you watch too much porn. So While I know you want to hear about how I fucked her into oblivion for 30 minutes straight with my big dick……. It’s just not the case. I put up a good showing for like a minute maybe two and then I said I’m going to….. and she cut me off and said its ok… its ok… I already came…. just please cum for me….. and I exploded inside of her.

After regaining our respective composures, she said…. I can’t believe I just did that ….. that was soooo hot I haven’t had a “big dick” in a long time. I just said that I was happy to oblige. We talked for a few minutes about how hot it was…. Had a quick conversation about safety and I was I guess satisfied for the moment. I wanted to say something cool and I definitely half heartedly tried to get her number to see her outside the service… but Ill be honest… irrespective on the safety convo; my post Nut clarity suddenly had me freaking out a little about unprotected sex with a girl who does this as her job… (I was totally fine btw no stds.. phew). She looked at her phone and said…. I don’t have anyone else so here let finish the massage. This has gotten long, so Ill end it here. But when we finished I honestly felt a good vibe from her… Like a friend or something. I did see her one more time which was also great. Ill post some different types of interactions with other girls if this gets enough traction

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kq1yai/mf_more_than_i_m_37_sexpected_at_a_massage


  1. Thx for sharing. Best part of massage is knowing, but not knowing, whats going to happen. Everytime is different. The suspense and what’s running through your mind is killer. And then… Every once in a while it’s mind blowingly awesome.

  2. Very nice! How do you know if a tantric place is legit?

    The best sex of my life also involved suddenly finding ourselves on the brink of unprotected sex, as well as post nut clarity hitting hard when I realized I came in a girl not on birth control who was not my fiancee.

  3. What is this two handed technique? I’m v interested in having someone try it on me

  4. > (Yes I can bench and squat 300 a few times)

    Uh oh… someone skips leg day! lmao


    Just kidding. Great story. Honestly I would have tried to see her outside of “work”… she sounds like a cool girl. Its not like she’s going to be doing that job forever.

  5. If you want a tip for hooking up with/dating super hot women; its to completely ignore their looks. Like, “she’s so hot and she’s never gonna date you anyway so don’t even bother trying.” It puts you in the position of not giving a fuck.

    My mind just kinda goes “nope, you don’t got a single chance” and so it loops around to being it’s charming self.

    I’ve been with several very good looking women simply because I treated them like any other woman and joked around/shot the shit with them.

  6. Damn this was so hot. I love stories like this. Thanks for sharing. You should see her again and get on PreP to protect yourself.

  7. Great story….liked your honesty about the timeline. Question is….tantric massage…where can I find it?

  8. “come inside me” approval gives rush on your brain. But just seconds from cumming ,adrenaline and logic (comming back ) ,puts you on shocking thinking about contacting stds,pregnancy etc The feeling is more terrifying than normal ,due to adrenaline realise from sex. So I prefere to play safe and feeling more relax after sex.

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