One time I [F] 19 fucked my married neighbour [M] 42 for revenge

Some people messaged me asking for more stories from my escorting days. I’ll probably post a few as time goes on. During my time as an escort I also became more sexual in general so plenty of crazy things happened (I calmed down a little since). Some of them are funny, others scary and a couple were not my proudest moments. This is one of them.

There was a couple who lived next to us who just weren’t very nice people. At all. On more than one occasion their eldest son would use his fake gun to shoot at the birds and squirrels in our feeders and his parents wouldn’t do anything. Several times they’re had guests over who would park right in front of our house or just enough to block the path (it happened so often that it had to be on purpose probably requested by them). They neighbours would have really loud and late parties outdoors but twice they called the police on us when we were having small gatherings indoors. On both occasions the police said they couldn’t hear noise while come up to our house and neither could any other neighbours (everyone on our road hates them too).

The wife was however. She really hated me in particular because she could tell her husband would perv on me and look over to our garden those few days in England when it’s hot enough to try get a tan or swim. Her husband was always friendly and flirty with me. I couldn’t stand him but I really played along when her wife was around because I could tell it got under her skin.

Everyone on our road was pure delighted when a for sale sign went up on their garden. Around that same time my Da got me a car. She was gorgeous and I really took care of her.

One day I was driving home but couldn’t park because the neighbours had someone block our way. I banged on their door and was in no mood that day so I just let them have it about the car. It belonged to the wife’s sister who from my few encounters I knew was as bad as her. The wife’s sister looked me up and down and just said “No brains between that head of hers. As dumb as her mother is ugly”.

That really got me mad and I blurted out “At least she has a child.” That was low of me because I knew from their rather loud conversations by our garden on other occasions that she’s barren. So the sister slapped me and I just saw red and punched her in the face. The wife tried to hit me but moved and pushed her over. Both of them were near tears and I yelled that they better move the fucking car or else. The husband heard all the telling and arguing and told everyone to shut up before moving the car himself.

I was furious that day and wanted nothing more than for them to move right away. Then as I was down stairs in the kitchen, I could see the wife look over our garden to see if anyone was watching. It looked like she had her dog set on something on their side of the fence. Then she lifted it over and dropped it in our garden along with a second one. I screamed as I saw them run after the chickens and rabbits we had. One chicken and one rabbit died and the other got hurt.

I called the police and told them what happened but the wife denied it all and said the dogs hopped on a crate in their garden to get to ours.
The wife denied everything. I could tell by her husband’s face that he was shocked and surprised by it all, but he still lied and said that his wife was with them inside the past hour.

Right then and then I told myself that I’d get them both back. They crossed a line.

As the weeks went on I pretended not to care about the incidents that day. The husband went back to perving and had apologised for his wife and lying to the police. I pretended to be fine with it.

I also started flirting a lot more and started thinking up a plan. I pretended to be raising money for something and that I needed names and numbers. He gladly signed up and that night I sent him a nude picture by text, calling him the wrong name while writing what my rates were for escorting.

He quickly text back saying “I don’t think that was meant for me haha”.

So I called him pretending to be embarrassed and bagging him to keep it secret. He said he would and was nice about the whole thing. I told him he could keep picture as going away gift. Now he was the one embarrassed.

I smiled to myself because I knew the seed was planted and only needed to wait. I flirted a lot more with him and I could tell he was trying to mentally undress me everytime he saw me.

Coincidentally my parents were away for a week which happened to be the same week the neighbours were moving. He told me that his family had already gone to the new place but he was staying by himself a few days for work. I made sure to let him know that I would be alone too and jokingly said we should watch a movie at my place since I still have furniture. He was a bit hesitant but agreed to come over after work the next day because he was busy that afternoon.

Right there I knew I had him. All I had on when he came over was some socks and lingerie with a really big hoodie. Long enough so that it could me up like a short dress but short enough for him to tell I didn’t have any bottoms on. We got comfortable and watched a movie with some takeaway. At some stage I put my legs over his lap and pulled my hoodie up so he could clearly see my knickers.

I could feel his hard on and asked him if this was better than my picture. He went red and couldn’t talk. I took off my top, revealing my pink bra and sat on his lap, facing him. I got both of his hands and put them under my bra. He was beside himself. I told him “if he wants anything more he already knows my prices”.

All he managed to say was “My wife” before nuzzled into his kneck and kissed it with soft bites while grinding up against him.”

“What about her?” I asked, staring into his eyes. He tried to kiss me but I stopped him and “Money first. And for lying about the rabbits it’s £500 for you.”

He probably thought about it for half a second before saying he didn’t care. With that he said he would go to an atm and rushed out. I was worried he wouldn’t come back. But it didn’t matter, I already had a small camera going by the mantelpiece. He also left his phone with me. I had seen him use it enough to know the password. I found my picture and text and deleted it. I saw that he had texted it to himself on WhatsApp and deleted it there too.

Not long after he came back with 600 and said the extra was for me to not say anything to anyone. So I put his money away in my room, set things up to have my other camera going, then invited him up. I kissed him as he walked into my room laid him on my bed.

I told him to take his trousers off and gave him a slow handjob. I gave him my phone to take a picture of blowjob. I said no one would know it’s him, it was just my little souvenir so he agreed. (Pic:

I started licking the tip of his cock, twirling my tongue around it and going down on him sucking him until he came. I told him he had me for the hour, so we had some foreplay before he was hard again.

He undid my bra and started sucking on my tits. I could tell he really eager since I had to tell him off jokingly for going too hard.

I was really aggressive during sex and dug my nails into him and would slap him saying he was a bad man perving at me and lying and fall other shit he did.

I would pull his nipples till he apologised. I made him admit this was the best sex he ever had. And I made him say that his wife was ugly and stupid and just like her sister. That he was a fool for marrying her. I made him admit to the rabbits. I just wanted it all recorded.

I let him cum inside me and we went for another round before finishing.

I could tell he was over the moon with the sex but there was also a look of guilt about him. But I was still really angry with him and his wife for everything (trust me they’ve done lots of things). So even though I felt a little bad for him I didn’t comfort him.

I just said “Next time don’t park your cars in front of our house and kill our rabbits.” My tone had shifted. By the look on his face he knew straightaway that something was up and begged me not to tell his wife. I slammed the door in his face. He tried to call and text me but I blocked him.

My first part of the revenge was messing with him. The second part was sending the pic of the blowjob to his wife’s online business email from a burner. No one can tell that it’s him and blurred myself a little. But left it just enough for her to think it could be me. And if she knows her husband’s body and cock there might always be doubt in her mind that maybe it’s him.

In hindsight letting the mask slip that night was really stupid of me since he knew I was alone and anything could have happened. Thankfully when I woke up the next morning, his car was gone and I’ve never seen it parked near our house since.



  1. Your “revenge” was letting your neighbor hatefuck you, and cum in you…

    And sent a vague picture to his wife?

    Someone got vengeance, and it wasn’t you.

  2. Anyone else here think this would be upvoted on r/prorevenge if it was a man writing about the woman next door he seduced for revenge?

    Hun, don’t feel shame for this. The man knew what he was doing. This kind of forethought, planning, and execution would get a guy a flipping parade with people carrying him on their shoulders chanting, “CHAD CHAD CHAD”

  3. Damn you gave him the treat of cumming inside you after all the shit he pulled??

  4. Fuck yeah my girlfriend!
    You had me feeling furious at the first half, to feeling so powerful when you dom him! I wish I can easily dom guys who used me!
    Be safe kay!

  5. If they moved you probably won’t hear from them. You let him cum inside you yet felt guilty about sending the video? I can tell you as a guy he got the prize and got away. The video is a huge “strap-on” you should use on him and his wife. The wife is evil to kill your animals for spite and needs to pay for her deeds. This isn’t much payback if you keep the video.

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