Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 1 [MF] [Fiction]

Hey There Little Red Riding Hood,

You don’t know me, but I have come to know you over the last few moons or so. I know that sounds crazy and all, but please hear me out.

I remember the first time I glanced upon you in the woods. I was on my way to blow off some steam with the three pigs in town. We have this game we play where I huff and I puff, and they pretend to hide scared of me until I blow down their house like only a big bad wolf could do. They get off on it and it’s a quick release for me. But let’s get back to you.

I only noticed you briefly, but its was as though your perfect silhouette was etched into my mind with more detail than the Mona Lisa. In that instant I forgot all about those three pigs, and my full attention became obsessed with you.

I only saw you for a moment, but it felt as though time stood still. I swear that the woods became silent as you walked by. The birds stopped their chirping, the squirrels stopped their squirreling, even the wind stopped blowing through the trees. Everything froze in the moment that you walked by. In fact, I’m surprised you didn’t hear me as a moan escaped my deepest desires breaking the silence that followed you.

Let me paint the picture for you that you created for me that day. You walked into my life wearing this crimson red cape with the hood pulled tightly up over your head, hiding many of the secrets to your true identity that is beneath. Not many can pull off a cape, after all, it has brought the demise to so many a Super Hero. But on you it seemed to embrace your body in just the right places, and flow away from others that deserve to be seen. It teased to what curves lie beneath its thin layer of fabric. The majestic mountains have nothing on the hills and valleys in which that cape covered that day.

The cape made its way down to a skirt that should be illegal in these parts, for it started a fire in my forest that no rain storm could ever smolder. The skirt led to legs that seemed to stretch on for miles and I could only imagine where they would lead. I remember how vibrant and pale your legs were in that moment. Like the most expensive porcelain. How it is they stay so white while being kissed by the sun, I hope someday to find out. Then there were those black boots that hugged your calves so tight as you seemed to glide down the path in those stilettos. Stilettos in the woods? How is that even possible.

As fast as you walked into my life you were gone, and I knew in that moment that I needed to see you again. In an instant, I became a captive to you Little Red Riding Hood.

The Hunt to See You Again!

Days turned into weeks as my desire to see you became an obsession. I stayed along that path for what seemed every night and day hoping for another glimpse of perfection once again. It was as if you were as elusive as a fairy tale creature. The type that play through the minds of children as they frolic in these woods. But all I knew, is that I had to find you again or I would never find peace again in my soul.

I was about to give up hope that I would ever see you again, when I happened upon you on that warm summers day. You were intently walking somewhere, but all I could imagine is that you were walking back into my life. This time I was able to take more of you in. I became a student of you in that moment because I never wanted to forget what an angel looked like.

Your hood was down on your cape and I looked upon the most gorgeous face that I have ever laid eyes upon. Your hair flowed in the wind even though I swear there was no breeze. Your hair, the color of the bark of the red oaks, cascaded down to your shoulders and framed your face in the shaded light of the woods. Your skin looked softer than a cubs fur, and I desired to brush aside a strand of hair that seemed to caress your cheek.

Even from the distance that I was (I dare not get to close for fear that I would scare you away) I could see how deep and pure your eyes were. They were clearer and more inviting than the lake above the forest that is fed by melting snow each spring. and they sent chills down my spine as if I jumped into those frigid waters. I have goose bumps just reminiscing about how wonderful they were in that moment. Your lips were as red as the holly berries that I have been told are forbidden to taste since i was a small cub. I was as tempted in that moment to taste them more than I ever was those forbidden fruit.

Simply stunning, were you in that moment, as my stare wandered south ever so slightly to the curvature of your neck. It called out to me! It brought my animalistic desires to the surface as I fought back the need to gently bite down on that long, tantalizing neck. I just needed to nuzzle you in that moment, but knew my place was here in the shadows.

I watched you come back into my life in that precious moment, and then I watched you go. I dared not move, for what if you noticed the growing desire you stoked in my being. No, I could not move. This big bad wolf would have to fight off these urges alone. and alone, I did just that.


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