Our True Names [Part 4] [MF] [Slow Burn]

[Part 4: Under the Moonlight]

Alex collapsed on the black leather couch in his living room, the sounds from Hatsui’s still reverberating in his head. Colin and the others had been a welcome distraction. He had drunk more than he intended and he knew there would be hell to pay the next morning.

“Samira…,” he whispered to himself. He reached behind him, grabbing the cream-colored scarf he had brought back to his apartment. He pulled it across his face, laid back once more, and inhaled deeply. It smelled just like her. Sweet and innocent at first, later deepening into a scent he couldn’t ascribe words too. His cock stiffened in his pants and he groaned. He recalled the waitress at Hatsui, her long pale neck, her ample breasts pressing against her tight-fitting uniform, and how she brushed against his shoulder each time she placed dishes on the table. He hadn’t reacted to her artifice, as tempting as it was. But Samira, her scent imbued into the scarf… That was enough for him to swell and ache painfully, wanting release.

Alex unbuckled his belt and dropped it on the floor. He unzipped, pushing his pants and boxers off, his cock springing forward. He wrapped the soft cashmere scarf around his member and slowly stroked, yielding to the sensation. He pictured her laying on top of him, naked, his hand grazing across the soft skin of her thigh and her ass while she stroked him, her fingers barely encircling his girth. He squeezed the fullness of her ass, pulling her closer to him, sinking his fingers in her thick dark hair. Just as he began to guide her towards him for a kiss, just as he was about to finally taste her…the fantasy dissipated. Alex groaned, his cock painfully swollen. He didn’t want to succumb to some dream of her. He needed her to want this too. And with that thought, he sat up and pulled the scarf away from his body. It was time for a cold shower to clear his head.


Samira rolled over in bed and picked up her phone from the nightstand. 2:17am. She groaned and rolled onto her belly, pulling the pillow over her head. All she wanted to do was scream until there was nothing left of her. Her meeting with Alex had shocked her to her core. Her intention was to pay him back and leave. Right? She pressed her face into the bedsheets and shook her head. *I could have mailed it to him. His address was on the business card. I didn’t need to go in person. But I did. Why did I do that?* She squirmed in the bedsheets, further tangling herself before forcefully shoving the blankets and sheets off. She jumped out of bed, the cool air coming through the slightly open window brushing against her skin, causing her to shiver. Though it was December, Samira always slept with just an oversized t-shirt on and with the window slightly open. She loved the smell of the crisp air, the scent of freshly fallen snow permeating into her room, forcing her to cocoon herself more tightly in the warmth of thick blankets. She pushed her body against the cool glass of the window, her nipples hardening painfully, forcing her to gasp, a circle of condensation forming where her breath had met the glass. A cool wind blew through, rustling the snow-laden tree branches by her window.

Without thinking, Samira quietly walked to her dresser, pulling a thick white towel from the bottom-most drawer. She unfurled it, laying it right below the window and laid down on it. *I need this. I won’t think about him. I just need this to sleep.* She slipped off her t-shirt and slid her panties down her legs. She leaned back on the soft plush towel, her knees bent, savoring the feeling of the cold air grazing her breasts, her belly. She closed her eyes and slowly caressed both of her breasts before dragging her hands down her belly, and finally in between her thighs. She softly touched the hot, damp heat of her pussy, the fingers of her left hand enveloping themselves in the wet stickiness which had seeped through while her right hand grabbed her breasts before slipping up her neck, two fingers finally pushing past her lips and into the warm wetness of her mouth. Samira moaned around her fingers, her left hand rubbing her pussy faster, the sound of wetness and friction making her heart race. She was giving this to herself. This was her pleasure. She wasn’t imagining his hands on her breasts, grasping her throat, his fingers in her mouth, his hands touching her pussy. *No, no, no.* But it was too late. Her touch, *his* touch, was too much and Samira felt waves of pleasure move through her body, forcing her back to arch, her toes to curl as she moaned, the fingers wet from her mouth falling to her side as she gasped, surrendering to the orgasm. She finally lay back, spent. The winter air cooled down her body as she touched her pussy, wet, sticky and a little sore. Samira looked up at the moon, brilliantly white in the dark night sky. She had touched herself before, she had given herself pleasure before, but it was never as intense as what she had just experienced. Though she didn’t want to admit it, she knew that *he* was the reason why.


Alex winced, the headache he had anticipated the night before finally coming home to reside by his temples. The rising sun peeked through the gap in his curtains and he groaned wondering why he was awake. He grabbed his phone, carelessly ripping it from the charging cord. A new text. That must have been what interrupted his sleep. Alex tried to tamp down his annoyance. He was tired of Colin’s terribly timed and almost always incoherent text messages. He unlocked his phone and looked at the message. It was a photo of a tree covered in snow, the branches silvery from the light of the full moon nestled high in the dark blue sky. Below the image were the following words:

*Tell me how.*

Alex grinned and shouted, punching up into empty air, “Yes!”

All he ever needed was her willingness to engage.


Author’s Note: Please let me know what you think so far!


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kpbkv0/our_true_names_part_4_mf_slow_burn


  1. This is terrific. You’ve captured the magic of the slow burn and placed it in a realistic, concrete environment with utterly believable characters.

  2. I never comment but here I have to: please continue. You write beautifully, thank you for sharing.

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