I [F][26] got drunk and Exposed myself on the beach

So, this happened around 4 years ago when I was invited to be the maid of honor at my best friend’s wedding. They had their wedding at a resort, around five hours drive from where I live by the beach. Following the wedding, they had planned to do a van trip, just the two of them, for a few days. Since I had taken the entire week off, I decided to stay a few days more at the resort, enjoy the local clubs and have some fun by myself.

The day following the wedding I was quite hangover and spent the day by myself. However, the day after I decided to take a trip around town. The place was extremely small, cut off from the mainland few a few pubs. The beaches however, the beaches looked amazing. White sandy beaches that seemed to stretch for ever. Note to myself, I need to come back to catch some sun.

Later that day I decided to visit few of clubs. Now my wardrobe is full of modest clothes, with dresses that go down past my knees. Although I have a quite average looking body, I am very shy to show it off.

I have a slim frame with a big bubble butt and perky C-cup boobs. Although I have felt a few stares at my bum when I walk by, I never had the desire to show it off. Moreover, being from a very, modest family made it especially had for me to do so. Although I was around 22 at the time, my parents were very stern about me dressing in a respectable manner although I was old enough to make my own decisions. I did not mind, but the idea of dressing slutty became taboo to me because I couldn’t do it even if he wanted to.

Most of what I packed for the trip were formal. I pulled on a G string along with a fitting formal pants. This was followed by a matching bra and a loose-fitting blouse and headed out.

It was fun to be by myself. I had quite a few drinks, too many for my liking. I went on from club to club, dancing my ass off until I reeled out of a club, my head spinning. The sun was coming up, I looked at the time, WOW, 7AM. I do not want to waste my last day here. My head still spinning from the drinks I had, I walked back to the beach. The sun felt warm and glowing, perfect for sunbathing I thought. I should have worn my bikini underneath I thought. The warm sunning hitting my body with along with warm sea breeze felt amazing. My drunk mind really wanted to sunbathe at this point.

The walk back to the resort was tiring and not worth going back to grab my bikini. Being that it was a holiday, no stores were opened to buy a new one either. I had to choose to wear my pants and blouse, or a G-string and my bra.

I did not want to miss an opportunity to work on my tan. I knew it was the alcohol in me speaking, but my mind was made up.

Now here I was. Shy and nerdy. Preparing to lay on a towel in my underwear in front of god and everybody. The weekend crowd slowly trickling in. I reached a “fuck it” point right about when I found a spot that looked perfect, away from the bulk of the crowd.

With most people between myself and the ocean, I figured I could lay on my stomach with my head towards them. I flicked my towel on the hot sand and brushed my feet off. Setting my bag next to where I sat. Now was the moment I dreaded.

As I lifted my blouse over my head, I felt the effects of the alcohol really set in. My hands felt like they weren’t functioning properly. I looked around and noticed a few other girls on the beach with small bikinis. So, my bra would show no more than the others on the beach that day. There were also a few girls rocking thong bikinis. Nothing close to a G-string though. With my head now starting to bob around in intoxication. I was numb to my nerves. I lifted to my knees and slid my pants down. I had almost no sensation in my butt or legs anymore because of just how drunk I was. I slid my pants off my legs and kicked them off my feet. I then decided to lay on my stomach to get some sun. I lazily dropped my pants next to me as I got comfortable. I was careful to keep my legs closed tight to that anybody behind me would see nothing more than my bum. I was drunkenly proud of my courage as I laid out for all to see in my bra and G-string. Drunk enough to not have a care in the world. I closed my eyes.

My eyes opened slowly. I had a bit of a headache but only slightly drunk. The only indication that I had fallen asleep for a little while was the crowd of people had completely changed. The sun was also much higher in the sky. As I looked around and came to my senses, I wondered how long I had been out.

I felt comfortable and relaxed just where I was at. My backside felt hot, due to the slight sun burn I had acquired over what I figured to be a couple of hours. The nap shook from my brain and I picked up my phone to check the time. It was not too late so I figured I would stay awhile longer before heading out to the resort. I was thinking of whether to turn on my back to get some sun in my front side.

It is about then that that I heard some noise coming from my left. Weird I thought sounded like kissing. I looked over and saw a couple, in around their 30s, heavily making out. The guys hand placed squarely on top of the girl’s bikini covered crotch. GROSS I thought. Spotting movement from myself they stop. Look over and smile.

“Hi.” The lady says

“Hi” reply awkwardly.

“You have a very nice body” The guy says with a grin on his face.

“Thank you” I reply with an awkward smile.

“How often do you come by here?” The woman goes

“Oh, I am here for just the weekend”, I reply

“Oh, that’s nice, can I ask you something” she goes

“Okay” I reply unsurely.

“You have a very nice butt,” she says confidently

“Thank you” I retort shyly looking down towards the sand.

“I mean I have tried to work on mine, but I don’t see what I want” she goes on.

Now that my eyes have adjusted, I look over at both. They seemed like a cute couple. The Guy looked very handsome, a well-trimmed beard dressed in a shirt and shorts. The buttons on his shirt were undone, showing a well-formed chest and stomach. The girl looked quite pretty dressed in a yellow bikini hugging her curvy body. She looked bigger than me, but I could see that she takes care of her body.

“Oh, you look pretty” I say, “you guys make a very cute couple”

“thank you” she says, “so you think my man looks hot too” she says

“Y-Yes” I say awkwardly “I mean you look good”. I say looking down at the sand.

“So, do you” the guy pipes in, “I could look at your ass all day” He says without flinching.

WTF… inappropriate I think looking over at his wife expecting her to react to it. She did not seem to mind. Moreover, the I noticed the guys hand now pressed against her wife’s crotch and rubbing it while he lay on her side. This is so inappropriate I thought to myself. I need to get away.

“I agree” she says much to my surprise. Looking over towards my rear. I could literally feel their eyes on my butt crack.

I needed to get away. I pressed my knees into the towel and pushed my body up onto my hands still looking down awkwardly into the sand. As I was on my hands and knees reaching for my pants. I had drunkenly stripped and set to my right before my nap.

“You seem to take very good care of yourself, I didn’t see a single hair on your…. Pussy” I hear the woman saying.

I blush, I need to get away. How did she know so much I think to myself? I felt like a slut. What kind of a girl would let these people talk about her like that.

“I know it’s so cute!”, the guy goes on. “both your holes look very tight.”

As wave of hot lave flushed my body in fear of what I was thinking. Looking straight down into the sand I pull my pants close to me. Sitting right inside them, was my G-string. I was too drunk to notice I had taken it off with my pants. I turned my head back and my fears were realized. My eyes widened through my glasses as I saw their smiling faces locked onto my ass, my pussy, butt hole, and ass cheeks for hours!

I quickly jumped up and yanked my pants on. They see delighted to watch me try to fit my butt cheeks into office pants. Once my shorts were on, I grabbed my bag and phone. I stood there for a moment peaking at them through my glasses trying to think of something to say. I had nothing. They just stared at me. I felt disgusted, stormed off towards resort. As I walked, I felt the ocean breeze and sun on my skin. More skin than normal, way more. I looked down at my body and realized that my nipples were poking out the top of my bra. They must have bounced free of the cups when I was dancing to get my pants up quickly. I was a mess, covered in sand still feeling slightly drunk. I stopped and covered myself up. I felt watched by everybody within eyesight. This was the most humiliated I had ever been.

In my hotel room, after a shower, I cried for around an hour while drinking what I had in the hotel fridge. I felt like a mess. A nice relaxing weekend plan for some alone time turned into a nightmare. I needed to get off.

This was a perfect time. Drunk and alone. I began to rub my clit between my bathrobes. My eyes closed slowly and began to feel the waves of stimulation travel up my body. I slipped off my bathrobes, my curtain half open. I began to touch myself. First with my fingers then while grinding against a pillow coming over and over I couldn’t help but think about my new sexual fantasy. Being exposed…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kpack5/i_f26_got_drunk_and_exposed_myself_on_the_beach

1 comment

  1. Don’t punish yourself… Rather feel proud.. That you have such a well endowed asset that people can’t help but admire its beauty ..

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