Someone I once trusted

Please note this happened 5 years ago and was multiple times. I have finished a lengthy court process so some details might be a bit hazy
I.e I am no longer with this guy due to this reason


5 years ago I had a relationship going with a guy older than me and we hit it off straight away. After a few months of us dating he ended up getting a job in another city and a couple months later I got accepted into a school so I moved to that city to go to school and to be near him.

A few months pass by and I start regularly sleeping over if I didn’t have class the next day and I notice he was getting more handsy and controlling about what I did and who I met including what I ate. Due to this controlling I ended up having to leave classes early to be with him as it was the only time he apparently had off.

This controlling happened for a few weeks until I noticed one morning I was feeling exhausted and sore but I wrote it off as not being able to sleep properly. Anytime I slept over from then I noticed I would always feel that way in the morning.

The exhausted and sore feeling changed within a few weeks as I noticed that both my ass and pussy were sore and I was becoming emotional a lot more. One night I pretended to be asleep to see what was going on as I went to bed before him. When he came into the room I heard him getting undressed and possibly watching to see if I was asleep, I think he thought I was asleep as when he got into bed he pulled my underwear down and started rubbing my pussy and ass. After the quick touch I felt him force his way into my pussy and use my pussy for his enjoyment but after a few minutes I felt him pull out and force his way into my ass, I just froze from the sheer amount of pain he put me in and just the thought I was nothing more than a sexual object for him.

He did this multiple times while we were together and most of the time I had to go to the hospital due to the amount of pain I was in. The worst was when i had an ovarian cyst rupture while we were on a trip, I had to take strong pain relief to manage the pain and when we got back to his I went straight to bed as the medicine was making me sleepy and I told him that I was very sore and not feeling well so I was going to sleep. A little later I don’t know how long I woke up to him raping me putting me in worse pain.

I haven’t fully recovered yet from what he put me through but I have learned my triggers. I still cannot do anal due to what he did as I think he may have caused damage.
