It started with an impromptu lap dance [F], it ended with [M]e losing my virginity

In the spring of my senior year of high school, I went on a field trip with my international relations class to New York for a UN conference at Columbia. More than anything, I just wanted to see the city, hang out with my friends, and all that fun stuff.

To describe myself physically, I was, at the time, about 6′, 160 lbs, brown hair and brown eyes. I ran track in high school so I was pretty skinny. My cock slightly above average at about 7″ in length and about 5.5″ in girth. I was considered “cute, but weird” by most of the girls, so I had never had the chance to use it for anything except pissing and jerking off. The only time I had even seen a girl naked outside of porn was when my friend’s ex-GF flashed us when we were drunk at my birthday party over the summer.

We arrived in New York on a Thursday night. We had a class dinner at some restaurant in Midtown, went to the opening of the conference, and went back to our rooms, watched movies, and all that stuff. The next day, we had our first conference, which was boring as all hell, and then we had some breakout “committee” sessions where we practiced putting together simulated UN resolutions. One of the guys I was in committee with, who I’ll call Dan, and I started talking. He was pretty cool; kinda quiet like me. We halfheartedly worked on our project, though I don’t know why, as it wasn’t graded and we weren’t that interested. He said that he and his older sister, were from southern Connecticut and had come down for the same reason I had: to hang out in NYC for a few days. He was a junior and she was a senior.

The next day, Dan myself, some other random guy, and Dan’s sister, Katrina, were assigned to our committee. Katrina, like me, had started school a year late, so we were both 18 year old seniors (I needed to throw that in there). To describe Katrina, she was about 5’3″, 110 lbs with shoulder-length auburn hair and brown eyes. Her face wasn’t ugly, but she wasn’t beautiful either; just kind of unconventionally cute. However, she had an excellent body with a gorgeous, tight little ass. Her tits were on the small side, about a B cup or so, but they fit her well. She was wearing tight black business suit pants and a button up sweater that was only buttoned halfway up. Underneath she had on a tight black spaghetti string tanktop and clearly had no bra. She sat across from me at the table and made sure to lean forward as much as possible to give me a nice view of her small cleavage. Whenever she stood up to stretch, she always turned around around and gave me a good view of her ass. I did notice what Katrina was doing, but I didn’t really think it was intentional.

After about ten minutes of work, Dan announced that he was hungry and that he was going to go out and grab some lunch from one the pizza places on the street. The other guy decided to join him too. Dan asked Katrina if she wanted anything and she said she was fine. I also had had a late breakfast so I wasn’t hungry and I stayed behind. For about thirty seconds, we had an awkward silence, before Katrina broke it and asked me where I was from. I told her, and asked her the same. She asked me if I had gotten into any colleges, and I said that yes, I was going to a school up in Boston in the fall, and she said she was going to school in Florida. Then she asked if I had a girlfriend, to which I said no. She then said “I have a boyfriend, but I cheat on him all the time. He knows and doesn’t do anything about it. He’s pathetic.” I just kind of laughed awkwardly; I didn’t really know what to say to that. Good for you? Haha, what a loser? I don’t know.

Katrina then gave me a very flirty smile and, what I now are “fuck me eyes”, and asks what I like to do for fun. I tell her the mundane things: Football, running, music, movies, video games, etc. She tells me she likes music and dancing and, now that she turned in January, going to clubs. “I strip for guys, too,” she said, giving me a wink. I did a double take and said, “Wait, you’re a stripper??” She laughed and said “No. I just strip for guys for fun.” I suddenly felt my heart beat faster and blood rush to my cock. “Like when you get a few drinks in you at parties?” I asked. Katrina shrugged, “Yeah, quite a bit. But I just do it randomly sometimes, and I usually do it sober.” Like a dumbass, I asked, “Why?” But Katrina just smiled and said, “It turns me on,” she glanced over at the door, “You wanna see?”

I got so excited that I almost felt nauseous. I think it was a sudden diversion of blood from my brain to my dick. “Sure,” I croaked out. Immediately, Katrina got up, locked the door, and turned off the light. It was late morning, so the room was still bright, but it was a better mood without the florescent ceiling lights. Obviously, we didn’t have any music, but nonetheless, Katrina climbed onto the table we were sitting at and began gyrating her hips and rubbing her chest. She then unbuttoned her sweater and shrugged it off, dancing now in just her tanktop and business pants. She spun slowly until she was facing away from me, her ass swaying back and forth like a cobra in front a snake charmer. She unbuttoned and unzipped her pants, pulling them down and bending over, giving me a view of her bare ass and pussy. Swaying her hips again, she pulled her pants up again and turned around, now pulling her tanktop. Just as the shirt cleared her tits and her nipples came into the open, she turned away, teasing me.

I was suddenly broken from my trance as Katrina suddenly turned and jumped off the table into my lap. She put one hand on my shoulder and rubbed my chest with her other hand while she grinded her crotch into my rock hard cock. She then leaned forward and pressed her lips to mine, her tongue running along my lips. I was caught off guard so I drew back a second.

“I’m sorry,” Katrina said, “Too much?” I shook my head. “No,” I said, “Keep going.” Katrina smiled and kissed me again. This time I opened my mouth and our tongues met. It was awkward at first, but pretty soon, we got the rhythm and were making out passionately. She reached down and grabbed my cock through my pants as I groped at her tits.

We suddenly jumped as there was a knock at the door. Katrina jumped off my lap, threw her sweater back on, and ran to unlock the door. It was one of the event supervisors letting us know that the breakout session was about to end and we needed to return to the conferences. I felt my dick deflate and I saw a look of disappointment on Katrina’s face. She turned and gave me a smile and walked out of the room.

Luckily, that was just the beginning of that day with her…


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