Custom sex stories

Hello! I am currently taking orders for custom kink/fetish literature commissions! Have someone you cannot help but think about fucking? Have a fetish you are dying to have played out? I may just be the gal you’re looking for!

I am happy to indulge your kinks, fetishes, fantasies! Whatever turns you on, I’m thrilled to write. My hard limits include children, animals, and rape.

Every story is typed for you to meet your every desire. My rates are on a client to client basis & are based on kinks, as well as page length.

Below I will share a writing sample, this way you can get a taste of my writing style & see if I am someone whose work you’d get pleasure from reading.

If this is something you would be interested in exploring I would love to talk with you about what it is I do & answer any questions you may have. Email:



Once you see how bad she is craving your cock, you order her to get back to her knees. She worships you, teasing you along her lips…

You take her hair by the handful, thrusting inside of her mouth and down into her throat, making her gag and choke, spit running down her chin. You push yourself in and out of her mouth, making sure you savor every second of her lips and tongue gliding against your cock.

After your cock is soaked in her spit you pick her up and throw her onto the bed, flipping her to her stomach. She arches her back for you, knowing what is about to happen, you are then able to take a look at her wet pussy and tight asshole staring back at you. She begs you to fuck her so you start to tease her by sliding the head of your cock counter clockwise feeling how wet she is. The more she begs for it, the harder it is for you to resist. You spit down her perfectly arched asshole and watch your spit roll down her asshole to her dripping pussy. You take your hard cock and slide it in between her lips, and push forward. She gives out a moan of pleasure which only motivates you to start pounding her tight, wet, pink hole.


1 comment

  1. You then grab her hips and watch, as her pussy lips wrap around your cock. The view is amazing, like her pussy is literally trying to keep you from leaving.

    You hear her moan with pleasure, everytime you thrust, which makes you thrust harder. God she feels so tight, you think, as you can feel every inch of her pussy walls, hug you.

    You watch her ass bouncing off your stomach, and just see the ripple of flesh bounce off you, just to come back for me.

    That ass is mesmerizing you, and you can’t stop, you thrust and thrust, while never taking your eyes off that waving ass.

    You watch her right hand disappear under her stomach and see her fingers appear by your balls. She’s rubbing her clit side to side. Mmmm, your tongue is so jealous of those fingers.

    Your right hand raises and SLAPS that right ass cheek, to the sound of moaning. She approves of this you think, then SLAP, right on her left ass cheek. You watch as her skin turns pink, with your hand print.

    You look at her face, which is moaning for more. You look back down and give two more slaps, SLAP, SLAP, like music to your ears, from the most amazing set of drums.

    You hear,”Fill me up, I’m going to cum”, then silence, as she focuses on her orgasm.

    You start pounding, faster and faster, you feel your cock swell, and feel it reaching deeper than it has ever gone before.

    You hear her moan, feel her pussy pulsate on your cock, and look down to the sight of her white cream coating your cock.

    God damn this looks hot, as you reach down and slide some of that cream on your finger.

    You bring it to your face, then slowly put your finger in your mouth, close your eyes and mouth, and taste.

    The taste is heaven and you don’t even realize that your cock is building up, as a surprise orgasm shoots out your cock.

    You suck your finger and savor her flavor, as moans escape your lips that surround it.

    You give her what she wanted and she gave you what you craved.

    Your pulses die down and she collapses on her stomach. You look down at your satisfied cock, slowly slide in and out two more times, before watching your creamy, wet, cock, slide out of her.

    Her pussy lips don’t want to let go and you watch them slowly close back to normal, like someone who didn’t want to close the door when your left. but you had to leave.

    That’s definitely one satisfied pussy and cock.

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