Forbidden Fruit (pt 1) (age gap) (oral)

Tying the strings on my bikini, I adjust the top to cover as much of my 32DD natural breasts as possible….which is a tall order for the tiny triangle pieces of fabric. I’d never wear a bikini if my boys and their friends were here. At just under 5’5”, I’m a mighty force in a tiny package. Thick, silky brunette hair, ending just above my waist…a high, tight ass and shapely legs maintained by regular yoga and daily squats, big brown eyes, full lips, a warm pretty smile and a velvety smooth and soft kitty all contribute to the physical package…but it’s my personality and attitude that draw people to me more than my looks. I’m aware of the male attention I continuously get but I could care less. Pulling my hair up into a messy bun, I grab my towel, magazine and ice water as I head out to the pool. It’s a gorgeous, sunny day in July. I’ve somehow finagled a long weekend home by myself. My teenage boys are away camping for a few days. I packed their cooler full of food and their favorites so I know they won’t starve or live off ramen the entire time….and even if they do, it not gonna kill ‘em!

Life has been crazy busy in recent years so having some downtime is something I jumped at when they mentioned they were going. Normally, I’d have loved to go too but, it’s time they start having adventures without Mom around. Setting my things on the poolside table, I climb into the refreshing pool….the silkiness of the water on my skin, cooling my warm flesh feels like a gentle breeze blowing like a caress over my body. Laying face down on the thick raft, I untie my top and let the strings rest absently where they land. Adjusting my sunglasses, I turn the music up on my phone as I unconsciously mouth the words to the Chris Brown song playing in my AirPods. Relaxing, my cheek rests on the float as I spread my legs apart a little wanting my body to tan as evenly as possible….smiling, I chuckle silently thinking “as if anyone would notice if Mom’s tan is a bit spotty!!”

My hand flies to my ear as I feel my AirPod start to slip out….my eyes open quickly, trying to focus on the deep-toned laugh I hear from nearby. I’m startled as I come face to face with Bryce, my youngest son’s best friend…it takes me a moment to realize I’d fallen asleep in the pool and been awoken when he removed my airpod to get my attention. Smiling, I remove the other one and start to paddle to the side of the pool to set them down where it’s dry and safe. “Well hey there Bryce! I thought you were camping with everyone,” I say over my shoulder. Taking a long drink of ice water, I reach back to re-tie my top. Sliding my body off the raft, I enter the water as I’m unconsciously adjusting the small fabric pieces of my bikini, I look down to make sure I’m covered before standing up on the bottom of the pool, my shoulders and the tops of my breasts rest above the water.

Taking another sip from the mug, I push my sunglasses up to rest on the top of my head while making eye contact with Bryce. Something is up, I think to myself…I can feel his energy is a little off. Watching him, my face registers confusion…and concern. I’ve known Bryce since he was in PreSchool with Garrett, my youngest son who’s just turned 18. He’s intently staring back at me, as if what he needs to say may not be well received once he says it out loud. “I couldn’t go” he finally says quietly, his eyes dropping as he continues, “I have a bunch of missing homework so my Dad said I couldn’t go”. My heart immediately jumps, I feel badly he’s missing out on the fun but also understanding why his folks made the decision they did…I’d have done the exact same thing and have in the past. “Well that’s a bummer” I tell him softly, moving to give him a hug, I stop short before making contact. We’re both in the pool, in our suits…hugging him even to briefly provide comfort feels ill-advised and awkward.

“So what’s the status of your work now?” I ask, flashing him a smile as I slide back onto the pool float and recline back. “Done” he says triumphantly. “Well you only missed them by a couple of hours. If I was going up, you could ride with me but I’m not,” I say at him but not making eye contact….I’m sliding all over the raft as I struggle to stay on. Laughing at my gyrations, Bryce grabs the float and steadies it for me. Flashing him a grateful smile, I sit up with my legs on either side dangling in the water. “No, it’s cool. I didn’t think you were going this time…I was hoping maybe Garrett decided to stay home” Bryce grumbles as the realization that he’s stuck here for a long weekend without his buddies sets in. I giggle “fat chance of that happening babe…you know that!” His shoulders slumped, he shrugs “yeah, I know”.

Resigned to his fate, he moves toward the pool ladder to get out. “You’re welcome to hang here with me if you’d like” I say with more enthusiasm than I feel. “There’s another raft inside the garage if you want to grab it”. I see a smile flash across his handsome face as he climbs out quickly to grab the pool toy. Climbing out next, I ask him without thinking “I’m refilling my water, want something?” “Sure!” he answers quickly, “a pop or water—whatever’s easiest.” Returning with our drinks, I set them down before climbing back into the pool. Jumping back onto my raft, I immediately go ass over as I slip underwater. I can hear him laughing as I stand up and giggle at my own lack of coordination. “Slippery little sucker” I laugh, as I pull the raft down to swing my leg over onto it, sitting as I was before. Reclining back, I do my best to center my body so I can balance and relax.

The warmth of the sun lulls me back into a zen state….parting my legs, I let my feet dangle in the cool water. Paddling carefully over to the table, I put my AirPods back in and restart the playlist. Just as I’m about to fall back asleep, I feel toes wiggling on my shin….opening my eyes, I smile back at the handsome young man suntanning with me. “What’s that smile for?” I ask him lightly, not really expecting much of an answer. Half the time when I ask the same of my own boys, I hear “nothing” or “I dun know”. “It’s a chill day, thanks for lettin’ me hang with ya” Bryce replies before relaxing his head back and closing his eyes. I hear myself replying as if on autopilot “you’re welcome here anytime, you know that.”

Adjusting my sunglasses I inspect Bryce more closely. He’s grown into a very good looking young man. He’s always been adorable…big blue eyes, dimples, and a ton of personality…and like Garrett somewhat on the slighter side when they were younger. Over the past year, he’s shot up to almost 6’ tall and his shoulders have broadened; his body has transformed into a man’s physique without anyone realizing it. I notice the deep “V” at his hips, my eyes continue down as I focus on the large bulge in his swim trunks for the first time…. “yes, definitely not a boy anymore” I think silently. My thoughts drift to wondering how his full, pouty lips taste…picturing his face as he licks my pussy, slipping one of those beautiful long fingers deep inside me….riding his cock, as his hands are filled with my titties, tweaking my nipples when I push his hands more roughly into me….I moan softly at the fantasies and suddenly realize my daydreams have made my mound very wet, in turn making my bikini bottom just as wet. Immediately, I panic inside “God, I hope I don’t smell like sex”….and then my thoughts race to wondering if he even knows what sex smells like yet.

Using my hands as tiny paddles, I move away from Bryce’s raft…I’m suddenly illogically concerned he can somehow read my thoughts and knows I’ve been thinking about him in a very non-“Mom of my best buddy” way. Biting my lower lip automatically, I purposefully shake my head slightly as if to completely erase my thoughts. Leaning forward with legs on each side, I splash water into the raft to wet my sex. Almost bent in half from my current position, the raft shields view of my hand as I rub my suit to rinse off my wetness. Paddling with my arms and legs over to the side, I drink deeply from my water. Setting my mug down, I hear “Mama Deb? Pass me my mug please” in Bryce’s polite voice. Getting off my raft, I walk over with his mug and set it on his chest which makes him jump from the icy coldness and I giggle. Grabbing the mug, he clumsily slides off his raft as he grabs my wrist and roughly pulls me to him. Looking at him in a bratty, defiant way I realize our mouths are inches apart and his rock hard cock is pressed into my body. “Hey now kid, be nice!” I say playfully, trying to break the spell of the moment. Laughing, he lets go and steps away.

The rest of the afternoon finds us floating and tanning…very little conversation is exchanged, we’re both content to just be. Falling asleep again, I dream that I’m flying. Looking up as my extended arms steer my flight, I shiver at the gentlest caress up the inside of my thighs…a bent finger absorbs my heat as the caress rests momentarily between my legs, teasing my wetness through the fabric. I moan at the caress in my dream, the sound making the touch dissolve. Lowering my arms to land, I feel both of my nipples harden as a jolt of sensation shoots down to my toes from the twisting and pulling of my nipples simultaneously. My head rolls slightly as part of my dream, which seems to halt the nipple touching almost as quickly as it started. I slip into a deeper sleep, without consciously dreaming.

Water splashing on to my face catapults me awake. Smiling, he comments my stomach just started growling really loudly. “We should get out, it’s late” Bryce tells me, steadying my raft as I slide off. I’m about to reply as another growl rips through my stomach as if it’s an Earthquake. I start to giggle, and giggle and giggle…I’m giggling so hard, I can’t climb out of the pool. He climbs out and then help me out between fits of giggling. Securing the pool, I grab our things and head for the house. “Let’s see what we have to eat…are you hungry Sweetheart?” I ask over my shoulder, assuming he’ll follow. I quickly whip up thick, melty grilled cheese sandwiches, fresh fruit salad, and sweet pickles. Grabbing our food, I turn on the TV and sit down on the couch to eat. Watching me, he stays standing…I quickly realize he’s unsure what to do….I pat the couch next to me…”come…sit….eat” I say, smiling as I try to keep my tone friendly, in a “buddy” way but it feels so awkward, it falls flat.

I shiver with a chill, prompting me to pull my towel up higher and tighter around my body. I get up to put some clothes on…slipping on shorts, I throw on a crisp white cotton boyfriend shirt and only fasten two buttons. Brushing my hair out, I throw it up into a high pony tail that brushes back and forth as I walk, prompting most men to picture wrapping it around their hand while destroying my body from behind. Returning, I sit close to Bryce and pull a light throw up and over my shoulders while we start to binge watch “Breaking Bad”. At the end of four episodes, I stretch and realize how late it’s gotten. Placing a pillow under Bryce’s head, I pull his feet up onto the couch and cover him with a blanket. I text his Mom to let her know he’s at our house. She’s fine letting him sleep and thanks me for letting her know. Stretching out, I make myself a little more comfortable as the next episode starts. Before the episode is over, I’ve fallen asleep too. Resting my head on the arm, I sleep deeply as episodes of Breaking Bad continue to automatically play, one after another.

My eyes crack open as it registers it must be very early in the morning…the house is dark except for the dim glow of the TV. I’m stretched out, the length of the couch, Bryce’s body behind mine, pressed firmly against me as his arm encircles my body, holding me tightly. His closeness feels natural….comforting….desired….needed. I snuggle down, willing myself to relax and fall back to sleep. His breathing is rhythmic, hypnotic…I find myself matching my breathing to his so we’re breathing in unison….the simple gesture somehow makes me feel more connected to him.

Bryce’s arm jerks involuntarily, his hand slipping onto the side of my breast. I arch back slightly, my firm butt pressing into his crotch. I hear the gentle moan as I feel his shaft nestles into the crack of my ass…rocking my hips ever so slightly, the motion massages his shaft causing it to harden and grow against me. The bigger he gets, the tighter my ass feels wrapped around him. I flex my cheeks around his cock….massaging, stroking, gripping his cock. Reaching behind me, I grip his shaft firmly with my hand….stroking…the full length of his tool….as he buries his face in my neck, I feel his lips and hot breath on my skin, my jaw, my face….I feel his fingers move into my shirt and under my bikini as they roll my nipple, tweaking and twisting….the sensation causing me to moan and grind into this sexy, delicious man.

Turning my body around to face Bryce, I kiss my way down his body….nuzzling and nibbling between kisses. As my mouth nibbles his shaft through the fabric of his swimsuit, his hands grab my head to pull my mouth deeper into his shaft….pulling his suit down, I lick and kiss and deep throat his shaft again and again….thrusting his hips into me again and again, I slide the tip into the velvety softness of my mouth, gliding it across the roof of my mouth, across my cheeks and repeatedly down my throat….the flatness of my tongue, the friction created by my hands and mouth, the hot wetness invaded again and again with every thrust….as I feel him start to climb the wave, I push him right to the brink…the edge of release….and then suddenly, I stop….my touch changes, a new pace, a different rhythm….pushing, coaxing him back down off the wave….slowly building him back up again….further and further up the wave, close to the crest….and just as his body sees the goal, I stop….blowing cool air up and down the length of Bryce’s shaft, I gently nudge him back down off the wave’s crest…again and again I take him to the cusp of release….and just as often, I deny him release….I can feel how high and tight his balls are….the tension in his body, increasing with each denial….his need is palpable…’s no longer desire, it’s pure unadulterated, physical need.

Flipping the switch in my touch, I start to push Bryce back up the wave….stronger pushes, more insistent, more demanding….my energy coaxing his ascent as much as his own….my grip tighter, my mouth wetter and hotter….I push him gently toward the crest, closer and closer to the edge….teasing release but granting it this time as I start to suck and lick, my hand stroking in a semicircle around his shaft…coaxing, begging, flirting with his orgasm and then suddenly the sharp moans and thrusts as he cries out, his body lifting off the couch from the force of his orgasm….filling my mouth with rope after rope of hot cum….my mouth meeting each rope’s spasm with a tight, gripping suck deep around his shaft…again and again, until his shaft starts to soften….incredibly sensitive now….light kisses and the gentlest flicks of my tongue until his cock is reclining peacefully against his body.

Bryce gently pulls my body up, searching for my lips with his own….the hunger, the desire thick in the air between us….my pussy is dripping wet from making him cum so hard, pleasing him so utterly and completely….”stand up baby” he whispers to me, as if he’s spoken to me this way, every day for months…standing, he looks down at me….stroking my cheek, gently twirling a lock of hair…I’m already addicted to the tenderness of his touch. “So beautiful” he whispers to me, his lips gently kissing my eyelids, my temples, the top of my nose…”the bedroom” he whispers again. Taking his hand, I lead him up the stairs and into my bedroom. Closing the door behind us, I want to be tucked away with him for as long as possible….exploring, teaching, learning, discovering. As Bryce unbuttons my shirt, and unties my bikini top, the gentle tenderness of his touch thrills me…a jolt of desire courses directly into my wet pussy and then down into the very tips of my toes. Pulling my shorts off, my bikini bottom is quickly untied and tossed aside…Bryce’s fingers slip into my velvety, soft folds….finger fucking my gash….deeper and deeper….his mouth devours mine, his cock starting to already harden again…feeling his growing shaft pressed roughly into my flesh, my body unconsciously arches into his….pushing me down, he growls roughly into my neck “your turn”.

“Now, spread your legs….” he requests gruffly.



  1. WOW another wonderfully beautiful and sexy rendering. Your words draw the reader in and let them actually see what is happening in their mind ss they read on… well done!

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