A Cucks Consensual Downfall: Sam Accepts His Place (Part 3)

Beep Beep! Beep Beep! Sounded Emily’s alarm as she awoke to get ready for work. Sam still lay there asleep. He’d just graduated from university but without a job to follow. He spent most of his days slumping around the flat he and Emily shared, feeling sorry for himself and doing chores. His parents had to pay his half of the flat share until he could find a job. Even though she loved him, that was the one major thing that Emily despised about her boyfriend. His lack of ambition, laziness and the constant feeling sorry for himself just didn’t sit right with her. She’d always encourage him to look for jobs, but Sam would always play it off with the classic “I will” or “I’ll try”. I guess that’s the reason why Emily always admired the fancy finance guys who’d come into her place of work for lunch and dinner. Deep down, she knew that those were the type of guys who could really provide for a family. And in comparison, her boyfriend looked like the ultimate loser. However, that didn’t stop Emily from kissing her boyfriend on the head before she left for work. And with that, off she went to do her usual 9-6 shift right in the heart of the city.

“Hey Emily!” her best friend Jade shouted from across the restaurant.

“Oh hey! Didn’t see you there” Emily responded.

Jade was Emily’s outright best friend. They’d gone to school together and ever since they’d always been in each other’s lives. Jade was the sort of girl every guy wishes their girlfriend wasn’t friends with. She was the bad influence type. The encouraging to cheat type. The size queen type. And she certainly wasn’t afraid to hide it. Ever since she broke up with her ex, she’d been sleeping with well endowered guys left, right and centre. She wasn’t short of a hook-up to tell Emily about after every weekend. And today was no different.

“So, how was your weekend?” Jade asked Emily with her own music on her lips ready to be heard.

“Ooh, you know, the usual” Emily shrugged as she clocked in for her shift.

“Oh, so you mean disappointing sex with Sam again? Ahaha” Jade laughed as she motioned her pinky finger in front of Emily. Yep, you guessed it. As best friends do, Emily had told Jade everything there was to know about her disappointing sex-life with Sam. She’d always get teased for it by Jade. They both knew that Emily could do a lot better for herself but there was something Emily liked about Sam that made her want to ignore all the noise.

“Actually, we didn’t even fuck last night” Emily said with a slight satisfaction on her face knowing it would take Jade by surprise.

“Oh, you didn’t? How come?” Jade asked with confusion.

“I-umm, just wasn’t in the mood” Emily answered trying her best not to spill the tea on her and Sam’s new arrangement. She thought letting Jade know about that might be going too far. She had to at least maintain some privacy in their relationship.

“Oh, well anyway. Let me tell you about this guy I’ve been fucking lately” Jade said as she pulled out her phone to show Emily a picture. “Hot right?” Jade asked rhetorically.

“Fuck yeah he’s hot! Where do you find all these guys?” Emily asked whilst staring at a topless pic of some six pack God Jade had pulled up.

“Ah you know, the usual Tinder etc. Wait! But that’s not even the best bit!” Jade explained as she slid to another picture. “How good does that dick look?” Jade again, asked rhetorically.

It took Emily a few moments to respond as she stared at what was at least a 9”-long and thick dick with balls so big it would probably take Emily two hands to hold. “Fuck! Yeah that’s a nice dick” agreed Emily with a slight lust to her tone.

“Too fucking right, it is! Made me cum 4 times! And that was just round one!” Jade said with excitement. “See, this is what I’ve been telling you all this time girl! There’s so much better out there than what you’re putting up with now. Also, this guy actually had a job!” Jade said in a mocking tone.

“Hey, come on, Sam’s looking!” Emily said as she hopelessly defended her boyfriend. “And I love him” she expressed further.

“Okay, okay you do you but I’m just saying. If you ever want some real dick, I can hook you up” Jade said with a proud voice.

“Yeah yeah whatever” Emily replied as she went to lay out the tables for lunch.

The day passed, busy as usual with the fancy finance guys coming in to get their smoked salmon bagels and latte’s and Jade flirting with as many as she could. It was soon enough that Emily’s break came along. She got together her usual lunch – chicken salad, diet coke and a chocolate cookie from the bakery – and sat alone in the break room. She hadn’t checked her phone in a while and to her surprise, sitting there were two unopened snaps from Ben:

***Ben:*** *“Hey”*

*“How’s your day going?”*

***Emily:*** *“Oh hey!”*

*“Yeah not bad tbh. Just been busy at work”*

*“How about you?”*

***Ben:*** *“Ooh nice”*

*“What is it you do for work if you don’t mind me asking?”*

*“And yeah me too really”*

*[Ben Sent an image – tap to view]*

***Emily:*** *“I’m a waitress at the Tavin restaurant in the city. Idk if you know it but it’s the new one right next to Moorgate Station”*
*“How about you?”*

Emily opened the image of what she expected to be another dick pic but to her surprise, and yours, it wasn’t. Instead it was a humble selfie. Ben was looking sharp, in a suit, hair slicked back and good looking. Emily just smiled. She was surprised to see that Ben also had what seemed a friendly side, perhaps only to her, not her boyfriend. Nevertheless, she admired his good looks and acknowledged that he clearly worked in a high-flying job.

***Emily:*** *“Cute pic ?”*

***Ben:*** *“Oh a waitress eh? That’s pretty hot”*

*“I’m in banking. Long hours but good pay yk”*

*“What about your cuck of a boyfriend? What does he do for work?”*

***Emily:*** *“Oh wow someones done well for themselves”*

*“He doesn’t work atm but he’s looking”*

***Ben:*** *“Of course he doesn’t hahaha”*

*“I’ll just say this once but I’m sure you’re already aware of it. From what I’ve heard you can do so much better. YK that right?”*

***Emily:*** *“Yeah well obviously. It’s just, well Idk. This all started because I wanted to try a bigger dick, that’s it. Idk there’s just something about him that’s always warmed me”*

***Ben:*** *“Beats me that’s a girl like you is with a guy like him but hey you do you as long as you know where the real man’s dick is”*

***Emily:*** *“Yeah of course I do ahaha”*

***Ben:*** *“And where is that?”*

***Emily:*** “*With you daddy of course”*

***Ben:*** *“Good girl”*

*“And keep reminding your little bitch of a boyfriend of that as well”*

*“Anyway, I’ve gotta get back to work now”*

*“How would you feel about doing a skype call tonight?”*

*“Maybe you’ll get to see more of this dick that’s gonna rail you..”*

***Emily:*** *“I will daddy”*

*“Yeah I’d love to! I’d have to run it by my boyfriend first but I’m pretty sure it won’t be a problem. He normally gives in to me ahaha”*

*“Maybe you’ll get to see more of this pussy that you’re gonna plough…”*

*“My Skype is just: Emily_bee123”*

*“Talk later xx”*

“Oooo, who’s Ben??” Jade asked with a mischievous tone.

“Uh, how long have you been standing there?!” Emily said as she tried to conceal her phone.

“Long enough to know that you’ve finally taken my advice and are gonna get some real dick ahaha. Come on, show it to me then…” Jade demanded with a huge grin on her face. It was almost like her master plan to get Emily to take a much bigger dick than her boyfriends had finally come to light. Emily pulled up the photo Ben had sent last night. “Holy, shit. Now that’s what I call a proper dick. You’ve done well. That has to be at least 8”?” Jade asked with a real curiosity.

“I mean, that’s what he said lol. It’s a lot bigger than Sam’s anyway” Emily admitted.

“Ohh yeah no shit ahaha. He’s easily more than twice his size” Jade responded, impressed that Emily had found a nice dick to ride. “So, what happened? I thought you said you’d never cheat on him?” Jade asked all confused.

“Well, technically it wouldn’t be cheating if Sam knew about it. Right?” Emily explained hesitantly knowing that she’d now let out all the details of her and Sam’s new arrangement.

“Wait what?! He knows?” Jade asked with a shocked tone.

“Yeah well look, it goes like this. He has a small dick and can’t satisfy me, that’s no secret. But I always wanted to be faithful because I love him. But when I hear all the stories of the big dicks you’ve fucked and how amazing it was it just made me curious. So, I brought an 8” dildo. And yeah, using it actually made me cum. Like, a lot. I mean anything was more than before, right? Sam could never, only with his mouth and even that was a push sometimes. So, I kept using that whilst I was in the bathroom so he wouldn’t find out. Until he found it in my draws!” Emily explained.

“Oh fuck” Jade responded. “Was he mad?” she asked with curiosity.

“At first he was yeah. But then I explained it all and he accepted that he couldn’t give me what I wanted. So, he agreed to let me try a big dick just once so I can satisfy my craving. That’s where Ben comes into this. I met him on Tinder. So, yeah, he’s basically like a cuck I guess” Emily explained further.

“Oh no no no no, he’s not “like” a cuck, he’s exactly a cuck ahaha” Jade laughed. “Wow, I always knew he was a pathetic little bitch. He’s actually gonna sit and watch his girlfriend get railed by a big dick in a way that he never could. I bet he’ll start jerking that little thing of his in the corner whilst you do it ahaha” Jade laughed some more.

“I don’t think it turns him on?” Emily said in question.

“Oh hun, knowing him it definitely does. Just look next time you talk to Ben, I bet he’ll have a little tent in his trousers” Jade explained.

“Lol well I’m meant to be Skyping him later, so we’ll see I guess” Emily giggled in doubt of Jade’s theory.

“Ooh hot. Let me know how that goes then. I can’t wait for you to actually fuck him. You say it’s just a one-time thing, but I bet It’ll leave you wanting more. You’ll never want Sam’s tiny dick again, trust me”, Jade stated with confidence.

“Nahh, it’s just a one-time thing I promise. I could never hurt Sam like that” Emily explained.

“Well, don’t say I didn’t tell you so” Jade said in confidence as her and Emily left the break room to go back to work.

The afternoon passed quicker than the morning did. And before she knew it, Emily was on the bus back home. She arrived home just after 7:00 pm to find Sam sat on the sofa watching TV.

“How was work?” he asked with interest.

“Yeah it was fine. Had a nice catch up with Jade and chatted with Ben for a bit” Emily responded.

“Ooh right” Sam muttered. As you could tell, him and Jade never got along. Sam knew what type of girl Jade was and he never liked Emily hanging around with her because he always thought she’d corrupt her. He wasn’t wrong.

“How about yours?” Emily asked.

“Yeah it was okay. Looked at a few jobs but didn’t find anything to be honest” Sam replied.

“Well at least you’re trying” Emily said as she sat beside Sam ready to tell him about the Skype call tonight. “Anyway, there’s something I need to tell you. Ben wants me to come on a Skype call tonight. I think it’s just to play about and get to know each other a bit better. And I won’t lie. I said I’d get naked for hi-“

“What?! You’re getting naked for him after just one day? You wouldn’t even let me see your boobs until 4 months in! Why’s he getting all these privileges?” Sam asked in anger and jealousy.

“OMG calm down! You said you wouldn’t get jealous! Look, guys like Ben can get what they want pretty much due to the size of their dicks. If one girl doesn’t play up to their needs, they’ll have no problem finding another that will. So, to keep them interested you have to be a bit sluttier than you would for someone like, well, someone like you. Let’s just call it big dick privileges” Emily explained.

“So, you’re saying if I was packing like that then I would’ve been able to fuck you a lot sooner than I did?” Sam asked with a hurt tone.

“Umm, well yes” Emily answered. It was fair to say that this was a blow to Sam. He had to wait nearly 6 months to see Emily naked. Ben, however, barely had to wait 24 hours. “So that’s okay yeah?” Emily asked knowing that she wouldn’t take “no” for an answer.

“Yes, I guess so” Sam replied. “But can I be there? When it happens? I don’t like not knowing what’s happening” Sam explained.

“Yeah of course. I’d need to ask Ben but by the sounds of it I think he’d prefer you to be there so you can watch me be slutty for another man. You know how he is” Emily explained as she noticed a slight tent in Sam’s trousers.

So, what Jade said was true? No, surely not? He’s probably just horny because he didn’t get any action last night, Emily tried to convince herself. But maybe that’s why he wants to watch. Because it turns him on! No, surely not?

“What?” Sam asked as he noticed Emily starting at him with confusion.

“Are you hard?” she said plainly.

Sam immediately looked down and tried to cover his erection, not that there was much to cover anyway. “Huh-no-what?” Sam stuttered.

“Omg you’re actually hard, aren’t you?!” Emily said as she moved Sam’s hands to reveal a tiny tent in his trousers. “Does it turn you on? When I talk about being slutty for Ben and not you just because he has a much bigger dick?” Emily asked with a slight smirk knowing that Jade was right.

“Okay, okay” Sam conceded. “Yes, it does. I don’t know why but there’s just something humiliating about this all which turns me on. The fact that you need another guy to fuck you in a way I never can” Sam explained.

Emily giggled. “Well then. I didn’t expect that. But that’s cute and funny at the same time. Looks like I’m not the only one getting something out of Ben’s huge dick, am I?” Emily asked as she placed her hand on Sam’s tiny erect cock.

“Umm no, I guess not” Sam replied.

“Take them off!” Emily demanded. This shocked Sam. Emily was never demanding like that. However, the way she’d seen Ben put Sam in his place turned her on. It made her respect Sam a little less which made her comfortable enough to tell him what to do. Sam obliged. He shuffled down his trousers so that he was just sitting there in his underwear. “And those” Emily said sternly. Sam did so and took them off to reveal his barely 4”, thin erect dick. Emily shuffled closer and began to jerk Sam’s dick. “So, you wanna see me take a real dick then?” Emily asked in a mocking tone.

“Ye-yes I do” Sam replied as he tried his best not to cum so fast.

“You know, I’d have to use two hands to jerk his dick, right? I barley have to use one hand for yours” Emily whispered into Sam’s ear whilst waving her pinky finger in his face. She then switched from using one hand to just 2 fingers and let out degrading giggle.

“Yes. He’s got a much bigger dick than me. I know it would take two hands” Sam said as Emily started stroking faster.

“And you understand that Ben gets big dick privileges? You understand why you don’t get the same treatment?” Emily asked with a smirk on her face.

“Yes, I do” Sam whimpered.

“Tell me why!” Emily demanded.

“Because I have a tiny dick which isn’t enough to satisfy you” Sam confessed.

“Good boyyyy” Emily said mockingly.

“How badly do you wanna watch him fuck me?” Emily asked.

“So badly!” Sam replied almost on the verge of squirting his tiny load over himself.

“You wanna hear me moan and watch me cum all over his big dick, don’t you?!” Emily said in a degrading tone.

“Y-yes I do” Sam uttered as his breathing got faster and heavier.

“Well then, if that’s the case, you’re gonna have to be a good cuck for Ben, and for me. If he wants you to do something, you do it, no questions asked. No more moaning and getting upset. Just accept it. And if you’re a good boy, if you don’t get in the way, you’ll get your reward. You’ll get to watch him fuck me. Understood?” Emily asked in a demanding tone.

“Y-ye-yes” Sam expressed almost seconds away from cumming.

“Good” Emily said bluntly as she took her hands away from Sam’s dick. She knew she’d just edged him into oblivion, but like I said, Ben had bought out a more dominant side in Emily that Sam had never seen before. And a sluttier side in her that only Ben would get to experience. “You can cum later. Ben will want to call shortly. And like I said, you can’t keep guys like that waiting” Emily explained as she giggled and went to get her laptop.

“Please!” Sam begged.

“No! Later!” Emily replied as she disappeared upstairs.

Sam sat there with pre-cum leaking from his tiny, erect dick. It began to sink in that he no longer had control of the relationship. At least while Ben was in the picture. Which would be, as he’d soon find out, a lot longer than he or in fact anyone else expected…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kmnlyi/a_cucks_consensual_downfall_sam_accepts_his_place