[MF] a girl baited me into looking through the photos on her phone, and I saw the “real her”

When I was in college, I met a girl (let’s call her Molly) at a party. We started flirting, and had an instant connection. Molly was on the track team, thin and athletic with a tight and strong body. I think my favorite feature of her was her ass; just the right amount of curves, strong and juicy and thick.

We met up at another smaller party later that week and really started to hit it off. The whole time, she had her phone resting on the couch between us. After a couple of drinks, she started doing something a little bit odd.

She would unlock her phone, put it down right next to me, and then turn the other way to talk to someone else. Every time, after a minute or two, she’d look around for her phone, see it next to me, and grab it with a slightly shy look on her face. After the second time she did this, she grabbed the phone and whispered to me.

“I really need to stop leaving my phone unlocked near you. If you snooped through my camera feed, I don’t think you’d ever look at me the same.”

“Oh yeah?” I replied with a grin on my face. “And why is that.”

She smiled at me, looking right into my eyes. “You might catch a glimpse of the real me.”

After around a half an hour, she did it again. She unlocked her phone, put it right next to me, and got up from the couch. “Gotta run to the bathroom,” she told me, before glancing down at the phone. “And remember…no snooping.” She shot me a wink as she headed to the bathroom.

The party was small enough that it wasn’t crowded, but big enough that everyone else was distracted by conversation or beer pong. I was a bit tipsy, and decided, fuck it. If I was reading the situation right, she wanted me to snoop.

I was expecting maybe a nude or too, nothing too crazy. But what I saw caught me off guard. I quickly texted a few photos to myself, saved them, and deleted the texts from her phone to erase the evidence. I set it back down on the couch, my heart racing, wanting to look back and see if the photos were actually real, or if I imagined them.

When Molly got back from the bathroom, she picked up her phone and glanced at me before putting it in her purse. We got distracted then by more people showing up to the party, getting drawn into conversations with friends or drinking games. Eventually she hugged me goodbye and left the party with some friends of hers.

That night, when I got home, I was able to look through the photos more carefully. My cock instantly started to swell as I scrolled through them.

I managed to quickly send three of them to me. In the first, Molly was blindfolded. A black bandana obscured her eyes. She was sitting on a bed topless, her perky tits standing up, her nipples hard as diamonds. She had a long black dildo in her hand and was licking the tip.

The next photo was much the same, except now, half of the dildo was down her throat…a solid five inches or so.

In the final photo, Molly was bent over the same bed, her hands tied behind her back, and her black thong at her ankles. Her perfect runners ass had the unmistakable red imprint of a hand on it.

The next day, I texted Molly.

“It was great seeing you last night Molly…really seeing you.”

She relied quickly.

“It was great to see you too! But what do you mean by really seeing me?”

“Well…I have a little bit of a confession to make.”

I saw the three dots appear and disappear, before finally, she sent a simple, “…oh?”

“I did snoop through your phone when you went to the bathroom. And I guess I saw the ‘real you’”

“Oh god,” she texted back. “What did you see??”

I sent her the three pictures that I copied from her phone. My heart was racing, my cock was twitching, wondering how she would respond.

Finally, she did.

“I’m so embarrassed you saw that side of me. But I guess it’s a good thing you didn’t keep scrolling and see anything else…”

My hand was shaking in anticipation as I wrote back.
“You should come over today and show me the rest.”

The three dots appeared again, and disappeared, before her reply came in.

“Should I?”

While waiting for her text, I rummaged through the side drawer in my room, before finding what I was looking for. Grinning, feeling confident now, I sent her a picture of what I had found: a pair of handcuffs, a bandana, and a roll of duct tape.

I sent the pictures with a simple message: “yes you should.”

No three dots this time, no hesitation, as she texted back: “fuck…I’ll be there in half an hour…”

Suffice to say, I learned a lot about Molly that day…I don’t think I’ve met anyone as kinky as her since then. If there’s enough interest, I’ll write about what happened once she got to my apartment in a part 2 ;)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kmm3dg/mf_a_girl_baited_me_into_looking_through_the


  1. Ahh mystery, always works in getting ppl’s attention. anytime u make the audience really wanna know the answer to something then you are doing well as a writer.

  2. > Suffice to say


    > If there’s enough interest, I’ll write about what happened once she got to my apartment

    Pick one

  3. Spicy spicy let’s go,waiting for part 2 and give us more details about her height,age,ethnicity etc and yours..

  4. I like the format of your writing. Shows that you actually did attend college and that this is more than likely a true story.. Some of the stuff on here I feel is questionably true or an exaggerated extreme. Nice to read some quality content that sounds a little more real

  5. You. Coming in white hot with your story and tension. You’d be a great flirt. No wonder she was excited by you. Plus, you’ve got writing talents to spare. Bring it.

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