Magick Manifesting: A Lover’s Spell


For years it was nothing more than a foreign concept… Something I’d reserved for an illicit connection; A lusty dream encapsulating every explicit expression I’ve ever desired to extend to another person. Something I wasn’t supposed to have or want, yet wanted. Hungered for. Obsessed over even when virginity was all I knew. Something that only fully existed in my mind and heart, while innately and keenly aware that wishes- like words- are spells.

And so with every daydream, every silent incantation of this word wrapped in orgasms, I’ve cast longing cries upon the world to manifest my desire beyond this sensual spirit and body. In my carnal visions I am never alone: the Alchemical and Physical laws of equivalent energy are solidified and solemnized betwixt myself and at least one other. Flashing through my mind’s eye are an unending stream of moments to come: of all the want and hunger I have ever carried- matched, reflected, multiplied, and savagely enacted upon me by an equally energetic body. In my wanting I am shown that desire and Magick live in tandem in an infinite realm. With the four elements within me, my body a living offering and altar, and my bed embracing shadows unsuitable for a book… I conjured the intangible.


Apparating slowly with poetic paragraphs I felt imprinting on my skin as I took them in. Every character reduced to a single truth before my eyes:

“I’m here”

A sharp, unshakable knowing that all I’ve seen through second sight and sought in sex-driven sorcery now lives



As I do

But at what cost?

How imperfectly was this spell cast? How perfectly did the Universe answer a self-absorbed call? I’ve tapped into some latent power unpracticed- and am unprepared for what new dreams may come. The wish granted, I pause and realize how careful I have not been in my wishing. What is the price of such powerful Magick? What karmic debt, what three-fold cosmic law have I unknowingly contracted for your gaze, your touch, your passionate enjoyment and consumption of all that I am? Are you truly able to take on this energy that has overwhelmed me all this time? Is it right to unleash that on you? With you? Will it envelope you…me?


“US:” an unaccounted-for addition in the conjuring of You…A circle drawn and cast with nebulous edges I can’t bring into sharper focus.

You’re here

And I’m afraid


Of connecting completely

Of having a face

A name

A familiar

As the source and subject of my most magical form

A Being



Waiting for me to surrender

You’re here

And I’m Afraid

I see myself falling, lusting, longing for You

Desiring to belong to You

Boundaries and limits becoming baneful

This reality is dangerous

I’m not grounded

And what I see now will surely manifest in time

All this in the hurricane that comes with the mere presence of your words. In our writings, the connection is already known to me. You’re here, and I’m afraid.

And still I want

To know what only my mind has known

I don a veil around my heart, wrapping my words in wards and locking my emotions in icy boxes to protect us from getting too close. Through the turn of the wheel I attempt to keep us purely in a physical space. I deny being utterly enchanted by you, failing more with each moment locked away with you.

Slowly and steadily I embrace the darkness and banish the distance between us. I fall in your arms and become your goddess. Your fantasies become petitions I move heaven and earth to bring to light. Your hands, your tongue, your cock: all capitalizing the charms you whisper and growl in my ear. Our bodies balance light and dark, while your praising, pleasuring, and penetrating leaves me swirling in the essence of being Powerful and Powerless in your presence.

Our desire is dangerously undeniable; our connection now a spiritual, symbiotic sixth sense. Your thoughts caress me until Divine timing grants another gathering. In my solitary nights my longing cries are now comprised mostly of your name; your imagined form coaxing my body to dance, swell, and shatter just as it does before your eyes and at your command. Dreamscapes have now become a secondary meeting ground where our spirits play.

In our sex, a ritual has been born. The candles I light are dim stars in comparison to your eyes staring at all you have claimed as yours. I burn for you with a fire so bright, all of hell fits within the flame beside my bed, dancing in reverence to the earth we’ll leave scorched beneath our warm celestial bodies. I wrap my body in soothing scents and thin layers of lace, just for you to strip away and stand skyclad with me. I sit and wait for the words that invoke my Sexual trance:

“I’m here”

I let you in, and I surrender. With perfect lust and perfect trust, I’m encircled by your unbound primal need to use me. You tower over me, I’m pressed so close your pulse charges through me. The air is drowned in sighs as your tongue attacks mine, your fingers slipping into your favorite place. You’ve barely crossed the threshold, and I’m quivering with lips parted by You. How quickly that first orgasm welcomes you now, our smiles acknowledging we’ve transcended into cosmic carnality- a language we’ve created together.

At times you lift me off the ground, toasting to the stars before drinking me in. Through hooded eyes I watch you lap at my breasts, forcing me to drip on your fingers. You lick them clean, the taste only driving your tongue furiously between my legs. Your hunger for me only spurns my thirst for you. We both end up kneeling before the other, praising how magnificently stardust has shaped flesh. I sit rooted in your naked lap, your teeth gripping my neck as my hips rock and spin, conjuring more violent orgasms in your name. I’m yours; we give and take with harmonious abondonment, chanting each other’s name while we incense the room.

In this dance I fall with you, I lust for you, I long for you to fuck me into painful bliss. Over and over I reach for you, convulsing and cumming through wild laughter and joyous sobs. I’m wrecked and reborn in the hours my body entwines with yours. I meet your gaze and see all that is beautiful and tantalizing in You, in Me, in the Universe. This divination reveals this conjuring was mutual, our meeting charted and charged by moonlight eons ago. Our lust is something greater, something otherworldly- a love passionately fashioned between two souls. Our orgasmic conjunction projects us into a moment of stillness, the veil between our arcane world and the mundane one begins to lift. You coax me back down to earth, back into my body, and eventually to my feet. In the shower you ground us with steady breaths, cleansing our bodies and minds and temporarily closing our sacred circle. We part in peace, and I glow like crystal, watching the moon wax and wane until you’re inside me again.

In separate spaces we rest and reflect. I marvel and beam knowing that Magick is realp

Because You are here

