Saw my G[F]s sister beautiful tits (23f)

I saw my gfs sisters tits (24f) PART 1

You can check back about a previous story about her but:

She came and stayed the week with us for the holidays and while she was there she would walk around in tight shorts or yoga pants that were thin and could see her thong and ass when she bent over.

Christmas Eve morning I was making breakfast when my gf said she was going to let the dogs out and for me to go wake her up to eat. It wasn’t early by any means and I figured she’d be awake or something.

I walked up the stairs and saw that the door was cracked so I knew she was up. Not thinking anything I knocked on the door and she said “yeah?” I guess she thought it was her sister knocking cause when I opened the door she was on her side looking at her phone with the sheet over her but her huge tits were out.

I said “oh shit, sorry!” And looked away but she just giggled as she covered up.

I said “um breakfast is ready if your hungry”

She said “thanks! I’ll be right down

When she came down stairs she had on only a sports bra and yoga pants. (Normal)

I made her a plate and sat it in front of her on the kitchen island. She looked at me smiling and said “well Merry Christmas!” Then winked at me.



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